The code is internally well commented. But this additional information might help unexperienced programmers a bit.
The web interface is created with HTML and Javascript(AJAX). The HTML/CSS and Javascript code is stored in the index.h file and can be easily changed.
In the main sketch, the web requests are handled with the following functions:
server.on("/", handleRoot); // This is the display page
server.on("/get_data", handleGetData); // To get updates of values
server.on("/on", handleOn); // Handle On button
server.on("/off", handleOff); // Handle Off button
server.on("/uptime", handleUptime); // Handle uptime request
server.on("/test", handleTest); // Handle test request
server.on("/alarm_trigger", handleTrigger); // Handle external trigger
The events and callback functions are defined in setup(). The functions are called when an URL is requested from the web client.
The status data is passed to the web client in the handleGetData() function (as JSON data).
A good introduction to Javascript/AJAX can be found here:
The different states of movement detection and the alarm wait time is implemented as Finite State Machine. This is an easy way to maintain different states in a sketch, avoiding complex if/then/else constructs.
The states are defined here:
typedef enum // States for state machine for double movement detection
} en_fsm_state;
en_fsm_state g_state;
And the state transitions are handled here:
void Handle_PIR_Sensor(void) {
bool PIR_On;
PIR_On = digitalRead(PIR_SENSOR_PIN); // Read PIR sensor state
if (!SILENT_ALARM) digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, PIR_On); // Show state on internal LED if not SILENT_ALARM
if (alarm_state) return; // An alarm is currently active, return
switch (g_state) { // Handle FSM state changes
case WAIT_FIRST: // Wait for first movement (signal to high). State change from WAIT_FIRST to WAIT_LOW1.
if (PIR_On) {
Serial.println("First movement detected.");
g_state = WAIT_LOW1;
double_time = millis();
case WAIT_LOW1: // Wait for signal back to low. State change from WAIT_LOW1 to WAIT_SECOND
if (!PIR_On) {
Serial.println("Wait for second movement.");
g_state = WAIT_SECOND;
case WAIT_SECOND: // Check for double movement: State is WAIT_SECOND and PIR sensor high within 30 seconds.
if (PIR_On && millis() < double_time + 30000) {
if (pir_sensor_active) { // Sensor is active and double move detected
capturePhotoSaveSpiffs(); // Store picture
alarm_time = millis(); // Store time of alarm (to measure alarm delay for disarm)
alarm_state = true; // Set alarm status to true
if (!SILENT_ALARM && USE_ALEXA) ReqURL(1); // Play ping sound on Alexa if available and not SILENT_ALARM
Serial.println("Double movement detected.");
g_state = WAIT_LOW2;
} else if (millis() >= double_time + 30000 ) { // No second movement. Set state to WAIT_FIRST
Serial.println("Wrong alarm.");
g_state = WAIT_FIRST;
case WAIT_LOW2: // Wait for signal back to low. State change from WAIT_LOW2 to WAIT_FIRST
if (!PIR_On) {
Serial.println("Wait for first movement.");
g_state = WAIT_FIRST;
case WAIT_DELAY: // Wait 5 minutes after alarm. Then WAIT_DELAY to WAIT_FIRST
if (millis() > alarm_time + ALARM_WAIT) {
Serial.println("Wait for first movement.");
g_state = WAIT_FIRST;
The structure is always the same:
- case statement with current state
- if() block
- Set new state
You can see that after the second movement detection a picture is stored with the function capturePhotoSaveSpiffs(). But only when the alarm system is active.
The e-mail library requires a photo either stored to SD or to the internal SPIFFS file system.
We are using SPIFSS in this project. It is therefore important to select a partition scheme in the Arduino IDE that supports SPIFFS.
void capturePhotoSaveSpiffs( void ) {
// Take a photo with the camera
Serial.println("Taking a photo...");
fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
if (!fb) {
Serial.println("Camera capture failed");
// Photo file name
Serial.printf("Picture file name: %s\n", FILE_PHOTO);
File file =, FILE_WRITE);
// Insert the data in the photo file
if (!file) {
Serial.println("Failed to open file in writing mode");
else {
file.write(fb->buf, fb->len); // payload (image), payload length
Serial.print("The picture has been saved in ");
Serial.print(" - Size: ");
Serial.println(" bytes");
// Close the file
The storage process itself is straight forward:
- Get a JPG picture from the camera: fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
- Open SPIFFS filesystem for write with filename for photo: File file =, FILE_WRITE);
- Store the photo: file.write(fb->buf, fb->len);
- Close the file and release the fb reserved memory: file.close(); esp_camera_fb_return(fb);
Sending mails with the library is straight forward:
strftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%T", &timeinfo);
snprintf(msg_str, sizeof(msg_str), "%s: %s", time_str, alarm_source.c_str());
EMailSender::FileDescriptior fileDescriptor[1]; // Attach picture
fileDescriptor[0].filename = "photo.jpg";
fileDescriptor[0].url = FILE_PHOTO;
fileDescriptor[0].mime = "image/jpg";
fileDescriptor[0].encode64 = true;
fileDescriptor[0].storageType = EMailSender::EMAIL_STORAGE_TYPE_SPIFFS;
EMailSender::Attachments attachs = {1, fileDescriptor};
EMailSender::EMailMessage message; // Create email message
message.subject = "Intruder Alert!";
message.message = msg_str;
EMailSender::Response resp = emailSend.send(M_DEST, message, attachs); // Send email
First create the attachment for the picture. We will provide the same filename FILE_PHOTO for the photo stored within the capturePhotoSaveSpiffs() function.
And then create the message object, set the subject, set message text and send the mail. M_DEST contains the destination e-mail address, message the message text and attachs the attachement.
To do phone calls with the TR-064 API is really simple. Only three lines of code are necessary:
String params[][2] = {{"NewX_AVM-DE_PhoneNumber", FB_NUMBER}};
String req[][2] = {{}};
connection.action("urn:dslforum-org:service:X_VoIP:1", "X_AVM-DE_DialNumber", params, 1, req, 0);
FB_NUMBER contains the number to be dialled.
The necessary connection init function is called withing the connectWifi() function.
if (CALL_PHONE) connection.init(); // TR-064 init.
Alexa devices are added with the defined name AlexaName with the following commands in setup():
if (USE_ALEXA) { // Add Alexa device with device name and set callback function
device = new EspalexaDevice(AlexaName, AlertChanged);
The callback function AlertChanged() is called later in the event of Alexa commands for the defined devices. With espalexa.begin() the service will be started.
// This function is called when a command from Alexa is received
void AlertChanged(uint8_t brightness) {
if (brightness) { // On command (brightness > 0). Arm device. On after 60 seconds
pir_sensor_active = false;
arm = true;
arm_time = millis();
alarm_state = false;
g_state = WAIT_FIRST; // Wait for first PIR signal
Serial.println("Wait for first movement.");
EEPROM.write(0, true);
else { // Off command. Disarm device (Off)
pir_sensor_active = false;
arm = false;
alarm_state = false;
g_state = WAIT_FIRST; // Wait for first PIR signal
Serial.println("Wait for first movement.");
EEPROM.write(0, false);
The callback function is called for every Alexa command to the system. Within the function you can simply check the device state and react on the command. Brightness 0 means Off, 1-255 means On with dim level. Here we simply control the arm and off state.
The Alexa device state is also maintained if the web interface is used:
handleOn() {
if (USE_ALEXA) device->setValue(255); // Set Alexa state On
handleOff() {
if (USE_ALEXA) device->setValue(0); // Set Alexa state Off
The used PIR sensor HC-SR501 is in general a very reliable PIR sensor. But if it is used together with a WLAN device connected to the sensor, then there is a chance for an interference between the WLAN signal and the PIR detection.
The effect is, that you see strange false detections from time to time without any movement.
Here you can find a long discussion regarding the problem:
A good solution for me was an ferrite ring for the cabling between the ESP32-CAM and the HC-SR501 together with a reduction of the maximum TX (send) power of the WLAN interface to 15 dBm.
// Change WiFi protocol and TX (send) power level to reduce interference of WLAN with PIR detection
// Set either 802.11bg or 802.11bgn protocol (setting is persistant)
//esp_wifi_set_protocol(WIFI_IF_STA, WIFI_PROTOCOL_11B | WIFI_PROTOCOL_11G);
//esp_wifi_set_protocol(WIFI_IF_STA, WIFI_PROTOCOL_11B | WIFI_PROTOCOL_11G | WIFI_PROTOCOL_11N);
// Parameter for send power is in 0.25dBm steps. Allowed range is 8 - 84 corresponding to 2dBm - 20dBm.
esp_wifi_set_max_tx_power(60); // Set TX level to 15dBm
If that's not sufficiant, you can try to change the WLAN protocol in addition to 802.11bg or reduce the power further. Here is the WLAN reference from Espressif explaininng the settings.