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Reactive Trader Client

The trading client GUI is a single page app (SPA) built using Typescript, React, RxJs and Styled Components. Separate builds can be run in the browser, on mobile or desktop as a PWA, and as a desktop platform application using Openfin or Finsemble.

High Level Technologies
Local Development Setup
Running the client locally
Progressive Web App
E2E Testing
Token replacement

High level technologies

  • Build system Vite
  • Tests use Vitest
  • Streaming data abstractions are build with RxJs.
  • Mapping Rx to React components with react-rxjs.
  • Styles build using Styled Components.
  • Connectivity to the backend is done via Hydra.

Local Development Setup


  • Node (v20+ see "engine" spec in package.json - suggest using nvm to manage node instances)

VS Code / Plugins

Suggest ESLint, Prettier extensions for immediate code quality management, with configuration such as:

  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll": "always",
    "source.addMissingImports": "explicit"
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,

Suggest vitest for running tests in the IDE (currently requires Node path to be explicitly stated as "vitest.nodeExecutable" in VS Code settings)

Testing and Quality Checks

Run npm run verify before pushing to run type checking, linting, format checking, and tests. This command is run as part of the continuous integration pipeline on GitHub actions.

Mac and Windows

There are no additional packages to install other than Git and a recent build of Node.


You might want to increase the limit on the number of files Linux will watch. Here's why.

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

Running the client locally

Clone the repo, then install the necessary node modules:

npm install

Run the local (vite) dev server, by default this will point to the dev backend.

npm start

You can then browse the app at http://localhost:1917

Additional commands

Any VITE_* properties may be added to a .env.local file (not checked in) or used to prefix an npm command.

Runs unit tests with Vitest.

npm run test

Create a production version of the application in the dist folder

npm run build

.. and run it

npm run serve


How to run a web server, to serve the client in OpenFin

npm run openfin:dev

and to run up the RT clients using OpenFin

npm run openfin:run:<app>

where <app> is fx, credit, launcher, or limitchecker

As a shortcut, to run the local dev server and client in one command, use

npm run openfin:start:<app>


Config files (OpenFin manifests) are located in ./public-openfin.

Vite will replace placeholders at build time.


To debug OpenFin windows more easily (using Chromium devtools), check the relevant manifest for the appropriate port in e.g.

    "arguments": "--remote-debugging-port=9092"

navigate to chrome://inspect/#devices in a Chrome tab

add the address in the dialog you get when you click "Configure ..."


and any running OpenFin windows should be displayed, with Inspect links etc.

NLP in the OpenFin Launcher and Workspace (below)

The OpenFin Launcher and Workspace Home UI have a search command line interface powered by DialogFlow, where you can enter commands like

buy 10m USDJPY

For more insight into how NLP works see the diagflow function doc.


Reactive Trader Workspace is a standalone application built on the Openfin Workspace platform. It is built and deployed as a separate app in the Openfin bucket in Google Cloud Storage (under the subfolder/workspace)

The manifest file is available at:

and at the same /workspace/config/workspace.json path on every other (openfin) deployment ..

Running Locally

Working with OpenFin workspace locally using the OpenFin CLI ...

npm run openfin:dev as above to serve RT apps, views and the workspace platform

npm run openfin:run:workspace to launch workspace (when running local dev server, you'll see the "provider" window first)

As a shortcut, to run the local dev server and client in one command, use

npm run openfin:start:workspace


Config files are located in ./public-workspace/config.

Vite will replace placeholders at build time.

workspace.json - This is the manifest file Openfin uses to run the workspace provider.

snapshot.json - A workspace window layout or 'snapshot', saved from previous layout modifications - on launching this (from the Home UI) the Trading Workspace will be displayed.

analytics, live-rates, trades.json - Basic .json files that contain the bare minimum to launch a view in the Openfin browser using platform.launchApp

Working with Workspace Data

Workspace config for pages / snapshots is stored in IndexedDB - example below is retrieving a saved workspace snapshot

db =
db.onsuccess = () => {
  dbResult = db.result
db.onerror = () => {

// check what object stores you have under that DB (can also just look in devtools)

// open transaction, get the object store and grab the key for the saved workspace
// annoyingly you have to do this even to just "look" at the data
data = dbResult



How to run a web server, to serve the client in Finsemble

npm run finsemble:dev

The Finsemble platform code (conceptually similar to the Workspace platform above) is in an internal repo .. ask a colleague for details.


How to run local instance of RT storybook

npm run storybook

Tech Note: Since we are no longer using a middleware, we are able to serve Storybook from root (separate web server entirely from the main RT one) during development but for production, the build is all apart of the same bundle/server from /storybook/ which is handled in .storybook/main.ts.

There seems to be some issues with storybook cache on some machines, we can solve it by running it without the cache. We added --no-manager-cache to the storybook script

End to End testing

How to run e2e tests against the web

npm start
npm run e2e:web -- --headed --workers=1

arguments: --headed (launches a browser visible to the user) and --workers=1 to serialise the tests (use e.g. --workers=2 to run tests in parallel)

How to run e2e tests against openfin

npm run openfin:start:launcher

and launch all of the apps from the launcher

npm run e2e:openfin -- --workers=1

Progressive Web App or PWA

Reactive Trader can be installed as a progressive web application.

The service worker will need to be running for local development.

The settings for the PWA are configured in manifest.json, plus various settings in index.html <head>. All attempts to date to bring iOS splash screens back to life have been fruitless, see pwa-splash-screens for reference.

Token replacement

The PWA manifest.json file and the OpenFin manifests contain tokens in the form <BLAH> that are replaced at build time with environment-specific values (e.g. the application name may have an environment suffix). This is either driven by config/logic in the workflow files or constants/logic in the vite build.


Automatic branch, PR and Dev deployment (from master branch) is through GitHub Actions.

Actions also make UAT (branch) and Prod (tag) builds available on Google Cloud.