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Source code

This is source code that is either used in the presentation, or was developed to create it. There is some material not covered in the presentation as well.


  • Python version: at least 3.6
  • Packages (names listed that can be used with pip or conda to install):
    • jinja2
    • jupyter
    • matplotlib
    • numpy
    • paramiko
    • psutil
    • python=3.7.5
    • sh

What is it?

  1. application: illustration of how to combine configparser and argparse.
  2. cmd: illustration of how to create a repl application.
  3. code-evaluation: illustrates how to evaluate a string containing Python code at runtime.
  4. command-Line-args: illustration of how to use the argparse and the click module to handle command line arguments.
  5. config-parser: illustrates how to use the ConfigParser module to handle configuration files.
  6. data-formats: illustrates how to deal with data formats such as CSV files, binary data and XML.
  7. directory-entrypoint: illustrates how to define an application entry point in a directory.
  8. enviroment-variables: illustrates how to use environment variables to set paths in a script.
  9. hydra: Facebook Hydra application framework illustration.
  10. jinja: illustration of how to use the jinja2 template library.
  11. logging: illustration of Python's logging facilities.
  12. file-system: illustrations of interacting with the operating system and the file system.
  13. paramiko: a few examples of using the Paramiko library for SSH to remote hosts.
  14. processes: examples of how to work with processes.
  15. sched: scheduled execution of functions in Python.
  16. subprocess: illustrates executing a shell command from a Python script using the subprocess module.
  17. xml-generator: code to generate a random XML documents.