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Vue 3 - Weather Widget

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Weather Widget is a Vue 3.0 project that displays the current weather conditions providing coordinates.


  • Beautiful Animation

  • Animated Icons on Current weather condition

  • Rain effect if current weather is rain

  • Current weather status at top:

    • City with Country name
    • Temperature
    • Humidity
    • UVI
    • Wind direction (in text: for example NE, SW, E, etc) and wind
    • Speed in kmh
  • Weather Forecast below:

    The bottom part is the forecast for today and the next 5 days, For every single day we show:

    • Week name
    • Weather icon
    • Max temp
    • Min temp

more features are coming soon

NOTE: Animated icons may not work as object element which loaded animated SVGs is replaced by img tag due to cloudinary svg security

How to use widget in your app

A simple, easy-to-use weather widget for Vue3 applications, showing a week's worth of weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API.


Install the package using npm:

npm install vue3-open-weather-widget


Import component and its styles from vue3-open-weather-widget inside your vue3 component:

<script lang="ts">
  // TS will give you error in importing but it will work as expcted
  import { WeatherWidget} from 'vue3-open-weather-widget'
  import "vue3-open-weather-widget/style.css"

  <WeatherWidget :openWeatherApiKey="'<YOUR-OPEN-WEATHER-API-KEY>'"/>

Pass your OpenWeatherMap API key as a prop:


Replace yourOpenWeatherApiKey with your actual OpenWeatherMap API key.

The weather widget should now be displayed in your application, showing the current weather data for the upcoming week.

You can visit stackblitz demo app HERE to see the usage


The WeatherWidget component accepts the following props:

openWeatherApiKey (required): Your OpenWeatherMap API key to fetch weather data.

Demo in Motion: 😉



This Weather Widget is only a demonstration of my work (working with VUE 3) & is not production ready.

Development On Widget


  • Developed using Vue 3 with:

    • Vue Cli
    • Composition api
    • SFC
    • Typescript
    • Jest (for unit testing)
    • Scss
  • Folder Structure:

      │   ├───assets
      │   │   ├───styles
      │   │   │   └───css
      │   │   │       └───(vendor or 3rd party) *.css
      │   │   └───weather-widget-icons
      │   ├───components
      │   │   └─── components *.vue
      │   ├───modals
      │   │   └─── modals *.ts
      │   ├───scss
      │   │   └─── scss_files *.scss
      │   ├───utils
      │   │   └─── utilities *.ts
      │   ├───views
      │   │   └─── views *.vue
              │   └─── *.spec.ts
              │   └─── *.spec.ts
                  └─── *.spec.ts


  • This project is based on 3 components mainly:

    • HomePage.vue : This is the main home page component/view loaded by app.vue

    • WeatherWidget.vue is the component loaded inside Homepage.vue which is basically a complete widget itself (a widget wrapper) which shows the top section of widget displaying current weather condition and animated icons. And the other part is MiniForecastWidget.vue.

    • MiniForecastWidget.vue is the the component which shown the bottom section of widget contains 6 tiny widgets which shows the weather forecast for next 5 days.

    • We also have utilities function inside utils folder. Which are:

      • countries-list : This is a list of countries which are used to fetch the country name from the country code.
      • dynamic-icon : This is a utility function which is used to dynamically load the weather icon based on the weather condition.
      • fetch-weather-icon : This is a utility function which returns path to weather icon fetch by using dynamic-icon utility function.
      • slugify : This is a utility function which is used to convert the string to slug.
      • speed-converter : This is a utility function which is used to convert the speed from m/s to km/h and alternate.
      • temperature-converter : This is a utility function which is used to convert the temperature from kelvin to celsius and alternate.
      • wind-direction : This is a utility function which is used to convert the wind direction from degrees to text.

Project setup:

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.
