Specific tools for developers working on this repository.
Additional tools, including the github-merge.py
script, are available in the maintainer-tools repository.
Tool to verify that every merge commit was signed by a developer using the github-merge.py
Construct a linear, no-fork, best version of the blockchain.
A Linux bash script that will set up traffic control (tc) to limit the outgoing bandwidth for connections to the BGL network. This means one can have an always-on BGLd instance running, and another local BGLd/BGL-qt instance which connects to this node and receives blocks from it.
Utility to generate the pnSeed[] array that is compiled into the client.
The Debian subfolder contains the copyright file.
All other packaging related files can be found in the BGL-core/packaging repository.
PGP keys used for signing BGL Core release results.
Scripts and notes for Mac builds.
Utilities to generate test vectors for the data-driven BGL tests.
This script attempts to download and verify the signature file SHA256SUMS.asc from BGL.org.