Releases: Brainicism/KMQ_Discord
Releases · Brainicism/KMQ_Discord
What's Changed
- Add index for not_downloaded by @Brainicism in #1855
- Make provisioning timeout configurable, default to 15min by @Brainicism in #1856
- Upgrade rollback on timed out provisioning by @Brainicism in #1857
- Persist removed extraneous game options from GuildPreference by @Brainicism in #1859
- Support YouTube playlists by @Brainicism in #1858
- Youtube playlist parsing for better audio'd entries by @Brainicism in #1861
- Fix youtube parsing for links without www by @Brainicism in #1863
- Optimize has_song query by @Brainicism in #1864
- Add support for more languages by @taahamahdi in #1865
- Switch to synchronous news generation by @taahamahdi in #1866
- Remove wrong quote formatting in Chinese translation by @taahamahdi in #1860
- Fix forceplay when Spotify option is checked by @Brainicism in #1868
- Prefer original_link in end game message/thumbnail by @Brainicism in #1867
- Fix bug where retryJob wasn't maintaining sendError state by @taahamahdi in #1869
- Logging severity changes by @Brainicism in #1870
- Youtube playlist matching now also matches duplicates and alternates from the database. by @remi1111 in #1872
- Remove AV ranking by @Brainicism in #1862
- Cleanup if cached song duration calculation fails by @Brainicism in #1873
- Add i18n-ai-translate GH action by @taahamahdi in #1871
- Update i18n-ai-translate to 1.2.1 by @taahamahdi in #1875
- Update playlist verbiage by @Brainicism in #1874
Full Changelog: v7.8.1...v7.9.0
What's Changed
- Remove rank ineligible from permanent leaderboard by @Brainicism in #1832
- Fetch news per-range instead of per-locale-range by @taahamahdi in #1834
- Update eris to support resuming voice connection by @taahamahdi in #1836
- Better error handling for missing env variables by @Brainicism in #1837
- Add songs override flag for seed by @Brainicism in #1838
- Bonus artist collab fix by @remi1111 in #1842
- Update to latest eris-fleet by @taahamahdi in #1844
- Mark artists with no songs in app_kpop_group by @Brainicism in #1843
- Update dependencies, remove unused by @Brainicism in #1846
- Replace underscore with dashes for npm scripts by @Brainicism in #1845
- Filter pictorials and dance practice teasers from /news by @taahamahdi in #1835
- Fix bug where pre-round guesses were accepted by @taahamahdi in #1833
- Optimize has_songs query by @Brainicism in #1847
- Removed collabs and artists without songs from filters by @remi1111 in #1848
- Add config for mocha test explorer extension by @Brainicism in #1849
- Skip generateKmqDataTables on migration disabled instances by @Brainicism in #1850
- Add getSimilarGroupNames tests by @Brainicism in #1851
- Fix check for reddit client credentials by @taahamahdi in #1852
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v7.7.0...v7.8.1
What's Changed
- Generate news in kmq_service by @Brainicism in #1815
- Add dev_minimal npm target by @Brainicism in #1817
- Generate facts in kmq_service by @Brainicism in #1818
- Fix clickable localization string by @taahamahdi in #1814
- Increase lookup results to 10 per page by @taahamahdi in #1819
- Convert news generation errors to warnings by @taahamahdi in #1820
- Spotify match prioritize on pre-bracket name by @Brainicism in #1821
- Add bracketed component of artist name as accepted answer by @Brainicism in #1822
- Ignore banned users from getCurrentVoiceMembers by @Brainicism in #1823
- Banned users should not be able to guess by @Brainicism in #1824
- Remove references to /premium functionality by @taahamahdi in #1825
- Fix ambiguous column reference in spotify match by @Brainicism in #1826
- Add rank ineligibility by @Brainicism in #1828
- Remove clickable slash command from leaderboard footer by @taahamahdi in #1830
- Allow /special in /listen by @taahamahdi in #1831
Full Changelog: v7.6.6...v7.7.0
What's Changed
- Update node version to 18 in test workflow by @Brainicism in #1797
- Add interactive CLI tool for migrate down by @Brainicism in #1798
- Add AI-based news command by @taahamahdi in #1794
Full Changelog: v7.5.0...v7.6.0
What's Changed
- Add r/kpop news posts as facts by @Brainicism in #1792
- Reset limit on spotify option reset by @Brainicism in #1796
- Don't consume first game of day bonus when session ends erroneously by @Brainicism in #1795
Full Changelog: v7.4.3...v7.5.0
What's Changed
- Send server restart notification for listening sesions too by @Brainicism in #1785
- Implement ban system by @Brainicism in #1784
- Discord clickable help examples, validation messages by @taahamahdi in #1787
- Autocomplete team names with /play teams join by @taahamahdi in #1789
- Replace /play teams instructions with clickable slash commands by @taahamahdi in #1788
- Spotify command interaction bug fixes by @taahamahdi in #1790
- Fix GameType import by @taahamahdi in #1791
Full Changelog: v7.4.1...v7.4.3
What's Changed
- Fix false negative for Spotify song with fully non-alphanumeric name by @Brainicism in #1776
- User constructor requires client reference (sometimes) by @Brainicism in #1777
- Remove unnecessary userCorrect function by @taahamahdi in #1778
- Log edge case where player missing from scoreboard state by @taahamahdi in #1779
- Log voice channel handlers by @taahamahdi in #1780
Full Changelog: v7.4.0...v7.4.1
What's Changed
- Fix bug where non-alphanumeric songs were incorrectly Spotify matched by @Brainicism in #1773
- Add Terms of Service by @taahamahdi in #1774
- Add /spotify matches to see matched/unmatched songs by @taahamahdi in #1775
Full Changelog: v7.3.4...v7.4.0
What's Changed
- Fix bug where correct guess count wasn't correctly tracked by @taahamahdi in #1772
Full Changelog: v7.3.3...v7.3.4
What's Changed
- Truncate bookmark embed titles by @Brainicism in #1764
- Support Spotify shorthand playlist URL by @taahamahdi in #1762
- Bump axios from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #1765
- Fix bug where songs with brackets in middle of name parsed incorrectly by @Brainicism in #1767
Full Changelog: v7.3.1...v7.3.2