This is a stub repository to begin to outline minimum project documentation artifacts. The file should provide all participants with core information about where project design / development / documention / code artifacts reside, and should be updated to ensure it contains all the information a new developer, project manager or project owner should need to take control of, and continue development of the project.
To create a core set of documentation artifacts that should be present in EVERY CivicActions project that has code associated with it.
Product owners
Jane Doe, US Dept of Commerce, [email protected]
Project managers
Joe Manager, CivicActions, [email protected]
Sarah Devo, CivicActions, [email protected], backend
James Draw, Civicactions, [email protected], front-end
[email protected]:Civicactions/project-documentation.git
- Sandbox setup
- [Governance] (documentation/governance)
- Custom_form module documentation