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API Extension Setup


There are number of configuration variables that need to be defined before running the extension. These can be set as environment variables inside the .env file present in the root directory of the extension.

Environment Properties

Variables that begin with 'CT' prefix are Commercetools project specific properties.

Environment variable Value Notes
CONFIG_PORT Port to listen on for HTTP requests Port on which you want the extension to run
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_EXTENSION_DESTINATION_URL URL where your extension is hosted Recommended https. Required to create the extensions which will process payments and manage customer saved card tokens
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_EXTENSION_HEADER_VALUE Your Commercetools username:password base64 encoded value Required to extend payment and customer API to process payments
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_RUN_ENVIRONMENT TEST or PRODUCTION Property for running the project in TEST or PRODUCTION environment
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_ENABLE_DEBUG Boolean value - true or false Flag for enabling or disabling logging of requests that is sent to Cybersource. Case sensitive
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID Your Cybersource merchant Id Provided by Cybersource
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_KEY_ID Id of a Cybersource shared secret key to be used for HTTP Signature authentication Created in key-Creation#Cybersource.
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_SECRET_KEY Value of a Cybersource shared secret key to be used for HTTP Signature authentication Created in key-Creation#Cybersource.
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_TARGET_ORIGINS Base URLs where your frontend will be accessible Used for Card payment method. Comma separated value without any spaces
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_VERIFICATION_KEY Used to check Flex tokens for tampering Use Openssl -rand64 32 command to generate verification key
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_CC_ALLOWED_CARD_NETWORKS csv(comma separated value) of the card networks If not specified extension will support all the card networks(VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, DISCOVER, MAESTRO, CUP, JCB, CARTESBANCAIRES & DINERSCLUB) by default. In case of Unified Checkout it will support(VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX) by default. Case sensitive. Accepts block letters only without any spaces – eg: VISA,AMEX
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_3DS_RETURN_URL URL that the issuing bank will redirect to the customer for Payer Authentication Required if payment.paymentMethodInfo.method is creditCardWithPayerAuthentication
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_SCA_CHALLENGE Boolean value - true or false Flag to force Strong consumer authentication challenge while saving a card using Payer Authentication. Case sensitive
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_ORDER_RECONCILIATION Boolean value - true or false Flag for enabling or disabling Order reconciliation to indicate whether reconciliation Id to be passed in sale, capture and refund transactions. Case sensitive. The Cybersource-Commercetools Extension will consider order number as the reconciliation id if available. The order number from Commercetools should be numeric/alpha-numeric string to reflect in Cybersource
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_WHITELIST_URLS URLs which needs to be whitelisted to skip the authentication Comma separated value without any spaces eg - orders,configureExtension
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_APPLE_PAY_MERCHANT_ID Your Apple Pay merchant Id Provided by Apple
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_APPLE_PAY_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path where the Apple Pay certificate is stored Required if payment.paymentMethodInfo.method is applePay. Ensure that the path given is globally accessible if extension is hosted using any serverless methods. Otherwise, should provide local path of the certificate.
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_APPLE_PAY_KEY_PATH Path where the Apple Pay key certificate is stored Required if payment.paymentMethodInfo.method is applePay. Ensure that the path given is globally accessible if extension is hosted using any serverless methods. Otherwise, should provide local path of the certificate.
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_APPLE_PAY_DOMAIN_NAME Domain name of the applePay Required if payment.paymentMethodInfo.method is applePay
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_ENABLE_RATE_LIMITER Boolean value - true or false Required for tokenization. Enable to restrict the number of cards a customer can save within the given time limit. Case sensitive
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_LIMIT_SAVED_CARD_RATE Numeric value Provide the number of attempts in below specified time period(this time frame includes Success & Failures)
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_SAVED_CARD_LIMIT_FRAME Numeric value between 1-24 Provide the number of hours that saved card attempts are counted(Max of 24 hours)
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_DECISION_SYNC Boolean value - true or false Flag for enabling or disabling Decision sync. Case sensitive
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_DECISION_MANAGER Boolean value - true or false Flag for enabling or disabling Decision Manager for Authorization. Case sensitive
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_RUN_SYNC Boolean value - true or false Flag for enabling or disabling Run sync. Case sensitive
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_DECISION_SYNC_MULTI_MID csv(comma separated value) of merchant Ids. Merchant Ids in which Decision sync should be enabled. Provide the exact merchant Id as it is without any spaces
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_NETWORK_TOKEN_MULTI_MID csv(comma separated value) of merchant Ids. Merchant Ids in which Webhook Subscription to be created. Provide the exact merchant Id as it is without any spaces
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_UC_ALLOWED_PAYMENTS csv(comma separated value) of payment types. If not specified extension will support following payment types(PANENTRY, SRC, & GOOGLEPAY) by default. Case sensitive. Accepts block letters only without any spaces – eg: PANENTRY,GOOGLEPAY
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_UC_BILLING_TYPE csv(comma separated value) of billing type. Provide FULL ,PARTIAL or NONE to indicate level of address details required to be captured from Unified Checkout form. If the value is FULL, the form request the complete address from the USER. If the value is PARTIAL, the form will ask for only the necessary address details and if NONE no address details will be requested. Case sensitive. Accepts block letters only without any spaces – eg: FULL,PARTIAL
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_UC_ENABLE_PHONE Boolean value - true or false. Flag for indicating Phone number to be requested from the Unified Checkout form
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_UC_ENABLE_EMAIL Boolean value - true or false Flag for indicating Email to be requested from the Unified Checkout form
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_UC_ENABLE_NETWORK_ICONS Boolean value - true or false Flag for enabling or disabling Network Icons in the Unified Checkout form
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_UC_ENABLE_SHIPPING Boolean value - true or false Flag for indicating Shipping Address to be requested from the Unified Checkout form
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_UC_ALLOWED_SHIP_TO_COUNTRIES csv(comma separated value) of shipping countries. List of countries available to ship to. Use the two- character ISO Standard Country Codes.
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_SERVERLESS_DEPLOYMENT aws or azure Provide aws or azure to support serverless deployment. If the value is aws, it will consider AWS deployment. If the value is azure, it will consider Azure deployment. Case sensitive.
FUNCTIONS_HTTPWORKER_PORT Port to listen on for HTTPS requests Required when extension is hosted on Azure function
CT_PROJECT_KEY Project key for your Commercetools project Created in key-Creation#Commercetools
CT_CLIENT_ID Client Id of your Commercetools Payment API key Created in key-Creation#Commercetools
CT_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret of your Commercetools Payment API key Created in key-Creation#Commercetools
CT_AUTH_HOST Commercetools auth server URL Created in key-Creation#Commercetools
CT_API_HOST Commercetools API server URL Created in key-Creation#Commercetools

Support for Multi-Mid

In this section, mid refers to Cybersource Merchant Id.

The new mid configurations should be added in the .env file of the extension in the following format

  XXXX_KEY_ID = <Id of a Cybersource shared secret key>
  XXXX_SECRET_KEY = <Value of a Cybersource shared secret key>

Likewise you can configure, as many mids you want to support.

The mid added for PAYMENT_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID should be the default mid in which transactions will be processed when Multi-Mid is not enabled.

Following are the constraints to be followed when you want to support multiple mids in your extension instance.

  1. It is mandatory to provide the env variables for Multi-Mid in recommended format only.
  2. All env variables should be in block letters
  3. First part of the variable (XXXX) should be your Cybersource merchant Id in block letters
  4. Second part of the variable to store key Id should be _KEY_ID
  5. Second part of the variable to store secret key should be _SECRET_KEY

Example :

Below is the env variables for the mid which has merchant Id as merchantid123

  MERCHANTID123_KEY_ID = <Id of a Cybersource shared secret key>
  MERCHANTID123_SECRET_KEY = <Value of a Cybersource shared secret key>

Below is an example to set the value for PAYMENT_GATEWAY_DECISION_SYNC_MULTI_MID variable.

  PAYMENT_GATEWAY_DECISION_SYNC_MULTI_MID = merchantId1,merchantId2,merchantId3,...

NOTE: For tokenization service i.e., adding, updating and deleting a card data in my account section, extension will always consider default mid. So, its mandatory to use default mid in this case.


The Cybersource-Commercetools Extension is a typescript project which is built using cybersource-rest-client npm package and other several node packages.

NOTE: You can view the loggers in src/loggers folder of the extension if there are any information or errors found while processing the payments or configuring the extension.

To deploy your extension on any of the below serverless environment, refer the below files

Example deployment steps

The steps involved in deploying the Cybersource-Commercetools Extension in development environment are the following:

  • Populate the .env file with the required data by referring to the values in the above given table

  • Navigate to the root directory and run the following command to include the npm dependencies

    npm install

NOTE: This is not necessary if the dependencies are already availabe in node_modules repository

  • Run the following script to create the Commercetools extensions and custom fields

    npm run setup-resources

NOTE: This can also be done by using {baseUrl}/configureExtension endpoint once the server is started

  • Run the following script to build the changes & running the extension

    npm run start

NOTE: It is necessary to rebuild the entire extension whenever there is a change that needs to be reflected. Run the following script to build the application.

  npm run build

Run Unit Tests

Unit tests can be executed with the following command

npm run cov