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  1. Description
  2. Implementation Details
    1. Configuration
    2. Payment Steps
    3. UI integration details
    4. Backend (SSE) integration details


Google Pay is a simple, secure in-app mobile and Web payment solution.

For more details, please refer to REST API development guide document

UI integration process is documented in the following tutorial. Familiarize yourself with Integration Checklist.

GooglePay payment service includes the following payment operations:

  • Authorization
  • Authorization Reversal (VOID)
  • Capture
  • Refund

Implementation Details


The following gateway settings apply to GooglePay payments

Setting Description
googlePaySdkUrl GooglePay SDK URL
googlePayEnvironment GooglePay environment
googlePayGateway To retrieve payment and customer information from a payment gateway that's supported by the Google Pay API. Gateway's identifier, which is issued by Google
googlePayGatewayMerchantId To retrieve payment and customer information from a payment gateway that's supported by the Google Pay API. Your gateway account ID, which is provided by the gateway
googlePayMerchantId A Google merchant identifier issued after registration with the Google Pay Business Console. Required when PaymentsClient is initialized with an environment property of PRODUCTION. See Request production access for more information about the approval process and how to obtain a Google merchant identifier
googlePayMerchantName Merchant name encoded as UTF-8. Merchant name is rendered in the payment sheet. In TEST environment, or if a merchant isn't recognized, a “Pay Unverified Merchant” message is displayed in the payment sheet
googlePaySupportedNetworks GooglePay Supported networks

Default values:

  • googlePayEnvironment: 'TEST'. See Deploy production environment before switching to 'PRODUCTION'
  • googlePaySdkUrl: ''. SDK is loaded by Payment Widget
  • googlePaySupportedNetworks: 'AMEX,DISCOVER,INTERAC,JCB,MASTERCARD,VISA'. Update supported card networks as per your requirement. Can be managed in OCC Admin

Payment Steps

In OCC context GooglePay payment happens as follows:

  1. GooglePay payment option is rendered by the Payment Selector component
  2. GooglePay Javascript library is evaluated and decides whether GooglePay button should be displayed
  3. Shopper chooses to pay with GooglePay by clicking the button
  4. As a result of successful authentication process GooglePay returns encrypted payment data
  5. Generic payment is added to the list and encrypted payment blob is added to custom payment properties
  6. OCC order creation endpoint is called
  7. Generic "Authorize" Webhook is triggered with custom payment data
  8. Payment is authorized by SSE and result is returned back to storefront


UI integration details

GooglePay UI component can is located in Payment Widget:

 ├── components
 | ├── isv-payment-method
 | | ├── components
 | | | └── isv-googlepay-payment-method
 | | | | ├── googlepay.css
 | | | | ├── googlePay.js
 | | | | └── index.jsx
 | | ├── isv-payment-utility
 | | | ├── common.js
 | | | └── script-loader.js
 | | ├── index.jsx
 | | ├── meta.js
 | | └── styles.css
 | ├── index.js
 | └── meta.js
 ├── endpoints
 | ├── payment-method-config-endpoint
 | | ├── index.js
 | | └── meta.js
 | ├── index.js
 | └── meta.js
 ├── fetchers
 | ├── payment-method-config-fetcher
 | | ├── hook.js
 | | ├── index.js
 | | └── meta.js
 | ├── hooks.js
 | ├── index.js
 | └── meta.js
 └── selectors
   ├── payment-method-config-selector
   | └── index.js
   └── index.js

  • Before Payment Widget is rendered available payment methods are retrieved from SSE /ccstorex/custom/isv-payment/v2/paymentMethods endpoint
  • GooglePay SDK is loaded (see googlePaySdkUrl gateway setting)
  • GooglePay button is added in case it is supported by shopper's device otherwise a message is displayed saying the payment method is not supported
  • On clicking the GooglePay button payment is initiated by creating payment request and showing payment sheet (pop-up window) to the shopper
  • Once shopper proceeds with selected payment method from the sheet payment details are updated with encrypted payment token

Backend (SSE) integration details

List of related controllers:

  • server-extension/src/controllers/paymentMethods.ts - returns supported payment method configurations

The list of handlers processing GooglePay Webhook requests in SSE can be found in server-extension/src/services/payments/index.ts

Operation Handlers Description
generic_googlepay_0100 googlepayAuthorizationRequest converts Webhook request into payment PSP request
processPayment sends payment request to PSP using client SDK
genericAuthorizationResponse converts PSP response into Webhook response
generic_0110 referenceInfoFallback in case authorization transaction id is not sent by OCC fallback to the one found in order data fetched from OCC
authorizationReversalRequest converts Webhook request into reversal PSP request
processAuthorizationReversal sends reversal request to PSP using client SDK
genericAuthorizationReversalResponse converts PSP response into Webhook response
generic_0400 referenceInfoFallback in case authorization transaction id is not sent by OCC fallback to the one found in order data fetched from OCC
refundRequest converts Webhook request into refund PSP request
processRefund sends refund request to PSP using client SDK
genericAuthorizationReversalResponse converts PSP response into Webhook response