The trained model uses the Logistic Classifier that performed the best according to all the collected metrics and results.
- The user can select one of the example data to be predicted by the model or fill out their own numeric data.
- The user clicks predict.
- The predicted class (B)enign or (M)alignant, class probabilty and how it relates to the trained model predictions on the PCA1 and PCA2 is displayed.
- The PCA plot gives great insight how the newly classified datapoint relates and if it is close to the incorrectly predicted ones or where the two classes are difficult to distinguish extra care can be taken.
Pull the pre-build image for Docker Hub
docker pull deusnexus/breast_cancer_classification:latest
docker run --name breast_cancer_classification -p 8000:8000 deusnexus/breast_cancer_classification:latest
cd docker-api
docker build -t breast_cancer_classification:latest .
docker run --name breast_cancer_classification -p 8000:8000 breast_cancer_classification:latest
cd source/model_deployment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn main:app --reload