Methods to implement a graph editor are described. Based on a graph structure description and on d3-graph-plugin.
add(i, j) # Add the edge (i, j)
del(i, j) # Delete the edge (i, j)
out(i) # Returns a list of j such that (i, j) in edges
in(i) # Returns a list of j such that (j, i) in edges
set(i, j, value) # Set value for the edge (i, j)
get(i, j) # Returns value for the edge (i, j)
add() # Create a new node
add(i) # Create a new node (j) and add edge(i, j)
del(i) # Delete the node (i) from nodes
set(i, value) # Set value for the node (i)
get(i) # Returns value for the node (i)
ins(i) # Insert node i
ins(i) # Insert edge i
For the above we define a structure for a graph and methods to work with it:
g : {
n : { # Nodes
x : [] # X-coordinates
y : [] # Y-coordinates
v : [] # Values
e : { # Edges
a : [] # index if i-node
b : [] # index if j-node
v : [] # Values
n0 : [] # Initial nodes
g : {
n : { # Nodes
e : { # Edges
curved : [] # True if to be drawn curved
The prefix "fa" states for Finite Automata.
fa : {
nodes : { # Nodes
add(G) # Create a new node
add(G,i) # Insert node into position (i)
del(G,i) # Delete the node (i) from nodes
set(G,i,v) # Set value for the node (i)
get(G,i) # Returns value for the node (i)
out(G,i) # Returns a list of j such that (i, j) in edges
edges : { # Edges
add(i) # Create a new node (j) and add edge(i, j)
add(i, j) # Add the edge (i, j)
ins(i) # Insert edge into position i
del(i, j) # Delete the edge (i, j)
set(i, j, v)# Set value for the edge (i, j)
get(i, j) # Returns value for the edge (i, j) <-- sure we need it?
has(i, j) # Returns true if exists edge (i, j)
out(i) # Returns a list of edges such that (i, ?) in edges
in(i) # Returns a list of edges such that (?, i) in edges
BFS : (G) ->
stack = [G.start]
visited = [G.start]
while stack.length
a = stack.pop()
# Get edges going out of the node 'a'
E = @.edges.out(G, a)
for e in E
# Get nodes reachabe by the edge 'e'
b = G.edges.b[e]
if b not in visited
# Do something here
console.log a,"->", b
a, b : typeof g
wrt = [] # values with respect which we make the composition to
while stack1.length
n1 = stack1.pop()
n2 = stack2.pop()
outs1 = a.e.out(n1)
outs2 = a.e.out(n1)
for e in outs1
if e not in wrt