require ""
require ""
imports WASM-TEXT
module defines the tokens used in parsing programs.
In WebAssembly, strings are defined differently to K's built-in strings, so we have to write the definition of WebAssembly WasmString
in a separate module, and use the module just for parsing the program.
Note that you cannot use a normal K String
in any production definitions, because the definitions of String
and WasmString
overlap, and the K tokenizer does not support ambiguity.
syntax WasmStringToken ::= r"\\\"(([^\\\"\\\\])|(\\\\[0-9a-fA-F]{2})|(\\\\t)|(\\\\n)|(\\\\r)|(\\\\\\\")|(\\\\')|(\\\\\\\\)|(\\\\u\\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}\\}))*\\\"" [token]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In WebAssembly, identifiers are defined by the regular expression below.
syntax IdentifierToken ::= r"\\$[0-9a-zA-Z!$%&'*+/<>?_`|~=:\\@^.-]+" [token]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
In WebAssembly, integers could be represented in either the decimal form or hexadecimal form. In both cases, digits can optionally be separated by underscores.
syntax WasmIntToken ::= r"[\\+-]?[0-9]+(_[0-9]+)*" [token]
| r"[\\+-]?0x[0-9a-fA-F]+(_[0-9a-fA-F]+)*" [token]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
WebAssembly allows for block comments using (;
and ;)
, and line comments using ;;
Additionally, white-space is skipped/ignored.
Declaring regular expressions of sort #Layout
infroms the K lexer to drop these tokens.
syntax #Layout ::= r"\\(;([^;]|(;+([^;\\)])))*;\\)" [token]
| r";;[^\\n\\r]*" [token]
| r"[\\ \\n\\r\\t]" [token]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
syntax WasmInt ::= Int
syntax WasmInt ::= WasmIntToken [klabel(WasmInt), avoid, symbol, function]
syntax Index ::= Identifier
// ---------------------------
syntax PlainInstr ::= "br" Index
| "br_if" Index
| "br_table" ElemSegment
| "call" Index
| "global.get" Index
| "global.set" Index
| "local.get" Index
| "local.set" Index
| "local.tee" Index
// ---------------------------------------
syntax PlainInstr ::= IValType "." StoreOpM
| FValType "." StoreOpM
| IValType "." LoadOpM
| FValType "." LoadOpM
syntax StoreOpM ::= StoreOp | StoreOp MemArg
syntax LoadOpM ::= LoadOp | LoadOp MemArg
syntax MemArg ::= OffsetArg | AlignArg | OffsetArg AlignArg
syntax OffsetArg ::= "offset=" WasmInt
syntax AlignArg ::= "align=" WasmInt
// ---------------------------------------
syntax Instr ::= BlockInstr
// ---------------------------
syntax BlockInstr ::= "block" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs "end" OptionalId
| "loop" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs "end" OptionalId
| "if" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs "else" OptionalId Instrs "end" OptionalId
| "if" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs "end" OptionalId
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Folded instructions are a syntactic sugar where expressions can be grouped using parentheses for higher readability.
syntax Instr ::= FoldedInstr
// ----------------------------
One type of folded instruction are PlainInstr
s wrapped in parentheses and optionally includes nested folded instructions to indicate its operands.
syntax FoldedInstr ::= "(" PlainInstr Instrs ")"
| "(" PlainInstr ")" [prefer]
// ---------------------------------------------------------
syntax FoldedInstr ::= "(" "block" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs ")"
| "(" "loop" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs ")"
| "(" "if" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs "(" "then" Instrs ")" ")"
| "(" "if" OptionalId TypeDecls Instrs "(" "then" Instrs ")" "(" "else" Instrs ")" ")"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax TypeDefn ::= "(type" OptionalId "(" "func" TypeDecls ")" ")"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax TextLimits ::= Int | Int Int
// -----------------------------------
Exports can be declared like regular functions, memories, etc., by giving an inline export declaration. In that case, it simply desugars to the definition followed by an export of it. If no identifer is present, one must be introduced so that the export can refer to it. Note that it is possible to define multiple exports inline, i.e. export a single entity under many names.
syntax ExportDefn ::= "(" "export" WasmString "(" Externval ")" ")"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax InlineExport ::= "(" "export" WasmString ")"
// ----------------------------------------------------
syntax ImportDefn ::= "(" "import" WasmString WasmString ImportDesc ")"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Imports can be declared like regular functions, memories, etc., by giving an inline import declaration.
syntax InlineImport ::= "(" "import" WasmString WasmString ")"
// --------------------------------------------------------------
The following is the text format representation of an import specification.
syntax ImportDesc ::= "(" "func" OptionalId TypeUse ")" [klabel(funcImportDesc)]
| "(" "global" OptionalId TextFormatGlobalType ")" [klabel(globImportDesc)]
| "(" "table" OptionalId TableType ")" [klabel( tabImportDesc)]
| "(" "memory" OptionalId MemType ")" [klabel( memImportDesc)]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax FuncDefn ::= "(" "func" OptionalId FuncSpec ")"
syntax FuncSpec ::= TypeUse LocalDecls Instrs
| InlineImport TypeUse
| InlineExport FuncSpec
// -----------------------------------------
syntax LocalDecl ::= "(" LocalDecl ")" [bracket]
| "local" ValTypes
| "local" Identifier ValType
syntax LocalDecls ::= List{LocalDecl , ""} [klabel(listLocalDecl)]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax TableDefn ::= "(" "table" OptionalId TableSpec ")"
syntax TableSpec ::= TableType
| TableElemType "(" "elem" ElemSegment ")"
| InlineImport TableType
| InlineExport TableSpec
// -------------------------------------------
syntax TableType ::= TextLimits TableElemType
syntax TableElemType ::= "funcref"
// ----------------------------------
syntax MemoryDefn ::= "(" "memory" OptionalId MemorySpec ")"
// ------------------------------------------------------------
syntax MemorySpec ::= MemType
// --------------------------------
syntax MemorySpec ::= "(" "data" DataString ")"
| InlineImport MemType
| InlineExport MemorySpec
// ---------------------------------------------
syntax MemType ::= TextLimits
// --------------------------------
syntax GlobalDefn ::= "(" "global" OptionalId GlobalSpec ")"
syntax GlobalSpec ::= TextFormatGlobalType Instr
| InlineImport TextFormatGlobalType
| InlineExport GlobalSpec
// ---------------------------------------------
syntax TextFormatGlobalType ::= ValType | "(" "mut" ValType ")"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
The elem
and data
initializers take an offset, which is an instruction.
This is not optional.
syntax Offset ::= "(" "offset" Instrs ")"
// -----------------------------------------
The offset can either be specified explicitly with the offset
key word, or be a single instruction.
syntax Offset ::= Instrs
// ------------------------
syntax ElemDefn ::= "(" "elem" Index Offset ElemSegment ")"
| "(" "elem" Offset ElemSegment ")"
| "(" "elem" Offset "func" ElemSegment ")"
// ------------------------------------------------------------
syntax DataDefn ::= "(" "data" Index Offset DataString ")"
| "(" "data" Offset DataString ")"
// ----------------------------------------------------
syntax StartDefn ::= "(" "start" Index ")"
// ------------------------------------------
Modules are defined as a sequence of definitions, that may come in any order. The only requirements are that all imports must precede all other definitions, and that there may be at most one start function.
syntax Stmt ::= ModuleDecl
syntax ModuleDecl ::= "(" "module" OptionalId Defns ")"
// -------------------------------------------------------
module WASM-TEXT
imports WASM
The text format is a concrete syntax for Wasm.
It allows specifying instructions in a folded, S-expression like format, and a few other syntactic sugars.
Most instructions, those in the sort PlainInstr
, have identical keywords in the abstract and concrete syntax, and can be used directly.
All integers given in the text format are automatically turned into regular integers. That means converting between hexadecimal and decimal when necessary, and removing underscores.
TODO: Symbolic reasoning for sort WasmIntToken
not tested yet.
In the future should investigate which direction the subsort should go.
under Int
under WasmIntToken
rule `WasmInt`(VAL) => WasmIntToken2Int(VAL)
syntax String ::= WasmIntToken2String ( WasmIntToken ) [function, functional, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax Int ::= WasmIntTokenString2Int ( String ) [function]
| WasmIntToken2Int ( WasmIntToken ) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
rule WasmIntTokenString2Int(S) => String2Base(replaceFirst(S, "0x", ""), 16) requires findString(S, "0x", 0) =/=Int -1
rule WasmIntTokenString2Int(S) => String2Base( S, 10) requires findString(S, "0x", 0) ==Int -1
rule WasmIntToken2Int(VAL) => WasmIntTokenString2Int(replaceAll(WasmIntToken2String(VAL), "_", ""))
When we want to specify an identifier, we can do so with the following helper function.
syntax IdentifierToken ::= String2Identifier(String) [function, functional, hook(STRING.string2token)]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the abstract Wasm syntax, indices are always integers. In the text format, we extend indices to incorporate identifiers. We also enable context lookups with identifiers.
rule #ContextLookup(IDS:Map, ID:Identifier) => {IDS [ ID ]}:>Int
requires ID in_keys(IDS)
The text format is one of the concrete formats of Wasm.
Every concrete format maps to a common structure, described as an abstract syntax.
The function text2abstract
is a partial function which maps valid programs in the text format to the abstract format.
Some classes of invalid programs, such as those where an identifier appears in a context in which it is not declared, are undefined.
The function deals with the desugarings which are context dependent. Other desugarings are either left for runtime or expressed as macros (for now).
syntax Stmts ::= unfoldStmts ( Stmts ) [function]
syntax Defns ::= unfoldDefns ( Defns ) [function]
| #unfoldDefns ( Defns , Int, TypesInfo ) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
rule unfoldStmts(( module OID:OptionalId DS) SS) => ( module OID unfoldDefns(DS) ) unfoldStmts(SS)
rule unfoldStmts(.Stmts) => .Stmts
rule unfoldStmts(S SS) => S unfoldStmts(SS) [owise]
rule unfoldDefns(DS) => #unfoldDefns(DS, 0, types2indices(DS))
rule #unfoldDefns(.Defns, _, _) => .Defns
rule #unfoldDefns(D:Defn DS, I, TI) => D #unfoldDefns(DS, I, TI) [owise]
syntax Defns ::= Defns "appendDefn" Defn [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------
rule (D DS) appendDefn D' => D (DS appendDefn D')
rule .Defns appendDefn D' => D' .Defns
The text format allows declaring a function without referencing a module-level type for that function.
If there is a module-level type matching the function type, the function is automatically assigned to that type.
The TypeDecl
of the type is kept, since it may contain parameter identifiers.
If there is no matching module-level type, a new such type is inserted at the end of the module.
Since the inserted type is module-level, any subsequent functions declaring the same type will not implicitly generate a new type.
rule #unfoldDefns(( func _OID:OptionalId (TDECLS:TypeDecls => (type {M [asFuncType(TDECLS)]}:>Int) TDECLS) _LOCALS:LocalDecls _BODY:Instrs ) _DS
, _I
, #ti(... t2i: M))
requires asFuncType(TDECLS) in_keys(M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( func _OID:OptionalId (TDECLS:TypeDecls => (type N) TDECLS) _LOCALS:LocalDecls _BODY:Instrs ) (DS => DS appendDefn (type (func TDECLS)))
, _I
, #ti(... t2i: M => M [ asFuncType(TDECLS) <- N ], count: N => N +Int 1))
requires notBool asFuncType(TDECLS) in_keys(M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( func OID:OptionalId TUSE:TypeUse LOCALS:LocalDecls BODY) DS, I, TI)
=> (( func OID TUSE LOCALS unfoldInstrs(BODY)))
#unfoldDefns(DS, I, TI)
requires notBool isTypeDecls(TUSE)
rule #unfoldDefns(( import MOD NAME (func OID:OptionalId TDECLS:TypeDecls )) DS, I, #ti(... t2i: M) #as TI)
=> (import MOD NAME (func OID (type {M [asFuncType(TDECLS)]}:>Int) TDECLS ))
#unfoldDefns(DS, I, TI)
requires asFuncType(TDECLS) in_keys(M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( import MOD NAME (func OID:OptionalId TDECLS:TypeDecls)) DS, I, #ti(... t2i: M, count: N))
=> (import MOD NAME (func OID (type N) TDECLS))
#unfoldDefns(DS appendDefn (type (func TDECLS)), I, #ti(... t2i: M [asFuncType(TDECLS) <- N], count: N +Int 1))
requires notBool asFuncType(TDECLS) in_keys(M)
syntax TypesInfo ::= #ti( t2i: Map, count: Int )
syntax TypesInfo ::= types2indices( Defns ) [function]
| #types2indices( Defns, TypesInfo ) [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
rule types2indices(DS) => #types2indices(DS, #ti(... t2i: .Map, count: 0))
rule #types2indices(.Defns, TI) => TI
rule #types2indices((type _OID (func TDECLS)) DS, #ti(... t2i: M, count: N))
=> #types2indices(DS, #ti(... t2i: M [ asFuncType(TDECLS) <- (M [ asFuncType(TDECLS) ] orDefault N) ], count: N +Int 1))
rule #types2indices(_D DS, M) => #types2indices(DS, M) [owise]
rule #unfoldDefns(( func OID:OptionalId (import MOD NAME) TUSE) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( import MOD NAME (func OID TUSE) ) DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( func EXPO:InlineExport SPEC:FuncSpec ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( func #freshId(I) EXPO SPEC) DS, I +Int 1, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( func ID:Identifier ( export ENAME ) SPEC:FuncSpec ) DS, I, M)
=> ( export ENAME ( func ID ) ) #unfoldDefns(( func ID SPEC ) DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( table funcref ( elem ELEM ) ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( table #freshId(I) funcref ( elem ELEM ) ) DS, I +Int 1, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( table ID:Identifier funcref ( elem ELEM ) ) DS, I, M)
=> ( table ID #lenElemSegment(ELEM) #lenElemSegment(ELEM) funcref ):TableDefn
( elem ID (offset (i32.const 0) .Instrs) ELEM )
#unfoldDefns(DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( table OID:OptionalId (import MOD NAME) TT:TableType ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( import MOD NAME (table OID TT) ) DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( table EXPO:InlineExport SPEC:TableSpec ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( table #freshId(I) EXPO SPEC ) DS, I +Int 1, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( table ID:Identifier ( export ENAME ) SPEC:TableSpec ) DS, I, M)
=> ( export ENAME ( table ID ) ) #unfoldDefns(( table ID SPEC ) DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( memory ( data DATA ) ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( memory #freshId(I) ( data DATA ) ) DS, I +Int 1, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( memory ID:Identifier ( data DATA ) ) DS, I, M)
=> ( memory ID #lengthDataPages(DATA) #lengthDataPages(DATA) ):MemoryDefn
( data ID (offset (i32.const 0) .Instrs) DATA )
#unfoldDefns(DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( memory OID:OptionalId (import MOD NAME) MT:MemType ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( import MOD NAME (memory OID MT ) ) DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( memory EXPO:InlineExport SPEC:MemorySpec ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( memory #freshId(I:Int) EXPO SPEC ) DS, I +Int 1, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( memory ID:Identifier ( export ENAME ) SPEC:MemorySpec ) DS, I, M)
=> ( export ENAME ( memory ID ) ) #unfoldDefns( ( memory ID SPEC ) DS, I, M)
syntax Int ::= #lengthDataPages ( DataString ) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------
rule #lengthDataPages(DS:DataString) => lengthBytes(#DS2Bytes(DS)) up/Int #pageSize()
syntax GlobalType ::= asGMut (TextFormatGlobalType) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------
rule asGMut ( (mut T:ValType ) ) => var T
rule asGMut ( T:ValType ) => const T
rule #unfoldDefns((( global OID TYP:TextFormatGlobalType IS:Instr) => #global(... type: asGMut(TYP), init: unfoldInstrs(IS .Instrs), metadata: OID)) _DS, _I, _M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( global OID:OptionalId (import MOD NAME) TYP ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( import MOD NAME (global OID TYP ) ) DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( global EXPO:InlineExport SPEC:GlobalSpec ) DS, I, M)
=> #unfoldDefns(( global #freshId(I) EXPO SPEC ) DS, I +Int 1, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(( global ID:Identifier ( export ENAME ) SPEC:GlobalSpec ) DS, I, M)
=> ( export ENAME ( global ID ) ) #unfoldDefns(( global ID SPEC ) DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(((elem OFFSET func ES) => (elem OFFSET ES)) _DS, _I, _M)
rule #unfoldDefns(((elem OFFSET:Offset ES ) => ( elem 0 OFFSET ES )) _DS, _I, _M)
rule #unfoldDefns(((elem IDX OFFSET:Instrs ES ) => ( elem IDX ( offset OFFSET ) ES )) _DS, _I, _M)
rule #unfoldDefns((elem IDX (offset IS) ES) DS, I, M) => (elem IDX (offset unfoldInstrs(IS)) ES) #unfoldDefns(DS, I, M)
rule #unfoldDefns(((data OFFSET:Offset DATA ) => ( data 0 OFFSET DATA )) _DS, _I, _M)
rule #unfoldDefns(((data IDX OFFSET:Instrs DATA ) => ( data IDX ( offset OFFSET ) DATA )) _DS, _I, _M)
rule #unfoldDefns((data IDX (offset IS) DATA) DS, I, M) => (data IDX (offset unfoldInstrs(IS)) DATA) #unfoldDefns(DS, I, M)
syntax Instrs ::= unfoldInstrs ( Instrs ) [function]
| #unfoldInstrs ( Instrs, Int, Map ) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
rule unfoldInstrs(IS) => #unfoldInstrs(IS, 0, .Map)
rule #unfoldInstrs(.Instrs, _, _) => .Instrs
rule #unfoldInstrs(I IS, DEPTH, M) => I #unfoldInstrs(IS, DEPTH, M) [owise]
syntax Instrs ::= Instrs "appendInstrs" Instrs [function]
| #appendInstrs ( Instrs, Instrs ) [function]
| #reverseInstrs ( Instrs, Instrs ) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------
rule IS appendInstrs IS' => #appendInstrs(#reverseInstrs(IS, .Instrs), IS')
rule #appendInstrs(I IS => IS, IS' => I IS')
rule #appendInstrs(.Instrs , IS') => IS'
rule #reverseInstrs(.Instrs, ACC) => ACC
rule #reverseInstrs(I IS => IS, ACC => I ACC)
In the text format, block instructions can have identifiers attached to them, and branch instructions can refer to these identifiers. Branching with an identifier is the same as branching to the label with that identifier. The correct label index is calculated by looking at whih depth the index occured and what depth execution is currently at.
rule #unfoldInstrs(br ID:Identifier IS, DEPTH, M) => br DEPTH -Int {M [ ID ]}:>Int -Int 1 #unfoldInstrs(IS, DEPTH, M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(br_if ID:Identifier IS, DEPTH, M) => br_if DEPTH -Int {M [ ID ]}:>Int -Int 1 #unfoldInstrs(IS, DEPTH, M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(br_table ES:ElemSegment IS, DEPTH, M) => br_table elemSegment2Indices(ES, DEPTH, M) #unfoldInstrs(IS, DEPTH, M)
syntax ElemSegment ::= elemSegment2Indices( ElemSegment, Int, Map ) [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule elemSegment2Indices(.ElemSegment , _DEPTH, _M) => .ElemSegment
rule elemSegment2Indices(ID:Identifier ES, DEPTH, M) => DEPTH -Int {M [ ID ]}:>Int -Int 1 elemSegment2Indices(ES, DEPTH, M)
rule elemSegment2Indices(E ES, DEPTH, M) => E elemSegment2Indices(ES, DEPTH, M) [owise]
There are several syntactic sugars for block instructions, some of which may have identifiers.
The same identifier can optionally be repeated at the end of the block instruction (to mark which block is ending) and on the branches in an if
blocks may omit the else
-branch, as long as the type declaration is empty.
rule #unfoldInstrs( (block ID:Identifier TDS IS end _OID' => block TDS IS end) _IS', DEPTH, M => M [ ID <- DEPTH ])
rule #unfoldInstrs(block TDS:TypeDecls IS end IS', DEPTH, M) => block TDS #unfoldInstrs(IS, DEPTH +Int 1, M) end #unfoldInstrs(IS', DEPTH, M)
rule #unfoldInstrs( (loop ID:Identifier TDS IS end _OID' => loop TDS IS end) _IS', DEPTH, M => M [ ID <- DEPTH ])
rule #unfoldInstrs(loop TDS:TypeDecls IS end IS', DEPTH, M) => loop TDS #unfoldInstrs(IS, DEPTH +Int 1, M) end #unfoldInstrs(IS', DEPTH, M)
// TODO: Only unfold empty else-branch if the type declaration is empty.
rule #unfoldInstrs( (if ID:Identifier TDS IS end _OID'' => if ID TDS IS else .Instrs end) _IS'', _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs( (if TDS IS end _OID'' => if TDS IS else .Instrs end) _IS'', _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs( (if ID:Identifier TDS IS else _OID':OptionalId IS' end _OID'' => if TDS IS else IS' end) _IS'', DEPTH, M => M [ ID <- DEPTH ])
rule #unfoldInstrs(if TDS IS else IS' end IS'', DEPTH, M) => if TDS #unfoldInstrs(IS, DEPTH +Int 1, M) else #unfoldInstrs(IS', DEPTH +Int 1, M) end #unfoldInstrs(IS'', DEPTH, M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(( PI:PlainInstr IS:Instrs ):FoldedInstr IS', DEPTH, M)
=> (#unfoldInstrs(IS , DEPTH, M)
appendInstrs #unfoldInstrs(PI .Instrs, DEPTH, M))
appendInstrs #unfoldInstrs(IS' , DEPTH, M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(( PI:PlainInstr ):FoldedInstr IS', DEPTH, M)
=> #unfoldInstrs(PI .Instrs, DEPTH, M)
appendInstrs #unfoldInstrs(IS' , DEPTH, M)
Another type of folded instruction is control flow blocks wrapped in parentheses, in which case the end
keyword is omitted.
rule #unfoldInstrs(((block ID:Identifier TDS IS) => block ID TDS IS end) _IS', _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(((block TDS IS) => block TDS IS end) _IS', _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(((loop ID:Identifier TDS IS) => loop ID TDS IS end) _IS', _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(((loop TDS IS) => loop TDS IS end) _IS', _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(((if OID:OptionalId TDS COND (then IS)) => (if OID TDS COND (then IS) (else .Instrs))) _IS'', _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(((if ID:Identifier TDS COND (then IS) (else IS')) IS'':Instrs) => (COND appendInstrs if ID TDS IS else IS' end IS''), _DEPTH, _M)
rule #unfoldInstrs(((if TDS COND (then IS) (else IS')) IS'':Instrs) => (COND appendInstrs if TDS IS else IS' end IS''), _DEPTH, _M)
The text format allows definitions to appear in any order in a module. In the abstract format, the module is a record, one for each type of definition. The following functions convert the text format module, given as a list of definitions, into the abstract format. In doing so, the respective ordering of all types of definitions are preserved.
syntax Stmts ::= structureModules ( Stmts ) [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------
rule structureModules((module OID:OptionalId DS) SS) => structureModule(DS, OID) structureModules(SS)
rule structureModules(.Stmts) => .Stmts
rule structureModules(S SS) => S structureModules(SS) [owise]
syntax ModuleDecl ::= structureModule ( Defns , OptionalId ) [function]
| #structureModule ( Defns , ModuleDecl ) [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule structureModule(DEFNS, OID) => #structureModule(#reverseDefns(DEFNS, .Defns), #emptyModule(OID))
rule #structureModule(.Defns, SORTED_MODULE) => SORTED_MODULE
rule #structureModule((T:TypeDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... types: TS => T TS))
rule #structureModule((I:ImportDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... importDefns: IS => I IS))
rule #structureModule((X:FuncDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... funcs: FS => X FS))
rule #structureModule((X:GlobalDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... globals: GS => X GS))
rule #structureModule((T:TableDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... tables: TS => T TS))
rule #structureModule((M:MemoryDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... mems: MS => M MS))
rule #structureModule((E:ExportDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... exports: ES => E ES))
rule #structureModule((I:DataDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... data: IS => I IS))
rule #structureModule((I:ElemDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... elem: IS => I IS))
rule #structureModule((S:StartDefn DS:Defns => DS), #module(... start: .Defns => S .Defns))
syntax Defns ::= #reverseDefns(Defns, Defns) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------------
rule #reverseDefns( .Defns , ACC) => ACC
rule #reverseDefns(D:Defn DS:Defns, ACC) => #reverseDefns(DS, D ACC)
The desugaring is done on the module level. First, if the program is just a list of definitions, that's an abbreviation for a single module. If not, we distribute the text to abstract transformation out over all the statements in the file.
- Get rid of inline type declarations.
The text format allows specifying the type directly in the function header using the
keywords. However, these will either be desugared to a new top-leveltype
declaration or they must match an existing one. In the abstract format, a function's type is a pointer to a top-leveltype
declaration. This could either be done by doing an initial pass to gather all type declarations, or they could be desugared locally, which is similar to what we do currently:(func (type X) TDS:TDecls ... ) => (func (type X))
and(func TDS:TDecls ...) => (type TDECLS) (func (type NEXT_TYPE_ID))
. - Remove module names.
- Give the text format and abstract format different sorts, and have
handle the conversion. Then identifiers and other text-only constructs can be completely removed from the abstract format.
The Context
contains information of how to map text-level identifiers to corresponding indices.
Record updates can currently not be done in a function rule which also does other updates, so we have helper functions to update specific fields.
syntax Context ::= ctx(localIds: Map, globalIds: Map, funcIds: Map, typeIds: Map)
| #freshCtx ( ) [function, functional]
| #updateLocalIds ( Context , Map ) [function, functional]
| #updateLocalIdsAux ( Context , Map , Bool ) [function, functional]
| #updateFuncIds ( Context , Map ) [function, functional]
| #updateFuncIdsAux ( Context , Map , Bool ) [function, functional]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #freshCtx ( ) => ctx(... localIds: .Map, globalIds: .Map, funcIds: .Map, typeIds: .Map)
rule #updateLocalIds(C, M) => #updateLocalIdsAux(C, M, false)
rule #updateLocalIdsAux(ctx(... localIds: (_ => M)), M, false => true)
rule #updateLocalIdsAux(C, _, true) => C
rule #updateFuncIds(C, M) => #updateFuncIdsAux(C, M, false)
rule #updateFuncIdsAux(ctx(... funcIds: (_ => M)), M, false => true)
rule #updateFuncIdsAux(C, _, true) => C
The program is traversed in full once, context being gathered along the way. Since we do not have polymorphic functions available, we define one function per sort of syntactic construct we need to traverse, and for each type of list we encounter.
syntax Stmt ::= "#t2aStmt" "<" Context ">" "(" Stmt ")" [function]
syntax ModuleDecl ::= "#t2aModuleDecl" "<" Context ">" "(" ModuleDecl ")" [function]
syntax ModuleDecl ::= "#t2aModule" "<" Context ">" "(" ModuleDecl ")" [function]
syntax Defn ::= "#t2aDefn" "<" Context ">" "(" Defn ")" [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule text2abstract(DS:Defns) => text2abstract(( module DS ) .Stmts)
rule text2abstract(SS) => #t2aStmts<#freshCtx()>(structureModules(unfoldStmts(SS))) [owise]
rule #t2aStmt<C>(M:ModuleDecl) => #t2aModuleDecl<C>(M)
rule #t2aStmt<C>(D:Defn) => #t2aDefn<C>(D)
rule #t2aStmt<C>(I:Instr) => #t2aInstr<C>(I)
rule #t2aStmt<_>(S) => S [owise]
rule #t2aModuleDecl<_>(#module(... types: TS, funcs: FS, globals: GS, importDefns: IS) #as M) => #t2aModule<ctx(... localIds: .Map, globalIds: #idcGlobals(IS, GS), funcIds: #idcFuncs(IS, FS), typeIds: #idcTypes(TS))>(M)
rule #t2aModule<ctx(... funcIds: FIDS) #as C>(#module(... types: TS, funcs: FS, tables: TABS, mems: MS, globals: GS, elem: EL, data: DAT, start: S, importDefns: IS, exports: ES, metadata: #meta(... id: OID)))
=> #module( ... types: #t2aDefns<C>(TS)
, funcs: #t2aDefns<C>(FS)
, tables: #t2aDefns<C>(TABS)
, mems: #t2aDefns<C>(MS)
, globals: #t2aDefns<C>(GS)
, elem: #t2aDefns<C>(EL)
, data: #t2aDefns<C>(DAT)
, start: #t2aDefns<C>(S)
, importDefns: #t2aDefns<C>(IS)
, exports: #t2aDefns<C>(ES)
, metadata: #meta(... id: OID, funcIds: FIDS, filename: .String)
rule #t2aDefn<_>((type OID (func TDECLS))) => #type(... type: asFuncType(TDECLS), metadata: OID)
rule #t2aDefn<ctx(... typeIds: TIDS)>(( import MOD NAME (func OID:OptionalId (type ID:Identifier) ))) => #import(MOD, NAME, #funcDesc(... id: OID:OptionalId, type: {TIDS[ID]}:>Int))
rule #t2aDefn<ctx(... typeIds: TIDS)>(( import MOD NAME (func OID:OptionalId (type ID:Identifier) _:TypeDecls))) => #import(MOD, NAME, #funcDesc(... id: OID:OptionalId, type: {TIDS[ID]}:>Int))
rule #t2aDefn<_ >(( import MOD NAME (func OID:OptionalId (type IDX:Int) ))) => #import(MOD, NAME, #funcDesc(... id: OID:OptionalId, type: IDX))
rule #t2aDefn<_ >(( import MOD NAME (func OID:OptionalId (type IDX:Int ) _:TypeDecls))) => #import(MOD, NAME, #funcDesc(... id: OID:OptionalId, type: IDX))
rule #t2aDefn<_ >(( import MOD NAME (global OID:OptionalId TYP:TextFormatGlobalType))) => #import(MOD, NAME, #globalDesc(... id: OID:OptionalId, type: asGMut(TYP)))
rule #t2aDefn<_ >(( import MOD NAME (table OID:OptionalId LIM:TextLimits funcref))) => #import(MOD, NAME, #tableDesc(... id: OID:OptionalId, type: t2aLimits(LIM)))
rule #t2aDefn<_ >(( import MOD NAME (memory OID:OptionalId LIM:TextLimits ))) => #import(MOD, NAME, #memoryDesc(... id: OID:OptionalId, type: t2aLimits(LIM)))
rule #t2aDefn<C>(#global(... type: GTYP, init: IS, metadata: OID)) => #global(... type: GTYP, init: #t2aInstrs<C>(IS), metadata: OID)
After unfolding, each type use in a function starts with an explicit reference to a module-level function.
rule #t2aDefn<ctx(... typeIds: TIDS) #as C>(( func OID:OptionalId T:TypeUse LS:LocalDecls IS:Instrs ))
=> #func(... type: typeUse2typeIdx(T, TIDS)
, locals: locals2vectype(LS)
, body: #t2aInstrs <#updateLocalIds(C, #ids2Idxs(T, LS))>(IS)
, metadata: #meta(... id: OID, localIds: #ids2Idxs(T, LS))
syntax Int ::= typeUse2typeIdx ( TypeUse , Map ) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule typeUse2typeIdx( (type IDX ) _:TypeDecls => (type IDX), _TIDS )
rule typeUse2typeIdx( (type ID:Identifier ) , TIDS ) => {TIDS [ ID ]}:>Int
rule typeUse2typeIdx( (type IDX:Int ) , _TIDS ) => IDX
syntax VecType ::= locals2vectype ( LocalDecls ) [function]
| #locals2vectype ( LocalDecls , ValTypes ) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule locals2vectype(LDECLS) => #locals2vectype(LDECLS, .ValTypes)
rule #locals2vectype(.LocalDecls , VTYPES) => [ VTYPES ]
rule #locals2vectype(local VTYPES':ValTypes LDECLS:LocalDecls , VTYPES) => #locals2vectype(LDECLS , VTYPES + VTYPES')
rule #locals2vectype(local _ID:Identifier VTYPE:ValType LDECLS:LocalDecls , VTYPES) => #locals2vectype(LDECLS , VTYPES + VTYPE .ValTypes)
rule #t2aDefn<_>((table OID:OptionalId LIMITS:TextLimits funcref )) => #table(... limits: t2aLimits(LIMITS), metadata: OID)
rule #t2aDefn<_>((memory OID:OptionalId LIMITS:TextLimits )) => #memory(... limits: t2aLimits(LIMITS), metadata: OID)
syntax Limits ::= t2aLimits(TextLimits) [function, functional]
// --------------------------------------------------------------
rule t2aLimits(MIN:Int) => #limitsMin(MIN)
rule t2aLimits(MIN:Int MAX:Int) => #limits(MIN, MAX)
rule #t2aDefn<ctx(... funcIds: FIDS)>(( start ID:Identifier )) => #start({FIDS[ID]}:>Int)
requires ID in_keys(FIDS)
rule #t2aDefn<_>(( start I:Int )) => #start(I)
Wasm currently supports only one table, so we do not need to resolve any identifiers.
rule #t2aDefn<C>(( elem _:Index (offset IS) ES )) => #elem(0, #t2aInstrs<C>(IS), #t2aElemSegment<C>(ES) )
syntax Ints ::= "#t2aElemSegment" "<" Context ">" "(" ElemSegment ")" [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #t2aElemSegment<ctx(... funcIds: FIDS) #as C>(ID:Identifier ES) => {FIDS[ID]}:>Int #t2aElemSegment<C>(ES)
requires ID in_keys(FIDS)
rule #t2aElemSegment<C>(I:Int ES) => I #t2aElemSegment<C>(ES)
rule #t2aElemSegment<_C>(.ElemSegment) => .Ints
Wasm currently supports only one memory, so we do not need to resolve any identifiers.
rule #t2aDefn<C>(( data _:Index (offset IS) DS )) => #data(0, #t2aInstrs<C>(IS), #DS2Bytes(DS))
rule #t2aDefn<ctx(... funcIds: IDS)>(( export ENAME ( func ID:Identifier ) )) => #export(ENAME, {IDS[ID]}:>Int) requires ID in_keys(IDS)
rule #t2aDefn<ctx(... globalIds: IDS)>(( export ENAME ( global ID:Identifier ) )) => #export(ENAME, {IDS[ID]}:>Int) requires ID in_keys(IDS)
rule #t2aDefn<_>(( export ENAME ( func I:Int ) )) => #export(ENAME, I)
rule #t2aDefn<_>(( export ENAME ( global I:Int ) )) => #export(ENAME, I)
rule #t2aDefn<_>(( export ENAME ( table _ ) )) => #export(ENAME, 0)
rule #t2aDefn<_>(( export ENAME ( memory _ ) )) => #export(ENAME, 0)
rule #t2aDefn<_C>(D:Defn) => D [owise]
syntax Instr ::= "#t2aInstr" "<" Context ">" "(" Instr ")" [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #t2aInstr<C>(( PI:PlainInstr IS:Instrs ):FoldedInstr) => ({#t2aInstr<C>(PI)}:>PlainInstr #t2aInstrs<C>(IS))
rule #t2aInstr<C>(( PI:PlainInstr ):FoldedInstr) => #t2aInstr<C>(PI)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(unreachable) => unreachable
rule #t2aInstr<_>(nop) => nop
rule #t2aInstr<_>(br L:Int) => #br(L)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(br_if L:Int) => #br_if(L)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(br_table ES) => #br_table(elemSegment2Ints(ES))
rule #t2aInstr<_>(return) => return
rule #t2aInstr<ctx(... funcIds: FIDS)>(call ID:Identifier) => #call({FIDS[ID]}:>Int)
requires ID in_keys(FIDS)
rule #t2aInstr<_> (call I:Int) => #call(I)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(call_indirect TU) => call_indirect TU
rule #t2aInstr<_>(drop) => drop
rule #t2aInstr<_>(select) => select
rule #t2aInstr<ctx(... localIds: LIDS)>(local.get ID:Identifier) => #local.get({LIDS[ID]}:>Int)
requires ID in_keys(LIDS)
rule #t2aInstr<ctx(... localIds: LIDS)>(local.set ID:Identifier) => #local.set({LIDS[ID]}:>Int)
requires ID in_keys(LIDS)
rule #t2aInstr<ctx(... localIds: LIDS)>(local.tee ID:Identifier) => #local.tee({LIDS[ID]}:>Int)
requires ID in_keys(LIDS)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(local.get I:Int) => #local.get(I)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(local.set I:Int) => #local.set(I)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(local.tee I:Int) => #local.tee(I)
rule #t2aInstr<ctx(... globalIds: GIDS)>(global.get ID:Identifier) => #global.get({GIDS[ID]}:>Int)
requires ID in_keys(GIDS)
rule #t2aInstr<ctx(... globalIds: GIDS)>(global.set ID:Identifier) => #global.set({GIDS[ID]}:>Int)
requires ID in_keys(GIDS)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(global.get I:Int) => #global.get(I)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(global.set I:Int) => #global.set(I)
s can optionally be passed to load
and store
The offset
parameter is added to the the address given on the stack, resulting in the "effective address" to store to or load from.
The align
parameter is for optimization only and is not allowed to influence the semantics, so we ignore it.
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE:IValType.OP:StoreOp) => #store(ITYPE, OP, 0)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE:IValType.OP:StoreOp MemArg) => #store(ITYPE, OP, #getOffset(MemArg))
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE:FValType.OP:StoreOp) => #store(FTYPE, OP, 0)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE:FValType.OP:StoreOp MemArg) => #store(FTYPE, OP, #getOffset(MemArg))
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE:IValType.OP:LoadOp) => #load(ITYPE, OP, 0)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE:IValType.OP:LoadOp MemArg) => #load(ITYPE, OP, #getOffset(MemArg))
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE:FValType.OP:LoadOp) => #load(FTYPE, OP, 0)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE:FValType.OP:LoadOp MemArg) => #load(FTYPE, OP, #getOffset(MemArg))
rule #t2aInstr<_>(memory.size) => memory.size
rule #t2aInstr<_>(memory.grow) => memory.grow
syntax Int ::= #getOffset ( MemArg ) [function, functional]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule #getOffset( _:AlignArg) => 0
rule #getOffset(offset= OS ) => OS
rule #getOffset(offset= OS _:AlignArg) => OS
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE:IValType.const I) => ITYPE.const I
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE:FValType.const N) => FTYPE.const N
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE.OP:IUnOp) => ITYPE.OP
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE.OP:FUnOp) => FTYPE.OP
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE.OP:IBinOp) => ITYPE.OP
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE.OP:FBinOp) => FTYPE.OP
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE.OP:TestOp) => ITYPE.OP
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ITYPE.OP:IRelOp) => ITYPE.OP
rule #t2aInstr<_>(FTYPE.OP:FRelOp) => FTYPE.OP
rule #t2aInstr<_>(ATYPE.OP:CvtOp) => ATYPE.OP
There are several formats of block instructions, and the text-to-abstract transformation must be distributed over them. At this point, all branching identifiers should have been resolved, so we can remove the id.
rule #t2aInstr<C>( block _OID:OptionalId TDS:TypeDecls IS end _OID') => #block(gatherTypes(result, TDS), #t2aInstrs<C>(IS), .Int)
rule #t2aInstr<C>( loop _OID:OptionalId TDS IS end _OID') => #loop(gatherTypes(result, TDS), #t2aInstrs<C>(IS), .Int)
rule #t2aInstr<C>( if _OID:OptionalId TDS IS else _OID':OptionalId IS' end _OID'') => #if(gatherTypes(result, TDS), #t2aInstrs<C>(IS), #t2aInstrs<C>(IS'), .Int)
The following instructions are not part of the official Wasm text format. They are currently supported in KWasm text files, but may be deprecated.
rule #t2aInstr<_C>(trap) => trap
rule #t2aInstr<C>(#block(VT:VecType, IS:Instrs, BLOCKINFO)) => #block(VT, #t2aInstrs<C>(IS), BLOCKINFO)
rule #t2aInstr<_>(init_local I V) => init_local I V
rule #t2aInstr<_>(init_locals VS) => init_locals VS
The following are helper functions. They distribute the text-to-abstract functions above over lists.
syntax Stmts ::= "#t2aStmts" "<" Context ">" "(" Stmts ")" [function]
syntax Defns ::= "#t2aDefns" "<" Context ">" "(" Defns ")" [function]
syntax Instrs ::= "#t2aInstrs" "<" Context ">" "(" Instrs ")" [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #t2aStmts<C>(S:Stmt SS:Stmts) => #t2aStmt<C>(S) #t2aStmts<C>(SS)
rule #t2aStmts<_>(.Stmts) => .Stmts
rule #t2aDefns<C>(D:Defn DS:Defns) => #t2aDefn<C>(D) #t2aDefns<C>(DS)
rule #t2aDefns<_>(.Defns) => .Defns
rule #t2aInstrs<C>(I:Instr IS:Instrs) => #t2aInstr<C>(I) #t2aInstrs<C>(IS)
rule #t2aInstrs<_>(.Instrs) => .Instrs
The following are helper functions for gathering and updating context.
syntax Map ::= #idcTypes ( Defns ) [function]
| #idcTypesAux ( Defns, Int, Map ) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------
rule #idcTypes(DEFNS) => #idcTypesAux(DEFNS, 0, .Map)
rule #idcTypesAux((type ID:Identifier (func _)) TS => TS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, ACC => ACC [ ID <- IDX ]) requires notBool ID in_keys(ACC)
rule #idcTypesAux((type (func _)) TS => TS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, _ACC)
rule #idcTypesAux(.Defns, _, ACC) => ACC
syntax Map ::= #idcFuncs ( Defns, Defns ) [function]
| #idcFuncsAux ( Defns, Defns, Int, Map ) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
rule #idcFuncs(IMPORTS, DEFNS) => #idcFuncsAux(IMPORTS, DEFNS, 0, .Map)
rule #idcFuncsAux((import _ _ (func ID:Identifier _)) IS => IS, _FS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, ACC => ACC [ ID <-IDX ]) requires notBool ID in_keys(ACC)
rule #idcFuncsAux((import _ _ (func _)) IS => IS, _FS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, _ACC)
rule #idcFuncsAux(_I IS => IS, _FS, _IDX , _ACC) [owise]
rule #idcFuncsAux(.Defns, (func ID:Identifier _) FS => FS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, ACC => ACC [ ID <- IDX ]) requires notBool ID in_keys(ACC)
rule #idcFuncsAux(.Defns, (func _:FuncSpec) FS => FS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, _ACC)
rule #idcFuncsAux(.Defns, .Defns, _, ACC) => ACC
syntax Map ::= #idcGlobals ( Defns, Defns ) [function]
| #idcGlobalsAux ( Defns, Defns, Int, Map ) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #idcGlobals(IMPORTS, DEFNS) => #idcGlobalsAux(IMPORTS, DEFNS, 0, .Map)
rule #idcGlobalsAux((import _ _ (global ID:Identifier _)) IS => IS, _GS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, ACC => ACC [ ID <-IDX ]) requires notBool ID in_keys(ACC)
rule #idcGlobalsAux((import _ _ (global _)) IS => IS, _GS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, _ACC)
rule #idcGlobalsAux(_I IS => IS, _GS, _IDX , _ACC) [owise]
rule #idcGlobalsAux(.Defns, #global(... metadata: ID:Identifier) GS => GS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, ACC => ACC [ ID <- IDX ]) requires notBool ID in_keys(ACC)
rule #idcGlobalsAux(.Defns, #global(...) GS => GS, IDX => IDX +Int 1, _ACC) [owise]
rule #idcGlobalsAux(.Defns, .Defns, _, ACC) => ACC
syntax Map ::= #ids2Idxs(TypeUse, LocalDecls) [function, functional]
| #ids2Idxs(Int, TypeUse, LocalDecls) [function, functional]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #ids2Idxs(TU, LDS) => #ids2Idxs(0, TU, LDS)
rule #ids2Idxs(_, .TypeDecls, .LocalDecls) => .Map
rule #ids2Idxs(N, (type _) , LDS) => #ids2Idxs(N, .TypeDecls, LDS)
rule #ids2Idxs(N, (type _) TDS, LDS) => #ids2Idxs(N, TDS , LDS)
rule #ids2Idxs(N, (param ID:Identifier _) TDS, LDS)
=> (ID |-> N) #ids2Idxs(N +Int 1, TDS, LDS)
rule #ids2Idxs(N, (param _) TDS, LDS) => #ids2Idxs(N +Int 1, TDS, LDS)
rule #ids2Idxs(N, _TD:TypeDecl TDS, LDS) => #ids2Idxs(N , TDS, LDS) [owise]
rule #ids2Idxs(N, .TypeDecls, local ID:Identifier _ LDS:LocalDecls)
=> (ID |-> N) #ids2Idxs(N +Int 1, .TypeDecls, LDS)
rule #ids2Idxs(N, .TypeDecls, _LD:LocalDecl LDS) => #ids2Idxs(N +Int 1, .TypeDecls, LDS) [owise]