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This guide will show you how to run this project locally if you want to test or contribute to it.

πŸ›  Prerequisites

Most projects under the umbrella of data systems are written in Rust, so we prefer using Rust tooling and community standards. Ensure you have the following tools installed:

πŸ“Ÿ Setting up

First, clone this repository:

git clone [email protected]:fuellabs/data-systems.git
cd data-systems

Now, install the necessary tools to ensure code quality and standards. Use Make to simplify this process:

make setup

After setup, you'll need to create the environment configuration. First, make sure you have an Infura API key:

  1. Go to Infura and create an account
  2. Create a new project
  3. Copy your project ID (API key)

Then run the environment setup command:

make create-env

The script will prompt you to enter your Infura API key and will automatically:

  • Generate a new keypair for P2P communication
  • Create a .env file from the template
  • Configure the environment with your Infura key and the generated keypair

You can check the ./scripts/ file to see what is being installed on your machine.

πŸ“‚ Project Structure

Here's an overview of the project's directory structure:

  • crates/: Contains the main Rust crates for the project
    • data-parser/: Utility library for encoding/decoding data
    • message-broker/: Message broker implementation
    • fuel-streams/: Main fuel-streams package
    • core/: Core components for working with streams
    • domains/: Domain-specific implementations
    • subject/: Macro utilities for the project
    • store/: Storage implementations
    • types/: Common types and traits
    • web-utils/: Web utilities
    • test/: Testing utilities
  • services/: Contains the services for the project
    • publisher/: Publisher service implementation
    • consumer/: Consumer service implementation
    • webserver/: WebSocket server implementation
  • benches/: Benchmarking code
  • tests/: Integration and end-to-end tests
  • examples/: Example code and usage demonstrations
  • cluster/: Kubernetes cluster configuration and deployment files
  • scripts/: Utility scripts for setup, deployment, and maintenance
    • generate-api-keys/: Script for generating API keys
    • subjects-schema/: Script for generating subjects schema

πŸ§ͺ Running Tests

The project uses cargo-nextest for running tests. Here are the available test commands:

# Run all tests in the project
make test

# Run tests for a specific package
make test PACKAGE=<package-name>

# Run tests in watch mode
make test-watch

# Run tests with a specific profile
make test PROFILE=<profile-name>

# Run Helm chart tests
make helm-test

πŸ” Development Commands

Building Commands

Command Description
make build Build release version
make dev-watch Run in development mode with auto-reload

Formatting Commands

Command Description
make fmt Format all code
make fmt-rust Format Rust code only
make fmt-markdown Format markdown files
make fmt-prettier Format other files with prettier

Linting Commands

Command Description
make lint Run all linters
make lint-rust Run Rust linter
make lint-clippy Run clippy
make lint-markdown Lint markdown files
make lint-machete Check for unused dependencies

Docker Commands

Command Description
make start-docker Start Docker services
make stop-docker Stop Docker services
make reset-docker Reset Docker services

Database Commands

Command Description
make setup-db Set up database
make reset-db Reset database

Documentation Commands

Command Description
make docs Generate documentation
make docs-serve Serve documentation locally

Version Management Commands

Command Description
make version Show current version
make bump-version VERSION=X.Y.Z Bump version to specified number

Audit Commands

Command Description
make audit Run security audit
make audit-fix-test Test security fixes
make audit-fix Apply security fixes

Cluster Commands

Command Description
make minikube-setup Setup Minikube cluster
make minikube-start Start Minikube cluster
make minikube-delete Delete Minikube cluster
make cluster-up Start local cluster
make cluster-down Stop local cluster
make cluster-reset Reset local cluster

Load Testing Commands

Command Description
make load-test Run load tests
make bench Run benchmarks

πŸš€ Running Local Services

The project includes several services that can be run locally:

Publisher Service

The publisher service is responsible for fetching and publishing blockchain data. You can run it in different modes:

# Run publisher in development mode
make run-publisher-testnet-dev # For testnet
make run-publisher-mainnet-dev # For mainnet

# Run with profiling
make run-publisher-testnet-profiling
make run-publisher-mainnet-profiling

# Run with custom parameters
make run-publisher \
    NETWORK=testnet \
    MODE=dev \
    PORT=4000 \
    NATS_URL=localhost:4222 \
  • Use testnet-dev when developing features against testnet
  • Use mainnet-dev when developing features against mainnet
  • Use *-profiling modes when you need to analyze performance or debug memory issues
  • Custom parameters:
    • NETWORK: Choose between testnet or mainnet
    • MODE: Choose between dev or profiling
    • PORT: Service port (default: 4000)
    • TELEMETRY_PORT: Metrics port (default: 9001)
    • NATS_URL: NATS server URL
    • FROM_HEIGHT: Starting block height

Consumer Service

The consumer service processes the published blockchain data and maintains the database state:

# Run with default settings
make run-consumer

# Run with custom parameters
make run-consumer \
    NATS_URL=localhost:4222 \
  • Custom parameters:
    • NATS_URL: NATS server URL (default: localhost:4222)
    • PORT: Service port (default: 9002)

This service should be running alongside the publisher to process the data stream.


The webserver provides WebSocket endpoints for clients to subscribe to real-time blockchain data:

# Run with default settings
make run-webserver-testnet-dev
make run-webserver-mainnet-dev

# Run with custom parameters
make run-webserver \
    NETWORK=testnet \
    MODE=dev \
    PORT=9003 \
  • Use testnet-dev to serve testnet data during development
  • Use mainnet-dev to serve mainnet data during development
  • Custom parameters:
    • NETWORK: Choose between testnet or mainnet
    • MODE: Choose between dev or profiling
    • PORT: Service port (default: 9003)
    • NATS_URL: NATS server URL

For local development, a typical setup would be:

  1. Start the publisher service for your desired network
  2. Run the consumer service to process the data
  3. Start the webserver to expose the processed data via WebSocket

πŸ“‡ Code Conventions

We enforce strict code conventions to ensure quality, sustainability, and maintainability. The following tools help automate our standards:

πŸ”§ Development Tools

πŸ“ Commit Message Structure

All commits must follow the Conventional Commits specification using this format:

type(scope): subject

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

Commit Types

Choose the appropriate type that best describes your changes:

  • feat: New features or significant functionality additions
  • fix: Bug fixes and error corrections
  • docs: Documentation changes only
  • refactor: Code changes that neither fix bugs nor add features
  • perf: Performance improvements
  • test: Adding or modifying tests
  • build: Changes affecting build system or dependencies
  • ci: Changes to CI configuration files and scripts

Commit Scopes

The scope field is mandatory and must be one of the following:

Core Packages:

  • fuel-streams: Main fuel-streams package
  • fuel-streams-core: Core components and utilities
  • fuel-streams-domains: Domain-specific implementations
  • fuel-streams-types: Common types and traits
  • fuel-streams-subject: Macro utilities
  • fuel-streams-store: Storage implementations

Service Packages:

  • sv-publisher: Publisher service
  • sv-consumer: Consumer service
  • sv-webserver: WebSocket server

Support Packages:

  • fuel-data-parser: Data parser utilities
  • fuel-message-broker: Message broker implementation
  • fuel-streams-test: Testing utilities
  • fuel-web-utils: Web utilities


  • repo: Global repository changes
  • release: Automated release pull requests

🚨 Breaking Changes

For breaking changes:

  1. Add a ! after the type/scope
  2. Include a BREAKING CHANGE: footer
  3. Clearly explain the changes and migration path

Example of a breaking change commit:

feat(fuel-streams-core)!: implement new streaming protocol

[optional body explaining the changes in detail]

BREAKING CHANGE: The streaming protocol has been completely redesigned.
Users need to:
1. Update client implementations to use the new StreamingClient
2. Migrate existing stream configurations
3. Update any custom protocol handlers

πŸ€– Automated Release Process

We use release-plz to automate our release workflow. This tool:

  1. Generates changelogs based on conventional commits
  2. Groups changes by scope in the changelog
  3. Determines version bumps based on commit types
  4. Creates release pull requests

For this automation to work effectively:

  • Always use the correct commit type and scope
  • Write clear, descriptive commit messages
  • Include all necessary details for breaking changes
  • Ensure PR titles follow the same conventional commit format

Example of how commits affect releases:

feat(fuel-streams): add new feature  // Minor version bump
fix(sv-publisher): fix bug           // Patch version bump
feat(fuel-streams-core)!: breaking   // Major version bump

πŸ“‹ Pull Request Guidelines

When creating a PR:

  1. Use the same conventional commit format in the PR title
  2. Include the mandatory scope field
  3. Reference related issues
  4. Provide detailed description of changes
  5. Add breaking change warnings if applicable

Example PR title:

feat(fuel-streams-core)!: implement new streaming protocol

This structured approach to commits and PRs ensures:

  • Clear and searchable project history
  • Automated and accurate changelog generation
  • Proper semantic versioning
  • Easy identification of breaking changes
  • Efficient code review process

πŸš€ Running Local Cluster

The project includes support for running a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube for development and testing. Here's a quick guide to get started:

  1. Setup Minikube cluster:
make minikube-setup
make minikube-start

For detailed information about the necessary tools to install, cluster configuration, deployment options, and troubleshooting, please refer to the Cluster Documentation.

πŸ›  Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues while setting up or contributing to the project, here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Pre-commit hooks failing: Ensure you've installed all the required dependencies and run make setup. If issues persist, try running pre-commit run --all-files to see detailed error messages.

  2. Build failures: Make sure you're using the latest stable Rust version (1.84.0) and the correct nightly version (nightly-2025-01-24). You can update Rust using rustup update stable and rustup update nightly-2025-01-24.

  3. Test failures: If specific tests are failing, try running them in isolation to see if it's a concurrency issue. Use RUST_BACKTRACE=1 to get more detailed error information.

  4. Docker issues: If you encounter Docker-related issues, try:

    • Ensuring Docker daemon is running
    • Running docker system prune to clean up unused resources
    • Checking Docker logs with docker logs <container-name>
  5. Database issues: If you encounter database problems:

    • Ensure PostgreSQL is running with make start-docker
    • Reset the database with make reset-db
    • Check database logs with docker logs <postgres-container-name>

If you encounter any other issues not listed here, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

πŸ“š Additional Resources

We appreciate your contributions to the Fuel Data Systems project!