Once a model has completed fine-tuning, the model must be validated for precision and accuracy against the dataset used to fine-tune the model. The fine-tuned model in this example has been, Built with Meta Llama 3.1. In this example, the model is deployed on an inference serving engine to host the model for the model validation to take place. Two steps are performed for this activity, the first is to send prompts to the fine-tuned model, the second is to validate the results.
- This guide was developed to be run on the playground AI/ML platform. If you are using a different environment the scripts and manifest will need to be modified for that environment.
- A bucket containing the prepared data from the Data Preparation example
NOTE: If you did not execute the data preparation example, follow these instructions to load the dataset into the bucket.
- A bucket containing the model weights from the Fine tuning example
NOTE: If you did not execute the fine-tuning example, follow these instructions to load the model into the bucket.
Clone the repository and change directory to the guide directory
git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/accelerated-platforms && \ cd accelerated-platforms/use-cases/model-fine-tuning-pipeline/model-eval
Ensure that your
is configuredcat ${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_FILE} && \ source ${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_FILE}
You should see the various variables populated with the information specific to your environment.
Build container image using Cloud Build and push the image to Artifact Registry
cd src sed -i -e "s|^serviceAccount:.*|serviceAccount: projects/${MLP_PROJECT_ID}/serviceAccounts/${MLP_BUILD_GSA}|" cloudbuild.yaml gcloud beta builds submit \ --config cloudbuild.yaml \ --gcs-source-staging-dir gs://${MLP_CLOUDBUILD_BUCKET}/source \ --project ${MLP_PROJECT_ID} \ --substitutions _DESTINATION=${MLP_MODEL_EVALUATION_IMAGE} cd ..
Get credentials for the GKE cluster
gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials ${MLP_CLUSTER_NAME} --project ${MLP_PROJECT_ID}
Configure the deployment
Variable Description Example ACCELERATOR Type of GPU accelerator to use (l4, a100) l4 VLLM_IMAGE_URL The image url for the vllm image vllm/vllm-openai:v0.6.3.post1 MODEL The output folder path for the fine-tuned model /model-data/model-gemma2-a100/experiment ACCELERATOR="l4" VLLM_IMAGE_URL="vllm/vllm-openai:v0.6.3.post1" MODEL="/model-data/model-gemma2/experiment"
sed \ -i -e "s|V_IMAGE_URL|${VLLM_IMAGE_URL}|" \ -i -e "s|V_KSA|${MLP_MODEL_EVALUATION_KSA}|" \ -i -e "s|V_BUCKET|${MLP_MODEL_BUCKET}|" \ -i -e "s|V_MODEL_PATH|${MODEL}|" \ manifests/deployment-${ACCELERATOR}.yaml
Create the deployment
kubectl --namespace ${MLP_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE} apply -f manifests/deployment-${ACCELERATOR}.yaml
Wait for the deployment to be ready
kubectl --namespace ${MLP_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE} wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=900s pod -l app=vllm-openai-${ACCELERATOR}
When they deployment is ready your should see output similar to:
pod/vllm-openai-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXX condition met
Configure the job
Variable Description Example DATASET_OUTPUT_PATH The folder path of the generated output data set. dataset/output ENDPOINT This is the endpoint URL of the inference server http://vllm-openai-l4:8000/v1/chat/completions MODEL_PATH The output folder path for the fine-tuned model. This is used by model evaluation to generate the prompt. /model-data/model-gemma2/experiment PREDICTIONS_FILE The predictions file predictions.txt DATASET_OUTPUT_PATH="dataset/output" ENDPOINT="http://vllm-openai-${ACCELERATOR}:8000/v1/chat/completions" MODEL_PATH="/model-data/model-gemma2/experiment" PREDICTIONS_FILE="predictions.txt"
Create the job
kubectl --namespace ${MLP_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE} apply -f manifests/job.yaml