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Cloud Function Module (v2)

Cloud Function management, with support for IAM roles, optional bucket creation and bundle via GCS URI, local zip, or local source folder.


  • add support for source_repository


HTTP trigger

This deploys a Cloud Function with an HTTP endpoint, using a pre-existing GCS bucket for deployment, setting the service account to the Cloud Function default one, and delegating access control to the containing project.

module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  depends_on = [
# tftest modules=1 resources=5 fixtures=fixtures/ e2e

PubSub and non-HTTP triggers

Other trigger types other than HTTP are configured via the trigger_config variable. This example shows a PubSub trigger via Eventarc:

module "trigger-service-account" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/iam-service-account"
  project_id = var.project_id
  name       = "sa-cloudfunction"
  iam_project_roles = {
    (var.project_id) = [

module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  trigger_config = {
    event_type            = ""
    pubsub_topic          =
    service_account_email =
  depends_on = [
# tftest modules=3 resources=9 fixtures=fixtures/,fixtures/ e2e

Ensure that pubsub service identity (service-[project number] has roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator as documented here.

Controlling HTTP access

To allow anonymous access to the function, grant the roles/run.invoker role to the special allUsers identifier. Use specific identities (service accounts, groups, etc.) instead of allUsers to only allow selective access. The Cloud Run role needs to be used as explained in the gcloud documentation.

module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  iam = {
    "roles/run.invoker" = ["allUsers"]
  depends_on = [
# tftest fixtures=fixtures/ inventory=iam.yaml e2e

GCS bucket creation

You can have the module auto-create the GCS bucket used for deployment via the bucket_config variable. Setting bucket_config.location to null will also use the function region for GCS.

module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  prefix      = var.prefix
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bucket_config = {
    force_destroy             = true
    lifecycle_delete_age_days = 1
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  depends_on = [
# tftest fixtures=fixtures/ inventory=bucket-creation.yaml e2e

Service account management

To use a custom service account managed by the module, set service_account_create to true and leave service_account set to null value (default).

module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  service_account_create = true
  depends_on = [
# tftest modules=1 resources=6 fixtures=fixtures/ e2e

To use an externally managed service account, pass its email in service_account and leave service_account_create to false (the default).

module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  service_account =
  depends_on = [
# tftest modules=1 resources=5 fixtures=fixtures/ e2e

Custom bundle config

The Cloud Function bundle can be configured via the bundle_config variable. The only mandatory argument is bundle_config.path which can point to:

  • a GCS URI of a ZIP archive
  • a local path to a ZIP archive
  • a local path to a source folder

When a GCS URI or a local zip file are used, a change in their names will trigger redeployment. When a local source folder is used a ZIP archive will be automatically generated and its internally derived checksum will drive redeployment. You can optionally control its name and exclusions via the attributes in bundle_config.folder_options.

module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
    folder_options = {
      archive_path = ""
      excludes     = ["__pycache__"]
  depends_on = [
# tftest modules=1 resources=5 fixtures=fixtures/ e2e

Private Cloud Build Pool

This deploys a Cloud Function with an HTTP endpoint, using a pre-existing GCS bucket for deployment using a pre existing private Cloud Build worker pool.

module "cf-http" {
  source            = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id        = var.project_id
  region            = var.regions.secondary
  name              = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name       = var.bucket
  build_worker_pool =
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  depends_on = [
# tftest modules=1 resources=6 fixtures=fixtures/,fixtures/ e2e

Multiple Cloud Functions within project

When deploying multiple functions via local folders do not reuse bundle_config.archive_path between instances as the result is undefined. Default archive_path creates file in /tmp folder using project Id and function name to avoid name conflicts.

module "cf-http-one" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http-one"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"

module "cf-http-two" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http-two"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  depends_on = [
# tftest fixtures=fixtures/ inventory=multiple_functions.yaml e2e

Mounting secrets from Secret Manager

This provides the latest value of the secret var_secret as VARIABLE_SECRET environment variable and three values of path_secret mounted in filesystem:

  • /app/secret/ver1 contains version referenced by module.secret-manager.version_versions["credentials:v1"]
module "cf-http" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/cloud-function-v2"
  project_id  = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  name        = "test-cf-http"
  bucket_name = var.bucket
  bundle_config = {
    path = "assets/sample-function/"
  secrets = {
      is_volume  = false
      project_id = var.project_id
      secret     = reverse(split("/", module.secret-manager.secrets["credentials"].name))[0]
      versions = [
    "/app/secret" = {
      is_volume  = true
      project_id = var.project_id
      secret     = reverse(split("/", module.secret-manager.secrets["credentials"].name))[0]
      versions = [
  depends_on = [

# tftest fixtures=fixtures/,fixtures/ inventory=secrets.yaml e2e


name description type required default
bucket_name Name of the bucket that will be used for the function code. It will be created with prefix prepended if bucket_config is not null. string
bundle_config Cloud function source. Path can point to a GCS object URI, or a local path. A local path to a zip archive will generate a GCS object using its basename, a folder will be zipped and the GCS object name inferred when not specified. object({…})
name Name used for cloud function and associated resources. string
project_id Project id used for all resources. string
region Region used for all resources. string
bucket_config Enable and configure auto-created bucket. Set fields to null to use defaults. object({…}) null
build_environment_variables A set of key/value environment variable pairs available during build time. map(string) {}
build_service_account Build service account email. string null
build_worker_pool Build worker pool, in projects//locations//workerPools/<POOL_NAME> format. string null
description Optional description. string "Terraform managed."
docker_repository_id User managed repository created in Artifact Registry. string null
environment_variables Cloud function environment variables. map(string) {…}
function_config Cloud function configuration. Defaults to using main as entrypoint, 1 instance with 256MiB of memory, and 180 second timeout. object({…}) {…}
iam IAM bindings for topic in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. map(list(string)) {}
ingress_settings Control traffic that reaches the cloud function. Allowed values are ALLOW_ALL, ALLOW_INTERNAL_AND_GCLB and ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY . string null
kms_key Resource name of a KMS crypto key (managed by the user) used to encrypt/decrypt function resources in key id format. If specified, you must also provide an artifact registry repository using the docker_repository_id field that was created with the same KMS crypto key. string null
labels Resource labels. map(string) {}
prefix Optional prefix used for resource names. string null
secrets Secret Manager secrets. Key is the variable name or mountpoint, volume versions are in version:path format. map(object({…})) {}
service_account Service account email. Unused if service account is auto-created. string null
service_account_create Auto-create service account. bool false
trigger_config Function trigger configuration. Leave null for HTTP trigger. object({…}) null
vpc_connector VPC connector configuration. Set create to 'true' if a new connector needs to be created. object({…}) {}
vpc_connector_config VPC connector network configuration. Must be provided if new VPC connector is being created. object({…}) null


name description sensitive
bucket Bucket resource (only if auto-created).
bucket_name Bucket name.
function Cloud function resources.
function_name Cloud function name.
id Fully qualified function id.
invoke_command Command to invoke Cloud Run Function.
service_account Service account resource.
service_account_email Service account email.
service_account_iam_email Service account email.
trigger_service_account Service account resource.
trigger_service_account_email Service account email.
trigger_service_account_iam_email Service account email.
uri Cloud function service uri.
vpc_connector VPC connector resource if created.
