#GsDevKit Seaside Server Installation
If you are planning to work on a Seaside project, you can bypass the base GsDevKit server installation, and start right off installing the Seaside project and building a Seaside server.
A complete GsDevKit installation includes both a server and a client, which can be on the same or on different nodes.
These instructions provide information on installing the server Seaside component, without installing a client. After
you have installed the server, you will also need to install a client, which you can do on the seaside server node or on another node.
These instructions are part of the instructions for installing Seaside; refer to these instructions for the OS configuration required and other steps.
The GsDevKit server may be installed on Linux or Mac; the process is the same on both.
The GemStone/S 64 Bit does not run directly on Windows, however, you may create a Linux VM on Windows and
run the GsDevKit server within that VM.
To establish the connection between the client and the server, a server process called the NetLDI listens on a well-known port. This port may be selected and reserved, or you may allow the system to select one. However, if you allow the OS to select the port, on restart it will select a different port and the client will need to be updated.
To avoid this, it is recommended to assign a reserved port number to a named NetLDI by adding an entry to the network services database, which may be /etc/services, before installing. You do need to know the name that you will use for the server installation, since the NetLDI name is derived from that. For example, if you will install the stone server with the name seaside_3210, add an entry to services.dat similar to:
seaside_3210_ldi 50379/tcp # Gemstone netldi
####GemStone Version and License Before running installing the server, please check on the GemStone/S 64 Bit product page for the latest versions and visit the Community and Web Edition Licensing page for information on the license included with the download and other options. It is a good idea to acquire a free, Limited Community License by sending email to [email protected]. It is also recommended that you download and use the latest version of the GemStone/S 64 Bit product. The following instructions are for version 3.2.10.
##Install Server
The following steps are involved in installing the GsDevKit server. For an example script to execute, see Example Script to Install Seaside Server
Determine your installation directory and clone GsDevKit_home to that location
The following instructions clone the Development Kit to the current directory, so before starting, cd to the directory in which you want the GsDevKit checkout to be located.
cd <githubdirectory> git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home.git cd GsDevKit_home
Perform the git checkout and branch
git checkout -b gsdevkit
Set the environment
The environment variable $GS_HOME and the updated $PATH are required to use DevKit, so you should add them to your
or another initialization script.export GS_HOME=<githubdirectory> export PATH=$GS_HOME/bin:$PATH
Clone the seaside project into the projects directory
cd $GS_HOME/etc git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_seaside31.git
Add the seaside projects directory to your path
This makes it easier to work with seaside-specific scripts.
export PATH=$GS_HOME/etc/GsDevKit_seaside31/bin:$PATH
Perform the Server installation
The installation is performed by a GsDevKit bash script. This script takes care of cloning the required projects to your server node, installing a seaside stone of the specified version and and specified name, and starting that stone.
Note: this script uses sudo to install, and will prompt you for your password.Script to download and install the seaside server:
installServerSeaside -c https -z <seasideWebPort> <myStoneName> <GemStoneVersion>
These instructions use 3.2.10 for
; check for more recent GemStone/S 64 Bit Releases.You may use any name for the
. You may later have multiple stones and multiple clients. The examples below use seaside_3210. For<authMode>
, use https, though ssh will also work if you have ssh authentication already set up.After these scripts successfully complete, you will have a seaside stone named
, of GemStone/S 64 Bit version<GemStoneVersion>
, installed on your server node and running. You will also have a NetLDI named<myStoneName>_ldi
running on the server, so the server is ready for a tODE client to connect.
This script installs the seaside server components, and creates and starts a 3.2.11 stone server named seaside_3210 and a NetLDI named seaside_3210_ldi.
git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home.git
cd GsDevKit_home
git checkout -b gsdevkit
export GS_HOME=`pwd`
cd $GS_HOME/etc
git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_seaside31.git
export PATH=$GS_HOME/bin:$GS_HOME/etc/GsDevKit_seaside31/bin:$PATH
installServerSeaside -c https -z 8383 seaside_3210 3.2.10