-(name 'SocketStream-dkh.23' message 'Issue #74: proposed bugfix ... based on logic explained here: https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsApplicationTools/issues/29#issuecomment-89381198' id '26c247f1-8652-490e-926a-d37317273eb8' date '04/03/2015' time '11:35:55' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.22' message 'Issue #69: push ZnGemServer up to ZnAbstractGemServer and create sibling ZnNewGemServer that is married with ZnGemServerManagingMultiThreadedServer which is a refactored ZnTransactionSafeManagingMultiThreadedServer/ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer that replaces all of the error handling with gemServer:* calls ... create interfact to delegates so that ZnGemServerManagingMultiThreadedServer can be used with any existing delegates, although by default there are no transactions being performed, but the handleRequest:gemServer: method can changed to add transactions ... no tests for the new boys ... yet' id '54dac9e9-c544-4fb3-9456-cd34ff20a5bf' date '01/07/2015' time '19:52:41' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.21' message 'Issue #59: now pass timeout along to SocketStreamSocket' id '38d8ce7b-5b2b-430e-9e85-7851a733c505' date '12/11/2014' time '20:29:11' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.20' message 'Issue #43: move SocketStream class>>openConnectionToHost:port:timeout: to SocketStream package' id 'df32d528-9c73-435f-9b88-35f3d5a2eee0' date '12/11/2014' time '14:57:42' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.19' message 'Issue #58: make SocketStream and friends continuation friendly by wrapping GsSocket references in a TransientStackValue. Add ZnTransactionSafeManagingMultiThreadedServer a subclass of ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer where all references to GsSockets are wrapped by a TransientStackValue ... including places where GsSockets are passed as arguments ... this makes the server instance transaction safe, so continuations can be snapped off and transactions can be safely used in delegates ...' id '7e18903d-a920-4db3-8d9e-f8b66e07f4b3' date '12/09/2014' time '11:21:16' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.18' message 'Issue #58: flesh out remote breakpoint work ... cannot switch back to native threads, but for development of servers, it can still be useful ... continue following this thread ...' id 'ccc617a8-4e5f-4778-bdc8-630e9a2edd33' date '12/06/2014' time '15:02:51' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.17' message 'Issue #58: fixed{?) an accept problem whereby an accept error in SocketStreamSocket would lead to an infinite loop creating processes and then running out of memory ... Fix Rest test error ... only pass exceptions in debugMode for ZnServer' id '441ec0b2-3e41-4aea-9553-0c7cebb110cb' date '12/04/2014' time '07:52:22' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.16' message 'fix Issue #51, signal ConnectionClosed when zero bytes returned in SocketStreamSocket>>receiveDataSignallingTimeout:into:startingAt: - 282 run, 267 passes, 0 expected defects, 11 failures, 4 errors, 0 unexpected passes' id '4d54a9e5-1441-4e7e-b1ef-b1eafcf07fb7' date '06/27/2014' time '12:49:39' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.15' message 'improve error logging a bit and take symbol creation out of a loop' id 'd977f852-877f-43e8-9142-2887f783afa3' date '06/06/2014' time '07:53:50' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.14' message 'final touches for Zinc port: 226 run, 222 passes, 4 expected failures, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 unexpected passes' id '59b64c1b-1da3-4c72-8271-e1f8b8d473ab' date '08/06/2012' time '17:48:24' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-dkh.13' message 'additional zinc support' id 'ec318e72-459d-4583-9465-a6b7b93cdd26' date '08/06/2012' time '12:28:12' author 'dkh' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.12' message 'added a timeout for #accept. use #accept:' id 'f72cef29-376f-4345-93d2-290a478f3594' date '04/13/2011' time '11:28:17' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.11' message 'Revised so now all the tests pass. ' id 'e0ddf9f3-a526-4dfb-a77e-19ae15ba3478' date '04/12/2011' time '16:16:59' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.10' message 'Moved some extensions from Zinc to SocketStream' id '17ebfec6-9e85-45f0-b03e-b4398798b0e2' date '04/10/2011' time '11:32:48' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.9' message 'forgot to include SocketStreamSocket>>#destroy' id '5719a133-c336-4394-9eef-dd7c81910bc7' date '04/08/2011' time '18:32:46' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.8' message 'Changed to remove the testing of whether or not the socket isConnected in waitForAcceptFor:' id '6a99b6a9-6294-47e9-abd2-f6ce7e9341fa' date '04/08/2011' time '10:22:35' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.7' message 'Left a halt in inadvertently ' id 'c202e09a-80d4-4ea9-b26a-9c94fe6096e5' date '04/07/2011' time '20:04:06' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.6' message 'Had a bug where the socket waited at least until the value of standardTimeout before returning data. Things that used to take at least 45 seconds now take a fraction of a second. ' id '36f48d31-f1f1-44fd-a589-13efe4554468' date '04/07/2011' time '20:00:17' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.5' message 'initial release. Works with Chronos, passes 12 of 14 tests. Does not pass those tests which check that the appropriate error is raised when an error occurs. ' id 'fb5fc467-fbb2-4d60-8a50-22aa951cfd22' date '03/12/2011' time '00:00:00' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.4' message 'initial release. Works with Chronos, passes 12 of 14 tests. Does not pass those tests which check that the appropriate error is raised when an error occurs. ' id 'e78a7cda-b5f1-4527-be4d-c4b9fa9c2ae0' date '03/12/2011' time '00:00:00' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.3' message 'Added SocketStreamSocket>>accept' id '0e413f62-ed07-487d-bb4a-c4c7081c7674' date '03/12/2011' time '00:00:00' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.2' message 'Subclassed SpSocket rather than add a bunch of overrides and extensions' id '18cd025b-b808-4e4d-874f-d8a829c84dc7' date '03/12/2011' time '00:00:00' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors ((name 'SocketStream-PaulDeBruicker.1' message 'Renamed in anticipation of uploading to Gemsource.' id '22385bc5-30f4-4c64-8e9f-8bb863e432b2' date '03/09/2011' time '00:00:00' author 'PaulDeBruicker' ancestors () stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())) stepChildren ())
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