: Manage the Rsyslog daemon package, service, and configuration.rsyslog::base
: This class manages the base installation for rsyslogrsyslog::config
: Manage the configuration parameters for rsyslog. This class can be called explicitly or through the use of hieradata.rsyslog::config::actions
: This is a catch-all definition for use in edge cases where some code needs inserting somewhere in rsyslog.d according to priority but cannotrsyslog::component::expression_filter
: Struct data type alias for Rsyslog ActionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omamqp1
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog JournalD module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omkafka
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog Kafka module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omlibdbi
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog libdbi module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Ommail
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog E-Mail module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Ommongodb
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog MongoDB output module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Ommysql
: Struct data type alias for MySQL Rsyslog output module.Rsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Ompgsql
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog PostgreSQL module's Action options Not allowing the serverport, uid, or pwd rsyslog options as they are ideRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Ompipe
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog Pipe module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omprog
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog Program module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omrelp
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog RELP module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omsnmp
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog SNMP module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omudpspoof
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog UDP Spoof module's Action optionsRsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omusrmsg
: Struct data type for the Rsyslog User MSG module's Action Parameters.Rsyslog::Actions::Parameters
: Struct data type for general Rsyslog Action parametersRsyslog::Inputs::Imbatchreports
: Data type for Rsyslog Input module parameters for batch report inputs.Rsyslog::Inputs::Imfile
: Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for file inputs.Rsyslog::Inputs::Imgssapi
: Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for gssapi.Rsyslog::Inputs::Imkafka
: Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for Apache Kafka.Rsyslog::Inputs::Improg
: Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for Program inputRsyslog::Inputs::Imptcp
: Data type for Rsyslog Plain TCP input moduleRsyslog::Inputs::Imrelp
: Data type for Rsyslog Plain TCP input moduleRsyslog::Inputs::Imtcp
: Data type for Rsyslog TCP input moduleRsyslog::Inputs::Imtuxedoulog
: Data for Rsyslog Input Tuxedo ULOG moduleRsyslog::Inputs::Imudp
: Data type for Rsyslog UDP input moduleRsyslog::Inputs::Imuxsock
: Data type for Rsyslog Unix Socket input moduleRsyslog::Modules::Input
: Data type for Rsyslog module parameters for imdockerRsyslog::Modules::Inputs::Imfile
: Data type for Rsyslog Input module parameters for file inputs.Rsyslog::Modules::Inputs::Imjournal
: Rsyslog imjournal Module parameter data typeRsyslog::Modules::Message
: Enumerable custom type for rsyslog property operatorsRsyslog::Queue::Parameters
: Syslog severity data type
Manage the Rsyslog daemon package, service, and configuration.
class { 'rsyslog':
manage_service => true,
# Manifest
include rsyslog
include rsyslog::config
# Hieradata
rsyslog::confdir: /etc/rsyslog.d
rsyslog::package_name: rsyslog
value: '/var/spool/rsyslog'
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog
Data type: String
The rsyslog configuration directory.
Data type: String
The name of the rsyslog package to install.
Data type: String
The version of rsyslog to install.
Data type: String
The global rsyslog configuration file.
Data type: Array
List of additional rsyslog packages to install.
Data type: Integer
Order the loading of rsyslog modules relative to other configuration.
Data type: String
Name of the SystemD, Upstart, or SysVInit service.
Data type: String
State desired for the rsyslog service.
Data type: Boolean
Is the service enabled or not.
Data type: Boolean
Override the default rsyslog.conf file.
Data type: Boolean
Toggle the managing of the rsyslog package.
Data type: Boolean
Toggle using the upstream Adiscon Rsyslog repository.
Data type: Boolean
Toggle management of the Rsyslog configuration directory.
Data type: Boolean
Toggle management of the rsyslog service.
Data type: Boolean
Toggle if the service is external to where rsyslog is being run. I.E. a service that starts a docker container running rsyslog.
Data type: Boolean
Toggle purging of unmanaged configuration files.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of global configuration parameters in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of legacy configuration parameters in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of template configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of action configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of input configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of custom configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of main queue configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of lookup table configuration in rsyslog.
Set the global ordering of parser configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of rulesets configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: Integer
Set the global ordering of filter configuration in rsyslog.
Data type: String
Target file to insert configuration into.
Data type: Stdlib::Filemode
Set the file mode for the generated configuration files.
Default value: '0644'
Data type: Stdlib::Filemode
Set the file mode for the rsyslog.d configuration directory.
Default value: '0755'
Data type: Stdlib::Filemode
Set the file mode for the /etc/rsyslog.conf
Default value: $conf_permissions
Data type: Integer
This class manages the base installation for rsyslog
Manage the configuration parameters for rsyslog. This class can be called explicitly or through the use of hieradata.
class { 'rsyslog::config':
global_config => {
'workDirectory' => {
'value' => '/var/spool/rsyslog',
'maxMessageSize' => {
'value' => '64k'
actions => {
'all_logs' => {
'type' => 'omfile',
'facility' => '*.*;auth,authpriv.none',
'config' => {
'dynaFile' => 'remoteSyslog',
'specifics' => '/var/log/test',
# Include class
include rsyslog::config
# Hieradata
value: '/var/spool/rsyslog'
value: '64k'
type: omfile
factiliy: "*.*;auth,authpriv.none"
dynaFile: remoteSyslog
specifics: '/var/log/test'
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::config
Data type: Hash
Hash of global configuration options. Supports both Rainerscript and Legacy configuration formats depending on the configuration option.
- :name (String) [undef] Name of the global configuration option to set.
- :priority (Integer) [10] Sets where in the config the option will be placed in the target file.
- :target (String) [50_rsyslog.conf] File to place the conf
- :confdir (String) [/etc/rsyslog.d] Directory where the configuration file exists.
- :value (String) [] Value of the configuration item
- :config (Hash) [{}] Hash of configuration data for the option. Contents dependent on the configuration option.
- :type (Enum['rainerscript', 'legacy']) [rainerscript] configuration format to use.
- :format (String) ['<%= $content %>'] The content format. Defaults to epp template code.
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Hash of rsyslog configuration in the legacy format.
- :name (String) [undef] Name of the legacy configuration option.
- :priority (Integer) [10] Sets where in the config the option will be placed in the target file.
- :target (String) [50_rsyslog.conf] File to place the conf
- :value (String) [] Value of the configuration item
- :confdir (String) [/etc/rsyslog.d] The configuration directory where config file exists.
- :key (String) [legacy_key] The rsyslog legacy configuration key name
- :type (String) [sysklogd] The type of legacy configuration it is.
- :format (String) ['<%= $content %>'] The content format. Defaults to epp template code.
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Hash of rsyslog templates.
- :name (String) [undef] Name of the global configuration option to set.
- :priority (Integer) [10] Sets where in the config the option will be placed in the target file.
- :target (String) [50_rsyslog.conf] File to place the conf
- :confdir (String) [/etc/rsyslog.d] Directory where the configuration file exists.
- :type (Enum['string', 'list', 'subtree', 'plugin']) [undef] Rsyslog template type.
- :list_descriptions (Array) [[]] An array of hashes representing list template constants and properties
- :string (String) [''] String value for a String template.
- :subtree (String) [''] String representation of the subtree value.
- :plugin (String) [''] Name of the plugin the template will use.
- :options (Hash) [{}] Hash of additional template options.
- :format (String) ['<%= $content %>'] The content format. Defaults to epp template code.
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Hash of rsyslog actions.
- :name (String) [undef] Name of the global configuration option to set.
- :priority (Integer) [10] Sets where in the config the option will be placed in the target file.
- :target (String) [50_rsyslog.conf] File to place the conf
- :confdir (String) [/etc/rsyslog.d] Directory where the configuration file exists.
- :type (String) [undef] Type of output module the action will use.
- :config (Optional[Hash]) [undef] A hash of output module specific configuration options.
- :facility (String) ['default'] The syslog facility to use when outputting this action.
- :format (String) ['<%= $content %>'] The content format. Defaults to epp template code.
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Hash of rsyslog input plugins to use.
- :name (String) [undef] Name of the global configuration option to set.
- :priority (Integer) [10] Sets where in the config the option will be placed in the target file.
- :target (String) [50_rsyslog.conf] File to place the conf
- :confdir (String) [/etc/rsyslog.d] Directory where the configuration file exists.
- :type (String) [undef] The name of the input module to use.
- :config (Optional[Hash]) [undef] Hash of input module specific configuration settings. Depends on value of type
- :format (String) ['<%= $content %>'] The content format. Defaults to epp template code.
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Hash of custom raw configuration to place in the rsyslog config file.
- :name (String) [undef] Name of the global configuration option to set.
- :priority (Integer) [10] Sets where in the config the option will be placed in the target file.
- :target (String) [50_rsyslog.conf] File to place the conf
- :confdir (String) [/etc/rsyslog.d] Directory where the configuration file exists.
- :content (String) [undef] The single/multi-line string representing the config.
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
The rsyslog::config::actions class.
The rsyslog::config::custom class.
The rsyslog::config::expression_filters class.
The rsyslog::config::global class.
The rsyslog::config::inputs class.
The rsyslog::config::legacy class.
The rsyslog::config::lookup_tables class.
The rsyslog::config::main_queue class.
The rsyslog::config::modules class.
The rsyslog::config::parsers class.
The rsyslog::config::property_filters class.
The rsyslog::config::rulesets class.
The rsyslog::config::templates class.
The rsyslog::component::action class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::action
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'default'
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
This is a catch-all definition for use in edge cases where some code needs inserting somewhere in rsyslog.d according to priority but cannot be modelled with any of the shipped models.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::custom_config
defined type:
Data type: String
Data type: Integer
Default value: $rsyslog::custom_priority
Data type: String
Default value: "${name}.conf"
Data type: String
Default value: $rsyslog::confdir
Data type: String
Default value: $name
The rsyslog::component::expression_filter class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::expression_filter
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Hash
Data type: String
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::global_config class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::global_config
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Default value: undef
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'rainerscript'
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::input class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::input
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::legacy_config class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::legacy_config
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'legacy_key'
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'sysklogd'
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::lookup_table class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::lookup_table
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Hash
Data type: Stdlib::AbsolutePath
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::AbsolutePath]
Default value: undef
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::main_queue class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::main_queue
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Hash
The rsyslog::component::module class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::module
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'external'
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::parser class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::parser
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::property_filter class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::property_filter
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Rsyslog::PropertyOperator
Data type: String
Data type: Array
Default value: []
Data type: String
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::ruleset class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::ruleset
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Array
Default value: []
Data type: Boolean
Default value: false
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::component::template class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::component::template
defined type:
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Data type: String
Data type: Enum['string', 'list', 'subtree', 'plugin']
Data type: Array
Default value: []
Data type: String
Default value: ''
Data type: String
Default value: ''
Data type: String
Default value: ''
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: String[1]
Default value: '<%= $content %>'
The rsyslog::generate_concat class.
The following parameters are available in the rsyslog::generate_concat
defined type:
Data type: String
Data type: String
Struct data type alias for Rsyslog Actions
Alias of
name => String[1],
type => Rsyslog::Modules::Output,
facility => Optional[String[1]],
action_params => Optional[Rsyslog::Actions::Parameters],
queue_params => Optional[Rsyslog::Queue::Parameters],
output_params => Optional[Variant[
The Rsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omamqp1 data type.
Alias of
host => String[1],
target => String[1],
username => Optional[String[1]],
password => Optional[String[1]],
template => Optional[String[1]],
idletimeout => Optional[Integer],
reconnectdelay => Optional[Integer],
maxretries => Optional[Integer],
disablesasl => Optional[Integer],
The Rsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omelasticsearch data type.
Alias of
server => Optional[Variant[Stdlib::Host, Array[Stdlib::Host]]],
serverport => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
healthchecktimeout => Optional[Integer],
searchindex => Optional[String[1]],
dynsearchindex => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
searchtype => Optional[String[1]],
dynsearchtype => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
pipelinename => Optional[String[1]],
dynpipelinename => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
usehttps => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
timeout => Optional[Pattern[/^([0-9]+)(ms|s|m)$/]],
template => Optional[String[1]],
bulkmode => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
maxbytes => Optional[Pattern[/^([0-9]+)[kKmMgGtT]$/]],
parent => Optional[String[1]],
dynparent => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
uid => Optional[String[1]],
pwd => Optional[String[1]],
errorfile => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'tls.cacert' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'tls.mycert' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'tls.myprivkey' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
bulkid => Optional[String[1]],
dynbulkid => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
writeoperation => Optional[Enum['index', 'create']],
retryfailures => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
retryruleset => Optional[String[1]],
'ratelimit.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.burst' => Optional[Integer],
The Rsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omfile data type.
Alias of
file => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
dynafile => Optional[String[1]],
template => Optional[String[1]],
closetimeout => Optional[Integer],
dynafilecachesize => Optional[Integer],
ziplevel => Optional[Integer],
veryrobustzip => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
flushinterval => Optional[Integer],
asyncwriting => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
flushontxend => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
iobuffersize => Optional[Pattern[/^([0-9]+)[kKmMgGtT]$/]],
dirowner => Optional[String[1]],
dirownernum => Optional[Integer],
dirgroup => Optional[String[1]],
dirgroupnum => Optional[Integer],
fileowner => Optional[String[1]],
fileownernum => Optional[Integer],
filegroup => Optional[String[1]],
filegroupnum => Optional[Integer],
filecreatemode => Optional[Pattern[/^(([0-7]{1,4})*)$/]],
dircreatemode => Optional[Pattern[/^(([0-7]{1,4})*)$/]],
failonchownfailure => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
createdirs => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
sync => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'sig.provider' => Optional[Enum['ksi_ls12']],
'cry.provider' => Optional[Enum['gcry']],
The Rsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omfwd data type.
Alias of
target => Optional[Stdlib::Host],
port => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
protocol => Optional[Enum['tcp', 'udp', 'ossl', 'gtls']],
networknamespace => Optional[String[1]],
address => Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address],
ipfreebind => Optional[Integer[0, 2]],
device => Optional[String[1]],
tcp_framing => Optional[Enum['traditional', 'octet-counted']],
tcp_framedelimiter => Optional[Integer[0, 255]],
ziplevel => Optional[Integer[0, 9]],
'compression.mode' => Optional[Enum['none', 'single', 'stream:always']],
'' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
rebindinterval => Optional[Integer],
keepalive => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'keepalive.probes' => Optional[Integer],
'keepalive.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'keepalive.time' => Optional[Integer],
streamdriver => Optional[Enum['tcp', 'ossl', 'gtls']],
streamdrivermode => Optional[Integer],
streamdriverauthmode => Optional[String[1]],
streamdriverpermittedpeers => Optional[String[1]],
resendlastmsgonreconnect => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'udp.sendtoall' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'udp.senddelay' => Optional[Integer],
gnutlsprioritystring => Optional[String[1]],
The Rsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omhiredis data type.
Alias of
server => Optional[Stdlib::Host],
serverport => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
serverpassword => Optional[String[1]],
mode => Optional[Enum['queue', 'publish', 'template']],
template => Optional[String[1]],
key => Optional[String[1]],
userpush => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']]
The Rsyslog::Actions::Outputs::Omhttpfs data type.
Alias of
host => Optional[Stdlib::Host],
port => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
user => Optional[String[1]],
https => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
file => String[1],
isdynfile => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
template => Optional[String[1]]
Struct data type for the Rsyslog JournalD module's Action options
Alias of
template => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog Kafka module's Action options
Alias of
broker => Optional[String[1]],
topic => String[1],
key => Optional[String[1]],
dynatopic => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'dynatopic.cachesize' => Optional[Integer],
'' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'partitions.number' => Optional[Integer],
'partitions.usefixed' => Optional[Integer],
errorfile => Optional[String[1]],
confparam => Optional[Array[String[1]]],
topicconfparam => Optional[Array[String[1]]],
template => Optional[String[1]],
closetimeout => Optional[Integer],
resubmitonfailure => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
keepfailedmessages => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
failedmsgfile => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog libdbi module's Action options
Alias of
driver => Enum[
server => Stdlib::Host,
uid => String[1],
pwd => String[1],
db => String[1],
template => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog E-Mail module's Action options
Alias of
server => Stdlib::Host,
port => Stdlib::Port,
mailfrom => Pattern[/.+@.+\..+/],
mailto => Pattern[/.+@.+\..+/],
'subject.template' => Optional[String[1]],
'subject.text' => Optional[String[1]],
'body.enable' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
template => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog MongoDB output module's Action options
Alias of
uristr => Optional[String[1]],
ssl_cert => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
ssl_ca => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
db => Optional[String[1]],
collection => Optional[String[1]],
allowed_error_codes => Optional[Array[String[1]]],
template => Optional[String[1]],
server => Optional[Stdlib::Host],
serverported => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
uid => Optional[String[1]],
pwd => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type alias for MySQL Rsyslog output module.
- See also
- Rsyslog MySQL output module
Alias of
server => Stdlib::Host,
socket => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
db => String[1],
uid => String[1],
pwd => String[1],
serverport => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
'mysqlconfig.file' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'mysqlconfig.section' => Optional[String[1]],
template => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog PostgreSQL module's Action options
Not allowing the serverport, uid, or pwd rsyslog options as they are identical to port, user, and pass respectively. The latter make more sense to the general user and the former are redundant.
Alias of
server => Stdlib::Host,
port => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
db => String[1],
user => Optional[String[1]],
pass => Optional[String[1]],
template => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog Pipe module's Action options
Alias of
pipe => String[1],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog Program module's Action options
Alias of
template => Optional[String[1]],
binary => Stdlib::Absolutepath,
confirmmessages => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
confirmtimeout => Optional[Integer],
reportfailures => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
usetransactions => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
begintransactionmark => Optional[String[1]],
committransactionmark => Optional[String[1]],
output => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
filecreatemode => Optional[Stdlib::Filemode],
'hup.signal' => Optional[Enum['HUP', 'USR1', 'USR2', 'INT', 'TERM']],
signalonclose => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
closetimeout => Optional[Integer],
killunresponsive => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
forcesingleinstance => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog RELP module's Action options
Alias of
target => Variant[Stdlib::Fqdn, Stdlib::IP::Address],
port => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
template => Optional[String[1]],
timeout => Optional[Integer],
'conn.timeout' => Optional[Integer],
rebindinterval => Optional[Integer],
windowsize => Optional[Integer],
tls => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'tls.compression' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'tls.permittedpeer' => Optional[Array[String[1]]],
'tls.automode' => Optional[Enum['fingerprint', 'name']],
'tls.cacert' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'tls.mycert' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'tls.myprivkey' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'tls.prioritystring' => Optional[String[1]],
localclientip => Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog SNMP module's Action options
Alias of
server => Stdlib::Host,
port => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
transport => Optional[String[1]],
version => Optional[Integer[0,1]],
community => Optional[String[1]],
trapoid => Optional[String[1]],
messageoid => Optional[String[1]],
enterpriseoid => Optional[String[1]],
specifictype => Optional[Integer],
traptype => Optional[Integer[0,6]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog UDP Spoof module's Action options
Alias of
target => Stdlib::Host,
port => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
sourcetemplate => Optional[String[1]],
'sourceport.start' => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
'sourceport.end' => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
mtu => Optional[Integer],
template => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for the Rsyslog User MSG module's Action Parameters.
Alias of
users => String[1],
template => Optional[String[1]],
Struct data type for general Rsyslog Action parameters
- See also
- Rsyslog General Action Parameters
Alias of
'action.writeallmarkmessages' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'action.execonlyeverynthtime' => Optional[Integer],
'action.execonlyeverynthtimeout' => Optional[Integer],
'action.errorfile' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'action.execonlyonceeveryinterval' => Optional[Integer],
'action.execonlywhenpreviousissuspended' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'action.repeatedmsgcontainsoriginalmsg' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'action.resumeretrycount' => Optional[Integer],
'action.resumeinterval' => Optional[Integer],
'action.reportsuspension' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'action.reportsuspensioncontinuation' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'action.copymsg' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']]
Data type for Rsyslog Input module parameters for batch report inputs.
Alias of
reports => String[1],
tag => String[1],
facility => Optional[Stdlib::Syslogfacility],
severity => Optional[Rsyslog::Syslog::Severity],
deduplicatespaces => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
delete => Optional[String[1]],
rename => Optional[String[1]],
programkey => Optional[String[1]],
timestampkey => Optional[String[1]],
Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for file inputs.
Alias of
file => String[1],
tag => String[1],
facility => Optional[Stdlib::Syslogfacility],
severity => Optional[Rsyslog::Syslog::Severity],
persiststateinterval => Optional[Integer],
'startmsg.regex' => Optional[String[1]],
'endmsg.regex' => Optional[String[1]],
readtimeout => Optional[Integer],
readmode => Optional[Integer[0, 2]],
escapelf => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
maxlinesatonce => Optional[Integer],
maxsubmitatonce => Optional[Integer],
deletestateonfiledelete => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
ruleset => Optional[String[1]],
addmetadata => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
addceetag => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
reopenontruncate => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
trimlineoverbytes => Optional[Integer],
freshstarttail => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
discardtruncatedmsg => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
msgdiscardingerror => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
neeparse => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for gssapi.
Alias of
inputgssserverrun => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
inputgssserverservicename => Optional[String[1]],
inputgssserverpermitplaintcp => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
inputgssservermaxsessions => Optional[Integer],
inputgssserverkeepalive => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
inputgsslistenportfilename => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for Apache Kafka.
Alias of
broker => Optional[String[1]],
topic => String[1],
confparam => Optional[Array[String[1]]],
consumergroup => Optional[String[1]],
ruleset => Optional[String[1]],
parsehostname => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
Data type for Rsyslog Input module input parameters for Program input
Alias of
binary => String[1],
tag => String[1],
facility => Optional[Stdlib::Syslogfacility],
severity => Optional[Rsyslog::Syslog::Severity],
confirmmessages => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
signalonclose => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
closetimeout => Optional[Integer],
killunresponsive => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
Data type for Rsyslog Plain TCP input module
Alias of
port => Optional[Stdlib::Port],
path => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
discardtruncatedmsg => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
fileowner => Optional[String[1]],
fileownernum => Optional[Integer],
filegroup => Optional[String[1]],
filegroupnum => Optional[Integer],
filecreatemode => Optional[Stdlib::Filemode],
failonchownfailure => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
unlink => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
name => Optional[String[1]],
ruleset => Optional[String[1]],
maxframesize => Optional[Integer],
address => Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4],
addtlframedelimiter => Optional[Integer],
supportoctetcountetframing => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
notifyonconnectionclose => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
notifyonconnectionopen => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
keepalive => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'keepalive.probes' => Optional[Integer],
'keepalive.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'keepalive.time' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.burst' => Optional[Integer],
'compression.mode' => Optional[Enum['none', 'single', 'stream:always']],
flowcontrol => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
multiline => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'framing.delimiter.regex' => Optional[String[1]],
socketbacklog => Optional[Integer],
defaulttz => Optional[String[1]],
'' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
listenportfilename => Optional[String[1]],
Data type for Rsyslog Plain TCP input module
Alias of
port => Stdlib::Port,
address => Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4],
name => Optional[String[1]],
ruleset => Optional[String[1]],
maxdatasize => Optional[Pattern[/^([0-9]+)[kKmMgGtT]$/]],
tls => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'tls.compression' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'tls.dhbits' => Optional[Integer],
'tls.permittedpeer' => Optional[Array[String[1]]],
'tls.authmode' => Optional[Enum['fingerprint', 'name']],
'tls.cacert' => Optional[String[1]],
'tls.mycert' => Optional[String[1]],
'tls.myprivkey' => Optional[String[1]],
'tls.prioritystring' => Optional[String[1]],
keepalive => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'keepalive.probes' => Optional[Integer],
'keepalive.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'keepalive.time' => Optional[Integer],
oversizemode => Optional[Enum['truncate', 'abort', 'accept']],
Data type for Rsyslog TCP input module
Alias of
port => Stdlib::Port,
address => Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address::V4],
name => Optional[String[1]],
ruleset => Optional[String[1]],
supportoctetcountedframing => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'ratelimit.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.burst' => Optional[Integer],
listenportfilename => Optional[String[1]],
Data for Rsyslog Input Tuxedo ULOG module
Alias of
ulogbase => Stdlib::Absolutepath,
tag => String[1],
facility => Optional[Stdlib::Syslogfacility],
severity => Optional[Rsyslog::Syslog::Severity],
persiststateinterval => Optional[Integer],
maxlinesatonce => Optional[Integer],
maxsubmitatonce => Optional[Integer],
Data type for Rsyslog UDP input module
Alias of
address => Optional[Stdlib::Host],
port => Stdlib::Port,
ipfreebind => Optional[Integer[0,2]],
device => Optional[String[1]],
ruleset => Optional[String[1]],
'ratelimit.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.burst' => Optional[Integer],
name => Optional[String[1]],
'name.appendport' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
defaulttz => Optional[String[1]],
rcvbufsize => Optional[Variant[Integer, String[1]]],
Data type for Rsyslog Unix Socket input module
Alias of
ruleset => Optional[String[1]],
ignoretimestamp => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
ignoreownmessages => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
flowcontrol => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'ratelimit.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.burst' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.severity' => Optional[Integer[0,7]],
usepidfromsystem => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
usesystimestamp => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
createpath => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
socket => Optional[String[1]],
hostname => Optional[String[1]],
annotate => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
parsetrusted => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
unlink => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
usespecialparser => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
parsehostname => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
The Rsyslog::Modules::Input data type.
Alias of Enum['im3195', 'imfile', 'imgssapi', 'imjournal', 'imkafka', 'imklog', 'imkmsg', 'immark', 'impstats', 'imptcp', 'imrelp', 'imsolaris', 'imtcp', 'imupd', 'imuxsock']
Data type for Rsyslog module parameters for imdocker
Alias of
dockerapiunixsockaddr => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
apiversionstr => Optional[Pattern[/^v([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/]],
pollinginterval => Optional[Integer],
listcontaineroptions => Optional[String[1]],
getcontainerlogoptions => Optional[String[1]],
retrievenewlogsfromstart => Optional[Integer[0,1]],
defaultfacility => Optional[Stdlib::Syslogfacility],
defaultseverity => Optional[Rsyslog::Syslog::Severity],
escapelf => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
Data type for Rsyslog Input module parameters for file inputs.
Alias of
mode => Optional[Enum['inotify', 'polling']],
readtimeout => Optional[Integer],
timeoutgranularity => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
sortfiles => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
pollinginterval => Optional[Integer],
Rsyslog imjournal Module parameter data type
Alias of
persiststateinterval => Optional[Integer],
statefile => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'ratelimit.interval' => Optional[Integer],
'ratelimit.burst' => Optional[Integer],
ignorepreviousmessage => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
defaultseverity => Optional[Rsyslog::Syslog::Severity],
defaultfacility => Optional[Stdlib::Syslogfacility],
usepidfromsystem => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
usepid => Optional[Enum['syslog', 'system', 'both']],
ignorenonvalidstatefile => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
workaroundjournalbug => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
The Rsyslog::Modules::Message data type.
Alias of Enum['mmanon', 'mmcount', 'mmdblookup', 'mmexternal', 'mmfields', 'mmjsonparse', 'mmkubernetes', 'mmnormalize', 'mmpstructdata', 'mmrfc5424addhmac', 'mmrm1stspace', 'mmsequence', 'mmsnmptrapd', 'mmutf8fix']
The Rsyslog::Modules::Output data type.
Alias of Enum['omamqp1', 'omelasticsearch', 'omfile', 'omfwd', 'omhdfs', 'omhiredis', 'omhttpfs', 'omjournal', 'omkafka', 'omlibdbi', 'ommail', 'ommongodb', 'ommysql', 'ompgsql', 'ompipe', 'omprog', 'omrelp', 'omsnmp', 'omudpspoof', 'omusrmsg', 'omuxsock']
The Rsyslog::Modules::Parser data type.
Alias of Enum['pmciscoios', 'pmlastmsg', 'pmnormalize', 'pmnull', 'pmrfc3164', 'pmrfc3164sd', 'pmrfc5424']
The Rsyslog::Modules::String data type.
Alias of Enum['smfile', 'smfwd', 'smtradfile', 'smtradfwd']
Enumerable custom type for rsyslog property operators
Alias of Enum['contains', 'isequal', 'startswith', 'regex', 'ereregex', '!contains', '!isequal', '!startswith', '!regex', '!ereregex']
The Rsyslog::Queue::Parameters data type.
Alias of
'queue.filename' => Optional[String[1]],
'queue.spoolDirectory' => Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath],
'queue.size' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.dequeueBatchSize' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.maxDiskSpace' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.highWatermark' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.lowWatermark' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.fullDelaymark' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.lightDelaymark' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.discardMark' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.discardSeverity' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.checkpointInterval' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.syncqueuefiles' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'queue.samplingInterval' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.type' => Optional[Enum['FixedArray', 'LinkedList', 'Direct', 'Disk']],
'queue.workerThreads' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.workerThreadMinimumMessages' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.timeoutWorkerthreadShutdown' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.timeoutshutdown' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.timeoutActionCompletion' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.timeoutEnqueue' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.maxFileSize' => Optional[Pattern[/^([0-9]+)(m|M|g|G)$/]],
'queue.saveOnShutdown' => Optional[Enum['on', 'off']],
'queue.dequeueSlowDown' => Optional[Integer],
'queue.dequeueTimeBegin' => Optional[Integer[1, 24]],
'queue.dequeueTimeEnd' => Optional[Integer[1, 25]],
Syslog severity data type
Alias of
], Integer[0, 7]]