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135 lines (104 loc) · 6.85 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (104 loc) · 6.85 KB

Mass Editing

Using a simple language, tokens of a .conllu-file can be edited if a condition is met

bin/ rules.txt input.conllu [--nostrict] > output.conllu

The rule file as line per rule

condition > new_values


condition is a logical expression which is evaluated for each word, and if true the new values are set to the token which satisfies the condition. The condition is a set of key:values, operators like and, or or ! (not) and parentheses. The condition may contain whitespaces:


  • Upos:ADP and !Deprel:case: true if the current token has ADP as UPOS and its deprel is not case. Available keys:
    • Upos: (Values: [A-Z]+)
    • Xpos: (Values: string of any character except whitespaces, ) and &)
    • Lemma: (Values: string of any character except whitespaces, ) and &)
    • Form: (Values: string of any character except whitespaces, ) and &)
    • Deprel: (Values: [a-z]+, optionally followed by : and a string of any character except whitespaces, ) and &)
    • HeadId: (Values: [+-][0-9]+ (relative from current head) or [0-9]+ (absolute head id), true if the head of the current token matches
    • EUD: (Values: [+-][0-9]+ :, deprel, if EudHeadId is * any head position is accepted, without - or + the EudHead is interpreted as an absolute value))
    • Feat: (Values: FeatureName=Value or FeatureName:Value. The Featurename must match [A-Za-z_\[\]]+, the Value [A-Za-z0-9]+)
    • Misc: (Values: MiscName=Value or MiscName:Value. MiscName must match [A-Za-z_]+, the Value can be any string without whitespaces, ) and &)
    • Id: (Values: integer)
    • MWT: (Values: length of the multi-word token [2-9])
    • IsEmpty (no value, true if the current node is empty)
    • IsMWT (no value, true if the current node is empty)

Form:, Lemma: and Xpos: can contain simple regular expression (only the character ')' cannot be used

EUD cannot deal (yet) with empty word ids (n.m)

Lemma and Form can have either a regex as argument or a filename of a file which contains a list of forms or lemmas:

  • Lemma:sing.* > misc:"Value=Sing"
  • Lemma:#mylemmas.txt > misc:"Value=Sing" (if the file mylemmas.txt does not exist, the condition is false)

In addition to key keys listed above, four functions are available to take the context of the token into account:

  • child() child of current token
  • head() head of current token
  • prec() preceding token
  • next() following token

For example:

  • head(head(Upos:VERB and Feat:Tense=Past)): true if the current token has a head who has a head with UPOS VERB and the feature Tense=Past`
  • child(Upos:VERB && Feat:VerbForm=Part) and child(Upos:DET): true if the current token has a dependant with UPOS VERB and a feature VerbForm=Part and another child with UPOS DET.

Functions can be nested (eventhough child(head()) does not make sense, does it :-)

The same language is used for complex search and replace

For more information check the formal grammar for conditions.

New Values

new_values is a whitespace separated list of targeted_colum:value which modify the tokens matched the condition.

The targeted_column indicates which column of the word a new value is assigned to: Possible keys:

  • Form
  • Lemma
  • Upos
  • Xpos
  • Deprel
  • HeadId
  • Feat
  • Eud
  • Misc (the Id column cannot be changed).

value is a combination (using +) of strings or functions which give access to other columns of the current word or it's head. Strings must be included in double quotes "NOUN".

column_name to retrieve a value from can be:

  • Form
  • Lemma
  • Upos
  • Xpos
  • Feat_<FeatureName>
  • Deprel
  • Misc_<KeyName>
  • HeadId

Available functions are:

  • this(<column_name>) value of the given column of the current token
  • head(<column_name>) value of the given column of the head of the current token
  • head(head(<column_name>) value of the given column of the head's head of the current token
  • substring(this()/head(), start, end) take the substring of the this/head expression from start to end
  • substring(this()/head(), start) take the substring of the result of the this/head expression from start until the end of the string
  • upper(this()/head()) uppercase the result of the this/head expression
  • lower(this()/head()) lowercase the result of the this/head expression
  • cap(this()/head()) capitalize (first character uppercase, rest lowercase) the result of the this/head expression
  • replace(this()/head(), regex, newstring) replaces the regexof the result fo the this/head expression bynewstring`

If a token has a head 0, it's deprel will always be root unless the option --nostrict is used with


  • Upos:"NOUN" set Upos to NOUN
  • `Eud:"+2:dep" add a enhanced UD relation "dep" using the current id + 2 (must be a negative or positive integer without 0 (if resulting head id is out of the sentence, the head id is not modified)
  • Eud:head(HeadId)+":"+head(Deprel) set EUD to head and deprel of the headword
  • `HeadId:"+2" set head to current ud + 2 (must be a negative or positive integer without 0 (if resulting head id is out of the sentence, the head id is not modified)
  • `HeadId:"-1" set head to current ud - 1
  • `HeadId:"5" set head to 5 (n must be 0 or a positive integer)
  • `HeadId:head(Headid) set head to the headid of head node
  • Feat:"Number=Sing" adds a feature Number=Sing (Number: deletes the feature)
  • Lemma:this(Form) set lemma to the form of current token
  • Lemma:this(Misc_Translit) set lemma to the key Translit of the Misc column
  • Lemma:this(Form)+"er" set lemma to the form + "er"
  • Lemma:"de"+token(Form) set lemma to "de" + form
  • Feat:"Featname"+this(Lemma) set the feature Featname to the value of Lemma
  • Feat:"Gender"+this(Misc_Special) set the feature Gender to the value of the Misc Special
  • Misc:"Keyname"+head(head(Upos)) set the key "Keyname" of Misc column to the Upos of the head of the head
  • Lemma:substring(this(Form),1,3) set lemma to the substring (1 - 3) of the form
  • Lemma:substring(this(Form),1) set lemma to the substring (1 - end) ofthe form
  • Form:replace(this(Form),"é","e") replace all occurrances of é in the form by e

N.B. no white spaces allowed in a value expression! therefore Lemma:substring(this(Form), 1, 3) or Lemma:this(Form) + "er"are invalid, useLemma:substring(this(Form),1,3) or Lemma:this(Form)+"er" instead.

In order to empty a column, just set it to "_": Feat:"_", Xpos:"_", Eud:"_" etc.

For more information check the formal grammar for replacements (the part after the first :).