Releases: ImperialCollegeLondon/PyProBE
v2.1.0 (2025-02-28)
Bug Fixes
- Differentiation deprecation warnings
Add ERA ruff rules for commented out code
) -
Add ipywidgets to readthedocs installation
) -
Add matplotlib dependency
) -
Add numpy checks to ruff
) -
Add pandas dependency
) -
Add print definitions rules to ruff
) -
Add pycodestyle error rules to ruff
) -
Add pycodestyle warnings and implicit string contatenation to ruff
) -
Add pyflakes rules to ruff
) -
Add readthedocs config
) -
Add ruff checks for python builtins, code A
) -
Add ruff checks for type annotations
) -
Add workflow to automatically create release when release candidate is merged
) -
Change numpy version dependency to align with pybamm
) -
Correct readthedocs config
) -
Don't run benchmarks in ci
) -
Exclude performance example from tests
) -
Fix deprecation warnings
) -
Fix release workflows to checkout main
) -
Install pybamm in readthedocs build
) -
Remove sphinx workflow
) -
Remove tools from pyproject.toml
) -
Run CI tests in parallel
) -
Run notebooks sequentially instead of in parallel in CI
) -
Update ci workflow
) -
Update uv version in workflows
) -
dependencies: Add pytest-xdist as dev dependency
) -
pytest: Remove pytest-mypy and disable benchmarks by default
Code Style
Add flake8-commas ruff check
) -
Add pyupgrade rules to ruff
) -
Add ruff enforcement of PEP8 naming conventions
) -
Fix mypy errors for wrapped plotting functions
Reorganise cell method order and deprecation labels
) -
Switch from sphinx-apidoc to sphinx-autosummary
) -
Update examples with import api updates
Don't build performance example in docs
contributing: Add ruff and mypy guidance
) -
examples/working-with-pybamm-models: Remove dynamic plot from pybamm example
) -
README: Update documentation links
) -
User Guide/Importing Data: Update to new function names
New unified import_from_cycler method for importing data straight into procedure
) -
Unified cycler processing
) -
New preprocess module to contain cycler processing method - Replaced deprecated import with custom
decorator - Created a decorator for catching and re-raising pydantic validation errors -
result: Add cache_columns and data_with_columns method to result
) -
cache_columns allows the user to specify columns to put in the cache - data_with_columns returns a
dataframe filtered only to the specified columns This commit also adds ruff private member access
Performance Improvements
- Only load data into basecycler if required
Add a polars expression namespace for unit conversions
) -
Add flake8-simplify checks to ruff
) -
Add ruff check for flake8-comprehensions
) -
Move all file handling into cycler base class
) -
Replace Units class with polars units namespace
) -
basecycler: New class-based structure for importing columns
) -
cell: Refactor cell to work with new basecycler class
) -
cyclers: Update arbin, basytec and biologic modules
) -
cyclers.neware: Update neware for new basecycler class
) -
maccor: Update maccor for new basecycler structure
) -
tests.cell: Replace process cycler file test with checks on class calls
v2.0.1 (2025-02-10)
Bug Fixes
- cyclers.biologic: Add "Ewe/*" as a column alias for "Voltage [V]"
What's Changed
- Paper corrections by @tomjholland in #230
- chore: add CITATION.cff file by @tomjholland in #231
- docs: add citation guidelines to readme by @tomjholland in #232
- fix(cyclers.biologic): add "Ewe/*" as a column alias for "Voltage [V]" by @tomjholland in #235
- Release Candidate 2.0.1 by @github-actions in #236
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
What's Changed
- Improve codecov by @tomjholland in #225
- Release Candidate 2.0.0 by @github-actions in #226
- tests: allow different column orders in dashboard tests by @tomjholland in #227
- Release Candidate 2.0.0 by @github-actions in #228
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- feat: add capability to export any Result object to a .mat file by @tomjholland in #217
- Add readme badges by @tomjholland in #219
- chore: add badge by @tomjholland in #220
- Release Candidate 1.4.0 by @github-actions in #218
- chore: add a .zenodo.json file by @tomjholland in #221
- Release Candidate 1.4.0 by @github-actions in #222
- chore: add isort setting to ruff by @tomjholland in #223
- Release Candidate 1.4.0 by @github-actions in #224
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.4.0
What's Changed
- chore: fix uv version in pre-commit and workflows by @tomjholland in #214
- Release Candidate 1.3.2 by @github-actions in #215
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
What's Changed
- fix: paper figure typo by @tomjholland in #210
- Fix biologic mb import errors by @tomjholland in #212
- chore: unfreeze uv sync for release candidate workflow by @tomjholland in #213
- Release Candidate 1.3.1 by @github-actions in #211
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
What's Changed
- Minor documentation fixes by @tomjholland in #195
- Review dev and optional dependencies by @tomjholland in #196
- docs: update readme and user manual to reflect plotting integrations by @tomjholland in #197
- Remove unneccessary dashboard dependencies by @tomjholland in #198
- Switch to ruff for linting and formatting by @tomjholland in #200
- chore: update workflow to v7 of create-pull-request gh action [skip ci] by @tomjholland in #201
- Add pybamm integration example by @tomjholland in #202
- chore: add codecov coverage upload by @tomjholland in #203
- Fix example output by @tomjholland in #204
- chore: run ci on push to main, exclude notebook tests on push by @tomjholland in #205
- docs: add matplotlib inline to pybamm example by @tomjholland in #206
- Minor update to figure 5 description of analysis methods in paper by @tomjholland in #179
- Release Candidate 1.3.0 by @github-actions in #199
- chore: remove lean differentiation example by @tomjholland in #207
- Fix parquet read speed example by @tomjholland in #209
- Release Candidate 1.3.0 by @github-actions in #208
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- Test commit by @tomjholland in #184
Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v1.1.4-rc.6
What's Changed
- Add semantic versioning by @tomjholland in #185
- Replace auto publishing with workflow to create an rc PR by @tomjholland in #189
- Refactor polars handling and add external plotting tools by @tomjholland in #190
- fix: disallow minor prerelease from main branch by @tomjholland in #192
- Release Candidate 1.2.0 by @github-actions in #193
New Contributors
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #193
Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Fix the sheet name to 'record' when importing Neware excel files by @tomjholland in #178
- Add logger by @tomjholland in #180
- Remove pybamm required dependency and incorporate uv as a package manager by @tomjholland in #181
Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4
What's Changed
- Rename typing module to avoid clash with built-in python module by @tomjholland in #175
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3