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Experimental tagging support and other goodies

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@Julien-R44 Julien-R44 released this 16 Feb 21:17
· 11 commits to main since this release

Bentocache 1.2.0

The main feature of this release is experimental tagging support!
Documentation available here
If you encounter any bugs with tags, please report them via Github issues !

Minor Changes

  • 8bb87b6: Add a new expire method.

    This method is slightly different from delete:

    When we delete a key, it is completely removed and forgotten. This means that even if we use grace periods, the value will no longer be available.

    expire works like delete, except that instead of completely removing the value, we just mark it as expired but keep it for the grace period. For example:

    // Set a value with a grace period of 6 minutes
    await cache.set({
      key: 'hello',
      value: 'world',
      grace: '6m',
    // Expire the value. It is kept in the cache but marked as STALE for 6 minutes
    await cache.expire({ key: 'hello' })
    // Here, a get with grace: false will return nothing, because the value is stale
    const r1 = await cache.get({ key: 'hello', grace: false })
    // Here, a get with grace: true will return the value, because it is still within the grace period
    const r2 = await cache.get({ key: 'hello' })
    assert.deepEqual(r1, undefined)
    assert.deepEqual(r2, 'world')
  • d513fe2: Add a new E_L2_CACHE_ERROR. Before this commit, error happening when interacting with the L2 cache were not wrapped in a custom error. This is now the case. If needed, you can still access the original error by using the cause property of the E_L2_CACHE_ERROR error.

    import { errors } from 'bentocache'
    try {
      await cache.getOrSet({
        key: 'foo',
        factory: getFromDb(),
    } catch (err) {
      if (err instanceof errors.E_L2_CACHE_ERROR) {
        console.error('An error happened while interacting with the L2 cache', err.cause)
  • 4d1feb5: Added a super simple circuit breaker system to the L2 Cache :

    • a l2CircuitBreakerDuration parameter to set the duration of the circuit breaker. How many seconds the circuit breaker will stay open.
    • If defined, the circuit breaker will open when a call to our distributed cache fails. It will stay open for l2CircuitBreakerDuration seconds.

    We may introduce more sophisticated circuit breaker system in the future, but for now, this simple system should be enough.

  • 6b1f42a: Enhance Factory Context by adding some new props.

    await cache.getOrSet({
      key: 'foo',
      factory: (ctx) => {
        // You can access the graced entry, if any, from the context
        if (ctx.gracedEntry?.value === 'bar') {
          return 'foo'
        // You should now use `setOptions` to update cache entry options
          tags: ['foo'],
          ttl: '2s',
          skipL2Write: true,
        return 'foo'

    setTtl has been deprecated in favor of setOptions and will be removed in the next major version.

  • 73ac0fa: Add experimental tagging support. See #53

    await bento.getOrSet({
      key: 'foo',
      factory: getFromDb(),
      tags: ['tag-1', 'tag-2'],
    await bento.set({
      key: 'foo',
      tags: ['tag-1'],

    Then, we can delete all entries tagged with tag-1 using:

    await bento.deleteByTags({ tags: ['tag-1'] })

    As this is a rather complex feature, let's consider it experimental for now. Please report any bugs on Github issues

  • 6b1f42a: Add skipL2Write and skipBusNotify options.

    await cache.getOrSet({
      key: 'foo',
      skipL2Write: true,
      skipBusNotify: true,
      factory: () => 'foo',

    When enabled, skipL2Write will prevent the entry from being written to L2 cache, and skipBusNotify will prevent any notification from being sent to the bus. You will probably never need to use these options, but they were useful for internal code, so decided to expose them.

  • b9db3b5: Rework the logs issued by bentocache to make them much cleaner, more consistent and make debug easier

Patch Changes

  • 491d12e: Handle deleteMany with empty keys list