Rock-Paper-Scissors recipe (ish)
As a Maker So I can play Rock Paper Scissors I would like to enter my move on the home page And click to confirm my move (rock, paper or scissors)
As a Maker So I can play Rock Paper Scissors I would like the opponent's move to be decided randomly by the program
As a Maker So I can play Rock Paper Scissors I would like to see the result of the game on the next page
As a Maker So I can play Rock Paper Scissors again I would like to click on a link on the result page So it takes me back to the home page
- arrive on homepage (index) w/ a 'let's play' button, redirect to 'your move' page
- asked to select a move (rock-paper-scissors) ^^ text input to start, maybe selectable images later
- confirm selection, redirect to results page
- arrive on results page + see: a - both moves played b - result/winner c - option to play again
- select 'new game', redirect to homepage
- return to refreshed homepage
- what if multiple draws?
- extended version? (e.g. spock, lizard)
- no input/confirmed without selecting move
- input incorrect move (e.g. another move, like xyz)
- try to go straight to results page (e.g. localhost:5001/result)
- ...mock?
- ...
# """
# Load main page
# Expect result: able to see title of page
# """
Select a move, and submit
^^ just checking redirected to Results page once a move played
Expected result: redirected to results page showing player's move
Computer plays a move
- homepage, user plays, results page shows PC move
Expected reuslt: see move stated on results page
Confirm PC play is random
^^ ...idk how...TBC!!
Expected result: ???S
Winner announced!
^ need to test all variations (move + who plays its)
Expected result: correct winner for each scenario
"It's a draw!"
Expected result:
- announce a draw
- TBC a) redirect to new game, b) continue but play again...
### STRETCH ###
No move submitted by player
Expected result:
- error message/page
- redirect to homepage? (TBC)
Incorrect move input + submitted
^^ TBC if text input
Expected result:
- error message/page
- redirect to homepage? (TBC)
Load results page
^^ e.g. goto localhost:5001/Play/Results
Expected Result:
- redirect to homepage
- error message ?? (TBC)