export const title = "Komodo DeFi SDK Common Structures: Wallet Operations"; export const description = "Starting with version beta-2.1.3434, the Komodo DeFi SDK supports the standardized protocol format called mmrpc 2.0.";
The RawTxInfo
object includes the following items:
Parameter | Type | Description |
tx_hex | string | UTXO only. The raw unsigned hex of a proposed transaction. |
prev_txns | list | UTXO only. A list of standard InputTxns objects. |
to | string | ETH/EVM only. A destination address to send the funds to. |
value | string | ETH/EVM only. The amount of funds to be sent as a string with a 0x prefix, in wei units. |
gas_limit | string | ETH/EVM only. The maximum gas to be used for sending the transaction, in gwei units. |
pay_for_gas | object | Optional, ETH/EVM only. Used for EIP-1559 fee policy config. A standard PayForGas object. |
The InputTxns
object includes the following items:
Parameter | Type | Description |
tx_hash | string | The transaction id of an unspent transaction from the same wallet output. |
index | integer | The output index of this unspent transaction output. |
script_pub_key | string | The scriptpubkey of this unspent transaction output. |
amount | float | The value of this unspent transaction output. |
amount |
The PayForGas
object includes the following items:
Parameter | Type | Description |
tx_type | string | ETH/EVM coins and tokens only. Options are Legacy or Eip1559 . The type of transaction values being configured. |
gas_price | decimal | Only used if tx_type is Legacy . Values are in Gwei. The maximium price per gas unit the user is willing to pay for the transaction. |
max_fee_per_gas | decimal | Only used if tx_type is Eip1559 . Values are in Gwei. The maximum amount to pay per unit of gas to get your transaction included in a block. |
max_priority_fee_per_gas | decimal | Only used if tx_type is Eip1559 . Values are in Gwei. This is paid directly to the miner, and can be set by the user to attract minimal delay in transaction confirmation. |
min_wait_time | integer | Optional, only used if tx_type is Eip1559 . Estimated minimum transaction wait time in mempool (in ms) for this priority level. |
max_wait_time | integer | Optional, only used if tx_type is Eip1559 . Estimated maximum transaction wait time in mempool (in ms) for this priority level. |
By default, simple
gas fee estimation suggests a fee based on fee history. If set gas_fee_estimator
is set to provider
, users must set the gas_api
setting in their MM2.json file to source recommended fee values from third party providers Infura or Blocknative.
Use the start_eth_fee_estimator method to begin tracking the fee market for a coin (and its tokens). You can stop tracking the fee market with stop_eth_fee_estimator.
To set or view the current swap transaction fee policy, use the get_swap_transaction_fee_policy and set_swap_transaction_fee_policy methods.
For more information about EIP1559, refer to https://www.blocknative.com/blog/eip-1559-fees
```json { "tx_type": "Legacy", "gas_price": "1234.567" } ``` ```json { "tx_type": "Eip1559", "max_fee_per_gas": "1234.567", "max_priority_fee_per_gas": "1.2" } ```