ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" out.mp4
- out_w width of the output rectangle
- out_h height of the output rectangle
- x / y top-left corner of the output rectangle
$ ffmpeg -i Shredder.mp4 -filter:v "crop=1000:720:200:0" out.mp4
$ ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -filter:v scale=720:-1 -c:a copy shred.mp4
- scale=w:h
- -1 to let ffmpeg calculate the correct value
$ ffmpeg -ss 00:00:30.0 -i input.wmv -c copy -t 00:00:10.0 output.wmv
$ ffmpeg -i movie.mp4 2>&1 | grep Duration | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d ,
So 6 minutes. Let's make 6 slices.
$ for i in {0..5}; do
> ffmpeg -ss 00:0$i:00 -i movie.mp4 -c copy -t 00:01:00.0 movie_$i.mp4;
> done
Wait a while...
$ ls
movie.mp4 movie_0.mp4 movie_1.mp4 movie_2.mp4 movie_3.mp4 movie_4.mp4 movie_5.mp4
$ cat mylist.txt
file '/path/to/file1'
file '/path/to/file2'
file '/path/to/file3'
$ ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4
$ cat gifenc.sh
ffmpeg -v warning -i "$1" -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y "$palette"
ffmpeg -v warning -i "$1" -i $palette -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y "$2"
$ ./gifenc.sh input.mov output.gif 720 10
This will convert "input.mov" to a GIF that's 720p wide 10fps.
First convert the subtitles to .ass format. [Yes, ass. Who doesn't love ass and videos, right?]
More seriously, this tip uses the libass library. Make sure your ffmpeg install has the library in the configuration: --enable-libass
$ ffmpeg -i subtitles.srt subtitles.ass
Then add them using a video filter:
$ ffmpeg -i mymovie.mp4 -vf ass=subtitles.ass mysubtitledmovie.mp4
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i image.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=25:25:enable='between(t,0,20)'" \
-pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4
- [0:v][1:v] video 1 (image.png) on top of video 0 (input.mp4)
- 25:25 25 px top-left
between seconds 0 and 20.-pix_fmt yuv420p
color encoding system, 6 bytes per 4 pixels, reordered.-c:a copy
copy the audio
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -an output.mp4