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This is a detailed introduction to the Levanter project, including the motivation, design, and implementation.


Levanter started as an effort to understand how to effectively use TPUs. Google kindly offered us at Stanford's Center for Research on Foundation Models access to a significant amount of TPU compute. Stanford graduate students, like most graduate students in AI, are big fans of PyTorch. We found that PyTorch on TPUs is still in its infancy, while Jax support for TPUs is much more mature. We wanted to understand how to use Jax on TPUs, and how to train large foundation models.

Levanter thus has had a pedagogical mission from the beginning: to provide a simple, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-use Jax-based framework for training models on TPU clusters (and GPUs!). We hope that this will help others to understand how to build large models. One of the challenges we had while building models is that a lot of knowledge of how to train large models is either held in confidence within large companies, or not well-documented, or documented via Twitter threads and stray comments deep in open source repositories. We hope that Levanter will help to fill this gap.

Building Blocks

Before we get into the details of Levanter, let's first discuss some of the key building blocks that Levanter is built on.

Jax: Autodiff

I'm not going to go into great depth on Jax basics, because you can check out the official Jax tutorial. But to summarize, Jax is basically a stateless, jit-optimizing version of numpy with automatic differentiation and distributed GPU/TPU support built in. It's more than that, but those are the key features in my opinion. I will do a quick refresher on a few concepts.

vmap: Automatically adding batch axes

vmap is the "auto-batching" operator for Jax. It automatically vectorizes a computation so that it is applied to all sub-arrays for some new leading axis:

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

def foo(a, b): return a @ b

a = jnp.ones((2, 3))
b = jnp.ones((3, 4))
foo(a, b) # 2x3 @ 3x4 = 2x4

batched_foo = jax.vmap(foo)
a = jnp.ones((8, 2, 3))
b = jnp.ones((8, 3, 4))
batched_foo(a, b) # 8x2x3 @ 8x3x4 = 8x2x4

scan: JIT-friendly for-loop

scan is a Jax primitive that allows you to write a for-loop in a functional style. For example, let's say you want to compute the "cumulative sum" of an array. You could do this with a for-loop:

def cumsum(arr):
    out = []
    for i in range(len(arr)):
    return out

But this is not JIT-compileable. Instead, you can use scan:

import jax
def cumsum(arr):
    def body(carry, x):
        return carry + x, carry + x
    return jax.lax.scan(body, 0, arr)[1]

scan returns both the final result of the loop and the intermediate results. In this case, we only care about the intermediates results, so we index into the tuple with [1].

In Haliax we have haliax.reduce which is a wrapper around scan that makes it easier to use and works with the NamedAxes system. Levanter also has a reduce function that doesn't know about names, if you want to use it with plain Jax. We also have haliax.nn.Stacked which is like torch.nn.ModuleList but requires that all modules are the same. It uses scan (and vmap) under the hood.


Structured computation in Jax is achieved via PyTrees, which is mostly just a fancy way of saying that many Jax methods recursively apply themselves to nested data structures. By default, this includes lists, tuples, and dicts. When using Equinox, Modules are also available as PyTrees and work in a mostly expected way. Jax has methods for flattening and unflattening PyTrees, as well as tree_map, which applies a function to every leaf in a PyTree. For example:

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

def foo(a, b): return a @ b

a = jnp.ones((2, 3))
b = jnp.ones((3, 4))
foo(a, b) # 2x3 @ 3x4 = 2x4

jax.tree_util.tree_map(foo, [a] * 5, [b] * 5) # [2x3 @ 3x4] * 5

Many methods in Jax are PyTree-aware, though the numpy-like API is usually not. Many methods can operate on "PyTree prefixes", where the first argument is a PyTree and the rest are prefixes of that PyTree, meaning they have the same structure up to some depth. This is used with vmap:

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

def foo(args):
    a, b = args
    return a @ b

foo_vmap = jax.vmap(foo, in_axes=((0, 0), )) # vmap over the first axis for both elements of the tuple
foo_vmap2 = jax.vmap(foo, in_axes=0) # the same

a = jnp.ones((8, 2, 3))
b = jnp.ones((8, 3, 4))
foo_vmap((a, b)) # 8x2x3 @ 8x3x4 = 8x2x4
foo_vmap2((a, b)) # 8x2x3 @ 8x3x4 = 8x2x4

# don't map the second part of the tuple
foo_vmap_0 = jax.vmap(foo, in_axes=((0, None),))


Randomness in Jax is carefully controlled: the "state" of a random number generator (called a PRNGKey in Jax) has to be passed into every invocation of an RNG or a function that calls an RNG. This adds a lot of ceremony but ensures that your code is always reproducible and that it can be JIT-compiled. That looks like this:

import jax.random as jrandom

key = jrandom.PRNGKey(0)
k1, k2 = jrandom.split(key, 2)

jrandom.normal(k1, (3, 4)) # 3x4 array of random numbers
jrandom.normal(k2, (3, 4)) # 3x4 array of different random numbers

pjit: distributed computation

pjit is the current preferred mechanism for "model parallel" and "tensor parallel" computation, and even data parallel computation. That basic idea is that you have a "mesh" of devices, typically a 2-d grid, and you can "partition" your computation across the mesh. The pjit operator takes a function and a partitioning specification, and returns a new function that runs the distributed computation across the mesh. The partitioning specification (often 'PSpec') describes how axes of the different arrays are partitioned across the mesh.

There's an official pjit tutorial, but I honestly don't find it that helpful... We'll do a more detailed look later on.

Equinox: Low-magic Neural Net Library

Equinox is a neural network library for Jax that is somehow simultaneously both less "magical" than many other neural net libraries for Jax and (in my opinion) the most PyTorch-like of the bunch. It's built around a few key ideas, but the one we're most interested in is the Module class. A Module is just a class that has been registered with Jax as a PyTree node, which makes all of the Pytree machinery (like tree_map) work for it. Here's a simple example:

import jax
import equinox as eqx

class MyModule(eqx.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.param = jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), (3, 4))

    def forward(self, x):
        return x @ self.param

class MyModule2(eqx.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.param = jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), (4, 5))
        self.submodule = MyModule()

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.submodule(x) @ self.param

There's nothing magic about the forward method, or even __init__. They're just methods you can call.

Optax: Optimization

Optax is a library for optimization in Jax. It's basically a collection of different gradient transformations that let you do things like gradient clipping, weight decay, and momentum. It also has bundles of common optimization algorithms like Adam, SGD, and RMSProp. It's a pretty nice library, and there's not that much to say.

Optimization with Equinox and Optax looks something like:

import optax
import equinox as eqx

model = MyModule2()
opt = optax.adam(1e-3)
opt_state = opt.init(model)

def loss_fn(model, x, y):
    return jnp.mean((model(x) - y) ** 2)

def update(model, opt_state, x, y):
    loss, grads = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(loss_fn)(model, x, y)
    updates, opt_state = opt.update(grads, opt_state, model)
    model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)
    return model, opt_state, loss

It's so simple that Copilot wrote all that for me... Thanks Copilot!

Haliax: Named Tensors

Haliax is a library for named tensors in Jax. It wraps Jax's APIs (especially the numpy-like ones, along with the core transformations like vmap, pjit, etc) to make them work with named tensors. It also builds on top of Equinox, and adapts many of its conventions for filtering etc.

Haliax is still in development, but it's already pretty usable. Here's a simple example:

from jax.random import PRNGKey
import haliax as hax  # this alias amuses me

Height = hax.Axis('Height', 16)
Width = hax.Axis('Width', 16)
Batch = hax.Axis('Batch', 8)

x = hax.random.normal(PRNGKey(0), (Batch, Height, Width))

# sum out an axis
y = hax.sum(x, Height)

# sum out multiple axes
z = hax.sum(x, (Height, Width))

# broadcasting happens over named axes
normalized_x = x / hax.sum(x, Height)

# vmap over named axes. often times you may want to just skip vmap with haliax, because names are preserved etc,
# but you may still want to use it. I honestly prefer it still, but that's just me.
def foo(x):
    return hax.sum(x, Height)

foo_vmap = hax.vmap(foo, axis=Batch)

By convention, we capitalize the names of axes. This is because it makes it easier to visually distinguish them.

Why Named Arrays?

I get really confused when reading tensor code that uses axes like 0, 1, 2, etc. It's not clear what those axes are, and it's especially unclear when you have multiple tensors with different shapes. I've also been bitten by implicit broadcasting way too many times.

So I found Alexander Rush's Tensor Considered Harmful (and Part 2) to be very convincing. Named arrays are a way to make this code more readable, and more robust.

Named Arrays will also make it easier to write partitioned models: jax's pjit operator works over "meshes" of devices, and you partition your parameters and computation along array axes across the mesh. Named arrays make it easier to map semantically meaningful axes to the mesh axes. (See below for more on this.)

If you don't want to use NamedArrays for your operations, that's totally fine. You can still get the benefits of easier, more semantic-y partitioning if you use NamedArrays as the fields in your Modules, but you can just use my_array.array and access the underlying array and use it like normal.

Named Axes in Jax

Jax already has some built-in support for named tensors in the form of xmap, which uses something like vmap/auto-batching to implement tensors that have both positional and named axes. I was super excited about xmap when I first heard about it, but 1) they seem to be deprioritizing it in favor of pjit and 2) ultimately xmap can be confusing because you write non-named code for positional axes, then add names "outside" of the main model code itself. I think it's ultimately harder to reason about than named tensors that are fully integrated, and it makes it harder to play with different partitioning strategies.

Flax supports a logical-to-physical axis mapping thing similar to what's in Haliax, but the arrays don't carry around their axis names so you have to remember them and pass them in manually when doing partitioning for data parallelism, tensor parallism and FSDP. I think this is a bit of a missed opportunity (relative to what we have in Haliax, but it's still useful.

Named Tensors Elsewhere

Haliax's NamedArrays are probably most similar to Mesh-Tensorflow, and I think I basically reimplemented it in Jax without really meaning to.

PyTorch has Named Tensors. They're purely for documentation purposes as far as I'm aware, and don't help with model partitioning, which is one of their main use cases in Haliax.

GPT-2 Implementation

You can skip this part if you're familiar with the basics of how Transformers are implemented. You might want to skim at least the attention section to see how Haliax is used.

The whole implementation is here. (If you look at the whole thing, I caution you to skip over the torch serialization compatibility parts because they're messy and not that interesting for our purposes here.) I'll walk through the more interesting bits. In terms of basic structure and grouping of classes it's pretty similar to standard PyTorch implementations.


Let's jump right into the attention module, starting with the preamble

import haliax as hax
from haliax import Axis, NamedArray
import equinox as eqx
import haliax.nn as hnn

class Gpt2Attention(eqx.Module):
    c_attn: hnn.Linear  # input projection from [embed] -> [(q, k, v), heads, head_dim]
    c_proj: hnn.Linear  # output projection from [heads, head_dim] -> [embed]
    dropout: hnn.Dropout

    causal: bool = eqx.static_field()
    SeqLen: Axis = eqx.static_field()
    HeadDim: Axis = eqx.static_field()
    Heads: Axis = eqx.static_field()
    Qkv: Axis = eqx.static_field()

    # Mistral stability tweaks
    scale_by_inverse_layer_idx: bool = eqx.static_field()
    upcast: bool = eqx.static_field()
  • The static_field decorator is a way to declare fields that are static, and don't change during training. (They're also not parameters, so they don't get updated during training.)
  • causal means that this is a causal attention layer, which means that the queries can only attend to the past.

Here's the __init__ method. It's just initializing the parameters and setting the static fields, but it illustrates some Jax/Haliax idioms.

    def __init__(
        SeqLen: Axis,
        InDim: Axis,
        Heads: Axis,
        HeadDim: Axis,
        dropout_prob: float,
        scale_by_inverse_layer_idx: bool,
        upcast: bool,
        causal: bool = True,

    self.Heads = Heads
    self.HeadDim = HeadDim
    self.Pos = SeqLen
    self.Qkv = Axis("qkv", 3)
    self.KeyPos = SeqLen.alias("key_" +

    k_c, k_proj = jrandom.split(key,
                            2)  # splitting random keys is how you get different random numbers from different calls

# Haliax's Linear allows you to specify multiple input and output axes, and it will do the right thing
# I find this clearer than the reshape heavy code you usually see
self.c_attn = hnn.Linear(In=InDim, Out=(self.Qkv, self.Heads, self.HeadDim), key=k_c)
self.c_proj = hnn.Linear(In=(self.Heads, self.HeadDim), Out=InDim, key=k_proj)
self.dropout = hnn.Dropout(dropout_prob)

self.causal = causal
self.scale_by_inverse_layer_idx = scale_by_inverse_layer_idx
self.upcast = upcast

The basic flow of multi-headed attention in a standard transformer is (note that the Batch axis is omitted for simplicity):

  1. For each position, project the input embedding into Heads heads, each of which with a query, key, and value vector of dim HeadDim. This yields three tensors of shape [SeqLen, Heads, HeadDim].
  2. Compute the attention scores for each (head, position_in_query, position_in_key). This yields a tensor of shape [SeqLen, Heads, SeqLen].
  3. Normalize the attention scores to get the attention weights. This yields a tensor of shape [SeqLen, Heads, SeqLen].
  4. Compute the attention output for each (head, position) by summing up the value vectors, weighting them by the attention weights. This yields a tensor of shape [SeqLen, Heads, HeadDim].
  5. Project the attention output back to the embedding dimension. This yields a tensor of shape [SeqLen, Embed].

Let's see how this looks in Haliax:

def __call__(self, hidden_states: NamedArray, layer_idx, inference: bool = True, *, key):
    # 1. Project the input to [seqlen, heads, head_dim]
    qkv_out = self.c_attn(hidden_states)
    q, k, v = qkv_out.unbind(self.Qkv)

    # Rename k and v's SeqLen as haliax doesn't support unnamed axes or duplicate axes
    k = k.rename({self.Pos: self.KeyPos})
    v = v.rename({self.Pos: self.KeyPos})

    # mistral tweak: scale norms by 1/layer_idx to prevent blowup
    scale = jax.lax.rsqrt(float(self.HeadDim.size))
    if self.scale_by_inverse_layer_idx:
        scale /= layer_idx + 1.0

    # do this first to help keep FP values small. Papers usually show this after the dot product.
    q = q * scale

    # mistral tweak: attention scores can overflow float16, or just be too imprecise, so upcast to float32
    if self.upcast:
        q = q.astype(jnp.float32)
        k = k.astype(jnp.float32)

    # 2. compute attention scores [batch, heads, seq_len, key_seq_len]
    attn_scores =, q, k)

    if self.causal:
        causal_mask = hax.tril(hax.ones((self.Pos, self.KeyPos), dtype=bool), self.Pos, self.KeyPos)
        attn_scores = hax.where(causal_mask, attn_scores, -1e9)

    # 3. normalize attention scores to "attention weights"
    attn_weights = hnn.softmax(attn_scores, axis=self.KeyPos).astype(hidden_states.dtype)
    attn_weights = self.dropout(attn_weights, key=key, inference=inference)

    # 4. compute attention output by summing up the values weighted by the attention scores
    attn_output =, attn_weights, v)  # [heads, seq_len, head_dim]

    # 5. project the attention output back to the original input dimension
    attn_output = self.c_proj(attn_output)
    return attn_output

If you're not used to the tril-as-a-mask trick, it's a way to create a causal mask so that the attention scores for a query can only attend to the past. The tril function creates a lower triangular matrix. It's equivalent to:

causal_mask = jnp.zeros((seq_len, key_seq_len))
for i in range(seq_len):
    for j in range(key_seq_len):
        if j <= i:
            causal_mask =[i, j].set(1)


The MLP is not terribly interesting. It's just a linear layer followed by a GELU activation, followed by another linear layer.

class Gpt2Mlp(eqx.Module):
    act: Callable = eqx.static_field()
    c_fc: hnn.Linear  # projection from Embed to Intermediate (typically 4x Embed)
    c_proj: hnn.Linear  # projection from Intermediate to Embed

    def __init__(self, Embed: Axis, Intermediate: Axis, activation_fn, *, key):
        k_fc, k_proj = jrandom.split(key, 2)
        self.c_fc = hnn.Linear(Out=Intermediate, In=Embed, key=k_fc)
        self.c_proj = hnn.Linear(Out=Embed, In=Intermediate, key=k_proj)
        self.act = ACT2FN[activation_fn]  # type: ignore

    def __call__(self, hidden_states: NamedArray):
        hidden_states = self.c_fc(hidden_states)
        hidden_states = jax.tree_util.tree_map(self.act, hidden_states)
        hidden_states = self.c_proj(hidden_states)
        return hidden_states

The Block

The block is the basic unit of the transformer. It's just a multi-headed attention layer, followed by a layer norm, followed by an MLP, followed by another layer norm.

class Gpt2Block(StateDictSerializationMixin, eqx.Module):
    ln_1: hnn.LayerNorm
    attn: Gpt2Attention
    ln_2: hnn.LayerNorm
    mlp: Gpt2Mlp
    resid_dropout: hnn.Dropout

    def __init__(self, config: Gpt2Config, *, key):
        # skipping this because it's boring

    def __call__(self, hidden_states: NamedArray, inference, layer_idx, *, key):
        k1, k2, k3 = haliax.jax_utils.maybe_rng_split(key, 3)

        attn_output = self.attn(self.ln_1(hidden_states), inference=inference, layer_idx=layer_idx, key=k1)
        attn_output = self.resid_dropout(attn_output, key=k2, inference=inference)
        hidden_states = hidden_states + attn_output

        ff_output = self.mlp(self.ln_2(hidden_states))
        ff_output = self.resid_dropout(ff_output, key=k3, inference=inference)
        hidden_states = hidden_states + ff_output

        return hidden_states

Probably the least understandable thing here is the maybe_rng_split function. It's a helper function that splits the key if it's a JAX PRNG key, and returns a list of None if it's None. This is because the key argument is optional, and if it's not provided, we don't want to split the key. This is useful for inference time when we don't use dropout.

The Transformer

The transformer conceptually is just a stack of these blocks (plus a final layer norm). In PyTorch, you would usually use a torch.nn.ModuleList for this. Here, we use a module from Haliax called haliax.nn.Stacked. It's like a ModuleList, but it must be homogeneous (all the same type, with the same Python control flow). It also vmaps (vectorizes) the parameters of the inner module.

class Gpt2Transformer(StateDictSerializationMixin, eqx.Module):
    config: Gpt2Config = eqx.static_field()
    blocks: Stacked[Gpt2Block]
    ln_f: hnn.LayerNorm

    # this is the number of layers. This axis gets prepended to every parameter in Gpt2Block
    def Layers(self) -> Axis:
        return self.config.Layers

    def __init__(self, config: Gpt2Config, *, key):
        self.config = config

        # vectorize the blocks
        self.blocks = Stacked(
            key=shaped_rng_split(key, config.num_layers),
        self.ln_f = hnn.LayerNorm(config.Embed, eps=config.layer_norm_epsilon)

    def __call__(self, hidden_states: NamedArray, *, inference, key) -> NamedArray:
        keys = hax.jax_utils.maybe_rng_split(key, self.config.num_layers) if key is not None else None
        # fold is like a for loop that repeatedly applies a function to an accumulator
        hidden_states = self.blocks.fold(hidden_states, attn_mask, hax.arange(self.Layers), inference, key=keys)
        hidden_states = self.ln_f(hidden_states)

        return hidden_states

The reason to use Stacked and fold/scan in Jax is that it makes compilation much faster, and it also works with non-constant lengths. We're mostly using it for compilation speed. Eventually we'll add support for fancier gradient checkpointing strategies to Haliax fold and scan and for pipeline parallelism.

Simplest Training Loop

Now that we have a model, we can train it. Let's start with the simplest possible training loop. We're going to skip over data loading, setting up logging, callbacks, and all that stuff, and just focus on the core training loop.

import optax

training_data = load_training_data()
model_config = Gpt2Config()

key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

model_key, training_key = jax.random.split(key, 2)

Vocab = Axis("vocab", len(tokenizer))
Batch = Axis("batch", 8)
SeqLen = Axis("seq_len", 128)
model = Gpt2LMHeadModel(SeqLen, model_config, key=model_key)

optimizer = optax.adamw(learning_rate=1e-4)
opt_state = optimizer.init(model)

# loss of a single example
def compute_loss(model, input_ids, key, inference):
    pred_y = model(input_ids, key=key, inference=inference)
    return next_token_loss(SeqLen, Vocab, pred_y, input_ids)

def train_batch_loss(model, input_ids, attn_mask, key):
    per_ex_loss = hax.vmap(compute_loss, "batch")(model, input_ids, attn_mask, key, inference=False)
    return hax.mean(per_ex_loss, "batch").scalar()

# return value and gradient of loss
grad_loss = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(train_batch_loss)

def train_step(model, opt_state, input_ids, keys):
   loss, grads = grad_loss(model, input_ids, keys)

   # distribute gradients across the mesh and apply them
   updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, params=model)
   model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)

   return loss, model, opt_state

for batch_input_ids in training_data:
    my_key, training_key = jrandom.split(training_key, 2)
    batch_key = jrandom.split(my_key, Batch.size)

    jax_step_loss, model, opt_state = train_step(model, opt_state, batch_input_ids, batch_key)
    step_loss = jax_step_loss.item()
    print(f"step loss: {step_loss:.4f}")

This is a pretty standard training loop. We're using optax for the optimizer, and you can see how the random number state is threaded through the training loop. We're using hax.vmap to compute the loss for each example in the batch, and then we're using hax.mean to compute the mean loss across the batch. We're using eqx.filter_value_and_grad to compute the loss and its gradient, and then we're using eqx.apply_updates to apply the optimizer updates to the model.

Data Parallel Training via pjit

With all that, let's go ahead and implement data parallel training. As a reminder, data parallel training is the "obvious" way to do distributed training: you just split the data across multiple devices, and then you run the same model on each device, and then you total up the gradients and do an update. This is the simplest way to do distributed training, but it's not the most efficient way. We'll talk about improving efficiency later.

Jax has a few ways of doing data-parallel distributed training: pmap, xmap, and pjit. pjit is the most flexible one, and it's what we'll be using. However, pjit is also the most complicated. We'll start with the comparatively simple use case of data parallelism, and then graduate up to the more complicated case of model (activation) parallelism.

Device Meshes for Data Parallelism

Currently in Jax, the primary abstraction for partitioning data across a device is a "device mesh", which is basically just an N-dimensional array of devices. Typically, we use 2-dimensional meshes, and the two axes of the mesh are labeled data and model. The data axis is the one that we'll use for data parallelism, and the model axis is the one we'll use for model parallelism. For now, let's only worry about a one-dimensional mesh, which is equivalent to a single list of devices, and we'll name its one axis data:

One-Dimensional Device Mesh

To do data parallel training, we basically want to take each batch and split it up along the data axis of the mesh. For a language model, we can think of each batch as a matrix of shape (Batch, SeqLen). Thus, we want to split the batch dimension into num_devices chunks:

Same mesh showing "batch" axis partitioned across devices

The blue box around all the devices shows that we're partitioning the Batch dimension of the data matrix across all devices, so that each device gets 1/num_devices of the batch.

Our model, on the hand, is replicated across all devices, with one copy of the model on each device. That looks something like:

Same mesh showing data partitioned and replicated model

The purple box around each device indicates that one copy of the model is on that device.

When we compute the mean of the gradients and the loss, Jax will automatically average them across the devices, and we'll broadcast the averaged gradients to all devices to do parameter updates. This is the same as the "all-reduce" operation in PyTorch.

pjit for Distributed Computation

The way we do this sharding in Jax is with pjit. pjit is a function that takes a function and a PartitionSpec for each input and output and returns a new function that's "partitioned" across the devices in the mesh. The PartitionSpec is just a fancy tuple, and it tells pjit how to map each axis of the inputs and output to the devices in the mesh. You can pass in None for an axis if you don't want to partition it, and you can pass in None instead of an entire PartitionSpec if you don't want to partition any axes.

As a simple-ish example, let's do a distributed matrix multiply. We'll suggestively name the variables so you can see where this is going:

from jax.experimental.pjit import pjit
from jax.sharding import Mesh, PartitionSpec
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as onp

inputs = jnp.ones((128, 64))  # [batch, embed]
weights = jnp.ones((64, 32))  # [embed, hidden]

devices = onp.array(jax.devices())
mesh = Mesh(devices, ("data",))  # devices, axis names

with mesh:
    def matmul(weights, inputs):
        return inputs @ weights

    pjit_matmul = pjit(matmul,
                       in_axis_resources=(None, PartitionSpec("data", None)),
                       out_axis_resources=PartitionSpec("data", None))
    print(pjit_matmul(weights, inputs))

This divides up the inputs matrix along the data axis of the mesh, so that each device gets 128 // num_devices rows. It then computes the matrix multiply on each device for its slice of the data, yielding a slice of the result matrix that has shape (128 // num_devices, 32). These slices are implicitly concatenated along the data axis of the mesh, and the result is a matrix of shape (128, 32). The PartitionSpec for the output is the same as the input, so the output is also partitioned along the data axis.

If instead we had specified that the output should not be sharded, then Jax would have automatically broadcast the result to all devices, and we would have gotten a matrix of shape (128, 32).

Adding pjit to training for data parallelism

Now that we have a basic understanding of how pjit works, let's add it to our trainer. We'll start by creating a mesh with num_devices devices, and then we'll add a with mesh: block to our training loop. Inside the with mesh: block, we'll add a pjit call to our training_step function, specifying that the input_ids and the keys should be partitioned along the data axis of the mesh, and that the output should not be partitioned.

training_data = load_training_data()
model_config = Gpt2Config()

key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

model_key, training_key = jax.random.split(key, 2)

Vocab = Axis("vocab", len(tokenizer))
Batch = Axis("batch", 8)
SeqLen = Axis("seq_len", 128)

# NEW: create a mesh and name its (one) axis "data"
with Mesh(jax.devices(), ("data",)):
    model = Gpt2LMHeadModel(SeqLen, model_config, key=model_key)

    optimizer = optax.adamw(learning_rate=1e-4)
    opt_state = optimizer.init(model)

    # loss of a single example
    def compute_loss(model, input_ids, key, inference):
        pred_y = model(input_ids, key=key, inference=inference)
        return next_token_loss(SeqLen, Vocab, pred_y, input_ids)

    # loss of a batch
    def train_batch_loss(model, input_ids, key):
        per_ex_loss = hax.vmap(compute_loss, "batch")(model, input_ids, key, inference=False)
        return hax.mean(per_ex_loss, "batch").scalar()

    # return value and gradient of loss
    grad_loss = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(train_batch_loss)

    def train_step(model, opt_state, input_ids, keys):
       loss, grads = grad_loss(model, input_ids, keys)

       # distribute gradients across the mesh and apply them
       updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, params=model)
       model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)

       return loss, model, opt_state

    # NEW: add pjit to training_step to partition input_ids
    train_step_pjit = pjit(train_step,
                           in_axis_resources=(None, None, PartitionSpec("data", None), PartitionSpec("data", None)),

    for batch_input_ids in training_data:
        my_key, training_key = jrandom.split(training_key, 2)
        batch_key = jrandom.split(my_key, Batch.size)

        jax_step_loss, model, opt_state = train_step_pjit(model, opt_state, batch_input_ids, batch_key)
        step_loss = jax_step_loss.item()
        print(f"step loss: {step_loss:.4f}")

Reducing Memory Usage with Fully-Sharded Data Parallelism

Fully-Sharded Data Parallelism (FSDP), also known as ZeRO, is a technique for doing data parallel training that reduces the memory footprint of training by sharding the model parameters and optimizer states across multiple devices. This is distinct from the tensor parallelism that we'll cover later, which shards the matrix multiplies for individual examples across multiple devices.

When doing training, you need to store the parameters for your model, the gradients, and the optimizer state. For Adam and its kin, the optimizer state is another two copies of the parameters. If you store the parameters and optimizer states in float32 (we'll talk about mixed precision later), then you need at a minimum 16 * num_params bytes of memory, without including the memory needed for activations. (For LLMs, the data for a batch is typically trivial in comparison.)

Without FSDP, you'll need to store all of these on every TPU/GPU, which gets to be a lot of memory very quickly. With FSDP, this is reduced to 16 * num_params / num_devices bytes per device. So memory cost goes from extremely expensive (~24GB/device for a 1.5B paramter model) to very cheap (~3GB/device for a 1.5B parameter model on 8 devices) with FSDP. This is by far the most important optimization to distribute training.

FSDP, Conceptually

To get started, let's talk about what ZeRO does. Conceptually, ZeRO assigns each device a slice of the model. The device holds the parameters, optimizer states, and gradient accumulation buffers for that slice. When computing gradients, each device has to:

  1. just-in-time receive the relevant parameters from all other devices ;
  2. compute the forward and backward pass;
  3. distribute the gradients to the relevant devices;
  4. and finally update its slice of the parameters and optimizer states.

The first step is called the "all-gather" operation, and the third step is called the "reduce-scatter" operation. The second and fourth steps are the same as in normal data parallel training. Once all devices have finished, the process repeats.

FSDP with Jax and Haliax, Conceptually

So we basically have two ways we need to partition the model: once for "compute" and once for "parameters." "Compute" is the "normal" and (for now) fully replicated model we use for compute. For "parameters," we want our model and optimizer states to be fully sharded.

To do that, we are going to have two mappings from axes to our mesh: one for "compute" and one for "parameters." The "compute" mapping will shard our training data across the mesh, and the "parameter" mapping will instead shard our parameters and optimizer states.

Jax won't (easily) allow you to shard entire tensors across a mesh. You instead need to shard along an axis. So we need to find an axis that shows up in all of our parameters. Luckily, we have one Axis that consistently shows up in nearly all of our parameters: Embed. So what we're going to do is partition the Embed axis across our device mesh. This will give us a fully sharded model, modulo a few bias terms.

Consider a matrix like c_fc: [Embed, Mlp]. For the "parameter" mapping, c_fc is partitioned so that one 1/num_devices of the rows (the Embed axis) are on each device. For "compute," c_fc will be all-gathered onto all devices. Schematically, this looks like:

FSDP partitioning of c_fc, as described above and below

In the figure, the green box (color-coordinated with Embed) around the device mesh indicates that the Embed axis is partitioned across the mesh. The magenta-esque boxes around each device indicate that the Mlp axis is replicated. Meanwhile, for "compute", the dashed green and magenta-esque boxes indicate that the Embed and Mlp axes are replicated across the mesh: each device has a copy of the entire tensor.

It is important to emphasize that we're never keeping the entire model on a single device. Instead, we copy just the parameters we need for each operation.

So, to put it together, to do our forward pass, we repartition our parameters just-in-time so that each device has the parameters it needs: we go from the parameter partitioning to the compute partitioning. We then do our forward pass. During the backward pass, we repartition our gradients from the compute partitioning to the parameter partitioning, reducing them as we go. Finally, we do the optimizer updates, and then we're ready for the next batch.

pjit for Distributed Matrix Multiplication

Jax has a principle that computation follows data: if you want to do a distributed matrix multiplication, you can split your matrix up across multiple devices, do the appropriate local matrix multiplications, and then aggregate the results. As an example, if I have a 1024x512 matrix and I want to do a distributed matrix multiply by a hidden state vector of dimension 512, I can split the matrix up into 4 256x512 matrices, do 4 local matrix multiplies each against the vector, and then sum up the resulting 1024 vectors.

This is the principle behind pjit, except it's all done automatically under the hood. pjit will let us write our training code as if it were running on a single device, but then we specify how we want our parameters and data to be partitioned across devices, and pjit and the XLA SPMD partitioner will do the rest.

Now let's see how to do a similar distributed matrix multiply using pjit. pjit takes a function and a PartitionSpec for each input (or None to indicate that the input should be fully replicated across the mesh) and for each output, and returns a function that runs the function after partitioning the data across the mesh (if they need to be).

Here's an example:

from jax.experimental.pjit import pjit
from jax.experimental.pjit import PartitionSpec
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as onp

inputs = jnp.ones((256, 4096))  # [batch, embed]
weights = jnp.ones((4096, 512))  # [embed, intermediate]

devices = onp.array(jax.devices())
mesh = Mesh(devices, ("data",))  # devices, axis names

with mesh:
    def matmul(weights, inputs):
        return inputs @ weights

    pjit_matmul = pjit(matmul,
                       in_axis_resources=(PartitionSpec(None, "data"), PartitionSpec("data", None)),
                       out_axis_resources=(PartitionSpec(None, None)))
    print(pjit_matmul(weights, inputs))

This will partition the weights's first axis and inputs's second axis across the mesh, and then do a distributed matrix multiply. The result will be partitioned along no axes, so it will be fully replicated across the mesh.

Haliax's named_pjit

We just saw the pjit operator, which is/was the main way to partition computation and data in Jax. However, pjit can be a bit of a pain to use when you have a lot of inputs and outputs. For example, if you have a complex nested model hierarchy (e.g. our GPT-2) it can be difficult to specify the partitioning for each parameter, especially for fairly opaque objects like optax optimizer states.

This is where named axes come in. With Haliax, you can specify a "physical" (i.e. mesh) axis name for each named axis in your model. Then, you just call named_pjit with the name of the function you want to partition, and the dict containing those mappings. That's it! As an example, here's a simple distributed matrix multiply:

import jax
from jax.experimental.maps import Mesh
import numpy as onp

import haliax as hax
from haliax import Axis

Batch = Axis("Batch", 256)
Embed = Axis("Embed", 4096)
Mlp = Axis("Mlp", 512)

axis_mapping = {"Embed": "data"}

devices = onp.array(jax.devices())
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

with Mesh(devices, ("data",)) as mesh:
    def matmul(y, x):
        return"Embed", x, y)

    inputs = jax.random.normal(key, (Batch, Embed))
    weights = jax.random.normal(key, (Embed, Mlp))
    z = matmul(weights, inputs)

This will partition the Embed axis across the mesh, and replicate the Batch and Mlp axes. Jax will automatically insert the necessary all-gather and reduce-scatter operations to make this work, and the result z with shape (Batch, Mlp) will be fully replicated across the mesh.

FSDP with Haliax's named_pjit

Now that we have named_pjit, we can partition our model. We just need to specify the two axis mappings: one for "compute" and one for "parameters." The "compute" mapping will shard our training data across the mesh, and the "parameter" mapping will instead shard our parameters and optimizer states.

import haliax as hax

training_data = load_training_data()
model_config = Gpt2Config()

key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

model_key, training_key = jax.random.split(key, 2)

Vocab = Axis("vocab", len(tokenizer))
Batch = Axis("batch", 8)
SeqLen = Axis("seq_len", 128)

# NEW: specify the axis mappings
compute_mapping = {"batch": "data"}
param_mapping = {"embed": "data"}

with Mesh(jax.devices(), ("data",)):
    # NEW: partition the model and optimizer state when we instantiate it
    model = hax.named_jit(Gpt2LMHeadModel, axis_resources=param_mapping)(SeqLen, model_config, key=model_key)

    optimizer = optax.adamw(learning_rate=1e-4)
    opt_state = hax.named_jit(optimizer.init, axis_resources=param_mapping)(model)

    # loss of a single example
    def compute_loss(model, input_ids, key, inference):
        # NEW: use a context axis mapping for compute
        with hax.axis_mapping(compute_mapping):
            pred_y = model(input_ids, key=key, inference=inference)
            return next_token_loss(SeqLen, Vocab, pred_y, input_ids)

    # loss of a batch
    def train_batch_loss(model, input_ids, key):
        per_ex_loss = hax.vmap(compute_loss, "batch")(model, input_ids, key, inference=False)
        return hax.mean(per_ex_loss, "batch").scalar()

    # return value and gradient of loss
    grad_loss = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(train_batch_loss)

    def train_step(model, opt_state, input_ids, keys):
        loss, grads = grad_loss(model, input_ids, keys)

        # distribute gradients across the mesh and apply them
        updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, params=model)
        model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)

        return loss, model, opt_state

    # NEW: use named pjit to partition the train step
    train_step_pjit = hax.named_jit(train_step, axis_resources=param_mapping)

    for batch_input_ids in training_data:
        my_key, training_key = jrandom.split(training_key, 2)
        batch_key = jrandom.split(my_key, Batch.size)

        jax_step_loss, model, opt_state = train_step_pjit(model, opt_state, batch_input_ids, batch_key)
        step_loss = jax_step_loss.item()
        print(f"step loss: {step_loss:.4f}")

Congrats, you've just implemented FSDP! The big changes are the addition of the two axis mappings, and the use of named_pjit to partition the model and optimizer state, and the conversion of the old train_step function to named_pjit as well. The rest of the code is the same as the prior example.

Details: with_sharding_constraint and Haliax's Linear Layer

The only real magic here, beyond XLA's GSPMD partitioning, is that the Linear layer in Haliax knows to use Jax's with_sharding_constraint to ensure that the Embed axis is partitioned across the mesh. XLA typically automatically inserts the necessary all-gather and reduce-scatter operations to make this work, but sometimes you need to help it out, which is what with_sharding_constraint does. with_sharding_constraint takes a PartitionSpec object, just like pjit does, and tells XLA to partition the tensor along the specified axis. This is what our prior native-Jax example would look like:

with Mesh(devices, ("data",)) as mesh:
    def matmul(weights, inputs):
        output = inputs @ weights
        output = with_sharding_constraint(output, PartitionSpec(None, None))
        return output

    pjit_matmul = pjit(matmul,
                       in_axis_resources=(PartitionSpec(None, "data"), PartitionSpec("data", None)),
                       out_axis_resources=(PartitionSpec(None, None)))
    print(pjit_matmul(weights, inputs))

You wouldn't really need to do this for a simple matrix multiply, but for more complex operations with possibly conflicting shardings, you might. In particular, this comes up frequently when dealing FSDP: both Embed and Batch are partitioned across the mesh, and XLA isn't sure which should be partitioned in a [Batch, Embed] tensor.

With that in mind, this is what Linear looks like:

    def __call__(self, inputs):
        q =, self.weight)
        if self.bias is not None:
            q = q + self.bias

        q = hax.auto_sharded(q)

        return q

auto_sharded uses the axis mapping made available with the hax.axis_mapping context manager (which is the compute axis mapping) to create the right call to with_sharding_constraint. This is what allows us to do the partitioning of the Embed axis. Anywhere you have a linear (affine) operation like this, you might want to use auto_sharded to ensure that the activations are sharded the way you intend.

Mixed Precision Training with jmp

A first easy win is to use mixed precision training. This is a technique where you store the parameters (and optimizer states) in full precision, but only use half precision (bfloat16) for the activations. This reduces the memory footprint of the model and optimizer states by a factor of 2: so our 750M parameter model would only need 6GB of memory. This is a significant win, and it's easy to do with Jax and a library called jmp. It also dramatically improves speed. A100s advertise a 15x speedup for bfloat16 or float16 over float32.

We could just do everything in bfloat16, but there's been lots of reports that, even when stable, keeping everything in bfloat16 can lead to worse performance. For instance, the Gopher paper found a ~.15 nat loss increase at 417M parameters, which is consistent with what we found in our experiments. So, we'll keep the parameters and optimizer states in float32, and use bfloat16 for the activations.

jmp is a very small library that manages mixed precision. You just make a Policy that lets you specify the underlying dtype for three "semantic" dtypes: parameter, compute, and output. The policy has methods for convert an array or pytree of arrays to the appropriate dtype, and for converting back to each of these semantic dtypes.

import jmp
policy = jmp.get_policy("compute=bfloat16,parameter=f32,output=f32")

policy.cast_to_compute(my_model)  # Convert x to bfloat16

To plug this into our trainer, we need to make just two changes. First, when we create our model, we cast it to the param dtype. Next, when we get ready to compute the loss, we cast the model to the compute dtype.

Here's what that looks like in our training code:

training_data = load_training_data()
model_config = Gpt2Config()

# NEW: initialize a policy. Ordinarily we'd get this from config
# ordinarily we'd get this from config
policy = jmp.get_policy("compute=bfloat16,parameter=f32,output=f32")

key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

model_key, training_key = jax.random.split(key, 2)

Vocab = Axis("vocab", len(tokenizer))
Batch = Axis("batch", 8)
SeqLen = Axis("seq_len", 128)

compute_mapping = {"batch": "data"}
param_mapping = {"embed": "data"}

with Mesh(jax.devices(), ("data",)):
    # NEW: cast the model to the param dtype
    def init_model():
        model = Gpt2LMHeadModel(model_config, key=model_key)
        return policy.cast_to_param(model)

    model = init_model()

    optimizer = optax.adamw(learning_rate=1e-4)
    opt_state = hax.named_jit(optimizer.init, axis_resources=param_mapping)(model)

    # loss of a single example
    def compute_loss(model, input_ids, key, inference):
        with hax.axis_mapping(compute_mapping):
            # NEW: cast the model to the compute dtype
            model = policy.cast_to_compute(model)
            pred_y = model(input_ids, key=key, inference=inference)
            # NEW: cast the output to the output dtype
            pred_y = policy.cast_to_output(pred_y)
            return next_token_loss(SeqLen, Vocab, pred_y, input_ids)

    # loss of a batch
    def train_batch_loss(model, input_ids, key):
        per_ex_loss = hax.vmap(compute_loss, "batch")(model, input_ids, key, inference=False)
        return hax.mean(per_ex_loss, "batch").scalar()

    # return value and gradient of loss
    grad_loss = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(train_batch_loss)

    def train_step(model, opt_state, input_ids, keys):
        loss, grads = grad_loss(model, input_ids, keys)

        # distribute gradients across the mesh and apply them
        updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, params=model)
        model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)

        return loss, model, opt_state

    train_step_pjit = hax.named_jit(train_step, axis_resources=param_mapping)

    for batch_input_ids in training_data:
        my_key, training_key = jrandom.split(training_key, 2)
        batch_key = jrandom.split(my_key, Batch.size)

        jax_step_loss, model, opt_state = train_step_pjit(model, opt_state, batch_input_ids, batch_key)
        step_loss = jax_step_loss.item()
        print(f"step loss: {step_loss:.4f}")

Tensor Parallelism with Activation Sharding

We now have everything we need to train models of 10-20B parameters (except for gradient checkpointing, which we discuss at the very end). So what follows is not all that necessary for training, but it is helpful for inference and good for pedagogy.

Activation partitioning is a technique that allows you to split up the activations of a model across multiple devices. Typically, this is accompanied by model partitioning, which splits up the parameters of the model across multiple devices. This is distinct from FSDP, which also splits up the model parameters and associated states. The difference is that activation partitioning shards intermediate computations for a single example (like attention or the MLP in the transformer) across devices, and combines the results through communication, while (by itself) FSDP always performs the entire computation for a given example on a single device. As a note, there are at least two things people call "model parallelism." The first is activation sharding, which is what we're going to cover here. The second is pipeline parallelism, which is a technique for splitting a computation into multiple stages, and then running each stage on a different device. We haven't implemented pipeline parallelism in Levanter yet, but it's on our roadmap.

Device Meshes for Tensor Parallelism

So far, we've only had device meshes with a single axis. Now, let's add a second axis, and call it model:

Two Dimensional Device Mesh with Axes data and model

As before we'll use the data axis for data parallelism (as well as storing parameters with FSDP), and the new model axis we'll use for model parallelism. In this section, we'll ignore FSDP for now and just focus on activation sharding.

Now, if we map our Batch axis to the data axis, then our data is replicated two times, so that each row of the model axis gets a copy of the data:

Two Dimensional Device Mesh with Axes data and model, with data replicated

Now let's talk about partitioning our model. Jax partitions things in terms of axes, so we need to choose which axes of our model we want to partition. Let's focus on just the MLP part of our model for now, and ignore the attention heads. Our MLP has two Linear modules c_fc and c_proj. c_fc has shape [Embed, Mlp], and c_proj has shape [Mlp, Embed]. (There are bias terms but we'll ignore them for now.)

We're going to partition the Mlp axis of our model, and leave the Embed axis unpartitioned. This means that each column of our device mesh will get a complete copy of the parameters. The top row will get the first Mlp/2 columns of c_fc, and the bottom row will get the second Mlp/2 columns of c_fc. (Similarly for c_proj.)

Above, but also showing c_fc partitioned across model

What's more, when we do computations with this parameter, Jax will partition the computation and the result for us in the "right way." For example, when we multiply our input: [Batch, SeqLen, Embed] by the matrix parameter of c_fc: [Embed, Mlp] to get a result intermediate: [Batch, SeqLen, Mlp], Jax will automatically partition the computation and the result so that the Batch axis is partitioned along the data axis, and the Mlp axis is partitioned along the model axis. Thus, the intermediate result will be partitioned along both axes, so that no device shares any data with another device. That looks like this:

Above, but showing the intermediate as being partitioned across both data and model

When we do the next computation, where we matrix-multiply intermediate: [Batch, SeqLen, Mlp] by c_proj: [Mlp, Embed], Jax will "do the right thing" so that the Batch axis is partitioned along the data axis, and the Embed axis is replicated, so that the final result output: [Batch, SeqLen, Embed] is also partitioned in the same way as the original input: [Batch, SeqLen, Embed].

Tensor Parallelism with Haliax

Now that we've seen how to do activation sharding, let's talk about how to make it easier to use. Jax's

pjit is great, but it can be a bit of a pain to use when you have a lot of inputs and outputs. For example, if you have a complex nested model hierarchy (e.g. our GPT-2) it can be difficult to specify the partitioning for each parameter.

This is where named axes come in. With Haliax, you can specify a "physical" (i.e. mesh) axis name for each named axis in your model. Then, you just call named_pjit with the name of the function you want to partition, and the dict containing those mappings. That's it! Here's that same example from above, but using named axes:

import haliax as hax
from haliax.partitioning import named_jit
import jax
import numpy as onp

Batch = hax.Axis("batch", 128)
Embed = hax.Axis("embed", 64)
Intermediate = hax.Axis("intermediate", 512)

inputs = hax.ones((Batch, Embed))
weights = hax.ones((Embed, Intermediate))

def matmul(weights, inputs):
    return, inputs)

# assume we have 8 devices, e.g. a v3-8 TPU node
devices = onp.array(jax.devices()).reshape((4, 2))
mesh = Mesh(devices, ("model", "data"))

pjit_matmul = named_jit(matmul, axis_resources={"intermediate": "model", "batch": "data"})

with mesh:
    print(pjit_matmul(x, y))

And you're done! If you want to have different partitioning for inputs and outputs, you can specify those separately:

pjit_matmul = named_pjit(matmul,
                         in_axis_resources={"intermediate": "model", "batch": "data"},
                         out_axis_resources={"batch": "data"})

Model-Partitioned GPT-2 Training

Now that we've covered the basics of pjit and our named variant, let's see how we can use it to train a model-parallel GPT-2 model. The basic idea is to create the two-dimensional mesh we saw above, and then use named_pjit to partition the right axes of the model across the model axis.

training_data = load_training_data()
model_config = Gpt2Config()

policy = jmp.get_policy("compute=bfloat16,parameter=f32,output=f32")

key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

model_key, training_key = jax.random.split(key, 2)

Vocab = Axis("vocab", len(tokenizer))
Batch = Axis("batch", 8)
SeqLen = Axis("seq_len", 128)

# NEW: specify axes to do model parallelism on
compute_mapping = {"batch": "data", "mlp": "model", "head": "model"}
param_mapping = {"embed": "data", "mlp": "model", "head": "model"}

# NEW: specify a 2D mesh with model_axis_size
model_axis_size = 2
mesh = Mesh(onp.array(jax.devices()).reshape((-1, model_axis_size)), ("data", "model"))

with mesh:
    def init_model():
        model = Gpt2LMHeadModel(model_config, key=model_key)
        return policy.cast_to_param(model)

    model = init_model()

    optimizer = optax.adamw(learning_rate=1e-4)
    opt_state = hax.named_jit(optimizer.init, axis_resources=param_mapping)(model)

    # loss of a single example
    def compute_loss(model, input_ids, key, inference):
        with hax.axis_mapping(compute_mapping):
            model = policy.cast_to_compute(model)
            pred_y = model(input_ids, key=key, inference=inference)
            pred_y = policy.cast_to_output(pred_y)
            return next_token_loss(SeqLen, Vocab, pred_y, input_ids)

    # loss of a batch
    def train_batch_loss(model, input_ids, key):
        per_ex_loss = hax.vmap(compute_loss, "batch")(model, input_ids, key, inference=False)
        return hax.mean(per_ex_loss, "batch").scalar()

    # return value and gradient of loss
    grad_loss = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(train_batch_loss)

    def train_step(model, opt_state, input_ids, keys):
        loss, grads = grad_loss(model, input_ids, keys)

        # distribute gradients across the mesh and apply them
        updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, params=model)
        model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)

        return loss, model, opt_state

    train_step_pjit = hax.named_jit(train_step, axis_resources=param_mapping)

    for batch_input_ids in training_data:
        my_key, training_key = jrandom.split(training_key, 2)
        batch_key = jrandom.split(my_key, Batch.size)

        jax_step_loss, model, opt_state = train_step_pjit(model, opt_state, batch_input_ids, batch_key)
        step_loss = jax_step_loss.item()
        print(f"step loss: {step_loss:.4f}")

And that's tensor parallelism!

Other Techniques

Gradient Checkpointing

Gradient checkpointing is a technique for reducing memory consumption when training deep models. The basic idea is to trade compute for memory: instead of storing all of the activations of a layer, we recompute them on the backward pass.

In Jax, you can use jax.checkpoint to do this. If you're using Haliax and Stacked, then you can instead just pass gradient_checkpointing=True to Stacked and it will automatically checkpoint. Typically this is where you want checkpointing to happen, since it's the most memory-intensive part of the model.

Argument Donation

Another technique for reducing memory consumption is argument donation. The basic idea is that if you have a function that takes a large argument that you won't need after the function returns, you can donate that argument to the function and then delete it after the function returns. You usually use this for thing you're planning on updating and don't need to keep around, like optimizer state or the model parameters.

In Jax, you can use jax.jit (or pjit) to do this. If you're using Haliax's named_pjit, you can specify which arguments to donate with the donate argument, which takes a PyTree-prefix of the arguments to donate. For instance, this will donate the model and opt_state to the train step:

def train_step(model, opt_state, input_ids, keys):
    loss, grads = grad_loss(model, input_ids, keys)

    # distribute gradients across the mesh and apply them
    updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, params=model)
    model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)

    return loss, model, opt_state

train_step_pjit = hax.named_jit(train_step, axis_resources=param_mapping, donate=(True, True, False, False))

Random Gotchas

Pjit's SPMD partitioner gets confused

Sometimes Jax doesn't shard things the way you want, and this can lead to either huge slow downs or huge memory consumption. Jax's with_sharding_constraint or Haliax's auto_sharded is your friend here.

Randomness isn't shardable

Unfortunately, random number generation in Jax is sequential: there's no way to "fast-forward" the RNG. Let's say I want to generate a 4096 x 8192 matrix that is sharded along the first axis across 4 nodes. Then, I might want to write something like this:

import jax
from jax.experimental.pjit import pjit
from jax.random import PRNGKey
key = PRNGKey(0)

def make_matrix(key): return jax.random.normal(key, (4096, 8192))

make_matrix = pjit(make_matrix, in_axis_resources=(None,), out_axis_resources=("model", None))

my_matrix = make_matrix(key)

Unfortunately what Jax does here is generate all 4096 * 8192 = 33,554,432 entries on every node, and then select the appropriate range. That is, it might look something like this:

# on node 0:
whole_matrix = jax.random.normal(key, (4096, 8192))
my_shard = whole_matrix[4096/4 * 0: 4096/4 * 1, :]
# on node 1:
whole_matrix = jax.random.normal(key, (4096, 8192))
my_shard = whole_matrix[4096/4 * 1: 4096/4 * 2, :]
# etc.

This is pretty expensive and, more importantly, ends up using a whole lot of precious TPU RAM, to the extent that I've had models that should fit in RAM run out of memory during initialization.

A somewhat ugly way to work around this is to split the key and then vmap the random number generation:

key = PRNGKey(0)

vmap_normal = jax.vmap(lambda k: jax.random.normal(k, 8192))
my_matrix = vmap_normal(jax.random.split(key, 4096))

def make_matrix(key): return jax.random.normal(key, (4096, 8192))

This changes the result from the "naive" version, but as long as you're consistent, it's fine.

Haliax actually supports doing this operation with a wrapper called generate_sharded:

import haliax as hax

Hidden = hax.Axis("Hidden", 4096)
Mlp = hax.Axis("Mlp", 8192)

key = PRNGKey(0)
my_matrix = hax.random.generate_sharded(hax.random.normal, axis=Hidden)(key, (Hidden, Mlp))

Note that this means that random number generation changes if you change the partitioning, which isn't ideal, but it sometimes makes things work that didn't work before.