- Create IAM user with administrator access. Create access_key and security_key. Don't keep these in GIT
- Create a work station of AWS Linux 2 OS. Install docker in it.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/techworldwithsiva/docker-install-commands/master/docker-install.sh | sudo bash
- Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/techworldwithsiva/k8-install.git
- go to k8-install folder
cd k8-install
- Run eks-client.sh script to install AWS CLI V2, eksctl, kubectl
sudo sh eks-client.sh
- Run AWS configure. Enter AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY created in first step.
aws configure
- Now we need to create EKS cluster with eksctl command. Replace the SSH key with your key name and cluster name in eks-config-spot.yaml file
eksctl create cluster --config-file=eks-config-spot.yaml
NOTE: When you completed practice delete the cluster.
eksctl delete cluster --config-file=eks-config-spot.yaml