diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI.yaml b/.github/workflows/CI.yaml
index 5bae1ef..46c5821 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/CI.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/CI.yaml
@@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ jobs:
       # To add more build types (Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, etc.) customize the build_type list.
-        os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
+        os: [windows-latest] # skip ubuntu until 24.04 is available in GHA (required for newer GCC & CLang)
         build_type: [Debug]
-        c_compiler: [gcc, cl]
-        include:
-          - os: windows-latest
-            c_compiler: cl
-            cpp_compiler: cl
-          - os: ubuntu-latest
-            c_compiler: gcc
-            cpp_compiler: g++
-        exclude:
-          - os: windows-latest
-            c_compiler: gcc
-          - os: ubuntu-latest
-            c_compiler: cl
+        c_compiler: [cl] # skip gcc & clang until ubuntu 24.04 is available in GHA
+#        include:
+#          - os: windows-latest
+#            c_compiler: cl
+#            cpp_compiler: cl
+#          - os: ubuntu-latest
+#            c_compiler: gcc
+#            cpp_compiler: g++
+#        exclude:
+#          - os: windows-latest
+#            c_compiler: gcc
+#          - os: ubuntu-latest
+#            c_compiler: cl
       - uses: actions/checkout@v4