File tree
3,886 files changed
lines changed- .changeset
- .github
- workflows
- config/eslint
- docs
- src
- components
- content
- hardhat-chai-matchers/docs
- hardhat-network-helpers/docs
- hardhat-runner
- docs
- advanced
- config
- getting-started
- guides
- reference
- supporter-guides
- plugins
- hardhat-vscode/docs
- ignition/docs
- advanced
- config
- getting-started
- guides
- reference
- tutorial
- model
- temp
- e2e
- fixture-projects/vars
- packages
- eslint-plugin-hardhat-internal-rules/lib/rules
- eslint-plugin-slow-imports/lib/helpers
- hardhat-chai-matchers
- src
- internal
- reverted
- test
- fixture-projects/hardhat-project/contracts
- reverted
- hardhat-core
- sample-projects
- javascript
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- javascript-esm
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- typescript
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- typescript-viem
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- scripts
- src
- builtin-tasks
- utils
- internal
- cli
- core
- config
- jsonrpc/types/output
- providers
- hardhat-network
- jsonrpc
- provider
- utils
- vm
- stack-traces
- lib
- sentry
- solidity/compiler
- util
- types
- test
- builtin-tasks
- fixture-projects
- compilation-latest-solc-version
- contracts
- solidity-config-warnings
- helpers
- internal
- cli/vars
- core/providers
- hardhat-network/stack-traces
- test-files
- 0_5
- abi-v2
- call-failing-function
- inherits-returns-struct
- nested-arrays-as-public-parameter
- non-payable-returns-struct
- returns-struct
- call-message
- external-calls
- back-and-forth
- contract-creation-failure
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- proxy
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- storage-mapping-parameter
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- unrecognized-contracts
- recognized-failure
- unrecognized-failure
- inheritance
- inherited-fallback
- inherited-function-with-modifier
- inherited-modifier
- inherited-nonpayable-fallback
- inherited-nonpayable-function
- super-call
- super-call-skiping-parent
- super-call-with-modifier-failure
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-function-with-modifier
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- recursive-call
- no-calls
- address-payable-as-argument
- assert
- contract-as-argument
- direct-library-call-existing-function
- direct-library-call-internal-function
- direct-library-call-non-existing-function
- division-by-zero
- enum-as-argument
- fail-after-modifier
- fallback-non-payable-with-selector
- fallback-non-payable-without-selector
- function-non-payable
- funds-to-public-array-access
- funds-to-public-mapping-access
- funds-to-public-multiple-mapping-access
- invalid-internal-array-access
- invalid-public-array-access
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- no-fallback-nor-selector
- public-array-access-with-invalid-args
- public-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- public-multiple-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- require-with-message
- require-without-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-without-message
- revert-without-message-in-fallback
- console-logs
- address
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- backward-compatibility
- bool
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- contract-creation
- not-reverting
- reverting
- error
- assert
- revert
- multiple-messages
- multiple-creates
- not-reverting
- reverting
- no-params
- single-log
- bytes10-bytes21
- bytes22-bytes32
- uint-bytes9
- string
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- uint
- address
- bool
- most-significant-bit-set
- string
- uint
- create-message
- external-calls
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- unrecognized-deployments
- unrecognized-contract-calls-recognized-one-failure
- unrecognized-contract-creates-recognized-one-failure
- inheritance
- multiple-constructor-one-fails
- multiple-constructor-one-fails-in-call
- only-inherited-constructor-reverts
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-call-from-modifier
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-modifier
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- no-calls
- assert
- division-by-zero
- fail-after-modifier
- invalid-array-access
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- require-with-message
- require-without-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-without-message
- send-value-to-nonpayable
- send-value-to-nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- solc-after-0.5.9
- nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args-and-value
- solc-before-0.5.9
- nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args-and-value
- unrecognized-failure
- special-cases
- different-contracts-same-deployment-bytecode
- function-type-as-public-parameter
- 0_6
- abi-v2
- call-failing-function
- inherits-returns-struct
- nested-arrays-as-public-parameter
- non-payable-returns-struct
- returns-struct
- call-message
- external-calls
- back-and-forth
- call-with-value-without-funds
- contract-creation-failure
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- forward-contract-try-catch
- forward-contract-with-immutable-failure
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- immutable-variable
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- proxy
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- several-immutable-variables
- storage-mapping-parameter
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- try-catch-and-back-and-forth
- unrecognized-contracts
- recognized-failure
- unrecognized-failure
- inheritance
- inherited-fallback
- inherited-function-with-modifier
- inherited-modifier
- inherited-nonpayable-fallback
- inherited-nonpayable-function
- inherited-receive
- super-call
- super-call-skiping-parent
- super-call-with-modifier-failure
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-function-with-modifier
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- recursive-call
- no-calls
- address-payable-as-argument
- assert
- contract-as-argument
- direct-library-call-existing-function
- direct-library-call-internal-function
- direct-library-call-non-existing-function
- division-by-zero
- enum-as-argument
- fail-after-modifier
- fallback-non-payable-with-selector
- fallback-non-payable-without-selector
- function-non-payable
- funds-to-public-array-access
- funds-to-public-mapping-access
- funds-to-public-multiple-mapping-access
- invalid-internal-array-access
- invalid-public-array-access
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- no-fallback-nor-selector
- public-array-access-with-invalid-args
- public-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- public-multiple-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- require-with-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-with-message-in-fallback
- revert-with-message-in-receive
- console-logs
- address
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- backward-compatibility
- bool
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- contract-creation
- not-reverting
- reverting
- error
- assert
- revert
- multiple-messages
- multiple-creates
- not-reverting
- reverting
- no-params
- single-log
- bytes10-bytes21
- bytes22-bytes32
- uint-bytes9
- string
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- uint
- address
- bool
- most-significant-bit-set
- string
- uint
- create-message
- external-calls
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- forward-contract-failure-with-salt
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- unrecognized-deployments
- unrecognized-contract-calls-recognized-one-failure
- unrecognized-contract-creates-recognized-one-failure
- inheritance
- multiple-constructor-one-fails
- multiple-constructor-one-fails-in-call
- only-inherited-constructor-reverts
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-call-from-modifier
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-modifier
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- no-calls
- assert
- division-by-zero
- fail-after-modifier
- immutable-variable
- invalid-array-access
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args-and-value
- require-with-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-without-message
- send-value-to-nonpayable
- send-value-to-nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- unrecognized-failure
- fallback-and-receive
- with-calldata-with-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- with-calldata-without-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- without-calldata-with-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- without-calldata-without-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- revert-without-message
- with-solc-0.6.3-bug
- modifiers
- call-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- optimized-out-revert
- create-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- optimized-out-revert
- require-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- revert-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- inherited-statement-after
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- without-solc-0.6.3-bug
- modifiers
- call-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- create-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- require-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- revert-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- inherited-statement-after
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- special-cases
- different-contracts-same-deployment-bytecode
- function-type-as-public-parameter
- 0_7
- abi-v2
- call-failing-function
- inherits-returns-struct
- nested-arrays-as-public-parameter
- non-payable-returns-struct
- returns-struct
- call-message
- external-calls
- back-and-forth
- call-with-value-without-funds
- contract-creation-failure
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- forward-contract-try-catch
- forward-contract-with-immutable-failure
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- immutable-variable
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- proxy
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- several-immutable-variables
- storage-mapping-parameter
- top-level-constants
- top-level-function-called-from-modifier
- top-level-function-different-file
- top-level-function-reverts
- top-level-functions-chained
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- try-catch-and-back-and-forth
- unrecognized-contracts
- recognized-failure
- unrecognized-failure
- inheritance
- inherited-fallback
- inherited-function-with-modifier
- inherited-modifier
- inherited-nonpayable-fallback
- inherited-nonpayable-function
- inherited-receive
- super-call
- super-call-skiping-parent
- super-call-with-modifier-failure
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-function-with-modifier
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- recursive-call
- no-calls
- address-payable-as-argument
- assert
- contract-as-argument
- direct-library-call-existing-function
- direct-library-call-internal-function
- direct-library-call-non-existing-function
- division-by-zero
- enum-as-argument
- fail-after-modifier
- fallback-non-payable-with-selector
- fallback-non-payable-without-selector
- function-non-payable
- funds-to-public-array-access
- funds-to-public-mapping-access
- funds-to-public-multiple-mapping-access
- invalid-internal-array-access
- invalid-public-array-access
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- no-fallback-nor-selector
- public-array-access-with-invalid-args
- public-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- public-multiple-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- require-with-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-with-message-in-fallback
- revert-with-message-in-receive
- console-logs
- address
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- backward-compatibility
- bool
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- contract-creation
- not-reverting
- reverting
- error
- assert
- revert
- log-in-top-level-function
- multiple-messages
- multiple-creates
- not-reverting
- reverting
- no-params
- single-log
- bytes10-bytes21
- bytes22-bytes32
- uint-bytes9
- string
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- uint
- address
- bool
- most-significant-bit-set
- string
- uint
- create-message
- external-calls
- constructor-calls-top-level-function
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- forward-contract-failure-with-salt
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- unrecognized-deployments
- unrecognized-contract-calls-recognized-one-failure
- unrecognized-contract-creates-recognized-one-failure
- inheritance
- multiple-constructor-one-fails
- multiple-constructor-one-fails-in-call
- only-inherited-constructor-reverts
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-call-from-modifier
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-modifier
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- no-calls
- assert
- division-by-zero
- fail-after-modifier
- immutable-variable
- invalid-array-access
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args-and-value
- require-with-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-without-message
- send-value-to-nonpayable
- send-value-to-nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- unrecognized-failure
- fallback-and-receive
- with-calldata-with-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- with-calldata-without-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- without-calldata-with-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- without-calldata-without-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- out-of-gas/oog-chaining
- revert-without-message
- modifiers
- call-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- create-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- require-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- revert-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- inherited-statement-after
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- special-cases
- different-contracts-same-deployment-bytecode
- function-type-as-public-parameter
- 0_8
- abi-v2
- call-failing-function
- inherits-returns-struct
- nested-arrays-as-public-parameter
- non-payable-returns-struct
- returns-struct
- call-message
- external-calls
- asm-reverts-propagation
- back-and-forth
- call-with-value-without-funds
- contract-creation-failure
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- forward-contract-try-catch
- forward-contract-with-immutable-failure
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- immutable-variable
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- proxy
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- several-immutable-variables
- storage-mapping-parameter
- top-level-constants
- top-level-function-called-from-modifier
- top-level-function-different-file
- top-level-function-reverts
- top-level-functions-chained
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- try-catch-and-back-and-forth
- unrecognized-contracts
- recognized-failure
- unrecognized-failure
- inheritance
- inherited-fallback
- inherited-function-with-modifier
- inherited-modifier
- inherited-nonpayable-fallback
- inherited-nonpayable-function
- inherited-receive
- super-call
- super-call-skiping-parent
- super-call-with-modifier-failure
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-function-with-modifier
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- recursive-call
- no-calls
- address-payable-as-argument
- assert
- contract-as-argument
- custom-error-after-modifier
- direct-library-call-existing-function
- direct-library-call-internal-function
- direct-library-call-non-existing-function
- division-by-zero
- enum-as-argument
- fail-after-modifier
- fallback-non-payable-with-selector
- fallback-non-payable-without-selector
- function-non-payable
- funds-to-public-array-access
- funds-to-public-mapping-access
- funds-to-public-multiple-mapping-access
- invalid-internal-array-access
- invalid-public-array-access
- modifier-custom-error-before
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- no-fallback-nor-selector
- overloaded-function-params-error
- panic-after-modifier
- public-array-access-with-invalid-args
- public-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- public-mapping-with-user-defined-keytype-contract
- public-mapping-with-user-defined-keytype-enum
- public-multiple-mapping-access-with-invalid-args
- require-with-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-with-message-in-fallback
- revert-with-message-in-receive
- console-logs
- address
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- backward-compatibility
- bool
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- contract-creation
- not-reverting
- reverting
- error
- assert
- revert
- log-in-top-level-function
- multiple-messages
- multiple-creates
- not-reverting
- reverting
- no-params
- single-log
- bytes-32
- bytes1-bytes-9
- bytes10-bytes20
- bytes21-bytes31
- uint-bytes
- string
- address
- bool
- string
- uint
- uint
- address
- bool
- most-significant-bit-set
- string
- uint
- create-message
- external-calls
- constructor-calls-top-level-function
- forward-contract-failure
- forward-contract-failure-multiple-times
- forward-contract-failure-with-salt
- ignored-library-call-reverts
- incorrect-returndata-size
- library-call-missing-function
- library-call-reverts
- library-call-with-internal-calls-reverts
- non-contract-account-called
- not-forward-contract-failure
- send-fails
- send-without-funds
- transfer-fails
- transfer-without-funds
- unrecognized-deployments
- unrecognized-contract-calls-recognized-one-failure
- unrecognized-contract-creates-recognized-one-failure
- inheritance
- multiple-constructor-one-fails
- multiple-constructor-one-fails-in-call
- only-inherited-constructor-reverts
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-call-from-modifier
- only-inherited-constructor-with-failing-modifier
- internal-calls
- call-from-modifier-fails
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-after
- call-to-function-with-failing-modifier-before
- call-to-internal-function
- call-to-private-function
- call-to-public-function
- modifier-fails-after-call
- no-calls
- assert
- division-by-zero
- fail-after-modifier
- immutable-variable
- invalid-array-access
- modifier-fails-after
- modifier-fails-before
- modifier-multiple-underscores
- multiple-modifiers
- nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args
- payable-with-wrong-args-and-value
- require-with-message
- revert-in-assembly
- revert-with-message
- revert-with-message-after-send-fails
- revert-without-message
- send-value-to-nonpayable
- send-value-to-nonpayable-with-wrong-args
- unrecognized-failure
- custom-errors
- complex-custom-error
- custom-error-with-string
- simple-custom-error
- fallback-and-receive
- with-calldata-with-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- with-calldata-without-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- without-calldata-with-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- without-calldata-without-value
- no-fallback-and-no-receive
- no-fallback-and-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- non-payable-fallback-and-receive
- payable-fallback-and-no-receive
- payable-fallback-and-receive
- file-level-event
- out-of-gas/oog-chaining
- panic-codes
- arithmetic-overflow
- arithmetic-underflow
- array-access-out-of-bounds
- array-too-large
- assert-failure
- big-value-to-enum
- call-another-contract-that-panics
- division-by-zero
- invalid-storage-byte-array
- negative-value-to-enum
- panic-in-top-level-function
- panic-on-deployment
- pop-in-empty-array
- try-catch-with-caught-panic
- try-catch-with-uncaught-panic
- uninitialized-function-type
- revert-without-message
- modifiers
- call-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- create-message
- modifier-multiple-underscores-require
- modifier-multiple-underscores-revert
- multiple-modifiers-require
- multiple-modifiers-revert
- require-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- revert-without-message
- within-constructor
- between-statements
- inherited-statement-after
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-fallback
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-function
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- within-receive
- between-statements
- no-other-statements
- statement-after
- statement-before
- special-cases
- different-contracts-same-deployment-bytecode
- function-type-as-public-parameter
- private-function-with-strange-types
- try-catch-uncaught
- user-defined-value-types
- version-independent
- eip170-contract-too-large
- pure-console-log
- sentry
- hardhat-ethers
- src/internal
- test
- hardhat-foundry
- src
- hardhat-network-helpers
- src
- hardhat-toolbox
- src
- test/fixture-projects/only-toolbox
- hardhat-toolbox-viem
- src
- test/fixture-projects/only-toolbox
- hardhat-verify
- src
- internal
- tasks
- test
- integration
- unit
- hardhat-viem
- src
- internal
- test
- mocks
- hardhat-vyper
- hardhat-web3-v4
- scripts
- temp-ignition
- hardhat-ignition
- src
- ui
- helpers
- utils
- visualization
- test
- deploy
- nonce-checks
- rerun
- timeouts
- fixture-projects
- create2-bad-config
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- create2-exists-chain
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- create2-not-exists-chain
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- lock
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- minimal
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- multiple-contracts-with-same-name
- contracts
- reset-flag
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- user-modules
- contracts
- ignition
- modules
- verify-no-api-key
- with-config
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- with-invalid-config
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- module-api
- plan
- strategies
- test-helpers
- ui
- helpers
- utils
- verify
- hardhat-ignition-ethers
- src
- test
- fixture-projects
- create2
- contracts
- modules
- minimal
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- with-fake-helper
- strategies
- test-helpers
- hardhat-ignition-examples
- complete
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- libArtifacts
- test
- ens
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- scripts
- test
- fee-tester
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- sample
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- scripts
- test
- ts-sample
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- test
- upgradeable
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- test
- viem-sample
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- test
- hardhat-ignition-viem
- scripts
- src
- test
- fixture-projects
- create2
- contracts
- modules
- minimal
- contracts
- ignition/modules
- with-fake-helper
- strategies
- test-helpers
- viem-instances
- v-next
- example-project
- contracts
- scripts
- test
- contracts
- mocha
- node
- hardhat-build-system
- src
- internal
- builtin-tasks/utils
- solidity
- compiler
- types
- builtin-tasks
- utils
- test
- fixture-projects
- compilation-ambiguous-remappings
- contracts
- node_modules/foo
- contracts
- compilation-contract-with-deps
- contracts
- node_modules/dependency/contracts
- compilation-empty-file
- compilation-import-non-existing-file-from-path
- contracts
- compilation-latest-solc-version
- contracts
- compilation-many-files
- contracts
- compilation-multiple-files-different-evm-versions
- contracts
- compilation-remappings
- contracts
- node_modules/foo
- contracts
- compilation-single-file
- contracts
- compilation-single-file-many-contracts
- contracts
- compilation-two-files-different-versions
- contracts
- consistent-build-info-names
- node_modules/dependency
- old-solidity-versions
- contracts
- internal/utils
- hardhat-chai-matchers
- src
- internal
- hook-handlers
- matchers
- reverted
- utils
- test
- fixture-projects
- hardhat-project
- contracts
- hook-initialization
- test
- helpers
- matchers
- reverted
- hardhat-errors
- src
- hardhat-ethers
- src
- internal
- hardhat-ethers-provider
- hardhat-helpers
- signers
- test
- helpers
- artifacts
- test-tmp
- helpers
- hardhat-ignition-core
- src
- internal
- deployment-loader
- execution
- future-processor
- handlers
- helpers
- nonce-management
- reducers
- helpers
- strategy
- types
- utils
- journal
- types
- utils
- reconciliation/futures
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
3,886 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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2 |
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3 | 2 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 |
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28 | 29 |
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30 | 31 |
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4 | 4 |
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5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 |
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8 | 7 |
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9 | 8 |
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10 | 9 |
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19 | 19 |
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21 |
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22 | 21 |
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23 | 22 |
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24 |
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27 | 26 |
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32 |
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38 |
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39 | 67 |
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40 | 68 |
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4 | 4 |
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5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 |
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10 | 9 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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7 | 7 |
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8 | 8 |
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9 | 9 |
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10 | 19 |
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11 | 20 |
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12 | 21 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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15 | 15 |
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16 | 16 |
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17 | 17 |
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18 |
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19 |
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20 | 21 |
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21 | 22 |
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22 | 23 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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18 | 18 |
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19 | 19 |
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20 | 20 |
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21 | 26 |
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22 | 27 |
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23 | 28 |
| |
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63 | 68 |
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64 | 69 |
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65 | 70 |
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66 | 72 |
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67 | 73 |
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68 | 74 |
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0 commit comments