Following example demonstrates the post-training quantization flow for converting pre-trained models to use FP8 for inference.
# import the emulator
from mpemu import mpt_emu
# layers exempt from e4m3 conversion
list_exempt_layers = ["conv1","fc"]
model, emulator = mpt_emu.quantize_model (model, dtype="e4m3_rne", "None",
# calibrate the model for a few batches of training data
evaluate(model, criterion, train_loader, device,
num_batches=<num_calibration_batches>, train=True)
# Fuse BatchNorm layers and quantize the model
model = emulator.fuse_layers_and_quantize_model(model)
# Evaluate the quantized model
evaluate(model, criterion, test_loader, device)
An example demostrating post-training quantization can be found here.