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File metadata and controls

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Automatically creates releases based on pull requests and labels.

Specifications and practices

Auto-Release follows:

How it works

The workflow will trigger on pull requests to the main branch.

The following labels will inform the action what kind of release to create:

  • For a major release, and increasing the first number in the version use:
    • major
    • breaking
  • For a minor release, and increasing the second number in the version.
    • minor
    • feature
  • For a patch release, and increases the third number in the version.
    • patch
    • fix

When a pull request is closed, the action will create a release based on the labels and clean up any previous prereleases that was created.


The labels can be configured using the MajorLabels, MinorLabels and PatchLabels parameters/settings in the configuration file to trigger on other labels.

This action is built on GitHub-Script which by default uses the GITHUB_TOKEN.


The action can be configured using the following settings:

Name Description Default Required
AutoCleanup Control wether to automatically cleanup prereleases. If disabled, the action will not remove any prereleases. true false
AutoPatching Control wether to automatically handle patches. If disabled, the action will only create a patch release if the pull request has a 'patch' label. true false
ConfigurationFile The path to the configuration file. Settings in the configuration file take precedence over the action inputs. .github\auto-release.yml false
CreateMajorTag Control wether to create a tag for major releases. true false
CreateMinorTag Control wether to create a tag for minor releases. true false
DatePrereleaseFormat The format to use for the prerelease number using .NET DateTime format strings. '' false
IgnoreLabels A comma separated list of labels that do not trigger a release. NoRelease false
IncrementalPrerelease Control wether to automatically increment the prerelease number. If disabled, the action will ensure only one prerelease exists for a given branch. true false
MajorLabels A comma separated list of labels that trigger a major release. major, breaking false
MinorLabels A comma separated list of labels that trigger a minor release. minor, feature false
PatchLabels A comma separated list of labels that trigger a patch release. patch, fix false
VersionPrefix The prefix to use for the version number. v false
WhatIf Control wether to simulate the action. If enabled, the action will not create any releases. Used for testing. false false
Debug Enable debug output. 'false' false
Verbose Enable verbose output. 'false' false
Version Specifies the exact version of the GitHub module to install. false
Prerelease Allow prerelease versions if available. 'false' false
WorkingDirectory The working directory where the script runs. ${{ github.workspace }} false

Configuration file

The configuration file is a YAML file that can be used to configure the action. By default, the configuration file is expected at .github\auto-release.yml, which can be changed using the ConfigurationFile setting. The actions configuration can be change by altering the settings in the configuration file.

DatePrereleaseFormat: 'yyyyMMddHHmm'
IncrementalPrerelease: false
VersionPrefix: ''

This example uses the date format for the prerelease, disables the incremental prerelease and removes the version prefix.


Add a workflow in you repository using the following example:

name: Auto-Release

      - main
      - closed
      - opened
      - reopened
      - synchronize
      - labeled

  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Auto-Release
        uses: PSModule/Auto-Release@v1


If running the action in a restrictive mode, the following permissions needs to be granted to the action:

  contents: write # Required to create releases
  pull-requests: write # Required to create comments on the PRs