File tree
951 files changed
lines changed- _articles
- _data
- comments
- layout-comments
- markup-syntax-highlighting
- welcome-to-jekyll
- _drafts
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- comments-providers
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- resolution
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- susy
- language
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- output
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- su
- _site
- 2005/11/open-source-software-the-newest-specter
- 2006
- 03/trobriand-cricket-an-ingenious-response-by-colonialism
- 05
- notions-of-identity-liberation-in-virtual-gaming-communities
- web-design-blueprints-on-the-css-zen-garden
- 2007
- 01/response-the-cyborg-self-and-the-networked-city-by-william-mitchell
- 03/response-neuromancer-by-william-gibson
- 04/response-patchwork-girl-by-shelly-jackson
- 05
- senior-thesis-democracy-in-wikipedia
- the-facticity-of-art
- there-is-no-cabal-an-investigation-into-wikipedias-legal-subculture
- 12/the-wikipedian-discourse-a-foucauldian-archaeology
- 2008
- 03/a-communicative-ethnography-of-argumentative-strategies-in-a-wikipedian-content-dispute
- 05
- review-10-books-that-screwed-up-the-world-by-benjamin-wiker
- why-arent-the-gpl-and-the-gfdl-freely-licensed
- 06
- memetic-inkblots
- real-virtual-communities-a-response-to-brian-williams
- user-generated-content-as-an-ethical-relation
- 07
- conceptions-and-misconceptions-academics-hold-about-wikipedia
- wikimania-2008
- wikimania-2008-closing-ceremony
- wikimania-2008-collaborative-research-on-wikiversity-with-cormac-lawler
- wikimania-2008-content-and-the-internet-in-the-globalized-middle-east
- wikimania-2008-education-and-the-wiki-paradigm-a-tug-of-war
- wikimania-2008-flagged-revisions-with-philipp-birken
- wikimania-2008-new-paradigms-for-new-tomorrows-with-ismail-serageldin
- wikimania-2008-opening-keynote
- wikimania-2008-state-of-the-mediawiki
- wikimania-2008-wikipedia-administrators-arbcom-panel
- words-and-things-a-de-re-sub-post-construction-of-rhizomatic-and-non-arborescent-stratum-in-deleuze-and-guattaris-a-thousand-plateaus
- 08
- google-search-for-phenomenology-of-spirit-suggests-nebraska-state-flower
- technology-in-the-classroom-a-response-to-arthur-bochner
- video-conceptions-and-misconceptions-academics-hold-about-wikipedia
- virtual-worlds-in-1996-the-more-things-change
- webcite-an-on-demand-internet-archive
- 09/fas-virtual-worlds-almanac-a-semantic-structured-wiki
- 10/researching-wikipedia-holistically-a-tentative-approach
- 11
- response-the-structure-of-scientific-revolutions-by-thomas-kuhn
- review-talking-about-machines-by-julian-orr
- 12/do-you-support-wikipedia-news-from-the-trenches-of-the-science-wars-2-0
- 2009
- 01/evolving-governance-and-media-use-in-wikipedia-a-historical-account
- 03/working-within-wikipedia-infrastructures-of-knowing-and-knowledge-production
- 09/wikiconference-new-york-an-open-unconference
- 10
- the-work-of-sustaining-order-in-wikipedia-the-banning-of-a-vandal
- wikisym-poster-the-social-roles-of-bots-and-assisted-editing-tools
- 12/capital-i-for-internet
- 2010
- 01/does-habermas-understand-the-internet-the-algorithmic-construction-of-the-blogopublic-sphere
- 02/perils-of-keyword-based-bibliometrics-isis-1990-effect
- 06/i-have-never-been-blogging
- 2011
- 01/trace-ethnography-following-coordination-through-documentary-practices
- 02/structural-transformation-was-habermass-first-of-thirty-books
- 03
- helvetica-a-documentary-a-history-an-anthropology
- the-lives-of-bots
- 06/closed-source-papers-on-open-source-communities-a-problem-and-a-partial-solution
- 2012
- 08/the-ethnography-of-robots-interview-at-ethnography-matters
- 09/on-instagram-photos-of-pumpkin-spice-lattes-and-other-serious-things
- 10/bots-and-cyborgs-wikipedias-immune-system
- 2013/08/about-a-bot-reflections-on-building-software-agents
- 2014/05/robots-txt
- 2015/01/register-to-the-trace-ethnography-workshop-at-the-2015-iconference
- academic works
- bots-bespoke-code-and-the-materiality-of-software-platforms
- when-the-levee-breaks-without-bots-what-happens-to-wikipedias-quality-control-processes
- archive-layout-with-content
- articles
- assets
- css
- fonts
- js
- categories
- collection-archive
- contact
- cv
- expressions
- 2012-internet-protocol-over-xylophone-players
- 2015-0-the-game
- 2015-apparent-things
- 2015-robots-txt-php
- home
- images
- page-archive
- papers
- portfolio
- 3d
- papers
- rhet
- web
- posts
- 2005/11/open-source-software-the-newest-specter
- 2006
- 03/trobriand-cricket-an-ingenious-response-by-colonialism
- 05
- notions-of-identity-liberation-in-virtual-gaming-communities
- web-design-blueprints-on-the-css-zen-garden
- 2007
- 01/response-the-cyborg-self-and-the-networked-city-by-william-mitchell
- 03/response-neuromancer-by-william-gibson
- 04/response-patchwork-girl-by-shelly-jackson
- 05
- senior-thesis-democracy-in-wikipedia
- the-facticity-of-art
- there-is-no-cabal-an-investigation-into-wikipedias-legal-subculture
- 12/the-wikipedian-discourse-a-foucauldian-archaeology
- 2008
- 03/a-communicative-ethnography-of-argumentative-strategies-in-a-wikipedian-content-dispute
- 05
- review-10-books-that-screwed-up-the-world-by-benjamin-wiker
- why-arent-the-gpl-and-the-gfdl-freely-licensed
- 06
- memetic-inkblots
- real-virtual-communities-a-response-to-brian-williams
- user-generated-content-as-an-ethical-relation
- 07
- conceptions-and-misconceptions-academics-hold-about-wikipedia
- wikimania-2008
- wikimania-2008-closing-ceremony
- wikimania-2008-collaborative-research-on-wikiversity-with-cormac-lawler
- wikimania-2008-content-and-the-internet-in-the-globalized-middle-east
- wikimania-2008-education-and-the-wiki-paradigm-a-tug-of-war
- wikimania-2008-flagged-revisions-with-philipp-birken
- wikimania-2008-new-paradigms-for-new-tomorrows-with-ismail-serageldin
- wikimania-2008-opening-keynote
- wikimania-2008-state-of-the-mediawiki
- wikimania-2008-wikipedia-administrators-arbcom-panel
- words-and-things-a-de-re-sub-post-construction-of-rhizomatic-and-non-arborescent-stratum-in-deleuze-and-guattaris-a-thousand-plateaus
- 08
- google-search-for-phenomenology-of-spirit-suggests-nebraska-state-flower
- technology-in-the-classroom-a-response-to-arthur-bochner
- video-conceptions-and-misconceptions-academics-hold-about-wikipedia
- virtual-worlds-in-1996-the-more-things-change
- webcite-an-on-demand-internet-archive
- 09/fas-virtual-worlds-almanac-a-semantic-structured-wiki
- 10/researching-wikipedia-holistically-a-tentative-approach
- 11
- response-the-structure-of-scientific-revolutions-by-thomas-kuhn
- review-talking-about-machines-by-julian-orr
- 12/do-you-support-wikipedia-news-from-the-trenches-of-the-science-wars-2-0
- 2009
- 01/evolving-governance-and-media-use-in-wikipedia-a-historical-account
- 03/working-within-wikipedia-infrastructures-of-knowing-and-knowledge-production
- 09/wikiconference-new-york-an-open-unconference
- 10
- the-work-of-sustaining-order-in-wikipedia-the-banning-of-a-vandal
- wikisym-poster-the-social-roles-of-bots-and-assisted-editing-tools
- 12/capital-i-for-internet
- 2010
- 01/does-habermas-understand-the-internet-the-algorithmic-construction-of-the-blogopublic-sphere
- 02/perils-of-keyword-based-bibliometrics-isis-1990-effect
- 06/i-have-never-been-blogging
- 2011
- 01/trace-ethnography-following-coordination-through-documentary-practices
- 02/structural-transformation-was-habermass-first-of-thirty-books
- 03
- helvetica-a-documentary-a-history-an-anthropology
- the-lives-of-bots
- 06/closed-source-papers-on-open-source-communities-a-problem-and-a-partial-solution
- 2012
- 08/the-ethnography-of-robots-interview-at-ethnography-matters
- 09/on-instagram-photos-of-pumpkin-spice-lattes-and-other-serious-things
- 10/bots-and-cyborgs-wikipedias-immune-system
- 2013/08
- about-a-bot-reflections-on-building-software-agents
- 2014
- 01/bots-bespoke-code-and-the-materiality-of-software-platforms
- 05/robots-txt
- 2015/01/register-to-the-trace-ethnography-workshop-at-the-2015-iconference
- 2016/03
- sample-page
- sitemap
- splash-page
- tags
- talk_map
- leaflet_dist
- talks
- terms
- trace-ethnography-a-retrospective
- wordpress
- 2005/11/open-source-software-the-newest-specter
- 2006
- 03/trobriand-cricket-an-ingenious-response-by-colonialism
- 05
- notions-of-identity-liberation-in-virtual-gaming-communities
- web-design-blueprints-on-the-css-zen-garden
- 2007
- 01/response-the-cyborg-self-and-the-networked-city-by-william-mitchell
- 03/response-neuromancer-by-william-gibson
- 04/response-patchwork-girl-by-shelly-jackson
- 05
- senior-thesis-democracy-in-wikipedia
- the-facticity-of-art
- there-is-no-cabal-an-investigation-into-wikipedias-legal-subculture
- 12/the-wikipedian-discourse-a-foucauldian-archaeology
- 2008
- 03/a-communicative-ethnography-of-argumentative-strategies-in-a-wikipedian-content-dispute
- 05
- review-10-books-that-screwed-up-the-world-by-benjamin-wiker
- why-arent-the-gpl-and-the-gfdl-freely-licensed
- 06
- memetic-inkblots
- real-virtual-communities-a-response-to-brian-williams
- user-generated-content-as-an-ethical-relation
- 07
- conceptions-and-misconceptions-academics-hold-about-wikipedia
- wikimania-2008
- wikimania-2008-closing-ceremony
- wikimania-2008-collaborative-research-on-wikiversity-with-cormac-lawler
- wikimania-2008-content-and-the-internet-in-the-globalized-middle-east
- wikimania-2008-education-and-the-wiki-paradigm-a-tug-of-war
- wikimania-2008-flagged-revisions-with-philipp-birken
- wikimania-2008-new-paradigms-for-new-tomorrows-with-ismail-serageldin
- wikimania-2008-opening-keynote
- wikimania-2008-state-of-the-mediawiki
- wikimania-2008-wikipedia-administrators-arbcom-panel
- words-and-things-a-de-re-sub-post-construction-of-rhizomatic-and-non-arborescent-stratum-in-deleuze-and-guattaris-a-thousand-plateaus
- 08
- google-search-for-phenomenology-of-spirit-suggests-nebraska-state-flower
- technology-in-the-classroom-a-response-to-arthur-bochner
- video-conceptions-and-misconceptions-academics-hold-about-wikipedia
- virtual-worlds-in-1996-the-more-things-change
- webcite-an-on-demand-internet-archive
- 09/fas-virtual-worlds-almanac-a-semantic-structured-wiki
- 10/researching-wikipedia-holistically-a-tentative-approach
- 11
- response-the-structure-of-scientific-revolutions-by-thomas-kuhn
- review-talking-about-machines-by-julian-orr
- 12/do-you-support-wikipedia-news-from-the-trenches-of-the-science-wars-2-0
- 2009
- 01/evolving-governance-and-media-use-in-wikipedia-a-historical-account
- 03/working-within-wikipedia-infrastructures-of-knowing-and-knowledge-production
- 09/wikiconference-new-york-an-open-unconference
- 10
- the-work-of-sustaining-order-in-wikipedia-the-banning-of-a-vandal
- wikisym-poster-the-social-roles-of-bots-and-assisted-editing-tools
- 12/capital-i-for-internet
- 2010
- 01/does-habermas-understand-the-internet-the-algorithmic-construction-of-the-blogopublic-sphere
- 02/perils-of-keyword-based-bibliometrics-isis-1990-effect
- 06/i-have-never-been-blogging
- 2011
- 01/trace-ethnography-following-coordination-through-documentary-practices
- 02/structural-transformation-was-habermass-first-of-thirty-books
- 03
- helvetica-a-documentary-a-history-an-anthropology
- the-lives-of-bots
- 06/closed-source-papers-on-open-source-communities-a-problem-and-a-partial-solution
- 2012
- 08/the-ethnography-of-robots-interview-at-ethnography-matters
- 09/on-instagram-photos-of-pumpkin-spice-lattes-and-other-serious-things
- 10/bots-and-cyborgs-wikipedias-immune-system
- 2013/08/about-a-bot-reflections-on-building-software-agents
- 2014
- 01/bots-bespoke-code-and-the-materiality-of-software-platforms
- 05/robots-txt
- 2015/01/register-to-the-trace-ethnography-workshop-at-the-2015-iconference
- academic-papers
- blog-posts
- cv
- year-archive
- _talks
- assets
- css
- fonts
- js
- plugins
- vendor/jquery
- images
- 2008
- 05
- 07
- 2013/09
- 2014/05
- 2016/03
- papers
- portfolio
- 3d
- papers
- rhet
- web
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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