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Training Course |
The Apache Flink community maintains a self-paced training course that contains a set of lessons and hands-on exercises. This step-by-step introduction to Flink focuses on learning how to use the DataStream API to meet the needs of common, real-world use cases.
This training covers the fundamentals of Flink, including:
Intro to Flink
- Batch vs. Streaming
- Parallel Dataflows
- State, Time, and Snapshots
Intro to the DataStream API
- Data Types and Serialization
- Architecture
- Sources and Sinks
Data Pipelines and ETL
- Transformations
- Stateful Stream Processing
- Connected Streams
Streaming Analytics
- Event Time Processing
- Watermarks
- Windows
Event-driven Applications
- Process Functions
- Timers
- Side Outputs
Fault Tolerance
- Checkpoints and Savepoints
- Exactly-once vs. At-least-once
- Exactly-once End-to-end