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Plastic Pollution Reduction

For a focused scope on Marine Pollution Reduction Strategies, we'll concentrate on a single pollution type: Plastic Pollution. This choice is due to the widespread recognition of plastic waste as a significant and growing threat to marine environments worldwide.

Goal 14 Goal 12

Decision makers

  • Environmental Protection Agencies
  • Policy Makers


To reduce plastic pollution in marine environments through the implementation of effective policies and strategies.

Interactive application


Data attributes


The situation decision makers are in when they have to make a decision can be described by the following attributes:

  1. AffectedAreaSize (Numerical, square kilometers): Continuous value.
  2. BiodiversityImpactLevel (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
  3. EconomicImpactLevel (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
  4. Region (Categorical): [NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica]
  5. PrevActionEfficiency (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High]
  6. CommunityEngagementLevel (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
  7. LegislationExistence (Categorical): [Yes, No]
  8. AnnualTourismRevenue (Numerical, millions USD): Continuous value.
  9. LocalEconomyDependency (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
  10. Season (Categorical): [Dry, Wet] - Season during which the data is collected, affecting plastic runoff.


Decision makers can take the following actions:

  1. ActionType (Categorical): [BanSingleUsePlastics, WasteManagementInfrastructure, CleanupInitiatives, PublicAwarenessCampaigns, InternationalAgreements]
  2. InvestmentAmount (Numerical, millions USD): Continuous value.
  3. ImplementationPeriod (Numerical, months): Integer value.
  4. StakeholderInvolvement (Categorical): [LocalCommunities, Businesses, NGOs, Government]
  5. TechnologyUse (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High]


Decision makers are evaluated on the following outcomes:

  1. PollutionReduction (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High] (Maximize)
  2. EconomicImpact (Categorical): [Negative, Neutral, Positive] (Maximize)
  3. BiodiversityRecovery (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High] (Maximize)
  4. Cost (Numerical, millions USD): Continuous value - Calculated based on InvestmentAmount, ImplementationPeriod, and any indirect costs or savings. (Minimize)








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