For a focused scope on Marine Pollution Reduction Strategies, we'll concentrate on a single pollution type: Plastic Pollution. This choice is due to the widespread recognition of plastic waste as a significant and growing threat to marine environments worldwide.
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- Environmental Protection Agencies
- Policy Makers
To reduce plastic pollution in marine environments through the implementation of effective policies and strategies.
The situation decision makers are in when they have to make a decision can be described by the following attributes:
- AffectedAreaSize (Numerical, square kilometers): Continuous value.
- BiodiversityImpactLevel (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
- EconomicImpactLevel (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
- Region (Categorical): [NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica]
- PrevActionEfficiency (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High]
- CommunityEngagementLevel (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
- LegislationExistence (Categorical): [Yes, No]
- AnnualTourismRevenue (Numerical, millions USD): Continuous value.
- LocalEconomyDependency (Categorical): [Low, Medium, High]
- Season (Categorical): [Dry, Wet] - Season during which the data is collected, affecting plastic runoff.
Decision makers can take the following actions:
- ActionType (Categorical): [BanSingleUsePlastics, WasteManagementInfrastructure, CleanupInitiatives, PublicAwarenessCampaigns, InternationalAgreements]
- InvestmentAmount (Numerical, millions USD): Continuous value.
- ImplementationPeriod (Numerical, months): Integer value.
- StakeholderInvolvement (Categorical): [LocalCommunities, Businesses, NGOs, Government]
- TechnologyUse (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High]
Decision makers are evaluated on the following outcomes:
- PollutionReduction (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High] (Maximize)
- EconomicImpact (Categorical): [Negative, Neutral, Positive] (Maximize)
- BiodiversityRecovery (Categorical): [None, Low, Medium, High] (Maximize)
- Cost (Numerical, millions USD): Continuous value - Calculated based on InvestmentAmount, ImplementationPeriod, and any indirect costs or savings. (Minimize)
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