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118 lines (69 loc) · 6.28 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (69 loc) · 6.28 KB


Patch Changes

  • 🐞🩹 MDX content now accepts a prop of type components that lets you use your own custom components (by @double-thinker in #7277)

    To add custom components to your MDX content, you can now do this:

    // routes/example/index.tsx
    import Content from './markdown.mdx';
    import MyComponent from '../../components/my-component/my-component';
    import { component$ } from '';
    export default component$(() => <Content components={{ MyComponent }} />);

    You can also use props in JS expressions. See

  • 🐞🩹 mdx not rendering (by @shairez in #7168)

  • 📃 added a "Qwik for Mobile" guide to build iOS and Android Qwik apps (by @srapport in #7205)

  • 🐞🩹 some qrls weren't fetched correctly on page load (by @shairez in #7286)


Patch Changes

  • 🐞🩹 the previous URL now is undefined on first render. (by @damianpumar in #7082)

  • 🐞🩹 server$ functions now correctly throw errors for > 500 error codes (by @DustinJSilk in #7078)



Patch Changes

  • 🐞🩹 MDX content no longer ignores Layout components. See the MDX docs for more information. (by @danielvaijk in #6845)

  • 🐞🩹 SSG errors now show the path that failed (by @wmertens in #6998)

  • 🐞🩹 Fixed action redirect regression where searchParams were appended (by @brandonpittman in #6927)

  • 🐞🩹 Redirect, error, and fail request events no longer forcefully delete user-defined Cache-Control HTTP header value. (by @nelsonprsousa in #6991)

  • 🐞🩹 vite is now a peer dependency of qwik, qwik-city, qwik-react and qwik-labs, so that there can be no duplicate imports. This should not have consequences, since all apps also directly depend on vite. (by @wmertens in #6945)

  • 🐞🩹 Fixed MDX layout default export being ignored by transformer. (by @danielvaijk in #6845)

  • 🐞🩹 Prevent unexpected caching for q-data.json (by @genki in #6808)

  • 🐞🩹 Multiple rewrite routes pointing to the same route is no longer an error. (by @JerryWu1234 in #6970)


Patch Changes

  • ✨ Experimental feature - noSPA. (by @wmertens in #6937) This disables history patching, slightly reducing code size and startup time. Use this when your application is MPA only, meaning you don't use the Link component. To enable this, add it to the experimental array of the qwikVite plugin (not the qwikCity plugin).


Minor Changes

  • (EXPERIMENTAL) valibot$ validator and a fix for zod$ types. (by @fabian-hiller in #6752)

    To use it, you need to pass experimental: ['valibot'] as an option to the qwikVite plugin as such:

    // vite.config.ts
    export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }): UserConfig => {
      return {
        plugins: [
          // ... other plugins like qwikCity() etc
            experimental: ['valibot']
            // ... other options
        // ... rest of the config
  • (EXPERIMENTAL) usePreventNavigate lets you prevent navigation while your app's state is unsaved. It works asynchronously for SPA navigation and falls back to the browser's default dialogs for other navigations. To use it, add experimental: ['preventNavigate'] to your qwikVite options. (by @wmertens in #6825)

Patch Changes

  • 🐞🩹 added .ico to be detected by isStaticFile (by @intellix in #6860)

  • 🐞🩹 fixed delays caused from inefficient Service Worker prefetching (buffering) (by @shairez in #6863)




Patch Changes

    • built files are now under dist/ or lib/. All tools that respect package export maps should just work. (by @wmertens in #6715) If you have trouble with Typescript, ensure that you use moduleResolution: "Bundler" in your tsconfig.json.
    • no longer depends on undici
  • During dev mode, qwik-city will no longer serve files from dist/, which are very likely to be stale/incorrect. Furthermore, query parameters are taken into account when serving files (like production servers would do). (by @wmertens in #6694)

  • qwik-city is now more careful about redirects after requesting routeLoader data (by @wmertens in #6740)

  • strip internal search parameters in canonical URLs (by @wmertens in #6694)

  • Support entry.ts routes in dev mode now that dist/ is no longer served, and special-case repl-sw.js in the docs. (by @wmertens in #6706)