- branch
- git checkout -b release_x.y.z
- firma lib
- cd lib
- update lib/Cargo.toml, remove "-dev" suffix in version
- cargo test
- git add -u && git commit -m "bump lib to version x.y.z"
- cargo publish
- firma cli
- cd cli
- update cli/Cargo.toml, remove "-dev" suffix in version
- change firma lib dep from path to x.y.z
- cargo test
- git add -u && git commit -m "bump cli to version x.y.z"
- cargo publish
- firma android
- update android/app/build.gradle versionCode and versionName to version 1.y
- from lib
NDK=/Users/casatta/android-ndk-r21d HOST=darwin-x86_64 ./build-android/all.sh
- from Android Studio run UI tests (delete storage data from device if used for manual tests)
- from Android Studio "Generate Signed App" for networkTestnetRelease (requires keystore password) select BOTH signature checkbox
- git add -u && git commit -m "bump android to version 1.y"
- github
- git push github branch, wait CI pass
- merge on master
- git tag -s -a release_x.y.z -m "release x.y.z"
- git push --tags github master
- publish testnet signed app on android store
- dev
- update lib/Cargo.toml, bump version to x.y+1.0, add -dev
- update cli/Cargo.toml, bump version to x.y+1.0, add -dev
- update cli/Cargo.toml, change firma dep from crates to local path
- git add -u && git commit -m "bump version to dev"