diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 0d4179f..497865b 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name" : "wnr", - "version" : "1.26.0", + "version" : "1.27.0", "description" : "Work and rest, with wnr now!", "main" : "main.js", "scripts" : { diff --git a/update.json b/update.json index d927949..7cf0d0b 100644 --- a/update.json +++ b/update.json @@ -1,44 +1,52 @@ { - "version" : "1.26.0", - "feature-introduction" : false, + "version" : "1.27.0", + "feature-introduction" : true, "content" : { "zh-CN" : [ - "新增了\"按比例休息(需在设置中开启)\"、\"多行计时任务笔记\"、\"清除默认计时预设\"等一些小功能。", - "修复了关于暗黑模式自动切换、设置导入导出等的几个问题,感谢 @YangFong 参与开发。" + "新增了每几轮计时进行一次长休息、在计时结束前几秒弹出通知提示的功能,可以在设置面板中打开。", + "新增了第一轮工作计时缩短一定时间的功能,使计时更加灵活,可以在计时主界面“更多设置”菜单中打开。", + "使用自制提示框替换系统提示框,减少看不到提示窗口的情况。", + "修复了外置标题窗口中笔记无法同步、正计时时托盘菜单中计时信息显示错误的问题。", + "我们收到了关于 wnr 的 MINI 模式窗口在 Windows 10/11 系统上部分播放器全屏后无法显示的问题,但暂未解决,欢迎 Pull Request。" ], "zh-TW" : [ - "新增了\"按比例休息(需在設置中開啓)\"、\"多行計時任務筆記\"、\"清除默認計時預設\"等一些小功能。", - "修復了關於暗黑模式自動切換、設置導入導出等的幾個問題,感謝 @YangFong 參與開發。" + "新增了每幾輪計時進行一次長休息、在計時結束前幾秒彈出通知提示的功能,可以在設置面板中打開。", + "新增了第一輪工作計時縮短一定時間的功能,使計時更加靈活,可以在計時主界面“更多設置”菜單中打開。", + "使用自制提示框替換系統提示框,減少看不到提示窗口的情況。", + "修復了外置標題窗口中筆記無法同步、正計時時托盤菜單中計時信息顯示錯誤的問題。", + "我們收到了關於 wnr 的 MINI 模式窗口在 Windows 10/11 系統上部分播放器全屏後無法顯示的問題,但暫未解決,歡迎 Pull Request。" ], "en" : [ - "New features: percentage break (need to be manually turned on in settings), multi-lines timing notes and default task setting removal.", - "Bugs fixed about: dark mode auto switch, settings import, etc. Thanks @YangFong for participating." + "New features: 1. Optimized long break, 2. Notification before a time period will end in seconds, 3.First work period discount, 4. A new dialog box style that can prevent being hidden.", + "Bugs fixed about: 1. Note sync in eternal title window, 2. Tray message malfunction in stopwatch mode.", + "Help wanted: Some users said that MINI mode fails to show when some video players are fullscreened, but I couldn't solve it. Pull Requests are welcomed." + ] }, "introduce" : { - "id" : "introduced-1.21.0", + "id" : "introduced-1.27.0", "zh-CN" : { - "title" : "不少新功能。", + "title" : "欢迎升级至 1.27.0:新功能概览", "description" : { - "darwin" : "我们有了新的快捷键系统。访问操作->设置->个性化设置见识一下它们。", - "win32" : "我们有了新的快捷键系统。点击wnr徽标,选择“设置->个性化设置”来见识一下它们。", - "universal" : "\n此外,新的“单纯计时”模式等更新,大概也会让你耳目一新吧。" + "universal" : "

1. 新增了每几轮计时进行一次长休息、在计时结束前几秒弹出通知提示的功能,可以在设置面板中打开。

2. 还新增了第一轮工作计时缩短一定时间的功能,使计时更加灵活,可以在计时主界面“更多设置”菜单中打开。

", + "darwin" : "", + "win32" : "" } }, "zh-TW" : { - "title" : "不少新功能。", + "title" : "歡迎升級至 1.27.0:新功能概覽", "description" : { - "darwin" : "我們有了新的快捷鍵系統。訪問操作->設置->個性化設置見識一下它們。", - "win32" : "我們有了新的快捷鍵系統。點擊wnr徽標,選擇“設置->個性化設置”來見識一下它們。", - "universal" : "\n此外,新的“單純計時”模式等更新,大概也會讓你耳目一新吧。" + "universal" : "

1. 新增了每幾輪計時進行一次長休息、在計時結束前幾秒彈出通知提示的功能,可以在設置面板中打開。

2. 還新增了第一輪工作計時縮短一定時間的功能,使計時更加靈活,可以在計時主界面“更多設置”菜單中打開。

", + "darwin" : "", + "win32" : "" } }, "en" : { - "title" : "Many new features", + "title" : "Welcome to v1.27.0!", "description" : { - "darwin" : "We now have a new hotkey system. Go to Top Bar -> Operations -> Settings -> Personalization to see it.", - "win32" : "We now have a new hotkey system. Click Logo icon -> Settings -> Personalization to see it.", - "universal" : "\n Moreover, other new features like the new \"Just Timing\" mode may also attract you!" + "universal" : "

New features: 1. Optimized long break (toggle in preferences panel), 2. Notification before a time period will end in seconds (toggle in preferences panel), 3.First work period discount (toggle in more items in index page), 4. A new dialog box style that can prevent being hidden.

", + "darwin" : "", + "win32" : "" } } }