Releases: RoderickQiu/wnr
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
更新内容 (粗体字是1.13.2小更新带来的):
- 无限模式。
- 单独的语言设置界面。
- 设置界面右键菜单。
- 更棒的快捷键组件,所见即所得。
- 从Dock隐藏(macOS)。
- 错误修复。
- 优化:
- 功能优化。
- 可靠性优化。
- 窗口平滑隐藏优化以及平滑动画。
- 为触摸屏优化。
- 使用iconfont替代font-awesome。
- 更人性化的锁定模式。
- 更好的暗黑模式。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.12.3, version 1.13.2 has got these new features (Things with bold font is brought by this minor update):
- Infinity mode.
- Even better support for touchscreen.
- Optimized for the reliability of this app.
- Smooth hide available for the main window.
- A seperated language system and it's more friendly for contributors.
- A context menu is added for settings page.
- A better accelerator system.
- Animations added.
- Hide from dock available (macOS).
- Bugs fixed.
- Other general optimizations made.
- using iconfont instead of font-awesome
- better lock mode behavior, more humanistic
- better dark mode behavior
- other programming updates
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
更新内容 (粗体字是1.13.1小更新带来的):
- 无限模式。
- 单独的语言设置界面。
- 设置界面右键菜单。
- 错误修复。
- 更棒的快捷键组件,所见即所得。
- 优化:
- 功能优化。
- 可靠性优化。
- 窗口平滑隐藏优化以及平滑动画。
- 为触摸屏优化。
- 使用iconfont替代font-awesome。
- 更好的锁定模式。
- 更好的暗黑模式。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.12.3, version 1.13.1 has got these new features (Things with bold font is brought by this minor update):
- Infinity mode.
- Even better support for touchscreen.
- Optimized for the reliability of this app.
- Smooth hide available for the main window.
- A seperated language system and it's more friendly for contributors.
- A context menu is added for settings page.
- Bugs fixed.
- A better accelerator system.
- Animations added.
- Other general optimizations made.
- using iconfont instead of fontawesome
- better lock mode
- better dark mode behavior
- other programming updates
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
更新内容 :
- 无限模式。
- 单独的语言设置界面。
- 设置界面右键菜单。
- 错误修复。
- 优化:
- 功能优化。
- 可靠性优化。
- 窗口平滑隐藏优化。
- 以及为触摸屏优化。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.12.3, version 1.13.0 has got these new features:
- Infinity mode.
- Even better support for touchscreen.
- Optimized for the reliability of this app.
- Smooth hide available for the main window.
- A seperated language system and it's more friendly for contributors.
- A context menu is added for settings page.
- Bugs fixed.
- Other general optimizations made.
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
更新内容 (粗体是1.12.3小更新带来的,细体是1.12.0大更新以及1.12.1和1.12.2小更新带来的):
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.11.2, version 1.12.3 has got these new features (Things with bold font are brought by this minor update):
- Bugs fixed.
- Optimized for focus mode, especially for macOS.
- Border added when shadow is turned off in Windows.
- Update with the new domain
- Semantic time I/O via node-shi.
- Traditional Chinese support added.
- Prevent darkmode from sparking.
- Optimized, especially for time running efficiency.
- EPERM errors fixed.
- No longer counting time when hibernated.
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
更新内容 (粗体是1.12.2小更新带来的,细体是1.12.0大更新带来的):
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.11.2, version 1.12.2 has got these new features (Things with bold font are brought by this minor update):
- Semantic time I/O (node-shi).
- Traditional Chinese support added.
- Prevent darkmode from sparking.
- Optimized, especially for time running efficiency.
- Bugs fixed and EPERM errors fixed.
- Optimized for focus mode.
- No longer counting time when hibernated.
Tips for Windows Users:
- Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
更新内容 (粗体是1.12.1小更新带来的,细体是1.12.0大更新带来的):
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.11.2, version 1.12.1 has got these new features (Things with bold font are brought by this minor update):
- Semantic time I/O (node-shi).
- Traditional Chinese support added.
- Prevent darkmode from sparking.
- Optimized, especially for time running efficiency.
- Bugs fixed.
- Uninstaller problem fixed.
- English typo mistakes fixed.
Tips for Windows Users:
- Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.11.2, version 1.12.0 has got these new features:
- Semantic time I/O (
). - Traditional Chinese support added.
- Prevent darkmode from sparking.
- Optimized, especially for time running efficiency.
- Bugs fixed.
Tips for Windows Users:
- Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
重要的错误修复 (比如在暂停后直接快进到下一段时间引发错误)。
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.11.1, version 1.11.2 has got these new features:
- Bugs fixed.
- Optimized.
Tips for Windows Users:
- Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
Things below are all English:
Comparing with version 1.10.2, version 1.11.1 has got these new features:
- Redesigned settings page.
- Settings back-up available.
- A new notification system to be fully usable on Win7.
- After crash, timer will go on the next time wnr is opened.
- Optimized on many things.
- Bugs fixed.
Tips for Windows Users:
- Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.
Comparing with version 1.9.3, version 1.10.2 has got these new features:
- Lock mode available.
- You can now turn off the local time shown when a timer is on.
- Optimized for macOS. (Including one thing: when lock mode is on, wnr will be hidden from dock and top bar)
- Translation optimized.
- Bugs fixed.
- Push notifications available.
Tips for Windows Users:
You may need to uninstall the old application and then re-install the new version. Reason: The former-using installer-generator [Inno Setup] is being [mistakenly] reported as virus by Windows Defender, marked as Trojan virus though [it was truly safe]. Anyway, we've decided to change to use [NSIS] for building installers on Windows.
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
It's also available on Softpedia
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader.