The color images are stored as 640x480 8-bit RGB images in PNG format.
- Load the image using OpenCV:
import cv2
img = cv2.imread(FILENAME)
cv2.imshow('img', img)
- Load the image using Pillow:
from PIL import Image
img =
fx = 320.0 # focal length x
fy = 320.0 # focal length y
cx = 320.0 # optical center x
cy = 240.0 # optical center y
fov = 90 deg # field of view ??????????????
width = 640
height = 480
The depth images are stored as 640x480 8-bit RGB images in PNG format.
The unit of the depth value is meter.
- Load the depth image:
import cv2
depth = cv2.imread(FILENAME)
The semantic segmentation images are stored as 640x480 8-bit RGB images in PNG format.
- Load the semantic segmentation image
import cv2
semantic = cv2.imread(FILENAME)
The semantic segmentation images are stored as 640x480 8-bit RGB images in PNG format.
- Load the change segmentation image
import cv2
change = cv2.imread(FILENAME)
The camera pose file is a text file containing the translation and orientation of the camera in a fixed coordinate frame. Note that our automatic evaluation tool expects both the ground truth trajectory and the estimated trajectory to be in this format.
Each line in the text file contains a single pose.
The number of lines/poses is the same as the number of image frames in that trajectory.
The format of each line is 'tx ty tz qx qy qz qw'.
tx ty tz (3 floats) give the position of the optical center of the color camera with respect to the world origin in the world frame.
qx qy qz qw (4 floats) give the orientation of the optical center of the color camera in the form of a unit quaternion with respect to the world frame.
The camera motion is defined in the NED frame. That is to say, the x-axis is pointing to the camera's forward, the y-axis is pointing to the camera's right, the z-axis is pointing to the camera's downward.
Load the pose file:
import numpy as np
pose = np.loadtxt(FILENAME)
All poses mentioned above are merged into a trajectory.txt file for each sequence.
All data from the mapping stage. We can view using rtabmap-databaseViewer.
3D reconstruction map from RTABMAP.