- "releaseNotes": "v2.2\n - Improved language switch.\n - Added Czech translations.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv2.1\n - Updates for latest Android versions.\n - App will now show a supporter badge for those who donated.\n - Updated Korean and Indonesian translations.\n - Added link to POEditor localization service to About menu.\n - Fixed possible crashes.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv2.0\n - Added support to armv8l architectures (need more testing).\n - App is now completely Ad-frees.\n - App will now follow the system themes.\n - Added a donation option (Settings --> About).\n - Merged About & Change-logs menus.\n - Added custom progress dialogue for BusyBox installation and removing processes.\n - Added Indonesian translations.\n - Replaced toast messages with SnackBars.\n - App now uses material elements as much as possibles.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv1.9\n - Added auto app theme mode.\n - Updated Ad layout.\n - Updated build tools.\n\nv1.8\n - Updated libsu to v3.0.2.\n - Updated translations, build tools and dependencies.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv1.7\n - Fixed crashes on clicking install/update button (sorry for that).\n - Slightly improved layout.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv1.6\n - Implemented Brand New About view.\n - Added change-logs to setting menu.\n - Added language switch.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv1.5\n - Improve Root handling.\n - Improved App UI.\n - Move top icons into a new Settings Menu.\n - Misc: Replace some toasts with snackbar.\n - Updated Portugease (Brazilian) (Credits @Lennoard) & Korean (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn) translations.\n\nv1.4\n - Migrated to libsu (Credits: @Lennoard ).\n - Largely improved BusyBox installation and removing process (Should work on most devices).\n - Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) translations (Credits: @Lennoard ).\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv1.3\n - Added Greek translations (Credits: @tsiflimagas)\n - Replaced Paypal donation link with Donation app (to staisfy google)\n\nv1.2\n - Added option to remove BusyBox applets installed from the app.\n - Show installed applets list on long-clicking BusyBox image.\n - Show installed BusyBox version on long-clicking info icon.\n - Improved APP UI and coding quality (Credits: @Lennoard ).\n - Added share app & donation buttons.\n - Added Brazilian Portuguese (Credits: @Lennoard ), Amharic (Credits: @Mikesew1320 ) and Russian (Credits: @Mikesew1320 ) translations.\n - Improved Korean translations (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn )\n - Miscellaneous changes\n\nv1.1\n - Added Korean translations (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn)\n - Updated instalaltion success check\n\nv1.0\n - Initial release."
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