- "releaseNotes": "v0.11\n - Completely remove Ads from the app.\n - Added Indonesian transition.\n - Updated build tools.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv0.10\n - Re-built (nearly) from scratch.\n - Removed a bunch of useless code.\n - Improved overall performance and response.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv0.9\n - Introduced a new status page on un-rooted or no kernel supported cases.\n - Improved Ad layout.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv0.8\n - Added Korean translations (credits: @FiestaLake).\n - Updated libsu to v3.0.2.\n - Updated gradle build tools and dependencies.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv0.7\n - Added language switch.\n - Added An Auto-Mode to App Theme.\n - Added Greek translations (Credits: @tsiflimagas).\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv0.6\n - Blocked screen rotation while showing About/Change-logs.\n - Added Documentation, More apps and Share app options to About menu.\n - Developer tools will now always visible.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nv0.5\n - Improved developer tools.\n - Preparations for play-store release.\n\nbeta-v0.4\n - Improved developer tools.\n - Remove custom banner option.\n - Updated build tools to latest.\n - Updated change-log view.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nbeta-v0.3\n - Removed a bunch of unnecessary code from the developer tools (improved coding quality).\n - Added Portuguese (Brazilian) translations.\n - Added a title check button on create config activity.\n - Added option to edit the current configuration file.\n - Introduced a Developer Mode, which is disabled by default.\n - Miscellaneous changes.\n\nbeta-v0.2\n - Improved kernel support check status before applying custom details.\n - Simplified profile structure requirements.\n - Fixed title on profile creation menu.\n - Overall improvements.\n\nbeta-v0.1\n - Initial (pre) release for public testing."
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