Release-tag: 5.0
Final update + depreciation notice. Updated build tools. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.9
More updates for latest Android versions. Improved permission handling. Improved language switch. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.8
Overall improved app UI. Updated app to target latest Android versions. Added Chinese (simplified), Ukrainian and Polish translations. Updated build tools. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.7
Improved built-in file picker. Improved language switch. Updated build tools. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.6
Improved internal file picker to avoid some crashes. Moved popup menu items into a new settings page. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.5
Fixed possible crashes on some devices. Temporarily fixed issues on Android 11. Overall improved coding style. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.4
Updated build tools and SDK. Added a licence page. Slightly updated app UI. App will now show a supporter badge for those who supported development. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.3
Updated app to work with the non-rooted environment (with limited capabilities). App will now show live outputs on applying/testing scripts. Overall improve app UI (now using more material elements). App will now use its own file picker for selecting scripts by default (configurable). Added a new option to view script content before importing. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.2
Fixed app crashing when trying to import scripts from some locations. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.1
Completely removed Ads from the app. Switched to use Material Alert Dialogs. Added donation option. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 4.0
Re-built from (nearly) scratch. App should be now much more fast. Cleaned a whole lot of unused code. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.7
Introduced new page to explain no root status. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.6
Improved Ad Layout. Removed unnecessary copyright text. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.5
Fixed some issues on Create script. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.4
Fixed various issues on Edit, create and apply script. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.3
Update script Edit and Details views. Updated libsu to v3.0.2. Update gradle build tools. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.2
Update description view (Each and every task on scripts are now more straight forward). Added Russian translation (Credits: Mikesew1320). Add an Auto-Mode to App Theme. Improved About and Change-logs view. Update gradle build tools. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.1
Apply and Test script: Show success message if the output is empty. Fixed crashing in no root available situations. Barnd new About & Change-log views. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 3.0
Removed a bunch of unused code. Removed interstitial ads from app. Replace toast messages with snackbar. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.9
Largely improved app user interface. Improved root handling. Added portuguese (brazilian) translations (Credits: @Lennoard). Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.8
Improved apply & test script options. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.7
Migrated to libsu (@Lennoard). Added option to test a script while creating/editing. Brand New applying script view. Allow editing copyright text by long-clicking. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.6
Added Greek translations (credits: @tsiflimagas). Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.5
Added dark & light themes. Added an option to change app language. Fixed creating app folder on Android 10. Added Indonesian (credits: @okta-10) and Amharic (credits: @Mikesew1320) translations. Improved Korean translations (credits: @SmgKhOaRn). Updated build tools & dependencies. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.4
res: Added Korean translations (credits @SmgKhOaRn). Main: Updated App UI. Misc: Overall code cleaning and quality improvements.
Release-tag: 2.3
Main: Disable Ads if SmartPack Donation Package is installed. Main: App Theme: Make it more Dark. gradle: Update build tools & dependencies. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.2
Main: Exit app only after pressing back button twice (prevent accidental closing). Misc: Improved no-root message. gradle: Updated build tools. Miscellaneous changes.
Release-tag: 2.1
Main: Improved overall coding style. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: 2.0
Scripts: Import: Updated to work with default Documents UI. res: Brand new icons. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: 1.8
Main. Fixed crashing on some devices. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: 1.7
Main. Preparations for PlayStore release. Misc: Updated example scripts. Main: Added a simple banner Ad view at the bottom. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: beta6
File picking: Support more file manager apps. Main: Slightly updated dark theme. Misc: Overall improvements and bug fixes. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: beta5
Script: Main: Switched to Dark black theme. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: beta4
Script: Added option to directly share scripts. Scripts: Added a helper message, if the item list is empty. build. Updated targetSdkVersion to 29 (Q). Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: beta3
Script Manager: Added a welcome message with examples. App update: fully r-written & switched to json base. Scripts: Import scripts: Fix importing from sdcard root folder. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: alpha2
Scripts: On-boot: Add choice to select post-fs or late_service. Script: Edit Script: Show an alert dialog if On-boot is already enabled. Miscellaneous Changes.
Release-tag: alpha1
The very first public release of Script Manager, an app to create, import, edit and easily execute any properly formatted shell scripts.