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MrPurple6411 edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the official wiki for QModManager!

Last updated for version 4.0

This wiki has information on the capabilities of QModManager, you will need to know C# and how to use your Visual Studio already.

To get started, reference the dll file QModInstaller.dll located in your Game directory, under BepInEx\plugins\QModManager\QModInstaller.dll.

The file QModInstaller.xml is also available there and will provide Visual Studio with documentation tooltips for all the methods, classes, and fields provided by QModInstaller. You do not need to reference the XML directly. It is implicitly referenced when you add the dll to your project.

The Basic ModLoading Setup (Basics) is perhaps the best place to start if this is your first time looking at this wiki and using QModManager.

Because development of this library sometimes outpaces the updates to the wiki, it's recommended that you make use of the XML documentation (viewable from within Visual Studio).