layout | title | suppress_footer |
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htsget protocol |
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This data retrieval API bridges from existing genomics bulk data transfers to a client/server model with the following features:
- Incumbent data formats (BAM, CRAM) are preferred initially, with a future path to others.
- Multiple server implementations are supported, including those that do format transcoding on the fly, and those that return essentially unaltered filesystem data.
- Multiple use cases are supported, including access to small subsets of genomic data (e.g. for browsing a given region) and to full genomes (e.g. for calling variants).
- Clients can provide hints of the information to be retrieved; servers can respond with more information than requested but not less.
- We use the following pan-GA4GH standards:
- 0 start, half open coordinates
- The structuring of POST inputs, redirects and other non-reads data will be protobuf3 compatible JSON
Explicitly this API does NOT:
- Provide a way to discover the identifiers for valid ReadGroupSets --- clients obtain these via some out of band mechanism
All API invocations are made to a configurable HTTP(S) endpoint, receive URL-encoded query string parameters, and return JSON output. Successful requests result with HTTP status code 200 and have UTF8-encoded JSON in the response body. The server may provide responses with chunked transfer encoding. The client and server may mutually negotiate HTTP/2 upgrade using the standard mechanism.
The JSON response is an object with the single key htsget
as described in the Response JSON fields and Error Response JSON fields sections. This ensures that, apart from whitespace differences, the message always starts with the same prefix. The presence of this prefix can be used as part of a client's response validation.
Any timestamps that appear in the response from an API method are given as ISO 8601 date/time format.
HTTP responses may be compressed using RFC 2616 transfer-coding
, not content-coding
Requests adhering to this specification MAY include an Accept
header specifying the htsget protocol version they are using:
Accept: application/vnd.ga4gh.htsget.v1.0.0+json
JSON responses SHOULD include a Content-Type
header describing the htsget protocol version defining the JSON schema used in the response, e.g.,
Content-Type: application/vnd.ga4gh.htsget.v1.0.0+json; charset=utf-8
The server MUST respond with an appropriate HTTP status code (4xx or 5xx) when an error condition is detected. In the case of transient server errors, (e.g., 503 and other 5xx status codes), the client SHOULD implement appropriate retry logic as discussed in Reliability & performance considerations below.
For errors that are specific to the htsget
protocol, the response body SHOULD be a JSON object (content-type application/json
) providing machine-readable information about the nature of the error, along with a human-readable description. The structure of this JSON object is described as follows.
`htsget` _object_ |
Container for response object.
The following errors types are defined:
Error type | HTTP status code | Description |
InvalidAuthentication | 401 | Authorization provided is invalid |
PermissionDenied | 403 | Authorization is required to access the resource |
NotFound | 404 | The resource requested was not found |
UnsupportedFormat | 400 | The requested file format is not supported by the server |
InvalidInput | 400 | The request parameters do not adhere to the specification |
InvalidRange | 400 | The requested range cannot be satisfied |
The error type SHOULD be chosen from this table and be accompanied by the specified HTTP status code. An example of a valid JSON error response is:
"htsget" : {
"error": "NotFound",
"message": "No such accession 'ENS16232164'"
The htsget API enables the retrieval of potentially sensitive genomic data by means of a client/server model. Effective security measures are essential to protect the integrity and confidentiality of these data.
Sensitive information transmitted on public networks, such as access tokens and human genomic data, MUST be protected using Transport Level Security (TLS) version 1.2 or later, as specified in RFC 5246.
If the data holder requires client authentication and/or authorization, then the client's HTTPS API request MUST present an OAuth 2.0 bearer access token as specified in RFC 6750, in the Authorization
request header field with the Bearer
authentication scheme:
Authorization: Bearer [access_token]
The policies and processes used to perform user authentication and authorization, and the means through which access tokens are issued, are beyond the scope of this API specification. GA4GH recommends the use of the OAuth 2.0 framework (RFC 6749) for authentication and authorization.
All API resources should have the following support for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) to support browser-based clients:
If a request to the URL of an API method includes the Origin
header, its contents will be propagated into the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header of the response. Preflight requests (OPTIONS
requests to the URL of an API method, with appropriate extra headers as defined in the CORS specification) will be accepted if the value of the Access-Control-Request-Method
header is GET
The values of Origin
and Access-Control-Request-Headers
(if any) of the request will be propagated to Access-Control-Allow-Origin
and Access-Control-Allow-Headers
respectively in the preflight response.
The Access-Control-Max-Age
of the preflight response is set to the equivalent of 30 days.
The recommended endpoints to access reads and variants data are:
GET /reads/<id>
GET /variants/<id>
The JSON response is a "ticket" allowing the caller to obtain the desired data in the specified format, which may involve follow-on requests to other endpoints, as detailed below.
The client can request only records overlapping a given genomic range. The response may however contain a superset of the desired results, including all records overlapping the range, and potentially other records not overlapping the range; the client should filter out such extraneous records if necessary. Successful requests with empty result sets still produce a valid response in the requested format (e.g. including header and EOF marker).
`id` _required_ |
A string identifying which records to return.
The format of this identifier is left to the discretion of the API provider, including allowing embedded "/" characters. The following would be valid identifiers:
`format` _optional string_ |
Request data in this format. The allowed values for each type of record are:
The server SHOULD reply with an |
`referenceName` _optional_ |
The reference sequence name, for example "chr1", "1", or "chrX". If unspecified, all reads (mapped and unmapped) are returned. [^b]
The server SHOULD reply with a |
`start` _optional 32-bit unsigned integer_ |
The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based, inclusive.
The server SHOULD respond with an The server SHOULD respond with an |
`end` _optional 32-bit unsigned integer_ |
The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
The server SHOULD respond with an The server SHOULD respond with an |
`fields` _optional_ | A list of fields to include, see below. Default: all |
`tags` _optional_ |
A comma separated list of tags to include, default: all. If the empty string is specified (tags=) no tags are included.
The server SHOULD respond with an |
`notags` _optional_ |
A comma separated list of tags to exclude, default: none.
The server SHOULD respond with an |
The list of fields is based on BAM fields:
Field | Description |
QNAME | Read names |
FLAG | Read bit flags |
RNAME | Reference sequence name |
POS | Alignment position |
MAPQ | Mapping quality score |
CIGAR | CIGAR string |
RNEXT | Reference sequence name of the next fragment template |
PNEXT | Alignment position of the next fragment in the template |
TLEN | Inferred template size |
SEQ | Read bases |
QUAL | Base quality scores |
Example: fields=QNAME,FLAG,POS
`htsget` _object_ |
Container for response object.
An example of a JSON response is:
"htsget" : {
"format" : "BAM",
"urls" : [
"url" : "data:application/vnd.ga4gh.bam;base64,QkFNAQ=="
"url" : "https://htsget.blocksrv.example/sample1234/header"
"url" : "https://htsget.blocksrv.example/sample1234/run1.bam",
"headers" : {
"Authorization" : "Bearer xxxx",
"Range" : "bytes=65536-1003750"
"url" : "https://htsget.blocksrv.example/sample1234/run1.bam",
"headers" : {
"Authorization" : "Bearer xxxx",
"Range" : "bytes=2744831-9375732"
- Client sends a request with id, genomic range, and filter.
- Server replies with a ticket describing data block locations (URLs and headers).
- Client fetches the data blocks using the URLs and headers.
- Client concatenates data blocks to produce local blob.
While the blocks must be finally concatenated in the given order, the client may fetch them in parallel.
- must have percent-encoded path and query (e.g. javascript encodeURIComponent; python urllib.urlencode)
- must accept GET requests
- should provide CORS
- should allow multiple request retries, within reason
- should use HTTPS rather than plain HTTP except for testing or internal-only purposes (providing both security and robustness to data corruption in flight)
- need not use the same authentication scheme as the API server. URL and
must include any temporary credentials necessary to access the data block. Client must not send the bearer token used for the API, if any, to the data block endpoint, unless copied in the requiredheaders
. - Server must send the response with either the Content-Length header, or chunked transfer encoding, or both. Clients must detect premature response truncation.
- Client and URL endpoint may mutually negotiate HTTP/2 upgrade using the standard mechanism.
- Client must follow 3xx redirects from the URL, subject to typical fail-safe mechanisms (e.g. maximum number of redirects), always supplying the
, if any. - If a byte range HTTP header accompanies the URL, then the client MAY decompose this byte range into several sub-ranges and open multiple parallel, retryable requests to fetch them. (The URL and
must be sufficient to authorize such behavior by the client, within reason.)
e.g. data:application/vnd.ga4gh.bam;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==
(RFC 2397, Data URI).
The client obtains the data block by decoding the embedded base64 payload.
- must use base64 payload encoding (simplifies client decoding logic)
- client should ignore the media type (if any), treating the payload as a partial blob.
Note: the base64 text should not be additionally percent encoded.
To provide robustness to sporadic transfer failures, servers should divide large payloads into multiple data blocks in the urls
array. Then if the transfer of any one block fails, the client can retry that block and carry on, instead of starting all over. Clients may also fetch blocks in parallel, which can improve throughput.
Initial guidelines, which we expect to revise in light of future experience:
- Data blocks should not exceed ~1GB
- Inline data URIs should not exceed a few megabytes
The data block URL and headers might contain embedded authentication tokens; therefore, production clients and servers should not unnecessarily print them to console, write them to logs, embed them in error messages, etc.
- add a mechanism to request reads from more than one ID at a time (e.g. for a trio)
- allow clients to provide a suggested data block size to the server
- add POST support (if and when request sizes get large)
- [mlin] add a way to request all unmapped reads (e.g. by passing
) - [dglazer] add a way to request reads in GA4GH binary format 2 (e.g. fmt=proto)
This should probably be specified as a (comma separated?) list in preference order. If the client can accept both BAM and CRAM it is useful for it to indicate this and let the server pick whichever format it is most comfortable with. ↩
How will compression work in this case - can we benefit from columnar compression as does Parquet? ↩