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Releases: ThreeMammals/Ocelot


05 Apr 12:48
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Hotfix release (version 23.2.2) for #2031 issue

Route path template placeholders and their validation rules

Special thanks to Guillaume Gnaegi and Fabrizio Mancin!


The bug is related to the Placeholders feature in Configuration and Routing.
The bug was introduced in version 23.2.0 as a part of PR #1927.

Breaking Change

The new validation rules of the FileConfigurationFluentValidator class do not allow the Ocelot app to start when implicit placeholders are defined in custom implementations, such as middlewares, delegating handlers, and replaced services in the dependency injection (DI) container.
These new rules are capable of validating explicit placeholders only within the UpstreamPathTemplate and DownstreamPathTemplate properties. Unfortunately, they cannot oversee implicit placeholders in custom implementations, and they do not validate early during the Ocelot app startup process.

Ensure that you avoid using version 23.2.0. If you are currently on that version, upgrade to version 23.2.2 by applying this hotfix patch.

Technical info

With version 23.2.0, particularly if you have overridden certain service classes or implemented custom logic that manipulates placeholders, you may encounter Ocelot app crashes accompanied by the following errors in the log:

One or more errors occurred. (Unable to start Ocelot, errors are: XXX)

where XXX are the following validation error messages:

  • UpstreamPathTemplate 'UUU' doesn't contain the same placeholders in DownstreamPathTemplate 'DDD'
  • DownstreamPathTemplate 'DDD' doesn't contain the same placeholders in UpstreamPathTemplate 'UUU'

Finally, the validation rules resulted from the incorrect assumption that placeholders are always explicit and can be validated early. Therefore, custom implementations and feature services in the dependency injection (DI) container, which rely on or manipulate placeholders, should validate the configuration JSON and appropriate options later, directly within their service implementations.

Bug Artifacts

Features in Release 23.2.2

2ded872 by Raman Maksimchuk on Friday, April 05 at 15:13 →
Release 23.2.1-2 artifacts | +semver: patch
14c6d82 by Raman Maksimchuk on Friday, April 05 at 12:57 →
#2031 Don't validate placeholders in templates (#2032)
d1855cb by Raman Maksimchuk on Thursday, April 04 at 00:17 →
#1673 #1672 Update Docker for CircleCI builds (#2030)


03 Apr 14:27
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Documentation patch (version 23.2.1) for 23.2.0 release

Read the Docs: Ocelot 23.2

This is a technical release: no other information.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 23.2.0...23.2.1


01 Apr 11:11
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February 2024 (version 23.2.0) aka Lunar Eclipse release

Codenamed: Lunar Eclipse
Read the Docs: Ocelot 23.2

What's new?

Focus On

Updates of the features: Configuration, Dependency Injection and QoS
Ocelot extra packages
Stabilization aka bug fixing
Documentation for version 23.2

Honoring 🏅 aka Top Contributors 👏

1st 🥇 goes to Eirik Bjornset for delivering 1 feature in 19 files changed
2nd 🥈 goes to Aly Kafoury for delivering 1 feature in 9 files changed
3rd 🥉 goes to Adrien Hupond for delivering 1 feature in 6 files changed

Starring ⭐ aka Release Influencers :bowtie:

⭐ Adrien Hupond, @ArwynFr
⭐ Aly Kafoury, @AlyHKafoury
⭐ Eirik Bjornset, @ebjornset
⭐ Raman Maksimchuk, @raman-m
⭐ Raynald Messié, @RaynaldM

Features in Release 23.2.0

Milestone: February'24

  • 334432f by Raman Maksimchuk on Friday, March 29 at 20:18 →
    Release 23.2 artifacts | +semver: minor (#2022)
  • 4f0e483 by Aly Kafoury on Tuesday, March 26 at 14:35 →
    #683 Validate placeholder duplicates in path templates (#1927)
  • ded4d7e by Adrien Hupond on Thursday, March 21 at 9:54 →
    #1518 Create building the IServiceCollection (#1986)
  • d6eefc8 by Raynald Messié on Friday, March 15 at 13:46 →
    #1875 Use Polly v8 syntax (#1914)
  • 84bd6e4 by Eirik Bjornset on Friday, March 15 at 9:05 →
    #1216 #1955 #1956 Overloaded AddOcelot method to support merging of configuration files to memory (#1227)


04 Mar 12:19
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January 2024 (version 23.1.0) aka Hornussen release

Codenamed as Hornussen Sport
Read the Docs: Ocelot 23.1

Focus On

Multiplexing middleware aka Request Aggregation feature
  • Significant refactoring and design review of the Multiplexer
  • Optimizing multiplexer performance: HttpContext is not copied when there is only one downstream route, and etc.
  • Fixed the bug in the multiplexer: HttpContext.User information was not copied if there was more than one downstream request.
System routing. Content streaming when Transfer-Encoding: 'chunked'
  • Correction of the bug when creating requests: The header Transfer-Encoding: chunked was present even when there was no content or the request body size was 0. These cases are now addressed.
Updates of the features: QoS, Load Balancer and Error Status Codes
  • Quality of Service: Possibility of implementation of custom Polly v8.2 providers. New AddPolly extension methods.
  • Load Balancer: Extension of the route key format, ensuring that the key remains unique for cases of UpstreamHost route property and ServiceName vs ServiceNamespace properties in Consul setup.
  • Error Status Codes: When 413 Content Too Large, Ocelot now returns a 413 PayloadTooLargeError (Ocelot error code 41).
Documentation for Request Aggregation
Stabilization aka bug fixing

Honoring 🏅 aka Top Contributors 👏

1st 🥇 goes to Guillaume Gnaegi for delivering 2 features
2nd 🥈 goes to Alexander Reinert for delivering 1 feature in 8 files changed
3rd 🥉 goes to Steven Liekens for delivering 1 feature in 5 files changed with 353 insertions

Starring ⭐ aka Release Influencers :bowtie:

⭐⭐ Guillaume Gnaegi, @ggnaegi
⭐ Alexander Reinert, @alexreinert
⭐ Chris Williams, @williamscs
⭐ Masoud Bahrami, @masoud-bahrami
⭐ Raman Maksimchuk, @raman-m
⭐ Raynald Messié, @RaynaldM
⭐ Steven, @sliekens
⭐ Ugway77, @Ugway77

Features in Release 23.1.0

Milestone: January'24

  • 5ec192a by Raman Maksimchuk on Monday, March 4 at 14:12 →
    Release 23.1 artifacts | +semver: minor
  • 36986d6 by Guillaume Gnaegi on Friday, March 1 at 18:33 →
    #1825 #1330 #1287 #1069 Improvements of the multiplexing middleware (#1826)
  • 42ac3ca by Guillaume Gnaegi on Friday, March 1 at 12:00 →
    #749 Bad error handling for IOException while reading incoming request body (#1769)
  • 319e397 by Alexander Reinert on Thursday, February 29 at 22:16 →
    #1971 #928 Avoid content if original request has no content and avoid Transfer-Encoding: chunked if Content-Length is known (#1972)
  • 8845d1b by Steven on Thursday, February 29 at 9:44 →
    #849 #1496 Extend the route key format used for load balancing making it unique (#1944)
  • 171e3a7 by Masoud Bahrami on Tuesday, February 27 at 19:05 →
    Logging bug in HttpRequesterMiddleware (#1953)
  • 0404c24 by Raynald Messié on Monday, February 26 at 9:24 →
    #1844 More open customization of Polly use (#1974)
  • 108bede by Ugway77 on Thursday, February 22 at 23:38 →
    #1396 Lost context User in MultiplexingMiddleware (#1462)
  • a9dff7c by Chris Williams on Thursday, February 22 at 4:25 →
    Fix typo in the name of the DistributedCacheRateLimitCounterHandler class (#1969)


13 Feb 14:13
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November-December 2023 (version 23.0.0) aka Sunny Koliada release

Codenamed as Sunny Koliada
Read the Docs: Ocelot 23.0

Focus On

System performance. System core performance review, redesign of system core related to routing and content streaming
  • Modification of the RequestMapper with a brand new StreamHttpContent class, in Ocelot.Request.Mapper namespace. The request body is no longer copied when it is handled by the API gateway, avoiding Out-of-Memory issues in pods/containers. This significantly reduces the gateway's memory consumption, and allows you to transfer content larger than 2 GB in streaming scenarios.

  • Introduction of a new Message Invoker pool, in Ocelot.Requester namespace. We have replaced the HttpClient class with HttpMessageInvoker, which is the base class for HttpClient. The overall logic for managing the pool has been simplified, resulting in a reduction in the number of CPU cycles.

  • Full HTTP content buffering is deactivated, resulting in a 50% reduction in memory consumption and a performance improvement of around 10%. Content is no longer copied on the API gateway, avoiding Out-of-Memory issues.

  • Memory consumption summary. We would like to share here some screenshots of K8s pods from our production environment. These charts were created on January 29-30. Special thanks to @RaynaldM for providing the screenshots!
    (Click on the image to see the full resolution picture) 👇

    3 hours chart 1 day chart 2 days chart
    Prod Jan 29 Prod Jan 30 Prod Jan 31
    ~300 MB on average ~320 MB on average ~340 MB on average

    Finally, we confirm that memory consumption is stable, and Ocelot ver. 23.0 is ready for use in production environments—even as a containerized application that may lack the memory resources of a Docker container. The typical memory consumption of a minimal ASP.NET Web API application at startup is around 250 MB. However, this figure depends on several indicators, including content body size, application load (i.e., requests per second index), and integration within the application core.
    For high-load systems, a deployed Ocelot Docker container can allocate up to 400-500 MB, but we hope it won’t exceed that range. In our production environment, a container instance typically occupies around 350 MB. We recommend monitoring the deployed containers in your production environment, paying attention to their CPU & memory consumption. We believe that there will be no out-of-memory incidents at all.

Ocelot extra packages. Total 3 Ocelot packs were updated
  • Ocelot.Cache.CacheManager: Introduced default cache key generator with improved performance (the DefaultCacheKeyGenerator class). Old version of CacheKeyGenerator had significant performance issue when reading full content of HTTP request for caching key calculation of MD5 hash value. This hash value was excluded from the caching key.

  • Ocelot.Provider.Kubernetes: Fixed long lasting breaking change being added in version 15.0.0, see commit 6e5471a. The bug persisted for more than 3 years in versions 15.0.0-22.0.1, being masked multiple times via class renaming! Special Thanks to @ZisisTsatsas who once again brought this issue to our attention, and our team finally realized that we had a breaking change and the provider was broken.

  • Ocelot.Provider.Polly: A minor changes without feature delivery. We are preparing for a major update to the package in the next release.

Middlewares. Total 8 Ocelot middlewares were updated
Documentation for Authentication, Caching, Kubernetes and Routing
Stabilization aka bug fixing
  • The Ocelot.Benchmarks testing project has been updated with new PayloadBenchmarks and ResponseBenchmarks by @ggnaegi
  • The Ocelot.AcceptanceTests testing project has been refactored by @raman-m using the new AuthenticationSteps class, and more refactoring will be done in future releases

Honoring 🏅 aka Top Contributors 👏

1st 🥇 goes to Guillaume Gnaegi for delivering 3 features
2nd 🥈 goes to Igor Polishchuk for delivering 1 feature in 25 files changed
3rd 🥉 goes to Aly Kafoury for delivering 1 feature in 9 files changed

Starring ⭐ aka Release Influencers :bowtie:

⭐⭐⭐ Guillaume Gnaegi, @ggnaegi
⭐⭐ Raman Maksimchuk, @raman-m
⭐ Aly Kafoury, @AlyHKafoury
⭐ Igor Polishchuk, @MayorSheFF
⭐ Tanmay Seth, @ks1990cn
⭐ Zisis Tsatsas, @ZisisTsatsas
⭐ Mohsen Rajabi, @EngRajabi

Features in Release 23.0.0

  • 290fbde by Raman Maksimchuk on Tuesday, February 13 at 14:29 →
    Release 23.0 | Artifacts | +semver: breaking (#1962)
  • a1607f5 by ZisisTsatsas on Monday, February 12 at 9:17 →
    [#1527 #1529] Breaking change to the class renaming of Kube service discovery provider (#1954)
  • c9510b1 by Igor on Monday, February 5 at 19:39 →
    #740 #1580 Support multiple authentication schemes in one route (#1870)
  • f4803c2 by Aly Kafoury on Thursday, January 18 at 20:23 →
    #748 Match Route configurations for upstream paths when empty Catch-All placeholders at the end of template (#1911)
  • 5e7e76b by Guillaume Gnaegi on Thursday, January 18 at 12:43 →
    #356 #695 #1924 Custom HttpMessageInvoker pooling (#1824)
  • bb79587 by Guillaume Gnaegi on Monday, December 18, 2023 at 12:54 →
    #1724 Reverting back HttpClient full buffering (#1853)
  • ba641b2 by Raman Maksimchuk on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 12:18 →
    #1172 Default CacheKeyGenerator (#1849)
  • a17242d by Guillaume Gnaegi on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 20:42 →
    #827 #1679 Improve performance of Request Mapper (#1724)
  • 6b1f332 by Tanmay Seth on Friday, December 8, 2023 at 5:49 →
    #649 Acceptance tests (#1846)
  • e92b103 by Mohsen Rajabi on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 10:40 →
    Cache by header value: a new Header property in (File)CacheOptions configuration of a route (#1172)


We would like to share our team's plans for the future regarding: development trends, ideas, community expectations, etc.

Code Review and Performance Improvements

Without a doubt, we care about code quality every day, following best development practices. And we review, test, refactor, and redesign features with overall performance in mind. In the next few releases (versions 23.x-24.0) we will take care of: generic providers, multiplexing middleware (Aggregation feature), memory management.

Read more


08 Dec 09:20
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Hotfix release (version 22.0.1) for #1833 issue

Default timeout vs the Quality of Service feature

Special thanks to Alvin Huang!


The bug is related to the Quality of Service feature (aka QoS) and the HttpClient.Timeout property.

  • If JSON QoSOptions section is defined in the route config, then the bug is masked rather than active, and the timeout value is assigned from the QoS TimeoutValue property.
  • If the QoSOptions section is not defined in the route config or the TimeoutValue property is missing, then the bug is active and affects downstream requests that never time out.

Breaking Change

  • The old zero value has recovered in the FileQoSOptions class. Make sure your custom code proper usage of the Ocelot.Configuration.DownstreamRoute class QosOptions.TimeoutValue property!

Technical info

In version 22.0, the bug was found in the explicit default constructor of the FileQoSOptions class with a maximum TimeoutValue. Previously, the default constructor was implicit with the default assignment of zero 0 to all int properties.

The new explicit default constructor breaks the old implementation of QoS TimeoutValue logic, as our QoS documentation states:

Finally, the "default 90 second" logic for HttpClient breaks down when there are no QoS options and all requests on those routes are infinite, if, for example, downstream services are down or stuck.

The Bug Artifacts

Starring ⭐ aka Release Influencers :bowtie:

⭐ Alvin Huang, @huanguolin
⭐ Raman Maksimchuk, @raman-m

Features in Release 22.0.1

  • 37265ad by Raman Maksimchuk on Friday, December 08 at 11:46 →
    Release 22.0.1
  • ab79b01 by Alvin Huang on Friday, December 08 at 03:59 →
    #1833 Default timeout(90s) of downstream requests is broken (#1834)


21 Nov 07:52
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Upgrade to .NET 8 (version 21.0.0) aka .NET 8 release

Read article: Announcing .NET 8 by Gaurav Seth, on November 14th, 2023
Read the Docs: Ocelot 21.0


We are pleased to announce to you that we can now offer the support of .NET 8.
But that is not all, in this release, we are adopting support of several versions of the .NET framework through multitargeting.
The Ocelot distribution is now compatible with .NET 6, 7 and 8. 🎉

In the future, we will try to ensure the support of the .NET SDKs that are still actively maintained by the .NET team and community. Current .NET versions in support are the following: 6, 7, 8.

Technical info

As an ASP.NET Core app, now Ocelot targets net6.0, net7.0 and net8.0 frameworks. Starting with v21.0.0, the solution's code base supports Multitargeting as SDK-style projects. Find out more here: Target frameworks in SDK-style projects.

It should be easier for teams to move between (migrate to) .NET 6, 7 and 8 frameworks. Also, new features will be available for all .NET SDKs which we support via multitargeting.

Honoring 🏅 aka Top Contributors 👏

1st 🥇 goes to Guillaume Gnaegi for delivering 1 feature in 63 files changed
2nd 🥈 goes to Raman Maksimchuk for delivering 1 feature in 17 files changed
3rd 🥉 goes to @raman-m for delivering 1 feature in 5 files changed

Starring ⭐ aka Release Influencers :bowtie:

⭐ Guillaume Gnaegi, @ggnaegi
⭐ Raman Maksimchuk, @raman-m

Features in Release 21.0.0

  • 50ff768 by raman-m on Monday, November 20 at 23:43 →
    +semver: breaking | Release 21.0
  • 7d93623 by Raman Maksimchuk on Monday, November 20 at 23:02 →
    .NET8 Release artifacts (#1792)
  • 24b507e by Guillaume Gnaegi on Monday, November 20 at 00:41 →
    #1787 Upgrade to .NET 8 (#1789)


27 Oct 12:28
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Documentation release 20.0.1 for Polish Apple, v20.0

Read the Docs: Ocelot 20.0

Special thanks to @ggnaegi!

Starring ⭐ aka Release Influencers :bowtie:

⭐ Guillaume Gnaegi, @ggnaegi
⭐ Raman Maksimchuk, @raman-m

Features in Release 20.0.1

  • f5d94c9 by @raman-m on Friday, October 27 at 15:08 →
    Prepare for the 20.0.1 release
  • 640b005 by Raman Maksimchuk on Thursday, October 26 at 14:07 →
    #1731 Docs for 20.0 release (#1754)
  • 0a05369 by Guillaume Gnaegi on Sunday, October 15 at 22:09 →
    #1731 Read the Docs configuration file v2 (#1733)


07 Oct 08:14
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September 2023 (version 20.0.0) aka Polish Apple release

Codenamed as Polish Apple
Read the Docs: Ocelot 20.0

Honoring 🏅 aka Top Contributors 👏

1st 🥇 goes to Raman Maksimchuk for delivering 5 features
2nd 🥈 goes to @jlukawska for delivering 3 features
3rd 🥉 goes to Guillaume Gnaegi for delivering 2 features

Starring ⭐ aka Release Influencers :bowtie:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Raman Maksimchuk, @raman-m
⭐⭐⭐ @jlukawska
⭐⭐ Guillaume Gnaegi, @ggnaegi
⭐ Anthony Steele, @AnthonySteele
⭐ Ben Bartholomew, @ben-bartholomew
⭐ Fabrizio Mancin, @Fabman08
⭐ Freddy, @fku-
⭐ Kevin Grossmann, @grssmnn
⭐ Marco, @eddex
⭐ Roman, @ArtRoman
⭐ Thiago Loureiro, @thiagoloureiro
⭐ Vijay Karavadra, @vijay-karavadra
⭐ guoyongchang, @guoyongchang
⭐ leonluc-dev, @leonluc-dev
⭐ zhangq, @zqlovejyc

Features in Release 20.0.0

  • 65be4b6 by raman-m on Friday, October 06 at 20:52 →
    Fix Git command placeholder bug
  • d2f76ae by raman-m on Friday, October 06 at 19:44 →
    +semver: breaking | Polish Apple release | 2nd build
  • adac0a2 by raman-m on Friday, October 06 at 10:20 →
    Polish Apple release
  • fcdd274 by Raman Maksimchuk on Friday, October 06 at 09:07 →
    A brand new Release Notes feature for Releases being made by 'build.cake' script (#1716)
  • e5f31ef by Raman Maksimchuk on Monday, October 02 at 19:17 →
    Follow up #1670: Fix StyleCop issues and improve the code (#1711)
  • e950cf2 by Ben Bartholomew on Saturday, September 30 at 14:50 →
    #653 Adding null check for downstreamResponse (#1334)
  • 5a81cce by Freddy on Saturday, September 30 at 19:34 →
    Second parameter of Substring is wrong in HeaderFindAndReplaceCreator (#1424)
  • 5dbbbef by Fabrizio Mancin on Saturday, September 30 at 16:26 →
    #1400 Manage multiple patterns for allowed/blocked IPs via Security Options config section (#1399)
  • cc0b9b8 by Kevin Grossmann on Friday, September 29 at 20:42 →
    Ignore port when using UpstreamHost option (#1505)
  • f8eb5e1 by Guillaume Gnaegi on Friday, September 29 at 19:44 →
    #1634 #1487 #1329 #1304 #1294 #793 Consul polling of services: enhancements and fix errors (#1670)
  • ab29442 by Roman on Friday, September 29 at 11:27 →
    #1509 #1683 Replace non-WS protocols for the 'ClientWebSocket' in WebSocketsProxyMiddleware (#1689)
  • 190b001 by leonluc-dev on Thursday, September 28 at 18:14 →
    #1225 Update ServiceDiscovery documentation and samples to include Custom Providers (#1656)
  • fa179bf by zhangq on Thursday, September 28 at 23:04 →
    #1375 #1237 #925 #920 Fix DownstreamRoute DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator (#1377)
  • 5fd5bf9 by Raman Maksimchuk on Monday, September 25 at 18:00 →
    #1681 'using' statements life hacks (#1682)
  • 8b89257 by Raman Maksimchuk on Monday, September 25 at 16:54 →
    #1700 Add sequential tests with disabled parallelization (#1705)
  • fdad15d by Guillaume Gnaegi on Monday, September 25 at 14:15 →
    #1700 Create custom Ocelot config file when instantiating steps during parallel execution (#1703)
  • 75cd0b3 by Raman Maksimchuk on Monday, September 25 at 10:51 →
    #1677 #1686 United documentation update (#1678)
  • b7976fc by guoyongchang on Saturday, September 23 at 09:30 →
    #1351 #1510 New AddOcelot extensions to support custom ASP.NET MVC pipeline building via the IMvcCoreBuilder interface (#1655)
  • 4d245ec by Vijay Karavadra on Saturday, September 23 at 19:19 →
    #1228 #1235 #1247 Overloaded AddOcelot method for dynamic FileConfiguration construction (#1569)
  • 5ad807d by jlukawska on Saturday, September 23 at 11:12 →
    #893 Problems to cancel a request (CancellationToken) (#1367)
  • b27761f by jlukawska on Saturday, September 23 at 10:43 →
    #1057 #1068 Add service discovery logs (#1366)
  • ec85b13 by jlukawska on Friday, September 22 at 21:39 →
    #1288 Query string char missing (#1335)
  • 8893f04 by Marco on Friday, September 22 at 21:25 →
    fix: minor grammar fix in default rate limit response message (#1639)
  • e6081ce by Thiago Loureiro on Friday, September 22 at 21:15 →
    Fixed logger message typos in the OutputCacheMiddleware class (#1315)
  • 21bc4a4 by DanHarltey on Friday, September 22 at 20:05 →
    #908 Quality of Service - Configuration (#1279)
  • 455d7d3 by Anthony Steele on Friday, September 22 at 19:45 →
    Exception mapper naming (#1211)


21 Sep 06:55
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Read the Docs: Ocelot 19.0

ebe70fd - Raman Maksimchuk - Merge pull request #1695 from ThreeMammals/develop
a90664b - Raman Maksimchuk - Release features #1499 #1663 (#1660) (#1693)
346df03 - Tom Pallister - Update
433dfca - Justin Middler - fixed up required spacing in README (#1499)
6ca54fe - Raman Maksimchuk - #1660 Huge logs because of StyleCop.Analyzers warnings (#1663)
bc25f4e - TomPallister - push code coverage for main and develop branches