File tree
6,360 files changed
lines changed- Section 1
- code/react-vs-vanilla-js-example
- just-js
- react
- public
- src
- components
- slides
- Section 1 Getting Started
- code
- edited-first-app
- public
- src
- react-vs-vanilla-js-example
- just-js
- react
- public
- src
- slides
- Section 10
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 02-using-the-useeffect-hook
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 03-useeffect-with-dependencies
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 04-using-the-useeffect-cleanup
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 05-useeffect-summary
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 06-usereducer-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 07-using-the-usereducer-hook
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 08-usereducer-and-useeffect
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- 09-using-the-react-context-api
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- store
- 10-tapping-into-context-usecontext
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- store
- 11-making-context-dynamic
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- store
- 12-building-and-using-a-custom-context-provider-cmp
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- store
- 13-finished
- public
- src
- components
- Home
- Login
- MainHeader
- UI
- Button
- Card
- Input
- store
- Section 10 Working with Fragments, Portals & Refs
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- UI
- Users
- 02-react-fragments
- public
- src
- components
- Helpers
- UI
- Users
- 03-working-with-portals
- public
- src
- components
- Helpers
- UI
- Users
- 04-finished
- public
- src
- components
- Helpers
- UI
- Users
- slides
- Section 11/code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- 02-adding-a-header-cmp
- public
- 03-adding-a-meals-cmp
- public
- 04-adding-individual-meal-items
- public
- 05-adding-a-form
- public
- 06-working-on-the-shopping-cart
- 07-adding-a-modal
- public
- src/components/UI
- 08-managing-cart-and-modal-state
- public
- src/components/UI
- 09-adding-a-cart-reducer
- public
- 10-outputting-cart-items
- 11-making-items-removable
- src/components/UI
- 12-finished
- public
- src/components/UI
- Section 11 Handling Side Effects, Using Reducers & Context API
- slides
- Section 12/code
- 01-starting-setup
- public
- src
- components/UI/Button
- 02-component-updates-in-action
- public
- src
- components/UI/Button
- 03-a-closer-look-at-child-cmp-reevaluation
- public
- src
- components
- Demo
- UI/Button
- 04-preventing-unnecessary-reevaluations-react-memo
- public
- src
- components
- Demo
- UI/Button
- 05-preventing-function-recreation-usecallback
- public
- src
- components
- Demo
- UI/Button
- 06-usecallback-dependencies
- public
- src
- components
- Demo
- UI/Button
- 07-finished
- public
- src
- components
- Demo
- UI/Button
- Section 12 Practice Project - Food Order App
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- 02-adding-a-header-cmp
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- 03-adding-a-meals-cmp
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- 04-adding-individual-meal-items
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- 05-adding-a-form
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- 06-working-on-the-shopping-cart
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- 07-adding-a-modal
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- 08-managing-cart-and-modal-state
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- 09-adding-a-cart-reducer
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- 10-outputting-cart-items
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- 11-making-items-removable
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- 12-finished
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- extra-files
- Section 13
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- 02-adding-a-first-class-based-cmp
- public
- 03-working-with-state
- public
- 04-cmp-lifecycle-starting-state
- public
- 05-lifecycle-methods-in-action
- public
- 06-class-based-cmp-context-starting-setup
- public
- 07-class-based-cmp-and-context
- public
- 08-finished
- public
- extra-files
- Section 13 A Look Behind The Scenes Of React
- slides
- Section 14
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- 02-sending-a-get-request
- public
- 03-handling-loading-and-data-states
- public
- 05-using-useeffect
- public
- 06-preparing-the-project-for-the-next-steps
- public
- 07-sending-a-post-request
- public
- Section 14 Class-based Components
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- 02-adding-a-first-class-based-cmp
- public
- src
- components
- 03-working-with-state
- public
- src
- components
- 04-cmp-lifecycle-starting-state
- public
- src
- components
- 05-lifecycle-methods-in-action
- public
- src
- components
- 06-class-based-cmp-context-starting-setup
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 07-class-based-cmp-and-context
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 08-finished
- public
- src
- components
- store
- extra-files
- slides
- Section 15/code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- 02-creating-a-custom-react-hook-function
- public
- 03-configuring-custom-hooks
- public
- 04-onwards-to-a-more-realistic-example
- public
- 05-building-a-custom-http-hook
- public
- 06-adjusting-the-custom-hook
- public
- 07-using-the-hook-in-more-cmp
- public
- Section 15 Sending Http Requests
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- 02-sending-a-get-request
- public
- src
- components
- 03-handling-loading-and-data-states
- public
- src
- components
- 05-using-useeffect
- public
- src
- components
- 06-preparing-the-project-for-the-next-steps
- public
- src
- components
- 07-sending-a-post-request
- public
- src
- components
- slides
- Section 16
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- 02-dealing-with-form-submission-getting-values
- public
- 04-handling-the-was-touched-state
- public
- 05-react-to-lost-focus
- public
- 06-refactoring-and-deriving-states
- public
- 07-managing-the-overall-form-validity
- public
- 08-assignment-solution
- public
- 09-adding-a-custom-input-hook
- public
- 10-re-using-the-custom-hook
- public
- 11-applying-our-hook-and-knowledge
- public
- 12-finished
- public
- Section 16 Building Custom React Hooks
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- 02-creating-a-custom-react-hook-function
- public
- src
- components
- hooks
- 03-configuring-custom-hooks
- public
- src
- components
- hooks
- 04-onwards-to-a-more-realistic-example
- public
- src
- components
- NewTask
- Tasks
- UI
- 05-building-a-custom-http-hook
- public
- src
- components
- NewTask
- Tasks
- UI
- hooks
- 06-adjusting-the-custom-hook
- public
- src
- components
- NewTask
- Tasks
- UI
- hooks
- 07-using-the-hook-in-more-cmp
- public
- src
- components
- NewTask
- Tasks
- UI
- hooks
- slides
- Section 17/code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src/components/UI
- 02-fetching-meals-via-http
- public
- src/components/UI
- 03-handling-errors
- public
- src/components/UI
- 04-adding-a-checkout-form
- public
- src/components/UI
- 05-adding-form-validation
- public
- src/components/UI
- 06-submitting-sending-cart-data
- public
- src/components
- Meals/MealItem
- UI
- 07-finished
- public
- src/components
- Meals/MealItem
- UI
- Section 17 Working with Forms & User Input
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- 02-dealing-with-form-submission-getting-values
- public
- src
- components
- 04-handling-the-was-touched-state
- public
- src
- components
- 05-react-to-lost-focus
- public
- src
- components
- 06-refactoring-and-deriving-states
- public
- src
- components
- 07-managing-the-overall-form-validity
- public
- src
- components
- 08-assignment-solution
- public
- src
- components
- 09-adding-a-custom-input-hook
- public
- src
- components
- hooks
- 10-re-using-the-custom-hook
- public
- src
- components
- hooks
- 11-applying-our-hook-and-knowledge
- public
- src
- components
- hooks
- 12-finished
- public
- src
- components
- hooks
- slides
- Section 18/code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- 02-providing-the-store
- public
- 03-using-redux-data-in-react-cmp
- public
- 04-dispatching-actions
- public
- 05-redux-with-class-based-cmp
- public
- 06-attaching-payloads-to-actions
- public
- 07-working-with-mutiple-state-properties
- public
- 08-how-to-work-with-redux-state-correctly
- public
- 09-introducing-redux-toolkit
- public
- 10-working-with-multiple-slices
- public
- 11-reading-and-dispatching
- public
- 12-finished
- public
- Section 18 Practice Project - Adding Http & Forms To App
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- 02-fetching-meals-via-http
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- UI
- store
- 03-handling-errors
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- 04-adding-a-checkout-form
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- 05-adding-form-validation
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- 06-submitting-sending-cart-data
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- UI
- store
- 07-finished
- public
- src
- assets
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Meals
- MealItem
- UI
- store
- extra-files
- Section 19
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- 02-refresher-practice-finished
- public
- 03-using-useeffect-with-redux
- public
- 04-handling-http-states-feedback-with-redux
- public
- 05-using-an-action-creator-thunk
- public
- 06-finished
- public
- zz-suboptimal-example-code
- public
- Section 19 Diving into Redux
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- 02-providing-the-store
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 03-using-redux-data-in-react-cmp
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 04-dispatching-actions
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 05-redux-with-class-based-cmp
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 06-attaching-payloads-to-actions
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 07-working-with-mutiple-state-properties
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 08-how-to-work-with-redux-state-correctly
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 09-introducing-redux-toolkit
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 10-working-with-multiple-slices
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 11-reading-and-dispatching
- public
- src
- components
- store
- 12-finished
- public
- src
- components
- store
- slides
- Section 2
- Section 2 JavaScript Refresher
- code/finished
- assets
- images
- scripts
- styles
- extra-files
- slides
- Section 20 Advanced Redux
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Shop
- UI
- 02-refresher-practice-finished
- public
- src
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Shop
- UI
- store
- 03-using-useeffect-with-redux
- public
- src
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Shop
- UI
- store
- 04-handling-http-states-feedback-with-redux
- public
- src
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Shop
- UI
- store
- 05-using-an-action-creator-thunk
- public
- src
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Shop
- UI
- store
- 06-finished
- public
- src
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Shop
- UI
- store
- zz-suboptimal-example-code
- public
- src
- components
- Cart
- Layout
- Shop
- UI
- store
- extra-files
- slides
- Section 21 Building a Multi-Page SPA with React Router
- code
- 01-starting-project
- public
- src
- 02-route-setup
- public
- src
- pages
- 03-alternative-route-definitions
- public
- src
- pages
- 04-adding-links
- public
- src
- pages
- 05-layout-wrapper-route
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 06-error-route-404
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 09-dynamic-routes
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 10-absolute-relative-paths
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 11-index-routes
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 12-adv-starting-project
- backend
- data
- routes
- util
- frontend
- public
- src
- components
- 13-challenge-problem
- public
- src
- components
- 14-challenge-solution
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 15-data-fetching-example
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 16-added-loader
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 17-loader-in-separate-file
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 19-returning-responses
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 20-error-handling
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 21-json-helper-function
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 22-dynamic-routes-loader
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 23-userouteloaderdata
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 24-action-data-submission
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 25-deleting
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 27-validation-returning-data
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 28-reusing-action
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 29-prepared-newsletter-code
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 30-usefetcher
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 31-defer-introduction
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- 32-finished
- backend
- data
- routes
- util
- frontend
- public
- src
- components
- pages
- extra-files
- slides
- Section 22 - Deploying React Apps/code/01-starting-project
- src
- components
- UI
- comments
- layout
- quotes
- hooks
- lib
- pages
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
6,360 files changed
lines changedFile renamed without changes.
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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