- alphabet
- finite set of symbols
- includes operators, constants, variables, etc.
- formulas are strings of symbols
- grammar
- defines well-formed formulas inductively
- axiom schemas
- axiom schemas are substitution schemes for generating well-formed formulas
- inference rules
- theorems are formulas that can be derived from axioms by inference rules
- theorems can be defined inductively as either substitutions of axiom schemes or applications of inference rules
- alphabet: {
, ...,Z
} - grammar (in EBNF):
constant = "A" | "B" | "C" | ... | "Z";
formula = "bot" | constant | "(", formula, " -> ", formula, ")";
- axiom schemes:
- K:
(a -> (b -> a))
for well-formed formulasa
- S:
((a -> (b -> c)) -> ((a -> b) -> (a -> c)))
for well-formed formulasa
- falsity (aka bottom, absurdity):
(bot -> a)
for well-formed formulasa
- K:
- inference rules:
- modus ponens:
(a -> b)
for well-formed formulasa
- i.e. given well-formed formulas
, if(a -> b)
are theorems, thenb
is a theorem
- i.e. given well-formed formulas
- modus ponens: