Outline of (mostly) Wikipedia articles which provide the conceptual framework for this project
- Curry-Howard correspondence
- Table of correspondences
- Hilbert-style deduction systems <=> combinatory logic
- Modus ponens inference rule <=> combinator application
- K and S axiom schemas <=> K and S combinators
- Intuitionistic implicational logic <=> typed SK combinator caluclus
- Summary <->
- Details
- Brief mention
- Hilbert-style proof of a -> a <=> type inhabitation I = SKK
- Bottom
- Falsity / logical absurdity <=> bottom type
- Uninhabited type
- Type of function that never returns
- Least element of a lattice
- Boolean algebra for classical logic (examples)
- Heyting algebra for intuitionistic logic (examples)
- Falsity / logical absurdity <=> bottom type
- Unification
- key parts
- first-order vs higher-order unification
- semi-decidable unification for typed lambda calculus
- Hindley-Milner type system