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normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | */\n\n/**\n * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.\n * 2. Prevent iOS and IE text size adjust after device orientation change,\n * without disabling user zoom.\n */\n\nhtml {\n font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */\n -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove default margin.\n */\n\nbody {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n/* HTML5 display definitions\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.\n * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11\n * and Firefox.\n * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.\n */\n\narticle,\naside,\ndetails,\nfigcaption,\nfigure,\nfooter,\nheader,\nhgroup,\nmain,\nmenu,\nnav,\nsection,\nsummary {\n display: block;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.\n * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.\n */\n\naudio,\ncanvas,\nprogress,\nvideo {\n display: inline-block; /* 1 */\n vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.\n * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.\n */\n\naudio:not([controls]) {\n display: none;\n height: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.\n * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.\n */\n\n[hidden],\ntemplate {\n display: none;\n}\n\n/* Links\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.\n */\n\na {\n background-color: transparent;\n}\n\n/**\n * Improve readability of focused elements when they are also in an\n * active/hover state.\n */\n\na:active,\na:hover {\n outline: 0;\n}\n\n/* Text-level semantics\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.\n */\n\nabbr[title] {\n border-bottom: 1px dotted;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.\n */\n\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.\n */\n\ndfn {\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`\n * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.\n */\n\nh1 {\n font-size: 2em;\n margin: 0.67em 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address styling not present in IE 8/9.\n */\n\nmark {\n background: #ff0;\n color: #000;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.\n */\n\nsmall {\n font-size: 80%;\n}\n\n/**\n * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.\n */\n\nsub,\nsup {\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n position: relative;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsup {\n top: -0.5em;\n}\n\nsub {\n bottom: -0.25em;\n}\n\n/* Embedded content\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.\n */\n\nimg {\n border: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.\n */\n\nsvg:not(:root) {\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n/* Grouping content\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.\n */\n\nfigure {\n margin: 1em 40px;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.\n */\n\nhr {\n box-sizing: content-box;\n height: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contain overflow in all browsers.\n */\n\npre {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.\n */\n\ncode,\nkbd,\npre,\nsamp {\n font-family: monospace, monospace;\n font-size: 1em;\n}\n\n/* Forms\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited\n * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.\n */\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct color not being inherited.\n * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.\n * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.\n * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.\n */\n\nbutton,\ninput,\noptgroup,\nselect,\ntextarea {\n color: inherit; /* 1 */\n font: inherit; /* 2 */\n margin: 0; /* 3 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.\n */\n\nbutton {\n overflow: visible;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.\n * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.\n * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.\n * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.\n */\n\nbutton,\nselect {\n text-transform: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`\n * and `video` controls.\n * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.\n * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type\n * `input` and others.\n */\n\nbutton,\nhtml input[type=\"button\"], /* 1 */\ninput[type=\"reset\"],\ninput[type=\"submit\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */\n cursor: pointer; /* 3 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.\n */\n\nbutton[disabled],\nhtml input[disabled] {\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.\n */\n\nbutton::-moz-focus-inner,\ninput::-moz-focus-inner {\n border: 0;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in\n * the UA stylesheet.\n */\n\ninput {\n line-height: normal;\n}\n\n/**\n * It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.\n * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.\n *\n * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.\n * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.\n */\n\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"],\ninput[type=\"radio\"] {\n box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain\n * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the\n * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.\n */\n\ninput[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,\ninput[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {\n height: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.\n * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome.\n */\n\ninput[type=\"search\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */\n box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.\n * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has\n * padding (and `textfield` appearance).\n */\n\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * Define consistent border, margin, and padding.\n */\n\nfieldset {\n border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;\n margin: 0 2px;\n padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.\n * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.\n */\n\nlegend {\n border: 0; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.\n */\n\ntextarea {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).\n * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.\n */\n\noptgroup {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n/* Tables\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove most spacing between table cells.\n */\n\ntable {\n border-collapse: collapse;\n border-spacing: 0;\n}\n\ntd,\nth {\n padding: 0;\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group reveal\n////\n\n/// Default background color of a modal.\n/// @type Color\n$reveal-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Default width of a modal, with no class applied.\n/// @type Number\n$reveal-width: 600px !default;\n\n/// Default maximum width of a modal.\n/// @type Number\n$reveal-max-width: $global-width !default;\n\n/// Offset from the top of the window when a modal is added.\n/// @type Number\n$reveal-offset: rem-calc(100) !default;\n\n/// Default padding inside a modal.\n/// @type Number\n$reveal-padding: $global-padding !default;\n\n/// Default border around a modal.\n/// @type Number\n$reveal-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Default radius for modal.\n/// @type Number\n$reveal-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// z-index for modals. The overlay uses this value, while the modal itself uses this value plus one.\n/// @type Number\n$reveal-zindex: 1005 !default;\n\n/// Background color of modal overlays.\n/// @type Color\n$reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for a modal overlay.\n/// @param {Color} $background [$reveal-overlay-background] - Background color of the overlay.\n@mixin reveal-overlay {\n display: none;\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n z-index: $reveal-zindex;\n background-color: $reveal-overlay-background;\n overflow-y: scroll;\n}\n\n/// Adds base styles for a modal.\n@mixin reveal-modal-base {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n display: none;\n z-index: $reveal-zindex + 1;\n padding: $reveal-padding;\n border: $reveal-border;\n // margin: 100px auto 0 100px;\n margin: 100px auto 0 auto;\n background-color: $reveal-background;\n border-radius: $reveal-radius;\n\n @include breakpoint(medium) {\n min-height: 0;\n }\n\n // Make sure rows don't have a min-width on them\n .column,\n .columns {\n min-width: 0;\n }\n\n // Strip margins from the last item in the modal\n > :last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adjusts the width of a modal.\n/// @param {Number} $width - Width of the modal. Generally a percentage.\n/// @param {Number} $max-width [$reveal-max-width] - Maximum width of the modal.\n@mixin reveal-modal-width(\n $width: $reveal-width,\n $max-width: $reveal-max-width\n) {\n @include breakpoint(medium) {\n @extend %reveal-centered;\n width: $width;\n max-width: $reveal-max-width;\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a full-screen modal, which stretches the full width and height of the window.\n@mixin reveal-modal-fullscreen {\n // scss-lint:disable DuplicateProperty\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n height: 100vh;\n min-height: 100vh;\n max-width: none;\n margin-left: 0;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-reveal {\n // Overlay\n .reveal-overlay {\n @include reveal-overlay;\n }\n\n // Modal container\n .reveal {\n @include reveal-modal-base;\n @include reveal-modal-width($reveal-width);\n position: absolute;\n overflow-y: auto;\n // Remove padding\n &.collapse {\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n // Placeholder selector for medium-and-up modals\n // Prevents duplicate CSS when defining multiple Reveal sizes\n @include breakpoint(medium) {\n %reveal-centered {\n left: auto;\n right: auto;\n margin: 0 auto;\n }\n }\n\n // Sizing classes\n &.tiny { @include reveal-modal-width(30%); }\n &.small { @include reveal-modal-width(50%); }\n &.large { @include reveal-modal-width(90%); }\n\n // Full-screen mode\n &.full {\n @include reveal-modal-fullscreen;\n }\n }\n}\n\ {\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n","// scss-lint:disable ImportantRule, SpaceAfterComma, SingleLinePerProperty\n\n%mui-defaults {\n transition-duration: map-get($motion-ui-speeds, default);\n transition-timing-function: map-get($motion-ui-easings, default);\n}\n\n// Transitions\n// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n@mixin motion-ui-transitions {\n // Slide\n .slide-in-down { @include mui-slide(in, down); }\n .slide-in-left { @include mui-slide(in, right); }\n .slide-in-up { @include mui-slide(in, bottom); }\n .slide-in-right { @include mui-slide(in, left); }\n .slide-out-down { @include mui-slide(out, down); }\n .slide-out-right { @include mui-slide(out, right); }\n .slide-out-up { @include mui-slide(out, top); }\n .slide-out-left { @include mui-slide(out, left); }\n\n // Fade\n .fade-in { @include mui-fade(in, 0, 1); }\n .fade-out { @include mui-fade(out, 1, 0); }\n\n // Hinge\n .hinge-in-from-top { @include mui-hinge(in, top); }\n .hinge-in-from-right { @include mui-hinge(in, right); }\n .hinge-in-from-bottom { @include mui-hinge(in, bottom); }\n .hinge-in-from-left { @include mui-hinge(in, left); }\n .hinge-in-from-middle-x { @include mui-hinge(in, top, center); }\n .hinge-in-from-middle-y { @include mui-hinge(in, right, center); }\n .hinge-out-from-top { @include mui-hinge(out, top); }\n .hinge-out-from-right { @include mui-hinge(out, right); }\n .hinge-out-from-bottom { @include mui-hinge(out, bottom); }\n .hinge-out-from-left { @include mui-hinge(out, left); }\n .hinge-out-from-middle-x { @include mui-hinge(out, top, center); }\n .hinge-out-from-middle-y { @include mui-hinge(out, right, center); }\n\n // Scale\n .scale-in-up { @include mui-zoom(in, 0.5, 1); }\n .scale-in-down { @include mui-zoom(in, 1.5, 1); }\n .scale-out-up { @include mui-zoom(out, 1, 1.5); }\n .scale-out-down { @include mui-zoom(out, 1, 0.5); }\n\n // Spin\n .spin-in { @include mui-spin(in, cw); }\n .spin-out { @include mui-spin(out, cw); }\n .spin-in-ccw { @include mui-spin(in, ccw); }\n .spin-out-ccw { @include mui-spin(out, ccw); }\n\n // Transition Modifiers\n // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n\n @each $name, $value in $motion-ui-speeds {\n @if $name != default {\n .#{$name} { transition-duration: $value !important; }\n }\n }\n\n @each $name, $value in $motion-ui-easings {\n @if $name != default {\n .#{$name} { transition-timing-function: $value !important; }\n }\n }\n\n @each $name, $value in $motion-ui-delays {\n @if $name != default {\n .#{$name}-delay { transition-delay: $value !important; }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Animations\n// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n@mixin motion-ui-animations {\n .shake { @include mui-animation(shake); }\n .spin-cw { @include mui-animation(spin); }\n .spin-ccw { @include mui-animation(spin(ccw)); }\n .wiggle { @include mui-animation(wiggle); }\n\n // Animation Modifiers\n // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n .infinite { animation-iteration-count: infinite; }\n\n @each $name, $value in $motion-ui-speeds {\n @if $name != default {\n .#{$name} { animation-duration: $value !important; }\n }\n }\n\n @each $name, $value in $motion-ui-easings {\n @if $name != default {\n .#{$name} { animation-timing-function: $value !important; }\n }\n }\n\n @each $name, $value in $motion-ui-delays {\n @if $name != default {\n .#{$name}-delay { animation-delay: $value !important; }\n }\n }\n}\n","/// Format for CSS classes created with Motion UI.\n/// @type Map\n/// @prop {Boolean} append [true] - Defines if selectors are chained to the selector (`.class.enter`), or appended as a new class (`.class-enter`).\n/// @prop {String} prefix ['mui-'] - Prefix to add before the state of a class. Enter an empty string to use no prefix.\n/// @prop {String} prefix ['-active'] - Suffix to add to the active state class.\n$motion-ui-classes: (\n chain: true,\n prefix: 'mui-',\n active: '-active',\n) !default;\n\n/// State names to reference when writing motion classes. To use multiple class names for one state, enter a list of strings instead of one string.\n/// @type Map\n$motion-ui-states: (\n in: 'enter',\n out: 'leave',\n) !default;\n\n/// Default speed that transitions and animations play at, along with values for modifier classes to change the speed.\n/// @type Map\n$motion-ui-speeds: (\n default: 500ms,\n slow: 750ms,\n fast: 250ms,\n) !default;\n\n/// Default delay to add before motion, along with values for modifier classes to change the delay.\n/// @type Map\n$motion-ui-delays: (\n default: 0,\n short: 300ms,\n long: 700ms,\n) !default;\n\n/// Default easing for transitions and animations, along with values for modifier classes to change the easing.\n/// @type Map\n$motion-ui-easings: (\n default: linear,\n linear: linear,\n ease: ease,\n ease-in: ease-in,\n ease-out: ease-out,\n ease-in-out: ease-in-out,\n bounce-in: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.24, 1.245),\n bounce-out: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.515, 0.845),\n bounce-in-out: cubic-bezier(0.76, -0.245, 0.24, 1.245),\n) !default;\n\n/// Miscellaneous settings related to Motion UI.\n/// @type Map\n/// @prop {Boolean} slide-and-fade [false] - Defines if slide motions should also fade in/out.\n/// @prop {Boolean} slide-and-fade [true] - Defines if hinge motions should also fade in/out.\n/// @prop {Boolean} slide-and-fade [true] - Defines if scale motions should also fade in/out.\n/// @prop {Boolean} slide-and-fade [true] - Defines if spin motions should also fade in/out.\n$motion-ui-settings: (\n slide-and-fade: false,\n hinge-and-fade: true,\n scale-and-fade: true,\n spin-and-fade: true,\n activate-queue-class: 'is-animating',\n) !default;\n","// Internal counter for creating unique keyframe names\n$-mui-custom: 0;\n\n/// Creates a keyframe from one or more effect functions. Use this function instead of `mui-animation` if you want to create a keyframe animation *without* automatically assigning it to the element.\n/// @param {String} $name - Name of the keyframe.\n/// @param {Function} $effects... - One or more effect functions to build the keyframe with.\n@mixin mui-keyframes($name, $effects...) {\n $obj: -mui-process-args($effects...);\n $obj: map-remove($obj, name);\n\n @keyframes #{$name} {\n // Now iterate through each keyframe percentage\n @each $pct, $props in $obj {\n #{-mui-keyframe-pct($pct)} {\n // Lastly, iterate through each CSS property within a percentage and print it out\n @each $prop, $value in $props {\n #{$prop}: #{$value};\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a string for a CSS keyframe, by converting a list of numbers to a comma-separated list of percentage values.\n/// @param {Number|List} $input - List of numbers to use.\n/// @return {String} A set of comma-separated percentage values.\n/// @access private\n@function -mui-keyframe-pct($input) {\n $output: ();\n\n @if type-of($input) == 'number' {\n $output: ($input * 1%);\n } @else if type-of($input) == 'list' {\n @each $i in $input {\n $output: append($output, ($i * 1%), comma);\n }\n }\n\n @return $output;\n}\n\n/// Prints the CSS properties from a specific key in a keyframes map. Used to borrow CSS from keyframe functions for use in transitions.\n/// @param {Map} $kf - Keyframe map to extract from.\n/// @param {Number} $key - Key in the map to print the CSS of.\n/// @access private\n@mixin -mui-keyframe-get($kf, $key) {\n $map: map-get($kf, $key);\n\n @each $prop, $value in $map or () {\n // Some keyframe maps store transforms as quoted strings\n @if type-of($value) == 'string' {\n $value: unquote($value);\n }\n #{$prop}: $value;\n }\n}\n\n/// Reformats a map containing keys with a list of values, so that each key is a single value.\n/// @param {Map} $map - Map to split up.\n/// @return {Map} A reformatted map.\n/// @access private\n@function -mui-keyframe-split($map) {\n $new-map: ();\n\n // Split keys with multiple values into individual keys\n @each $key, $item in $map {\n $key-type: type-of($key);\n\n @if $key-type == 'number' {\n $new-map: map-merge($new-map, ($key: $item));\n } @else if $key-type == 'list' {\n @each $k in $key {\n $new-map: map-merge($new-map, ($k: $item));\n }\n }\n }\n\n @return $new-map;\n}\n\n/// Combines a series of keyframe objects into one.\n/// @param {Map} $maps... - A series of maps to merge, as individual parameters.\n/// @return {Map} A combined keyframe object.\n/// @access private\n@function -mui-keyframe-combine($maps...) {\n $new-map: ();\n\n // Iterate through each map passed in\n @each $map in $maps {\n @if type-of($map) == 'string' {\n $map: call($map);\n }\n\n $map: -mui-keyframe-split($map);\n\n // Iterate through each keyframe in the map\n // $key is the keyframe percentage\n // $value is a map of CSS properties\n @each $key, $value in $map {\n $new-value: ();\n\n @if map-has-key($new-map, $key) {\n // If the map already has the keyframe %, append the new property\n $new-value: -mui-merge-properties(map-get($new-map, $key), $value);\n } @else {\n // Otherwise, create a new map with the new property\n $new-value: $value;\n }\n\n // Finally, merge the modified keyframe value into the output map\n $new-map: map-merge($new-map, ($key: $new-value));\n }\n }\n\n // Make a name for the keyframes\n $-mui-custom: $-mui-custom + 1 !global;\n $map-name: (name: 'custom-#{$-mui-custom}');\n $new-map: map-merge($new-map, $map-name);\n\n @return $new-map;\n}\n\n/// Combines two maps of CSS properties into one map. If both maps have a transform property, the values from each will be combined into one property.\n/// @param {Map} $one - First map to merge.\n/// @param {Map} $two - Second map to merge.\n/// @return {Map} A combined map.\n/// @access private\n@function -mui-merge-properties($one, $two) {\n @if map-has-key($one, transform) and map-has-key($two, transform) {\n $transform: join(map-get($one, transform), map-get($two, transform));\n $one: map-merge($one, (transform: $transform));\n $two: map-remove($two, transform);\n }\n\n @return map-merge($one, $two);\n}\n","/// Creates a sliding transition by translating the element horizontally or vertically.\n/// @param {Keyword} $state [in] - State to transition to.\n/// @param {Keyword} $direction [left] - Side of the element to slide from. Can be `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left`.\n/// @param {Length} $amount [100%] - Length of the slide as a percentage value.\n/// @param {Boolean} $fade [false] - Set to `true` to fade the element in or out simultaneously.\n/// @param {Duration} $duration [null] - Length (speed) of the transition.\n/// @param {Keyword|Function} $timing [null] - Easing of the transition.\n/// @param {Duration} $delay [null] - Delay in seconds or milliseconds before the transition starts.\n@mixin mui-slide (\n $state: in,\n $direction: left,\n $amount: 100%,\n $fade: map-get($motion-ui-settings, slide-and-fade),\n $duration: null,\n $timing: null,\n $delay: null\n) {\n $slide: slide($state, $direction, $amount);\n\n // CSS Output\n @include transition-start($state) {\n @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($slide, 0);\n\n @if $fade {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n opacity: if($state == in, 0, 1);\n } @else {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n }\n\n backface-visibility: hidden;\n }\n\n @include transition-end($state) {\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($slide, 100);\n\n @if $fade {\n opacity: if($state == in, 1, 0);\n }\n }\n}\n","/// Applies basic transition settings to an element.\n/// @param {Duration} $duration [null] - Length (speed) of the transition.\n/// @param {Keyword|Function} $timing [null] - Easing of the transition.\n/// @param {Duration} $delay [null] - Delay in seconds or milliseconds before the transition starts.\n@mixin transition-basics(\n $duration: null,\n $timing: null,\n $delay: null\n) {\n @extend %mui-defaults;\n transition-duration: $duration;\n transition-timing-function: $timing;\n transition-delay: $delay;\n}\n\n/// Wraps the content in the setup class for a transition.\n/// @param {Keyword} $dir - State to setup for transition.\n@mixin transition-start($dir) {\n $selector: -mui-build-selector(map-get($motion-ui-states, $dir));\n\n @at-root {\n #{$selector} {\n @content;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Wraps the content in the active class for a transition.\n/// @param {Keyword} $dir - State to activate a transition on.\n@mixin transition-end($dir) {\n $selector: -mui-build-selector(map-get($motion-ui-states, $dir), true);\n\n @at-root {\n #{$selector} {\n @content;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for a stagger animation, which can be used with Angular's `ng-repeat`.\n/// @param {Duration} $delay-amount - Amount of time in seconds or milliseconds to add between each item's animation.\n@mixin stagger($delay-amount) {\n transition-delay: $delay-amount;\n transition-duration: 0; // Prevent accidental CSS inheritance\n}\n","/// Creates a fade transition by adjusting the opacity of the element.\n/// @param {Keyword} $state [in] - State to transition to.\n/// @param {Number} $from [0] - Opacity to start at. Must be a number between 0 and 1.\n/// @param {Number} $to [1] - Opacity to end on.\n/// @param {Keyword} $duration [null] - Length (speed) of the transition.\n/// @param {Keyword|Function} $timing [null] - Easing of the transition.\n/// @param {Duration} $delay [null] - Delay in seconds or milliseconds before the transition starts.\n@mixin mui-fade(\n $state: in,\n $from: 0,\n $to: 1,\n $duration: null,\n $timing: null,\n $delay: null\n) {\n $fade: fade($from, $to);\n\n @include transition-start($state) {\n @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($fade, 0);\n\n transition-property: opacity;\n }\n\n @include transition-end($state) {\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($fade, 100);\n }\n}\n","/// Creates a hinge effect by rotating the element.\n/// @param {Keyword} $state [in] - State to transition to.\n/// @param {Keyword} $from [left] - Edge of the element to rotate from. Can be `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left`.\n/// @param {Keyword} $axis [edge] - Axis of the element to rotate on. Can be `edge` or `center`.\n/// @param {Number} $perspective [2000px] - Perceived distance between the viewer and the element. A higher number will make the rotation effect more pronounced.\n/// @param {Keyword} $turn-origin [from-back] - Side of the element to start the rotation from. Can be `from-back` or `from-front`.\n@function hinge (\n $state: in,\n $from: left,\n $axis: edge,\n $perspective: 2000px,\n $turn-origin: from-back\n) {\n // Rotation directions when hinging from back vs. front\n $rotation-amount: 90deg;\n $rotations-back: (\n top: rotateX($rotation-amount * -1),\n right: rotateY($rotation-amount * -1),\n bottom: rotateX($rotation-amount),\n left: rotateY($rotation-amount),\n );\n $rotations-from: (\n top: rotateX($rotation-amount),\n right: rotateY($rotation-amount),\n bottom: rotateX($rotation-amount * -1),\n left: rotateY($rotation-amount * -1),\n );\n\n // Rotation origin\n $rotation: '';\n @if $turn-origin == from-front {\n $rotation: map-get($rotations-from, $from);\n } @else if $turn-origin == from-back {\n $rotation: map-get($rotations-back, $from);\n } @else {\n @warn '$turn-origin must be either \"from-back\" or \"from-front\"';\n }\n\n // Start and end state\n $start: '';\n $end: '';\n @if $state == in {\n $start: perspective($perspective) $rotation;\n $end: perspective($perspective) rotate(0deg);\n } @else {\n $start: perspective($perspective) rotate(0deg);\n $end: perspective($perspective) $rotation;\n }\n\n // Turn axis\n $origin: '';\n @if $axis == edge {\n $origin: $from;\n } @else {\n $origin: center;\n }\n\n $keyframes: (\n name: 'hinge-#{$state}-#{$from}-#{$axis}-#{$turn-origin}',\n 0: (transform: $start, transform-origin: $origin),\n 100: (transform: $end),\n );\n\n @return $keyframes;\n}\n","/// Creates a hinge transition by rotating the element.\n/// @param {Keyword} $state [in] - State to transition to.\n/// @param {Keyword} $from [left] - Edge of the element to rotate from. Can be `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left`.\n/// @param {Keyword} $axis [edge] - Axis of the element to rotate on. Can be `edge` or `center`.\n/// @param {Length} $perspective [2000px] - Perceived distance between the viewer and the element. A higher number will make the rotation effect more pronounced.\n/// @param {Keyword} $turn-origin [from-back] - Side of the element to start the rotation from. Can be `from-back` or `from-front`.\n/// @param {Boolean} $fade [true] - Set to `true` to fade the element in or out simultaneously.\n/// @param {Duration} $duration [null] - Length (speed) of the transition.\n/// @param {Keyword|Function} $timing [null] - Easing of the transition.\n/// @param {Duration} $delay [null] - Delay in seconds or milliseconds before the transition starts.\n@mixin mui-hinge (\n $state: in,\n $from: left,\n $axis: edge,\n $perspective: 2000px,\n $turn-origin: from-back,\n $fade: map-get($motion-ui-settings, hinge-and-fade),\n $duration: null,\n $timing: null,\n $delay: null\n) {\n $hinge: hinge($state, $from, $axis, $perspective, $turn-origin);\n\n @include transition-start($state) {\n @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($hinge, 0);\n\n @if $fade {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n opacity: if($state == in, 0, 1);\n } @else {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n }\n }\n\n @include transition-end($state) {\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($hinge, 100);\n\n @if $fade {\n opacity: if($state == in, 1, 0);\n }\n }\n}\n","/// Creates a scaling transition. A scale of `1` means the element is the same size. Larger numbers make the element bigger, while numbers less than 1 make the element smaller.\n/// @param {Keyword} $state [in] - State to transition to.\n/// @param {Number} $from [1.5] - Size to start at.\n/// @param {Number} $from [1] - Size to end at.\n/// @param {Boolean} $fade [true] - Set to `true` to fade the element in or out simultaneously.\n/// @param {Duration} $duration [null] - Length (speed) of the transition.\n/// @param {Keyword|Function} $timing [null] - Easing of the transition.\n/// @param {Duration} $delay [null] - Delay in seconds or milliseconds before the transition starts.\n@mixin mui-zoom(\n $state: in,\n $from: 1.5,\n $to: 1,\n $fade: map-get($motion-ui-settings, scale-and-fade),\n $duration: null,\n $timing: null,\n $delay: null\n) {\n $scale: zoom($from, $to);\n\n @include transition-start($state) {\n @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($scale, 0);\n\n @if $fade {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n opacity: if($state == in, 0, 1);\n } @else {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n }\n }\n\n @include transition-end($state) {\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($scale, 100);\n\n @if $fade {\n opacity: if($state == in, 1, 0);\n }\n }\n}\n","/// Creates a spinning transition by rotating the element. The `turn` unit is used to specify how far to rotate. `1turn` is equal to a 360-degree spin.\n/// @param {Keyword} $state [in] - State to transition to.\n/// @param {Boolean} $direction [cw] - Direction to spin. Should be `cw` (clockwise) or `ccw` (counterclockwise).\n/// @param {Number} $amount [0.75turn] - Amount to element the element.\n/// @param {Boolean} $fade [false] - Set to `true` to fade the element in or out simultaneously.\n/// @param {Duration} $duration [null] - Length (speed) of the transition.\n/// @param {Keyword|Function} $timing [null] - Easing of the transition.\n/// @param {Duration} $delay [null] - Delay in seconds or milliseconds before the transition starts.\n@mixin mui-spin(\n $state: in,\n $direction: cw,\n $amount: 0.75turn,\n $fade: map-get($motion-ui-settings, spin-and-fade),\n $duration: null,\n $timing: null,\n $delay: null\n) {\n $spin: spin($state, $direction, $amount);\n\n @include transition-start($state) {\n @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($spin, 0);\n\n @if $fade {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n opacity: if($state == in, 0, 1);\n } @else {\n transition-property: transform, opacity;\n }\n }\n\n @include transition-end($state) {\n @include -mui-keyframe-get($spin, 100);\n\n @if $fade {\n opacity: if($state == in, 1, 0);\n }\n }\n}\n","/// Creates a keyframe from one or more effect functions and assigns it to the element by adding the `animation-name` property.\n/// @param {Function} $effects... - One or more effect functions to build the keyframe with.\n@mixin mui-animation($args...) {\n $name: map-get(-mui-process-args($args...), name);\n @include mui-keyframes($name, $args...);\n animation-name: unquote($name);\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group global\n////\n\n/// Global width of your site. Used by the grid to determine row width.\n/// @type Number\n$global-width: rem-calc(1200) !default;\n\n/// Font size attribute applied to `<html>` and `<body>`. We use 100% by default so the value is inherited from the user's browser settings.\n/// @type Number\n$global-font-size: 100% !default;\n\n/// Default line height for all type. `$global-lineheight` is 24px while `$global-font-size` is 16px\n/// @type Number\n$global-lineheight: 1.5 !default;\n\n/// Primary color for interactive components like links and buttons.\n/// @type Color\n$primary-color: #2199e8 !default;\n\n/// Secondary color, used with components that support the `.secondary` class.\n/// @type Color\n$secondary-color: #777 !default;\n\n/// Color to indicate a positive status or action, used with the `.success` class.\n/// @type Color\n$success-color: #3adb76 !default;\n\n/// Color to indicate a caution status or action, used with the `.warning` class.\n/// @type Color\n$warning-color: #ffae00 !default;\n\n/// Color to indicate a negative status or action, used with the `.alert` class.\n/// @type Color\n$alert-color: #ec5840 !default;\n\n/// Color used for light gray UI items.\n/// @type Color\n$light-gray: #e6e6e6 !default;\n\n/// Color used for medium gray UI items.\n/// @type Color\n$medium-gray: #cacaca !default;\n\n/// Color used for dark gray UI items.\n/// @type Color\n$dark-gray: #8a8a8a !default;\n\n/// Color used for black ui items.\n/// @type Color\n$black: #0a0a0a !default;\n\n/// Color used for white ui items.\n/// @type Color\n$white: #fefefe !default;\n\n/// Background color of the body.\n/// @type Color\n$body-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Text color of the body.\n/// @type Color\n$body-font-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Font stack of the body.\n/// @type List\n$body-font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif !default;\n\n/// Set to `true` to enable antialiased type, using the `-webkit-font-smoothing` and `-moz-osx-font-smoothing` CSS properties.\n/// @type Boolean\n$body-antialiased: true !default;\n\n/// Global value used for margin on components.\n/// @type Number\n$global-margin: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Global value used for padding on components.\n/// @type Number\n$global-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Global value used for margin between components.\n/// @type Number\n$global-margin: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Global font weight used for normal type.\n/// @type Keyword | Number\n$global-weight-normal: normal !default;\n\n/// Global font weight used for bold type.\n/// @type Keyword | Number\n$global-weight-bold: bold !default;\n\n/// Global value used for all elements that have a border radius.\n/// @type Number\n$global-radius: 0 !default;\n\n/// Sets the text direction of the CSS. Can be either `ltr` or `rtl`.\n$global-text-direction: ltr !default;\n\n// Internal variables used for text direction\n$global-left: if($global-text-direction == rtl, right, left);\n$global-right: if($global-text-direction == rtl, left, right);\n\n// Internal map used to iterate through colors, to generate CSS classes with less code\n$foundation-colors: (\n primary: $primary-color,\n secondary: $secondary-color,\n success: $success-color,\n alert: $alert-color,\n warning: $warning-color,\n);\n\n@mixin foundation-global-styles {\n // These styles are applied to a <meta> tag, which is read by the Foundation JavaScript\n .foundation-mq {\n font-family: '#{-zf-bp-serialize($breakpoints)}';\n }\n\n html,\n body {\n font-size: $global-font-size;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n\n // Set box-sizing globally to handle padding and border widths\n *,\n *:before,\n *:after {\n box-sizing: inherit;\n }\n\n // Default body styles\n body {\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n font-family: $body-font-family;\n font-weight: $global-weight-normal;\n line-height: $global-lineheight;\n color: $body-font-color;\n background: $body-background;\n\n @if ($body-antialiased) {\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n }\n }\n\n img {\n // Grid defaults to get images and embeds to work properly\n max-width: 100%;\n height: auto;\n -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;\n\n // Get rid of gap under images by making them display: inline-block; by default\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n\n // Make sure textarea takes on height automatically\n textarea {\n height: auto;\n min-height: 50px;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n }\n\n // Make select elements are 100% width by default\n select {\n width: 100%;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n }\n\n // Styles Google Maps and MapQuest embeds properly\n // scss-lint:disable IdSelector\n #map_canvas,\n .map_canvas,\n .mqa-display {\n img,\n embed,\n object {\n max-width: none !important;\n }\n }\n\n // Reset <button> styles created by most browsers\n button {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n -moz-appearance: none;\n background: transparent;\n padding: 0;\n border: 0;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n line-height: 1;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites Settings\n// -----------------------------\n//\n// Table of Contents:\n//\n// 1. Global\n// 2. Breakpoints\n// 3. The Grid\n// 4. Base Typography\n// 5. Typography Helpers\n// 6. Abide\n// 7. Accordion\n// 8. Accordion Menu\n// 9. Badge\n// 10. Breadcrumbs\n// 11. Button\n// 12. Button Group\n// 13. Callout\n// 14. Close Button\n// 15. Drilldown\n// 16. Dropdown\n// 17. Dropdown Menu\n// 18. Flex Video\n// 19. Forms\n// 20. Label\n// 21. Media Object\n// 22. Menu\n// 23. Off-canvas\n// 24. Orbit\n// 25. Pagination\n// 26. Progress Bar\n// 27. Reveal\n// 28. Slider\n// 29. Switch\n// 30. Table\n// 31. Tabs\n// 32. Thumbnail\n// 33. Tooltip\n// 34. Top Bar\n\n@import \"../bower_components/foundation-sites/scss/util/util\";\n\n// 1. Global\n// ---------\n\n$global-width: rem-calc(1200);\n$global-font-size: 100%;\n$global-lineheight: 1.5;\n$primary-color: #2199e8;\n$secondary-color: #777;\n$success-color: #3adb76;\n$warning-color: #ffae00;\n$alert-color: #ec5840;\n$light-gray: #e6e6e6;\n$medium-gray: #cacaca;\n$dark-gray: #8a8a8a;\n$black: #0a0a0a;\n$white: #fefefe;\n$body-background: $white;\n$body-font-color: $black;\n$body-font-family: \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;\n$body-antialiased: true;\n$text-direction: ltr;\n$global-margin: 1rem;\n$global-padding: 1rem;\n$global-margin: 1rem;\n$global-weight-normal: normal;\n$global-weight-bold: bold;\n$global-radius: 0;\n$global-namespace: false;\n$global-text-direction: ltr;\n$rem-base: 16px;\n\n// 2. Breakpoints\n// --------------\n\n$breakpoints: (\n small: 0,\n medium: 512px,\n large: 1024px,\n xlarge: 1200px,\n xxlarge: 1440px,\n);\n$breakpoint-classes: (small medium large);\n\n// 3. The Grid\n// -----------\n\n$grid-row-width: $global-width;\n$grid-column-count: 12;\n$grid-column-gutter: 30px;\n\n// 4. Base Typography\n// ------------------\n\n$header-font-family: $body-font-family;\n$header-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;\n$header-font-style: normal;\n$font-family-monospace: Consolas, \"Liberation Mono\", Courier, monospace;\n$header-sizes: (\n small: (\n 'h1': 24,\n 'h2': 20,\n 'h3': 19,\n 'h4': 18,\n 'h5': 17,\n 'h6': 16,\n ),\n medium: (\n 'h1': 48,\n 'h2': 40,\n 'h3': 31,\n 'h4': 25,\n 'h5': 20,\n 'h6': 16,\n ),\n);\n$header-color: inherit;\n$header-lineheight: 1.4;\n$header-margin-bottom: 0.5rem;\n$header-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;\n$small-font-size: 80%;\n$header-small-font-color: $medium-gray;\n$paragraph-lineheight: 1.6;\n$paragraph-margin-bottom: 1rem;\n$paragraph-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;\n$code-color: $black;\n$code-font-family: $font-family-monospace;\n$code-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;\n$code-background: $light-gray;\n$code-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$code-padding: rem-calc(2 5 1);\n$anchor-color: $primary-color;\n$anchor-color-hover: scale-color($anchor-color, $lightness: -14%);\n$anchor-text-decoration: none;\n$anchor-text-decoration-hover: none;\n$hr-width: $global-width;\n$hr-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$hr-margin: rem-calc(20) auto;\n$list-lineheight: $paragraph-lineheight;\n$list-margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;\n$list-style-type: disc;\n$list-style-position: outside;\n$list-side-margin: 1.25rem;\n$list-nested-side-margin: 1.25rem;\n$defnlist-margin-bottom: 1rem;\n$defnlist-term-weight: $global-weight-bold;\n$defnlist-term-margin-bottom: 0.3rem;\n$blockquote-color: $dark-gray;\n$blockquote-padding: rem-calc(9 20 0 19);\n$blockquote-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$cite-font-size: rem-calc(13);\n$cite-color: $dark-gray;\n$keystroke-font: $font-family-monospace;\n$keystroke-color: $black;\n$keystroke-background: $light-gray;\n$keystroke-padding: rem-calc(2 4 0);\n$keystroke-radius: $global-radius;\n$abbr-underline: 1px dotted $black;\n\n// 5. Typography Helpers\n// ---------------------\n\n$lead-font-size: $global-font-size * 1.25;\n$lead-lineheight: 1.6;\n$subheader-lineheight: 1.4;\n$subheader-color: $dark-gray;\n$subheader-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;\n$subheader-margin-top: 0.2rem;\n$subheader-margin-bottom: 0.5rem;\n$stat-font-size: 2.5rem;\n\n// 6. Abide\n// --------\n\n$abide-inputs: true;\n$abide-labels: true;\n$input-background-invalid: $alert-color;\n$form-label-color-invalid: $alert-color;\n$input-error-color: $alert-color;\n$input-error-font-size: rem-calc(12);\n$input-error-font-weight: $global-weight-bold;\n\n// 7. Accordion\n// ------------\n\n$accordion-background: $white;\n$accordion-plusminus: true;\n$accordion-item-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color);\n$accordion-item-background-hover: $light-gray;\n$accordion-item-padding: 1.25rem 1rem;\n$accordion-content-background: $white;\n$accordion-content-border: 1px solid $light-gray;\n$accordion-content-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color);\n$accordion-content-padding: 1rem;\n\n// 8. Accordion Menu\n// -----------------\n\n$accordionmenu-arrows: true;\n\n// 9. Badge\n// --------\n\n$badge-background: $primary-color;\n$badge-color: foreground($badge-background);\n$badge-padding: 0.3em;\n$badge-minwidth: 2.1em;\n$badge-font-size: 0.6rem;\n\n// 10. Breadcrumbs\n// ---------------\n\n$breadcrumbs-margin: 0 0 $global-margin 0;\n$breadcrumbs-item-font-size: rem-calc(11);\n$breadcrumbs-item-color: $primary-color;\n$breadcrumbs-item-color-current: $black;\n$breadcrumbs-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray;\n$breadcrumbs-item-margin: 0.75rem;\n$breadcrumbs-item-uppercase: true;\n$breadcrumbs-item-slash: true;\n\n// 11. Button\n// ----------\n\n$button-padding: 0.85em 1em;\n$button-margin: 0 $global-margin $global-margin 0;\n$button-fill: solid;\n$button-background: $primary-color;\n$button-background-hover: scale-color($button-background, $lightness: -15%);\n$button-color: #fff;\n$button-color-alt: #000;\n$button-radius: $global-radius;\n$button-sizes: (\n tiny: 0.6rem,\n small: 0.75rem,\n default: 0.9rem,\n large: 1.25rem,\n);\n$button-opacity-disabled: 0.25;\n\n// 12. Button Group\n// ----------------\n\n$buttongroup-margin: 1rem;\n$buttongroup-spacing: 1px;\n$buttongroup-child-selector: '.button';\n$buttongroup-expand-max: 6;\n\n// 13. Callout\n// -----------\n\n$callout-background: $white;\n$callout-background-fade: 85%;\n$callout-border: 1px solid rgba($black, 0.25);\n$callout-margin: 0 0 1rem 0;\n$callout-padding: 1rem;\n$callout-font-color: $body-font-color;\n$callout-font-color-alt: $body-background;\n$callout-radius: $global-radius;\n$callout-link-tint: 30%;\n\n// 14. Close Button\n// ----------------\n\n$closebutton-position: right top;\n$closebutton-offset-horizontal: 1rem;\n$closebutton-offset-vertical: 0.5rem;\n$closebutton-size: 2em;\n$closebutton-lineheight: 1;\n$closebutton-color: $dark-gray;\n$closebutton-color-hover: $black;\n\n// 15. Drilldown\n// -------------\n\n$drilldown-transition: transform 0.15s linear;\n\n// 16. Dropdown\n// ------------\n\n$dropdown-padding: 1rem;\n$dropdown-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$dropdown-font-size: 16rem;\n$dropdown-width: 300px;\n$dropdown-radius: $global-radius;\n$dropdown-sizes: (\n tiny: 100px,\n small: 200px,\n large: 400px,\n);\n\n// 17. Dropdown Menu\n// -----------------\n\n$dropdownmenu-arrows: true;\n$dropdownmenu-min-width: 200px;\n$dropdownmenu-background: $white;\n$dropdown-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n\n// 18. Flex Video\n// --------------\n\n$flexvideo-padding-top: rem-calc(25);\n$flexvideo-margin-bottom: rem-calc(16);\n$flexvideo-ratio: 4 by 3;\n$flexvideo-ratio-widescreen: 16 by 9;\n\n// 19. Forms\n// ---------\n\n$fieldset-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$fieldset-padding: rem-calc(20);\n$fieldset-margin: rem-calc(18 0);\n$legend-padding: rem-calc(0 3);\n$form-spacing: rem-calc(16);\n$helptext-color: #333;\n$helptext-font-size: rem-calc(13);\n$helptext-font-style: italic;\n$input-prefix-color: $black;\n$input-prefix-background: $light-gray;\n$input-prefix-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$input-prefix-padding: 1rem;\n$form-label-color: $black;\n$form-label-font-size: rem-calc(14);\n$form-label-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;\n$form-label-line-height: 1.8;\n$select-background: #fafafa;\n$select-triangle-color: #333;\n$select-radius: $global-radius;\n$input-color: $dark-gray;\n$input-font-family: inherit;\n$input-font-size: rem-calc(16);\n$input-background: $white;\n$input-background-focus: $white;\n$input-background-disabled: $light-gray;\n$input-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$input-border-focus: 1px solid $dark-gray;\n$input-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1);\n$input-shadow-focus: 0 0 5px $medium-gray;\n$input-cursor-disabled: default;\n$input-transition: box-shadow 0.5s, border-color 0.25s ease-in-out;\n$input-number-spinners: true;\n$input-radius: $global-radius;\n\n// 20. Label\n// ---------\n\n$label-background: $primary-color;\n$label-color: foreground($label-background);\n$label-font-size: 0.8rem;\n$label-padding: 0.33333rem 0.5rem;\n$label-radius: $global-radius;\n\n// 21. Media Object\n// ----------------\n\n$mediaobject-margin-bottom: $global-margin;\n$mediaobject-section-padding: $global-padding;\n$mediaobject-image-width-stacked: 100%;\n\n// 22. Menu\n// --------\n\n$menu-margin: 0;\n$menu-margin-nested: 1rem;\n$menu-item-padding: 0.7rem 1rem;\n$menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem;\n$menu-expand-max: 6;\n\n// 23. Off-canvas\n// --------------\n\n$offcanvas-size: 250px;\n$offcanvas-background: $light-gray;\n$offcanvas-zindex: -1;\n$offcanvas-transition-length: 0.5s;\n$offcanvas-transition-timing: ease;\n$offcanvas-exit-background: rgba($white, 0.25);\n$maincontent-class: 'main-content';\n$maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5);\n$maincontent-prevent-scroll: true;\n\n// 24. Orbit\n// ---------\n\n$orbit-bullet-background: $medium-gray;\n$orbit-bullet-background-active: $dark-gray;\n$orbit-bullet-diameter: 1.2rem;\n$orbit-bullet-margin: 0.1rem;\n$orbit-bullet-margin-top: 0.8rem;\n$orbit-bullet-margin-bottom: 0.8rem;\n$orbit-caption-background: rgba($black, 0.5);\n$orbit-caption-padding: 1rem;\n$orbit-control-background-hover: rgba($black, 0.5);\n$orbit-control-padding: 1rem;\n$orbit-control-zindex: 10;\n\n// 25. Pagination\n// --------------\n\n$pagination-font-size: rem-calc(14);\n$pagination-margin-bottom: $global-margin;\n$pagination-item-color: $black;\n$pagination-item-padding: rem-calc(3 10);\n$pagination-item-spacing: rem-calc(1);\n$pagination-radius: $global-radius;\n$pagination-item-background-hover: $light-gray;\n$pagination-item-background-current: $primary-color;\n$pagination-item-color-current: foreground($pagination-item-background-current);\n$pagination-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray;\n$pagination-ellipsis-color: $black;\n$pagination-mobile-items: false;\n$pagination-arrows: true;\n\n// 26. Progress Bar\n// ----------------\n\n$progress-height: 1rem;\n$progress-background: $medium-gray;\n$progress-margin-bottom: $global-margin;\n$progress-meter-background: $primary-color;\n$progress-radius: $global-radius;\n\n// 27. Reveal\n// ----------\n\n$reveal-background: $white;\n$reveal-width: 600px;\n$reveal-max-width: $global-width;\n$reveal-offset: rem-calc(100);\n$reveal-padding: $global-padding;\n$reveal-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;\n$reveal-radius: $global-radius;\n$reveal-zindex: 1005;\n$reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45);\n\n// 28. Slider\n// ----------\n\n$slider-height: 0.5rem;\n$slider-width-vertical: $slider-height;\n$slider-background: $light-gray;\n$slider-fill-background: $medium-gray;\n$slider-handle-height: 1.4rem;\n$slider-handle-width: 1.4rem;\n$slider-handle-background: $primary-color;\n$slider-opacity-disabled: 0.25;\n$slider-radius: $global-radius;\n$slider-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;\n\n// 29. Switch\n// ----------\n\n$switch-background: $medium-gray;\n$switch-background-active: $primary-color;\n$switch-height: 2rem;\n$switch-height-tiny: 1.5rem;\n$switch-height-small: 1.75rem;\n$switch-height-large: 2.5rem;\n$switch-radius: $global-radius;\n$switch-margin: $global-margin;\n$switch-paddle-background: $white;\n$switch-paddle-offset: 0.25rem;\n$switch-paddle-radius: $global-radius;\n$switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out;\n\n// 30. Table\n// ---------\n\n$table-background: $white;\n$table-color-scale: 5%;\n$table-border: 1px solid smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);\n$table-padding: rem-calc(8 10 10);\n$table-hover-scale: 2%;\n$table-row-hover: darken($table-background, $table-hover-scale);\n$table-row-stripe-hover: darken($table-background, $table-color-scale + $table-hover-scale);\n$table-striped-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);\n$table-stripe: even;\n$table-head-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale / 2);\n$table-foot-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);\n$table-head-font-color: $body-font-color;\n$show-header-for-stacked: false;\n\n// 31. Tabs\n// --------\n\n$tab-margin: 0;\n$tab-background: $white;\n$tab-background-active: $light-gray;\n$tab-border: $light-gray;\n$tab-item-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color);\n$tab-item-background-hover: $white;\n$tab-item-padding: 1.25rem 1.5rem;\n$tab-expand-max: 6;\n$tab-content-background: $white;\n$tab-content-border: $light-gray;\n$tab-content-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color);\n$tab-content-padding: 1rem;\n\n// 32. Thumbnail\n// -------------\n\n$thumbnail-border: solid 4px $white;\n$thumbnail-margin-bottom: $global-margin;\n$thumbnail-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.2);\n$thumbnail-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($primary-color, 0.5);\n$thumbnail-transition: box-shadow 200ms ease-out;\n$thumbnail-radius: $global-radius;\n\n// 33. Tooltip\n// -----------\n\n$tooltip-background-color: $black;\n$tooltip-color: $white;\n$tooltip-padding: 0.75rem;\n$tooltip-font-size: $small-font-size;\n$tooltip-pip-width: 0.75rem;\n$tooltip-pip-height: $tooltip-pip-width * 0.866;\n$tooltip-pip-offset: 1.25rem;\n$tooltip-radius: $global-radius;\n\n// 34. Top Bar\n// -----------\n\n$topbar-padding: 0.5rem;\n$topbar-background: #eee;\n$topbar-link-color: $primary-color;\n$topbar-input-width: 200px;\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group functions\n////\n\n// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit\n\n/// Defines the base font size of the page, which is the value `1rem` is equal to.\n/// @type Number\n/// @group global\n$rem-base: 16px !default;\n\n/// Removes the unit (e.g. px, em, rem) from a value, returning the number only.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $num - Number to strip unit from.\n///\n/// @returns {Number} The same number, sans unit.\n@function strip-unit($num) {\n @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1);\n}\n\n/// Converts one or more pixel values into matching rem values.\n///\n/// @param {Number|List} $values - One or more values to convert. Be sure to separate them with spaces and not commas. If you need to convert a comma-separated list, wrap the list in parentheses.\n/// @param {Number} $base [$rem-base] - The base value to use when calculating the `rem`. If you're using Foundation out of the box, this is 16px.\n///\n/// @returns {List} A list of converted values.\n@function rem-calc($values, $base: $rem-base) {\n $rem-values: ();\n $count: length($values);\n\n @if $base == null {\n $base: $rem-base;\n }\n\n @if $count == 1 {\n @return -zf-to-rem($values, $base);\n }\n\n @for $i from 1 through $count {\n $rem-values: append($rem-values, -zf-to-rem(nth($values, $i), $base));\n }\n\n @return $rem-values;\n}\n\n// Converts a unitless, pixel, or rem value to em, for use in breakpoints.\n@function -zf-bp-to-em($value) {\n // Pixel and unitless values are converted to rems\n @if unit($value) == 'px' or unitless($value) {\n $value: rem-calc($value);\n }\n\n // Then the value is converted to ems\n @return strip-unit($value) * 1em;\n}\n\n/// Converts a pixel value to matching rem value. *Any* value passed, regardless of unit, is assumed to be a pixel value. By default, the base pixel value used to calculate the rem value is taken from the `$rem-base` variable.\n/// @access private\n///\n/// @param {Number} $value - Pixel value to convert.\n/// @param {Number} $base [$rem-base] - Base for pixel conversion.\n///\n/// @returns {Number} A number in rems, calculated based on the given value and the base pixel value. rem values are passed through as is.\n@function -zf-to-rem($value, $base: $rem-base) {\n // Calculate rem if units for $value is not rem\n @if (unit($value) != 'rem') {\n $value: strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base) * 1rem;\n }\n // Turn 0rem into 0\n @if ($value == 0rem) { $value: 0; }\n @return $value;\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group grid\n////\n\n/// Change the behavior of columns defined inside this mixin to use a different column count.\n/// @content\n///\n/// @param {Number} $columns - Number of columns to use.\n/// @param {Boolean} $root [false]\n/// If `false`, selectors inside this mixin will nest inside the parent selector.\n/// If `true`, selectors will not nest.\n@mixin grid-context(\n $columns,\n $root: false\n) {\n // Store the current column count so it can be re-set later\n $old-grid-column-count: $grid-column-count;\n $grid-column-count: $columns !global;\n\n @if $root {\n @at-root { @content; }\n }\n @else {\n @content;\n }\n\n // Restore the old column count\n $grid-column-count: $old-grid-column-count !global;\n}\n\n/// Creates a grid row.\n/// @content\n///\n/// @param {Number} $columns [null] - Column count for this row. `null` will use the default column count.\n/// @param {Keywords} $behavior [null]\n/// Modifications to the default grid styles. `nest` indicates the row will be placed inside another row. `collapse` indicates that the columns inside this row will not have padding. `nest collapse` combines both behaviors.\n/// @param {Number} $width [$grid-row-width] - Maximum width of the row.\n/// @param {Boolean} $cf [true] - Whether or not to include a clearfix.\n@mixin grid-row(\n $columns: null,\n $behavior: null,\n $width: $grid-row-width,\n $cf: true\n) {\n $behavior: -zf-get-options($behavior, nest collapse);\n $margin: auto;\n\n @if map-get($behavior, nest) {\n $margin: rem-calc($grid-column-gutter) / 2 * -1;\n\n @if map-get($behavior, collapse) {\n $margin: 0;\n }\n }\n @else {\n max-width: $width;\n }\n\n @if $cf {\n @include clearfix;\n }\n\n margin-left: $margin;\n margin-right: $margin;\n\n @if $columns != null {\n @include grid-context($columns) {\n @content;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group grid\n////\n\n/// Outputs CSS classes for the grid.\n/// @access private\n@mixin foundation-grid(\n $row: 'row',\n $column: 'column',\n $column-row: 'column-row',\n $push: 'push',\n $pull: 'pull',\n $center: 'centered',\n $uncenter: 'uncenter',\n $collapse: 'collapse',\n $uncollapse: 'uncollapse',\n $offset: 'offset',\n $end: 'end',\n $expanded: 'expanded',\n $breakpoints: $breakpoint-classes\n) {\n // Row\n .#{$row} {\n @include grid-row;\n\n // Collapsing\n &.#{$collapse} {\n > .#{$column} { @include grid-col-collapse; }\n }\n\n // Nesting\n & & {\n @include grid-row($behavior: nest, $cf: false);\n\n &.#{$collapse} {\n @include grid-row($behavior: nest collapse, $cf: false);\n }\n }\n\n // Responsive collapsing\n @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {\n @include breakpoint($size) {\n &.#{$size}-#{$collapse} {\n > .#{$column} { @include grid-col-collapse; }\n }\n\n &.#{$size}-#{$uncollapse} {\n > .#{$column} { @include grid-col-uncollapse; }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Expanded (full-width) row\n &.#{$expanded} {\n max-width: none;\n }\n }\n\n // Column\n .#{$column} {\n @include grid-col;\n\n @if $grid-column-align-edge {\n &.#{$end} {\n @include grid-col-end;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Column row\n // The double .row class is needed to bump up the specificity\n .#{$column}.#{$row}.#{$row} {\n float: none;\n }\n\n @each $size in $breakpoints {\n @include breakpoint($size) {\n @for $i from 1 through $grid-column-count {\n // Column width\n .#{$size}-#{$i} {\n @include grid-col-size($i);\n }\n\n // Source ordering\n @if $i < $grid-column-count {\n .#{$size}-#{$push}-#{$i} {\n @include grid-col-pos($i);\n }\n\n .#{$size}-#{$pull}-#{$i} {\n @include grid-col-pos(-$i);\n }\n }\n\n // Offsets\n $o: $i - 1;\n\n .#{$size}-#{$offset}-#{$o} {\n @include grid-col-off($o);\n }\n }\n\n // Block grid\n @for $i from 1 through $block-grid-max {\n .#{$size}-up-#{$i} {\n @include grid-layout($i);\n }\n }\n\n // Positioning\n .#{$column}.#{$size}-#{$center} {\n @include grid-col-pos(center);\n }\n\n // Gutter adjustment\n .#{$size}-#{$uncenter},\n .#{$size}-#{$push}-0,\n .#{$size}-#{$pull}-0 {\n @include grid-col-unpos;\n }\n }\n }\n\n @if $column == 'column' {\n .columns {\n // scss-lint:disable PlaceholderInExtend\n @extend .column;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group functions\n////\n\n/// Creates a CSS triangle, which can be used for dropdown arrows, dropdown pips, and more. Use this mixin inside a `&::before` or `&::after` selector, to attach the triangle to an existing element.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $triangle-size - Width of the triangle.\n/// @param {Color} $triangle-color - Color of the triangle.\n/// @param {Keyword} $triangle-direction - Direction the triangle points. Can be `up`, `right`, `down`, or `left`.\n@mixin css-triangle(\n $triangle-size,\n $triangle-color,\n $triangle-direction\n) {\n content: '';\n display: block;\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n border: inset $triangle-size;\n\n @if ($triangle-direction == down) {\n border-color: $triangle-color transparent transparent;\n border-top-style: solid;\n }\n @if ($triangle-direction == up) {\n border-color: transparent transparent $triangle-color;\n border-bottom-style: solid;\n }\n @if ($triangle-direction == right) {\n border-color: transparent transparent transparent $triangle-color;\n border-left-style: solid;\n }\n @if ($triangle-direction == left) {\n border-color: transparent $triangle-color transparent transparent;\n border-right-style: solid;\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a menu icon with a set width, height, number of bars, and colors. The mixin uses the height of the icon and the weight of the bars to determine spacing. <div class=\"docs-example-burger\"></div>\n///\n/// @param {Color} $color - Color to use for the icon.\n/// @param {Color} $color-hover - Color to use when the icon is hovered over.\n/// @param {Number} $width - Width of the icon.\n/// @param {Number} $height - Height of the icon.\n/// @param {Number} $weight - Height of individual bars in the icon.\n/// @param {Number} $bars - Number of bars in the icon.\n@mixin hamburger(\n $color: black,\n $color-hover: #666,\n $width: 20px,\n $height: 16px,\n $weight: 2px,\n $bars: 3\n) {\n // box-shadow CSS output\n $shadow: ();\n $hover-shadow: ();\n\n // Spacing between bars is calculated based on the total height of the icon and the weight of each bar\n $spacing: floor(($height - ($weight * $bars)) / ($bars - 1));\n\n // Icon container\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: middle;\n cursor: pointer;\n width: $width;\n height: $height;\n\n // Icon bars\n &::after {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n height: $weight;\n background: $color;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n\n @for $i from 2 through $bars {\n $offset: ($weight + $spacing) * ($i - 1);\n $shadow: append($shadow, 0 $offset 0 $color, comma);\n }\n\n box-shadow: $shadow;\n }\n\n // Hover state\n @if $color-hover {\n // Generate CSS\n @for $i from 2 through $bars {\n $offset: ($weight + $spacing) * ($i - 1);\n $hover-shadow: append($hover-shadow, 0 $offset 0 $color-hover, comma);\n }\n\n &:hover::after {\n background: $color-hover;\n box-shadow: $hover-shadow;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds a downward-facing triangle as a background image to an element. The image is formatted as an SVG, making it easy to change the color. Because Internet Explorer doesn't support encoded SVGs as background images, a PNG fallback is also included.\n/// There are two PNG fallbacks: a black triangle and a white triangle. The one used depends on the lightness of the input color.\n///\n/// @param {Color} $color [$black] - Color to use for the triangle.\n@mixin background-triangle($color: $black) {\n $rgb: 'rgb(#{red($color)}, #{green($color)}, #{blue($color)})';\n\n background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" width=\"32\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 32 24\"><polygon points=\"0,0 32,0 16,24\" style=\"fill: #{$rgb}\"></polygon></svg>');\n\n @media screen and (min-width:0\\0) {\n @if lightness($color) < 50% {\n background-image: url('');\n }\n @else {\n background-image: url('');\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Applies the micro clearfix hack popularized by Nicolas Gallagher. Include this mixin on a container if its children are all floated, to give the container a proper height.\n/// @link Micro Clearfix Hack\n@mixin clearfix {\n &::before,\n &::after {\n content: ' ';\n display: table;\n }\n\n &::after {\n clear: both;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds CSS for a \"quantity query\" selector that automatically sizes elements based on how many there are inside a container.\n/// @link Quantity Queries for CSS\n///\n/// @param {Number} $max - Maximum number of items to detect. The higher this number is, the more CSS that's required to cover each number of items.\n/// @param {Keyword} $elem [li] - Tag to use for sibling selectors.\n@mixin auto-width($max, $elem: li) {\n @for $i from 2 through $max {\n &:nth-last-child(#{$i}):first-child,\n &:nth-last-child(#{$i}):first-child ~ #{$elem} {\n width: percentage(1 / $i);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Removes the focus ring around an element when a mouse input is detected.\n@mixin disable-mouse-outline {\n [data-whatinput='mouse'] & {\n outline: 0;\n }\n}\n\n/// Makes an element visually hidden, but still accessible to keyboards and assistive devices.\n/// @link Hiding Content for Accessibility\n@mixin element-invisible {\n position: absolute !important;\n width: 1px;\n height: 1px;\n overflow: hidden;\n clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);\n}\n\n/// Reverses the CSS output created by the `element-invisible()` mixin.\n@mixin element-invisible-off {\n position: static !important;\n height: auto;\n width: auto;\n overflow: visible;\n clip: auto;\n}\n\n/// Vertically centers the element inside of its first non-static parent,\n/// @link Centering With Sass\n@mixin vertical-center {\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n transform: translateY(-50%);\n}\n\n/// Horizontally centers the element inside of its first non-static parent,\n/// @link Centering With Sass\n@mixin horizontal-center {\n position: absolute;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translateX(-50%);\n}\n\n/// Absolutely centers the element inside of its first non-static parent,\n/// @link Centering With Sass\n@mixin absolute-center {\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n}\n\n// Remove in 6.1.\n// Vertically centers an element using `transform`.\n@mixin v-align-middle {\n @include vertical-center;\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group grid\n////\n\n/// Collapse the gutters on a column by removing the padding.\n@mixin grid-column-collapse() {\n padding-left: 0;\n padding-right: 0;\n}\n\n/// Un-collapse the gutters on a column by re-adding the padding.\n@mixin grid-column-uncollapse() {\n padding-left: $grid-column-gutter;\n padding-right: $grid-column-gutter;\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column-collapse()`.\n/// @alias grid-column-collapse\n@mixin grid-col-collapse() {\n @include grid-column-collapse;\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column-uncollapse()`.\n/// @alias grid-column-uncollapse\n@mixin grid-col-uncollapse() {\n @include grid-column-uncollapse;\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group breakpoints\n////\n\n// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit\n\n/// A list of named breakpoints. You can use these with the `breakpoint()` mixin to quickly create media queries.\n/// @type Map\n$breakpoints: (\n small: 0,\n medium: 640px,\n large: 1024px,\n xlarge: 1200px,\n xxlarge: 1440px,\n) !default;\n\n/// All of the names in this list will be output as classes in your CSS, like `.small-12`, `.medium-6`, and so on. Each value in this list must also be in the `$breakpoints` map.\n/// @type List\n$breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;\n\n/// Generates a media query string matching the input value. Refer to the documentation for the `breakpoint()` mixin to see what the possible inputs are.\n///\n/// @param {Keyword|Number} $val [small] - Breakpoint name, or px, rem, or em value to process.\n@function breakpoint($val: small) {\n // Size or keyword\n $bp: nth($val, 1);\n // Value for max-width media queries\n $bp-max: 0;\n // Direction of media query (up, down, or only)\n $dir: if(length($val) > 1, nth($val, 2), up);\n // Eventual output\n $str: '';\n // Is it a named media query?\n $named: false;\n\n // Orientation media queries have a unique syntax\n @if $bp == 'landscape' or $bp == 'portrait' {\n @return '(orientation: #{$bp})';\n }\n @else if $bp == 'retina' {\n @return '(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)';\n }\n\n // Try to pull a named breakpoint out of the $breakpoints map\n @if type-of($bp) == 'string' {\n @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $bp) {\n @if $dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down' {\n $next-bp: -zf-map-next($breakpoints, $bp);\n\n @if $next-bp == null {\n $bp-max: null;\n }\n @else {\n $bp-max: $next-bp;\n }\n }\n\n $bp: map-get($breakpoints, $bp);\n $named: true;\n }\n @else {\n $bp: 0;\n }\n }\n\n // Convert any pixel, rem, or unitless value to em\n $bp: -zf-bp-to-em($bp);\n @if $bp-max {\n $bp-max: -zf-bp-to-em($bp-max) - (1/16);\n }\n\n // Skip media query creation if the input is \"0 up\" or \"0 down\"\n @if $bp > 0 or $dir == 'only' {\n // `only` ranges use the format `(min-width: n) and (max-width: n)`\n @if $dir == 'only' {\n @if $named == true {\n $str: $str + '(min-width: #{$bp})';\n\n @if $bp-max != null {\n $str: $str + ' and (max-width: #{$bp-max})';\n }\n }\n @else {\n @warn 'Only named media queries can have an `only` range.';\n }\n }\n\n // `down` ranges use the format `(max-width: n)`\n @else if $dir == 'down' {\n $max: 0;\n\n // For named breakpoints, subtract the breakpoint value by one \"pixel\", or 1/16em.\n @if $named {\n $max: $bp-max;\n }\n @else {\n $max: $bp;\n }\n\n $str: $str + '(max-width: #{$max})';\n }\n\n // `up` ranges use the format `(min-width: n)`\n @else if strip-unit($bp) > 0 {\n $str: $str + '(min-width: #{$bp})';\n }\n }\n\n @return $str;\n}\n\n/// Wraps a media query around the content you put inside the mixin. This mixin accepts a number of values:\n/// - If a string is passed, the mixin will look for it in the `$breakpoints` map, and use a media query there.\n/// - If a pixel value is passed, it will be converted to an em value using `$rem-base`.\n/// - If a rem value is passed, the unit will be changed to em.\n/// - If an em value is passed, the value will be used as-is.\n///\n/// @param {Keyword|Number} $value - Breakpoint name, or px, rem, or em value to process.\n///\n/// @output If the breakpoint is \"0px and larger\", outputs the content as-is. Otherwise, outputs the content wrapped in a media query.\n@mixin breakpoint($value) {\n $str: breakpoint($value);\n\n // If $str is still an empty string, no media query is needed\n @if $str == '' {\n @content;\n }\n\n // Otherwise, wrap the content in a media query\n @else {\n @media screen and #{$str} {\n @content;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Convers the breakpoints map to a URL-encoded string, like this: `key1=value1&key2=value2`. The value is then dropped into the CSS for a special `<meta>` tag, which is read by the Foundation JavaScript. This is how we transfer values from Sass to JavaScript, so they can be defined in one place.\n/// @access private\n///\n/// @param {Map} $map - Map to convert.\n///\n/// @returns {String} A string containing the map's contents.\n@function -zf-bp-serialize($map) {\n $str: '';\n @each $key, $value in $map {\n $str: $str + $key + '=' + -zf-bp-to-em($value) + '&';\n }\n $str: str-slice($str, 1, -2);\n\n @return $str;\n}\n\n/// Find the next key in a map.\n/// @access private\n///\n/// @param {Map} $map - Map to traverse.\n/// @param {Mixed} $key - Key to use as a starting point.\n///\n/// @returns {Mixed} The value for the key after `$key`, if `$key` was found. If `$key` was not found, or `$key` was the last value in the map, returns `null`.\n@function -zf-map-next($map, $key) {\n // Store the values of the map as a list, so we can access them with nth\n $values: map-values($map);\n\n // Ghetto for loop\n $i: 1;\n $found: false;\n @each $val in map-keys($map) {\n @if $found == false {\n @if ($key == $val) {\n $found: true;\n }\n $i: $i + 1;\n }\n }\n\n // If the key doesn't exist, or it's the last key in the map, return null\n @if $i > length($map) {\n @return null;\n }\n // Otherwise, return the value\n @else {\n @return nth($values, $i);\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group grid\n////\n\n/// Calculates the width of a column based on a number of factors.\n///\n/// @param {Number|List} $columns\n/// Width of the column. Accepts multiple values:\n/// - A percentage value will make the column that exact size.\n/// - A single digit will make the column span that number of columns wide, taking into account the column count of the parent row.\n/// - A string of the format \"x of y\" will make a column that is *x* columns wide, assuming *y* total columns for the parent.\n///\n/// @returns {Number} A calculated percentage value.\n@function grid-column($columns) {\n $width: 0%;\n\n // Parsing percents, decimals, and column counts\n @if type-of($columns) == 'number' {\n @if unit($columns) == '%' {\n $width: $columns;\n }\n @else if $columns < 1 {\n $width: percentage($columns);\n }\n @else {\n $width: percentage($columns / $grid-column-count);\n }\n }\n\n // Parsing \"n of n\" expressions\n @else if type-of($columns) == 'list' {\n @if length($columns) != 3 {\n @error 'Wrong syntax for grid-column(). Use the format \"n of n\".';\n }\n @else {\n $width: percentage(nth($columns, 1) / nth($columns, 3));\n }\n }\n\n // Anything else is incorrect\n @else {\n @error 'Wrong syntax for grid-column(). Use a number, decimal, percentage, or \"n of n\".';\n }\n\n @return $width;\n}\n\n/// Creates a grid column.\n///\n/// @param {Mixed} $columns [$grid-column-count] - Width of the column. Refer to the `grid-column()` function to see possible values.\n/// @param {Number} $gutter [$grid-column-gutter] - Spacing between columns.\n@mixin grid-column(\n $columns: $grid-column-count,\n $gutter: $grid-column-gutter\n) {\n $gutter: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;\n\n @include grid-column-size($columns);\n float: $global-left;\n padding-left: $gutter;\n padding-right: $gutter;\n\n @if $grid-column-align-edge {\n &:last-child:not(:first-child) {\n float: $global-right;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a grid column row. This is the equivalent of adding `.row` and `.column` to the same element.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $gutter [$grid-column-gutter] - Width of the gutters on either side of the column row.\n@mixin grid-column-row(\n $gutter: $grid-column-gutter\n) {\n @include grid-row;\n @include grid-column($gutter: $gutter);\n \n &,\n &:last-child {\n float: none;\n }\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column()`.\n/// @alias grid-column\n@function grid-col(\n $columns: $grid-column-count\n) {\n @return grid-column($columns);\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column()`.\n/// @alias grid-column\n@mixin grid-col(\n $columns: $grid-column-count,\n $gutter: $grid-column-gutter\n) {\n @include grid-column($columns, $gutter);\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column-row()`.\n/// @alias grid-column-row\n@mixin grid-col-row(\n $gutter: $grid-column-gutter\n) {\n @include grid-column-row($gutter);\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group grid\n////\n\n/// Reposition a column.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $position - Direction and amount to move. The column will move equal to the width of the column count specified. A positive number will push the column to the right, while a negative number will pull it to the left.\n@mixin grid-column-position($position) {\n @if type-of($position) == 'number' {\n $offset: percentage($position / $grid-column-count);\n\n position: relative;\n #{$global-left}: $offset;\n }\n @else if $position == center {\n float: none;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n }\n @else {\n @warn 'Wrong syntax for grid-column-position(). Enter a positive or negative number, or center.';\n }\n}\n\n/// Reset a position definition.\n@mixin grid-column-unposition() {\n position: static;\n margin-left: 0;\n margin-right: 0;\n}\n\n/// Offsets a column to the right by `$n` columns.\n/// @param {Number|List} $n - Width to offset by. You can pass in any value accepted by the `grid-column()` mixin, such as `6`, `50%`, or `1 of 2`.\n@mixin grid-column-offset($n) {\n margin-#{$global-left}: grid-column($n);\n}\n\n/// Disable the default behavior of the last column in a row aligning to the opposite edge.\n@mixin grid-column-end() {\n // This extra specificity is required for the property to be applied\n &:last-child:last-child {\n float: $global-left;\n }\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column-position()`.\n/// @alias grid-column-position\n@mixin grid-col-pos($position) {\n @include grid-column-position($position);\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column-unposition()`.\n/// @alias grid-column-unposition\n@mixin grid-col-unpos() {\n @include grid-column-unposition;\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column-offset()`.\n/// @alias grid-column-offset\n@mixin grid-col-off($n) {\n @include grid-column-offset($n);\n}\n\n/// Shorthand for `grid-column-end()`.\n/// @alias grid-column-end\n@mixin grid-col-end() {\n @include grid-column-end;\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group grid\n////\n\n/// Sizes child elements so that `$n` number of items appear on each row.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $n - Number of elements to display per row.\n/// @param {String} $selector ['.column'] - Selector(s) to use for child elements.\n@mixin grid-layout(\n $n,\n $selector: '.column'\n) {\n & > #{$selector} {\n width: percentage(1/$n);\n float: $global-left;\n\n &:nth-of-type(1n) {\n clear: none;\n }\n\n &:nth-of-type(#{$n}n+1) {\n clear: both;\n }\n\n &:last-child {\n float: left;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group typography-base\n////\n\n// Base Typography\n// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n// These are styles applied to basic HTML tags, including:\n// - Paragraphs <p>\n// - Bold/italics <b> <strong> <i> <em>\n// - Small text <small>\n// - Headings <h1>—<h6>\n// - Anchors <a>\n// - Dividers <hr>\n// - Lists <ul> <ol> <dl>\n// - Blockquotes <blockquote>\n// - Code blocks <code>\n// - Abbreviations <abbr>\n// - Citations <cite>\n// - Keystrokes <kbd>\n\n/// Font family for header elements.\n/// @type String | List\n$header-font-family: $body-font-family !default;\n\n/// Font weight of headers.\n/// @type String\n$header-font-weight: $global-weight-normal !default;\n\n/// Font style (e.g. italicized) of headers.\n/// @type String\n$header-font-style: normal !default;\n\n/// Font stack used for elements that use monospaced type, such as code samples\n/// @type String | List\n$font-family-monospace: Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Courier, monospace !default;\n\n/// Sizes of headings at various screen sizes. Each key is a breakpoint, and each value is a map of heading sizes.\n/// @type Map\n$header-sizes: (\n small: (\n 'h1': 24,\n 'h2': 20,\n 'h3': 19,\n 'h4': 18,\n 'h5': 17,\n 'h6': 16,\n ),\n medium: (\n 'h1': 48,\n 'h2': 40,\n 'h3': 31,\n 'h4': 25,\n 'h5': 20,\n 'h6': 16,\n ),\n) !default;\n\n/// Color of headers.\n/// @type Color\n$header-color: inherit !default;\n\n/// Line height of headers.\n/// @type Number\n$header-lineheight: 1.4 !default;\n\n/// Bottom margin of headers.\n/// @type Number\n$header-margin-bottom: 0.5rem !default;\n\n/// Text rendering method of headers.\n/// @type String\n$header-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility !default;\n\n/// Font size of `<small>` elements.\n/// @type Number\n$small-font-size: 80% !default;\n\n/// Color of `<small>` elements when placed inside headers.\n/// @type Color\n$header-small-font-color: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Line height of text inside `<p>` elements.\n/// @type Number\n$paragraph-lineheight: 1.6 !default;\n\n/// Bottom margin of paragraphs.\n/// @type Number\n$paragraph-margin-bottom: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Text rendering method for paragraph text.\n/// @type String\n$paragraph-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility !default;\n\n/// Text color of code samples.\n/// @type Color\n$code-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Font family of code samples.\n/// @type String | List\n$code-font-family: $font-family-monospace !default;\n\n/// Font weight of text in code samples.\n/// @type String\n$code-font-weight: $global-weight-normal !default;\n\n/// Background color of code samples.\n/// @type Color\n$code-background: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Border around code samples.\n/// @type List\n$code-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Padding around text of code samples.\n/// @type Number | List\n$code-padding: rem-calc(2 5 1) !default;\n\n/// Default color for links.\n/// @type Color\n$anchor-color: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Default color for links on hover.\n/// @type Color\n$anchor-color-hover: scale-color($anchor-color, $lightness: -14%) !default;\n\n/// Default text deocration for links.\n/// @type String\n$anchor-text-decoration: none !default;\n\n/// Default text decoration for links on hover.\n/// @type String\n$anchor-text-decoration-hover: none !default;\n\n/// Maximum width of a divider.\n/// @type Number\n$hr-width: $global-width !default;\n\n/// Default border for a divider.\n/// @type List\n$hr-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Default margin for a divider.\n/// @type Number | List\n$hr-margin: rem-calc(20) auto !default;\n\n/// Line height for items in a list.\n/// @type Number\n$list-lineheight: $paragraph-lineheight !default;\n\n/// Bottom margin for items in a list.\n/// @type Number\n$list-margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom !default;\n\n/// Bullet type to use for unordered lists (e.g., `square`, `circle`, `disc`).\n/// @type String\n$list-style-type: disc !default;\n\n/// Positioning for bullets on unordered list items.\n/// @type String\n$list-style-position: outside !default;\n\n/// Left (or right) margin for lists.\n/// @type Number\n$list-side-margin: 1.25rem !default;\n\n/// Left (or right) margin for a list inside a list.\n/// @type Number\n$list-nested-side-margin: 1.25rem !default;\n\n/// Bottom margin for `<dl>` elements.\n/// @type Number\n$defnlist-margin-bottom: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Font weight for `<dt>` elements.\n/// @type String\n$defnlist-term-weight: $global-weight-bold !default;\n\n/// Spacing between `<dt>` and `<dd>` elements.\n/// @type Number\n$defnlist-term-margin-bottom: 0.3rem !default;\n\n/// Text color of `<blockquote>` elements.\n/// @type Color\n$blockquote-color: $dark-gray !default;\n\n/// Padding inside a `<blockquote>` element.\n/// @type Number | List\n$blockquote-padding: rem-calc(9 20 0 19) !default;\n\n/// Side border for `<blockquote>` elements.\n/// @type List\n$blockquote-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Font size for `<cite>` elements.\n/// @type Number\n$cite-font-size: rem-calc(13) !default;\n\n/// Text color for `<cite>` elements.\n/// @type Color\n$cite-color: $dark-gray !default;\n\n/// Font family for `<kbd>` elements.\n/// @type String | List\n$keystroke-font: $font-family-monospace !default;\n\n/// Text color for `<kbd>` elements.\n/// @type Color\n$keystroke-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Background color for `<kbd>` elements.\n/// @type Color\n$keystroke-background: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Padding for `<kbd>` elements.\n/// @type Number | List\n$keystroke-padding: rem-calc(2 4 0) !default;\n\n/// Border radius for `<kbd>` elements.\n/// @type Number | List\n$keystroke-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Bottom border style for `<abbr>` elements.\n/// @type List\n$abbr-underline: 1px dotted $black !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-typography-base {\n // Typography resets\n div,\n dl,\n dt,\n dd,\n ul,\n ol,\n li,\n h1,\n h2,\n h3,\n h4,\n h5,\n h6,\n pre,\n form,\n p,\n blockquote,\n th,\n td {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n // Paragraphs\n p {\n font-size: inherit;\n line-height: $paragraph-lineheight;\n margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;\n text-rendering: $paragraph-text-rendering;\n }\n\n // Emphasized text\n em,\n i {\n font-style: italic;\n line-height: inherit;\n }\n\n // Strong text\n strong,\n b {\n font-weight: $global-weight-bold;\n line-height: inherit;\n }\n\n // Small text\n small {\n font-size: $small-font-size;\n line-height: inherit;\n }\n\n // Headings\n h1,\n h2,\n h3,\n h4,\n h5,\n h6 {\n font-family: $header-font-family;\n font-weight: $header-font-weight;\n font-style: $header-font-style;\n color: $header-color;\n text-rendering: $header-text-rendering;\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: $header-margin-bottom;\n line-height: $header-lineheight;\n\n small {\n color: $header-small-font-color;\n line-height: 0;\n }\n }\n\n // Heading sizes\n @each $size, $headers in $header-sizes {\n @include breakpoint($size) {\n @each $header, $font-size in $headers {\n #{$header} { font-size: rem-calc($font-size); }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Links\n a {\n color: $anchor-color;\n text-decoration: $anchor-text-decoration;\n line-height: inherit;\n cursor: pointer;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: $anchor-color-hover;\n @if $anchor-text-decoration-hover != $anchor-text-decoration {\n text-decoration: $anchor-text-decoration-hover;\n }\n }\n\n img {\n border: 0;\n }\n }\n\n // Horizontal rule\n hr {\n max-width: $hr-width;\n height: 0;\n border-right: 0;\n border-top: 0;\n border-bottom: $hr-border;\n border-left: 0;\n margin: $hr-margin;\n clear: both;\n }\n\n // Lists\n ul,\n ol,\n dl {\n line-height: $list-lineheight;\n margin-bottom: $list-margin-bottom;\n list-style-position: $list-style-position;\n }\n\n // List items\n li {\n font-size: inherit;\n }\n\n // Unordered lists\n ul {\n list-style-type: $list-style-type;\n margin-#{$global-left}: $list-side-margin;\n }\n\n // Ordered lists\n ol {\n margin-#{$global-left}: $list-side-margin;\n }\n\n // Nested unordered/ordered lists\n ul, ol {\n & & {\n margin-#{$global-left}: $list-nested-side-margin;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n list-style-type: inherit;\n }\n }\n\n // Definition lists\n dl {\n margin-bottom: $defnlist-margin-bottom;\n\n dt {\n margin-bottom: $defnlist-term-margin-bottom;\n font-weight: $defnlist-term-weight;\n }\n }\n\n // Blockquotes\n blockquote {\n margin: 0 0 $paragraph-margin-bottom;\n padding: $blockquote-padding;\n border-#{$global-left}: $blockquote-border;\n\n &, p {\n line-height: $paragraph-lineheight;\n color: $blockquote-color;\n }\n }\n\n // Citations\n cite {\n display: block;\n font-size: $cite-font-size;\n color: $cite-color;\n\n &:before {\n content: '\\2014 \\0020';\n }\n }\n\n // Abbreviations\n abbr {\n color: $body-font-color;\n cursor: help;\n border-bottom: $abbr-underline;\n }\n\n // Code\n code {\n font-family: $code-font-family;\n font-weight: $code-font-weight;\n color: $code-color;\n background-color: $code-background;\n border: $code-border;\n padding: $code-padding;\n }\n\n // Keystrokes\n kbd {\n padding: $keystroke-padding;\n margin: 0;\n background-color: $keystroke-background;\n color: $keystroke-color;\n font-family: $keystroke-font;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group typography-helpers\n////\n\n/// Default font size for lead paragraphs.\n/// @type Number\n$lead-font-size: $global-font-size * 1.25 !default;\n\n/// Default line height for lead paragraphs.\n/// @type String\n$lead-lineheight: 1.6 !default;\n\n/// Default line height for subheaders.\n/// @type Number\n$subheader-lineheight: 1.4 !default;\n\n/// Default font color for subheaders.\n/// @type Color\n$subheader-color: $dark-gray !default;\n\n/// Default font weight for subheaders.\n/// @type String\n$subheader-font-weight: $global-weight-normal !default;\n\n/// Default top margin for subhheaders.\n/// @type Number\n$subheader-margin-top: 0.2rem !default;\n\n/// Default bottom margin for subheaders.\n/// @type Number\n$subheader-margin-bottom: 0.5rem !default;\n\n/// Default font size for statistic numbers.\n/// @type Number\n$stat-font-size: 2.5rem !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-typography-helpers {\n // Use to create a subheading under a main header\n // Make sure you pair the two elements in a <header> element, like this:\n // <header>\n // <h1>Heading</h1>\n // <h2>Subheading</h2>\n // </header>\n .subheader {\n margin-top: $subheader-margin-top;\n margin-bottom: $subheader-margin-bottom;\n font-weight: $subheader-font-weight;\n line-height: $subheader-lineheight;\n color: $subheader-color;\n }\n\n // Use to style an introductory lead, deck, blurb, etc.\n .lead {\n font-size: $lead-font-size;\n line-height: $lead-lineheight;\n }\n\n // Use to style a large number to display a statistic\n .stat {\n font-size: $stat-font-size;\n line-height: 1;\n\n p + & {\n margin-top: -1rem;\n }\n }\n\n // Use to remove the bullets from an unordered list\n .no-bullet {\n margin-#{$global-left}: 0;\n list-style: none;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n@mixin foundation-text-alignment {\n @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {\n @include breakpoint($size) {\n @each $align in (left, right, center, justify) {\n @if $size != 'small' {\n .#{$size}-text-#{$align} {\n text-align: $align;\n }\n }\n @else { \n .text-#{$align} {\n text-align: $align;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group typography\n////\n\n// scss-lint:disable all\n\n@mixin foundation-print-styles {\n .show-for-print { display: none !important; }\n\n @media print {\n * {\n background: transparent !important;\n color: black !important; // Black prints faster:\n box-shadow: none !important;\n text-shadow: none !important;\n }\n\n .show-for-print { display: block !important; }\n .hide-for-print { display: none !important; }\n\n { display: table !important; }\n { display: table-header-group !important; }\n { display: table-row-group !important; }\n { display: table-row !important; }\n { display: table-cell !important; }\n { display: table-cell !important; }\n\n // Display the URL of a link after the text\n a,\n a:visited { text-decoration: underline;}\n a[href]:after { content: ' (' attr(href) ')'; }\n\n // Don't display the URL for images or JavaScript/internal links\n .ir a:after,\n a[href^='javascript:']:after,\n a[href^='#']:after { content: ''; }\n\n // Display what an abbreviation stands for after the text\n abbr[title]:after { content: ' (' attr(title) ')'; }\n\n // Prevent page breaks in the middle of a blockquote or preformatted text block\n pre,\n blockquote {\n border: 1px solid #999;\n page-break-inside: avoid;\n }\n\n //\n thead { display: table-header-group; }\n\n tr,\n img { page-break-inside: avoid; }\n\n img { max-width: 100% !important; }\n\n @page { margin: 0.5cm; }\n\n p,\n h2,\n h3 {\n orphans: 3;\n widows: 3;\n }\n\n // Avoid page breaks after a heading\n h2,\n h3 { page-break-after: avoid; }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group button\n////\n\n/// Padding inside buttons.\n/// @type List\n$button-padding: 0.85em 1em !default;\n\n/// Margin around buttons.\n/// @type List\n$button-margin: 0 $global-margin $global-margin 0 !default;\n\n/// Default fill for buttons. Can either be `solid` or `hollow`.\n/// @type Keyword\n$button-fill: solid !default;\n\n/// Default background color for buttons.\n/// @type Color\n$button-background: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Background color on hover for buttons.\n/// @type Color\n$button-background-hover: scale-color($button-background, $lightness: -15%) !default;\n\n/// Font color for buttons.\n/// @type List\n$button-color: #fff !default;\n\n/// Font color for buttons, if the background is light.\n/// @type List\n$button-color-alt: #000 !default;\n\n/// Border radius for buttons, defaulted to global-radius.\n/// @type Number\n$button-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Sizes for buttons.\n/// @type Map\n$button-sizes: (\n tiny: 0.6rem,\n small: 0.75rem,\n default: 0.9rem,\n large: 1.25rem,\n) !default;\n\n/// opacity for a disabled button.\n/// @type List\n$button-opacity-disabled: 0.25 !default;\n\n// Internal: flip from margin-right to margin-left for defaults\n@if $global-text-direction == 'rtl' {\n $button-margin: 0 0 $global-margin $global-margin !default;\n}\n\n// TODO: Document button-base() mixin\n@mixin button-base {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n display: inline-block;\n text-align: center;\n line-height: 1;\n cursor: pointer;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n transition: all 0.25s ease-out;\n vertical-align: middle;\n border: 1px solid transparent;\n border-radius: $button-radius;\n padding: $button-padding;\n margin: $button-margin;\n font-size: map-get($button-sizes, default);\n}\n\n/// Expands a button to make it full-width.\n/// @param {Boolean} $expand [true] - Set to `true` to enable the expand behavior. Set to `false` to reverse this behavior.\n@mixin button-expand($expand: true) {\n @if $expand {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n margin-left: 0;\n margin-right: 0;\n }\n @else {\n display: inline-block;\n width: auto;\n margin: $button-margin;\n }\n}\n\n/// Sets the visual style of a button.\n/// @param {Color} $background [$button-background] - Background color of the button.\n/// @param {Color} $background-hover [$button-background-hover] - Background color of the button on hover. Set to `auto` to have the mixin automatically generate a hover color.\n/// @param {Color} $color [$button-color] - Text color of the button. Set to `auto` to automatically generate a color based on the background color.\n@mixin button-style(\n $background: $button-background,\n $background-hover: $button-background-hover,\n $color: $button-color\n) {\n @if $color == auto {\n $color: isitlight($background);\n }\n\n @if $background-hover == auto {\n $background-hover: scale-color($background, $lightness: -20%);\n }\n\n @if lightness($background) >= 70% {\n $color: $button-color-alt;\n }\n @else {\n $color: $button-color;\n }\n\n background: $background;\n color: $color;\n\n &:hover, &:focus {\n background: $background-hover;\n color: $color;\n }\n}\n\n/// Removes background fill on hover and focus for hollow buttons.\n@mixin button-hollow {\n &,\n &:hover, &:focus {\n background: transparent;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin button-hollow-style($color: $primary-color) {\n $color-hover: scale-color($color, $lightness: -50%);\n\n border: 1px solid $color;\n color: $color;\n\n &:hover, &:focus {\n border-color: $color-hover;\n color: $color-hover;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds disabled styles to a button by fading the element, reseting the cursor, and disabling pointer events.\n@mixin button-disabled {\n opacity: $button-opacity-disabled;\n cursor: not-allowed;\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n\n/// Adds a dropdown arrow to a button.\n/// @param {Number} $size [0.4em] - Size of the arrow. We recommend using an `em` value so the triangle scales when used inside different sizes of buttons.\n/// @param {Color} $color [white] - Color of the arrow.\n/// @param {Number} $offset [$button-padding] - Distance between the arrow and the text of the button. Defaults to whatever the right padding of a button is.\n@mixin button-dropdown(\n $size: 0.4em,\n $color: $white,\n $offset: get-side($button-padding, right)\n) {\n &::after {\n @include css-triangle($size, $color, down);\n position: relative;\n top: 0.4em; // Aligns the arrow with the text of the button\n float: #{$global-right};\n margin-#{$global-left}: get-side($button-padding, right);\n display: inline-block;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds all styles for a button. For more granular control over styles, use the individual button mixins.\n/// @param {Boolean} $expand [false] - Set to `true` to make the button full-width.\n/// @param {Color} $background [$button-background] - Background color of the button.\n/// @param {Color} $background-hover [$button-background-hover] - Background color of the button on hover. Set to `auto` to have the mixin automatically generate a hover color.\n/// @param {Color} $color [$button-color] - Text color of the button. Set to `auto` to automatically generate a color based on the background color.\n/// @param {Keyword} $style [solid] - Set to `hollow` to create a hollow button. The color defined in `$background` will be used as the primary color of the button.\n@mixin button(\n $expand: false,\n $background: $button-background,\n $background-hover: $button-background-hover,\n $color: $button-color,\n $style: $button-fill\n) {\n @include button-base;\n\n @if $style == solid {\n @include button-style($background, $background-hover, $color);\n }\n @else if $style == hollow {\n @include button-hollow;\n @include button-hollow-style($background);\n }\n\n @if $expand {\n @include button-expand;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-button {\n .button {\n @include button;\n\n // Sizes\n &.tiny { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, tiny); }\n &.small { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, small); }\n &.large { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, large); }\n &.expanded { @include button-expand; }\n\n // Colors\n @each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {\n @if $button-fill != hollow {\n &.#{$name} {\n @include button-style($color, auto);\n }\n }\n @else {\n &.#{$name} {\n @include button-hollow-style($color);\n }\n\n &.#{$name}.dropdown::after {\n border-top-color: $color;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Hollow style\n @if $button-fill != hollow {\n &.hollow {\n @include button-hollow;\n @include button-hollow-style;\n\n @each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {\n &.#{$name} {\n @include button-hollow-style($color);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Disabled style\n &.disabled {\n @include button-disabled;\n }\n\n // Dropdown arrow\n &.dropdown {\n @include button-dropdown;\n\n @if $button-fill == hollow {\n &::after {\n border-top-color: $button-background;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Button with dropdown arrow only\n &.arrow-only::after {\n margin-#{$global-left}: 0;\n float: none;\n top: 0.2em;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group forms\n////\n\n/// Font color of text inputs.\n/// @type Color\n$input-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Font family of text inputs.\n/// @type Font\n$input-font-family: inherit !default;\n\n/// Font size of text inputs.\n/// @type Number\n$input-font-size: rem-calc(16) !default;\n\n/// Background color of text inputs.\n/// @type Color\n$input-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Background color of focused of text inputs.\n/// @type Color\n$input-background-focus: $white !default;\n\n/// Background color of disabled text inputs.\n/// @type Color\n$input-background-disabled: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Border around text inputs.\n/// @type Border\n$input-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Border around focused text inputs.\n/// @type Color\n$input-border-focus: 1px solid $dark-gray !default;\n\n/// Box shadow inside text inputs when not focused.\n/// @type Shadow\n$input-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1) !default;\n\n/// Box shadow outside text inputs when focused.\n/// @type Shadow\n$input-shadow-focus: 0 0 5px $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Cursor to use when hovering over a disabled text input.\n/// @type Cursor\n$input-cursor-disabled: default !default;\n\n/// Properties to transition on text inputs.\n/// @type Transition\n$input-transition: box-shadow 0.5s, border-color 0.25s ease-in-out !default;\n\n/// Enables the up/down buttons that Chrome and Firefox add to `<input type='number'>` elements.\n/// @type Boolean\n$input-number-spinners: true !default;\n\n/// Radius for text inputs.\n/// @type Border\n$input-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n@mixin form-element {\n $height: ($input-font-size + ($form-spacing * 1.5) - rem-calc(1));\n\n display: block;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n width: 100%;\n height: $height;\n padding: $form-spacing / 2;\n border: $input-border;\n margin: 0 0 $form-spacing;\n\n font-family: $input-font-family;\n font-size: $input-font-size;\n color: $input-color;\n background-color: $input-background;\n box-shadow: $input-shadow;\n border-radius: $input-radius;\n\n @if has-value($input-transition) {\n transition: $input-transition;\n }\n\n // Focus state\n &:focus {\n border: $input-border-focus;\n background: $input-background-focus;\n outline: none;\n box-shadow: $input-shadow-focus;\n\n @if has-value($input-transition) {\n transition: $input-transition;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-form-text {\n // Text inputs\n #{text-inputs()},\n textarea {\n @include form-element;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n -moz-appearance: none;\n }\n\n // Text areas\n textarea {\n max-width: 100%;\n\n &[rows] {\n height: auto;\n }\n }\n\n // Disabled/readonly state\n input,\n textarea {\n &:disabled,\n &[readonly] {\n background-color: $input-background-disabled;\n cursor: $input-cursor-disabled;\n }\n }\n\n // Reset styles on button-like inputs\n [type='submit'],\n [type='button'] {\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n -moz-appearance: none;\n }\n\n // Reset Normalize setting content-box to search elements\n input[type='search'] {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n }\n\n // Number input styles\n [type='number'] {\n @if not $input-number-spinners {\n -moz-appearance: textfield;\n\n [type='number']::-webkit-inner-spin-button,\n [type='number']::-webkit-outer-spin-button {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n margin: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group forms\n////\n\n@mixin foundation-form-checkbox {\n [type='file'],\n [type='checkbox'],\n [type='radio'] {\n margin: 0 0 $form-spacing;\n }\n\n // Styles for input/label siblings\n [type='checkbox'] + label,\n [type='radio'] + label {\n display: inline-block;\n margin-#{$global-left}: $form-spacing * 0.5;\n margin-#{$global-right}: $form-spacing;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n }\n\n // Styles for inputs inside labels\n label > [type='checkbox'],\n label > [type='label'] {\n margin-#{$global-right}: $form-spacing * 0.5;\n }\n\n // Normalize file input width\n [type='file'] {\n width: 100%;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group forms\n////\n\n/// Color for form labels.\n/// @type Color\n$form-label-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Font size for form labels.\n/// @type Number\n$form-label-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default;\n\n/// Font weight for form labels.\n/// @type Keyword\n$form-label-font-weight: $global-weight-normal !default;\n\n/// Line height for form labels. The higher the number, the more space between the label and its input field.\n/// @type Number\n$form-label-line-height: 1.8 !default;\n\n@mixin form-label {\n display: block;\n margin: 0;\n font-size: $form-label-font-size;\n font-weight: $form-label-font-weight;\n line-height: $form-label-line-height;\n color: $form-label-color;\n}\n\n@mixin form-label-middle {\n $input-border-width: get-border-value($input-border, width);\n margin: 0 0 $form-spacing;\n padding: ($form-spacing / 2 + rem-calc($input-border-width)) 0;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-form-label {\n label {\n @include form-label;\n\n &.middle {\n @include form-label-middle;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group forms\n////\n\n/// Default color for help text.\n/// @type Color\n$helptext-color: #333 !default;\n\n/// Default font size for help text.\n/// @type Number\n$helptext-font-size: rem-calc(13) !default;\n\n/// Default font style for help text.\n/// @type Keyword\n$helptext-font-style: italic !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-form-helptext {\n .help-text {\n $margin-top: ($form-spacing * 0.5) * -1;\n\n margin-top: $margin-top;\n font-size: $helptext-font-size;\n font-style: $helptext-font-style;\n color: $helptext-color;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group forms\n////\n\n/// Color of labels prefixed to an input.\n/// @type Color\n$input-prefix-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Background color of labels prefixed to an input.\n/// @type Color\n$input-prefix-background: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Border around labels prefixed to an input.\n/// @type Border\n$input-prefix-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Left/right padding of an pre/postfixed input label\n$input-prefix-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-form-prepostfix {\n .input-group {\n display: table;\n width: 100%;\n margin-bottom: $form-spacing;\n }\n\n %input-group-child {\n display: table-cell;\n margin: 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n\n .input-group-label {\n @extend %input-group-child;\n text-align: center;\n width: 1%;\n height: 100%;\n padding: 0 $input-prefix-padding;\n background: $input-prefix-background;\n color: $input-prefix-color;\n border: $input-prefix-border;\n\n @if has-value($input-prefix-border) {\n &:first-child {\n border-#{$global-right}: 0;\n }\n\n &:last-child {\n border-#{$global-left}: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .input-group-field {\n @extend %input-group-child;\n }\n\n .input-group-button {\n @extend %input-group-child;\n height: 100%;\n padding-top: 0;\n padding-bottom: 0;\n text-align: center;\n width: 1%;\n\n a,\n input,\n button {\n margin: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group forms\n////\n\n/// Default border around custom fieldsets.\n/// @type Border\n$fieldset-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Default padding inside custom fieldsets.\n/// @type Number\n$fieldset-padding: rem-calc(20) !default;\n\n/// Default margin around custom fieldsets.\n/// @type Number\n$fieldset-margin: rem-calc(18 0) !default;\n\n/// Default padding between the legend text and fieldset border.\n/// @type Number\n$legend-padding: rem-calc(0 3) !default;\n\n@mixin fieldset {\n border: $fieldset-border;\n padding: $fieldset-padding;\n margin: $fieldset-margin;\n\n legend {\n // Covers up the fieldset's border to create artificial padding\n background: $body-background;\n padding: $legend-padding;\n margin: 0;\n margin-#{$global-left}: rem-calc(-3);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-form-fieldset {\n fieldset {\n border: 0;\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n legend {\n margin-bottom: $form-spacing * 0.5;\n }\n\n .fieldset {\n @include fieldset;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group forms\n////\n\n/// Background color for select menus.\n/// @type Color\n$select-background: #fafafa !default;\n\n/// Color of the dropdown triangle inside select menus. Set to `transparent` to remove it entirely.\n/// @type Color\n$select-triangle-color: #333 !default;\n\n/// Default radius for select menus.\n/// @type Color\n$select-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n@mixin form-select {\n $height: ($input-font-size + ($form-spacing * 1.5) - rem-calc(1));\n\n height: $height;\n padding: ($form-spacing / 2);\n border: $input-border;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n margin: 0 0 $form-spacing;\n font-size: $input-font-size;\n font-family: $input-font-family;\n line-height: normal;\n color: $input-color;\n background-color: $select-background;\n border-radius: $select-radius;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n -moz-appearance: none;\n\n @if $select-triangle-color != transparent {\n @include background-triangle($select-triangle-color);\n background-size: 9px 6px;\n background-position: $global-right ($form-spacing / 2) center;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n }\n // Disabled state\n &:disabled {\n background-color: $input-background-disabled;\n cursor: $input-cursor-disabled;\n }\n\n // Hide the dropdown arrow shown in newer IE versions\n &::-ms-expand {\n display: none;\n }\n\n &[multiple] {\n height: auto;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-form-select {\n select {\n @include form-select;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group abide\n////\n\n/// Sets if error styles should be added to inputs.\n/// @type Boolean\n$abide-inputs: true !default;\n\n/// Sets if error styles should be added to labels.\n/// @type Boolean\n$abide-labels: true !default;\n\n/// Background color to use for invalid text inputs.\n/// @type Color\n$input-background-invalid: $alert-color !default;\n\n/// Color to use for labels of invalid inputs.\n/// @type Color\n$form-label-color-invalid: $alert-color !default;\n\n/// Default font color for form error text.\n/// @type Color\n$input-error-color: $alert-color !default;\n\n/// Default font size for form error text.\n/// @type Number\n$input-error-font-size: rem-calc(12) !default;\n\n/// Default font weight for form error text.\n/// @type Keyword\n$input-error-font-weight: $global-weight-bold !default;\n\n/// Styles the background and border of an input field to have an error state.\n///\n/// @param {Color} $background [$alert-color] - Color to use for the background and border.\n@mixin form-input-error(\n $background: $alert-color\n) {\n &:not(:focus) {\n background-color: rgba($background, 0.1);\n border-color: $background;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds error styles to a form element, using the values in the settings file.\n@mixin form-error {\n display: none;\n margin-top: $form-spacing * -0.5;\n margin-bottom: $form-spacing;\n font-size: $input-error-font-size;\n font-weight: $input-error-font-weight;\n color: $input-error-color;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-form-error {\n @if $abide-inputs {\n // Error class for invalid inputs\n .is-invalid-input {\n @include form-input-error;\n }\n }\n\n @if $abide-labels {\n // Error class for labels of invalid outputs\n .is-invalid-label {\n color: $form-label-color-invalid;\n }\n }\n\n // Form error element\n .form-error {\n @include form-error;\n\n &.is-visible {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n/// Hide an element by default, only displaying it above a certain screen size.\n/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**\n@mixin show-for($size) {\n $size: map-get($breakpoints, $size);\n $size: -zf-bp-to-em($size) - (1/16);\n\n @include breakpoint($size down) {\n display: none !important;\n }\n}\n\n/// Hide an element by default, only displaying it within a certain breakpoint.\n/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**\n@mixin show-for-only($size) {\n $lower-bound-size: map-get($breakpoints, $size);\n $upper-bound-size: -zf-map-next($breakpoints, $size);\n\n // more often than not this will be correct, just one time round the loop it won't so set in scope here\n $lower-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($lower-bound-size) - (1/16);\n // test actual lower-bound-size, if 0 set it to 0em\n @if $lower-bound-size == 0 {\n $lower-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($lower-bound-size);\n }\n\n @if $upper-bound-size == null {\n @media screen and (max-width: $lower-bound) {\n display: none !important;\n }\n }\n @else {\n $upper-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($upper-bound-size);\n @media screen and (max-width: $lower-bound), screen and (min-width: $upper-bound) {\n display: none !important;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/// Show an element by default, and hide it above a certain screen size.\n/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**\n@mixin hide-for($size) {\n @include breakpoint($size) {\n display: none !important;\n }\n}\n\n/// Show an element by default, and hide it above a certain screen size.\n/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**\n@mixin hide-for-only($size) {\n @include breakpoint($size only) {\n display: none !important;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-visibility-classes {\n // Basic hiding classes\n .hide {\n display: none !important;\n }\n\n .invisible {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n\n // Responsive visibility classes\n @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {\n @if $size != small {\n .hide-for-#{$size} {\n @include hide-for($size);\n }\n\n .show-for-#{$size} {\n @include show-for($size);\n }\n }\n\n .hide-for-#{$size}-only {\n @include hide-for-only($size);\n }\n\n .show-for-#{$size}-only {\n @include show-for-only($size);\n }\n }\n\n // Screen reader visibility classes\n // Need a \"hide-for-sr\" class? Add aria-hidden='true' to the element\n .show-for-sr,\n .show-on-focus {\n @include element-invisible;\n }\n\n // Only display the element when it's focused\n .show-on-focus {\n &:active,\n &:focus {\n @include element-invisible-off;\n }\n }\n\n // Landscape and portrait visibility\n .show-for-landscape,\n .hide-for-portrait {\n display: block !important;\n\n @include breakpoint(landscape) {\n display: block !important;\n }\n\n @include breakpoint(portrait) {\n display: none !important;\n }\n }\n\n .hide-for-landscape,\n .show-for-portrait {\n display: none !important;\n\n @include breakpoint(landscape) {\n display: none !important;\n }\n\n @include breakpoint(portrait) {\n display: block !important;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group float\n////\n\n@mixin foundation-float-classes {\n .float-left {\n float: left !important;\n }\n\n .float-right {\n float: right !important;\n }\n\n .float-center {\n display: block;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n }\n\n .clearfix {\n @include clearfix;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group accordion\n////\n\n/// Default background color of an accordion group.\n/// @type Color\n$accordion-background: $white !default;\n\n/// If `true`, adds plus and minus icons to the side of each accordion title.\n/// @type Boolean\n$accordion-plusminus: true !default;\n\n/// Default text color for items in a Menu.\n/// @type Color\n$accordion-item-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color) !default;\n\n/// Default background color on hover for items in a Menu.\n/// @type Color\n$accordion-item-background-hover: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Default padding of an accordion item.\n/// @type Number | List\n$accordion-item-padding: 1.25rem 1rem !default;\n\n/// Default background color of tab content.\n/// @type Color\n$accordion-content-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Default border color of tab content.\n/// @type Color\n$accordion-content-border: 1px solid $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Default text color of tab content.\n/// @type Color\n$accordion-content-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color) !default;\n\n/// Default padding for tab content.\n/// @type Number | List\n$accordion-content-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for an accordion container. Apply this to the same element that gets `data-accordion`.\n@mixin accordion-container {\n list-style-type: none;\n background: $accordion-background;\n border: $accordion-content-border;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n margin-#{$global-left}: 0;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the title of an accordion item. Apply this to the link within an accordion item.\n@mixin accordion-title {\n display: block;\n padding: $accordion-item-padding;\n line-height: 1;\n font-size: rem-calc(12);\n color: $accordion-item-color;\n position: relative;\n border-bottom: $accordion-content-border;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: $accordion-item-background-hover;\n }\n\n // Remove the border on the last title\n :last-child > & {\n border-bottom-width: 0;\n }\n\n @if $accordion-plusminus {\n &::before {\n content: '+';\n position: absolute;\n #{$global-right}: 1rem;\n top: 50%;\n margin-top: -0.5rem;\n }\n\n .is-active > &::before {\n content: '–';\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for accordion content. Apply this to the content pane below an accordion item's title.\n@mixin accordion-content {\n padding: $accordion-item-padding;\n display: none;\n border-bottom: $accordion-content-border;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-accordion {\n .accordion {\n @include accordion-container;\n }\n\n .accordion-item {\n // This class doesn't need styles!\n }\n\n .accordion-title {\n @include accordion-title;\n }\n\n .accordion-content {\n @include accordion-content;\n }\n}\n","////\n/// @group accordion-menu\n////\n\n/// Sets if accordion menus have the default arrow styles.\n/// @type Boolean\n$accordionmenu-arrows: true !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-accordion-menu {\n @if $accordionmenu-arrows {\n .is-accordion-submenu-parent > a {\n position: relative;\n\n &::after {\n @include css-triangle(6px, $primary-color, down);\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n margin-top: -4px;\n right: 1rem;\n }\n }\n\n .is-accordion-submenu-parent[aria-expanded='true'] > a::after {\n transform-origin: 50% 50%;\n transform: scaleY(-1);\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group badge\n////\n\n/// Default background color for badges.\n/// @type Color\n$badge-background: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Default text color for badges.\n/// @type Color\n$badge-color: foreground($badge-background) !default;\n\n/// Default padding inside badges.\n/// @type Number\n$badge-padding: 0.3em !default;\n\n/// Minimum width of a badge.\n/// @type Number\n$badge-minwidth: 2.1em !default;\n\n/// Default font size for badges.\n/// @type Number\n$badge-font-size: 0.6rem !default;\n\n/// Generates the base styles for a badge.\n@mixin badge {\n display: inline-block;\n padding: $badge-padding;\n min-width: $badge-minwidth;\n font-size: $badge-font-size;\n text-align: center;\n border-radius: 50%;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-badge {\n .badge {\n @include badge;\n\n background: $badge-background;\n color: $badge-color;\n\n @each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {\n @if $name != primary {\n &.#{$name} {\n background: $color;\n color: foreground($color);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group breadcrumbs\n////\n\n/// Margin around a breadcrumbs container.\n/// @type Number\n$breadcrumbs-margin: 0 0 $global-margin 0 !default;\n\n/// Font size of breadcrumb links.\n/// @type Number\n$breadcrumbs-item-font-size: rem-calc(11) !default;\n\n/// Color of breadcrumb links.\n/// @type Color\n$breadcrumbs-item-color: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Color of the active breadcrumb link.\n/// @type Color\n$breadcrumbs-item-color-current: $black !default;\n\n/// Opacity of disabled breadcrumb links.\n/// @type Number\n$breadcrumbs-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Margin between breadcrumb items.\n/// @type Number\n$breadcrumbs-item-margin: 0.75rem !default;\n\n/// If `true`, makes breadcrumb links uppercase.\n/// @type Boolean\n$breadcrumbs-item-uppercase: true !default;\n\n/// If `true`, adds a slash between breadcrumb links.\n/// @type Boolean\n$breadcrumbs-item-slash: true !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for a breadcrumbs container, along with the styles for the `<li>` and `<a>` elements inside of it.\n@mixin breadcrumbs-container {\n @include clearfix;\n list-style: none;\n margin: $breadcrumbs-margin;\n\n // Item wrapper\n li {\n float: #{$global-left};\n color: $breadcrumbs-item-color-current;\n font-size: $breadcrumbs-item-font-size;\n cursor: default;\n\n @if $breadcrumbs-item-uppercase {\n text-transform: uppercase;\n }\n\n @if $breadcrumbs-item-slash {\n // Need to escape the backslash\n $slash: if($global-text-direction == 'ltr', '/', '\\\\');\n\n &:not(:last-child)::after {\n color: $medium-gray;\n content: $slash;\n margin: 0 $breadcrumbs-item-margin;\n position: relative;\n top: 1px;\n opacity: 1;\n }\n }\n @else {\n margin-#{$global-right}: $breadcrumbs-item-margin;\n }\n }\n\n // Page links\n a {\n color: $breadcrumbs-item-color;\n\n &:hover {\n text-decoration: underline;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-breadcrumbs {\n .breadcrumbs {\n @include breadcrumbs-container;\n\n .disabled {\n color: $breadcrumbs-item-color-disabled;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group button-group\n////\n\n/// Margin for button groups.\n/// @type Number\n$buttongroup-margin: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Margin between buttons in a button group.\n/// @type Border\n$buttongroup-spacing: 1px !default;\n\n/// Selector for the buttons inside a button group.\n/// @type String\n$buttongroup-child-selector: '.button' !default;\n\n/// Maximum number of buttons that can be in an even-width button group.\n/// @type Number\n$buttongroup-expand-max: 6 !default;\n\n/// Add styles for a button group container.\n/// @param {String} $child-selector [$buttongroup-child-selector] - Selector for the buttons inside a button group.\n@mixin button-group(\n $child-selector: $buttongroup-child-selector\n) {\n @include clearfix;\n margin-bottom: $buttongroup-margin;\n font-size: map-get($button-sizes, default);\n\n #{$child-selector} {\n float: #{$global-left};\n margin: 0;\n font-size: inherit;\n\n &:not(:last-child) {\n border-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing solid $body-background;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a full-width button group, making each button equal width.\n/// @param {Keyword|Number} $count [auto] - Number of buttons inside the button group. Set to `auto` to generate CSS that will account for a variable number of buttons.\n/// @param {String} $selector [$buttongroup-child-selector] - Selector for the buttons inside a button group.\n@mixin button-group-expand(\n $count: auto,\n $selector: $buttongroup-child-selector\n) {\n #{$selector} {\n @if $count == auto {\n @include auto-width($buttongroup-expand-max, $selector);\n }\n @else if type-of($count) == 'number' {\n width: percentage(1 / $count);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Stacks the buttons in a button group.\n/// @param {String} $selector [$buttongroup-child-selector] - Selector for the buttons inside the button group.\n@mixin button-group-stack(\n $selector: $buttongroup-child-selector\n) {\n #{$selector} {\n width: 100%;\n border-#{$global-right}: 0;\n }\n}\n\n/// Un-stacks the buttons in a button group.\n/// @param {String} $selector [$buttongroup-child-selector] - Selector for the buttons inside the button group.\n@mixin button-group-unstack(\n $selector: $buttongroup-child-selector\n) {\n #{$selector} {\n width: auto;\n\n &:not(:last-child) {\n border-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing solid $body-background;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-button-group {\n .button-group {\n @include button-group;\n\n // Sizes\n &.tiny { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, tiny); }\n &.small { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, small); }\n &.large { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, large); }\n &.expanded { @include button-group-expand; }\n\n // Colors\n @each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {\n &.#{$name} #{$buttongroup-child-selector} {\n @include button-style($color, auto, auto);\n }\n }\n\n &.stacked,\n &.stacked-for-small {\n @include button-group-stack;\n }\n\n &.stacked-for-small {\n @include breakpoint(medium) {\n @include button-group-unstack;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group callout\n////\n\n/// Defualt background color.\n/// @type Color\n$callout-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Default fade value for callout backgrounds.\n/// @type Number\n$callout-background-fade: 85% !default;\n\n/// Defualt border style for callouts.\n/// @type List\n$callout-border: 1px solid rgba($black, 0.25) !default;\n\n/// Default bottom margin for callouts.\n/// @type Number\n$callout-margin: 0 0 1rem 0 !default;\n\n/// Default inner padding for callouts.\n/// @type Number\n$callout-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Default font color for callouts.\n/// @type Color\n$callout-font-color: $body-font-color !default;\n\n/// Default font color for callouts, if the callout has a dark background.\n/// @type Color\n$callout-font-color-alt: $body-background !default;\n\n/// Default border radius for callouts.\n/// @type Color\n$callout-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Amount to tint links used within colored panels. Set to `false` to disable this feature.\n/// @type Number | Boolean\n$callout-link-tint: 30% !default;\n\n/// Adds basic styles for a callout, including padding and margin.\n@mixin callout-base() {\n margin: $callout-margin;\n padding: $callout-padding;\n border: $callout-border;\n border-radius: $callout-radius;\n position: relative;\n\n // Respect the padding, fool.\n > :first-child {\n margin-top: 0;\n }\n\n > :last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\n/// Generate quick styles for a callout using a single color as a baseline. If `$callout-link-tint` is enabled, links within colored panels will be a darker version of the background.\n/// @param {Color} $color [$callout-background] - Color to use.\n@mixin callout-style($color: $callout-background) {\n $background: scale-color($color, $lightness: $callout-background-fade);\n $link-color: scale-color($color, $lightness: -$callout-link-tint);\n\n background-color: $background;\n\n @if $callout-link-tint and hue($background) > 0deg {\n a {\n color: $link-color;\n\n &:hover {\n color: darken($link-color, 15%);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin callout-size($padding) {\n padding-top: $padding;\n padding-right: $padding;\n padding-bottom: $padding;\n padding-left: $padding;\n}\n\n\n/// Adds styles for a callout.\n/// @param {Color} $color [$callout-background] - Color to use.\n@mixin callout($color: $callout-background) {\n @include callout-base;\n @include callout-style($color);\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-callout {\n .callout {\n @include callout;\n\n @each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {\n &.#{$name} {\n @include callout-style($color);\n }\n }\n\n &.small {\n @include callout-size(.5rem);\n }\n\n &.large {\n @include callout-size(3rem);\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group close-button\n////\n\n/// Default position of the close button. The first value should be `right` or `left`, and the second value should be `top` or `bottom`.\n/// @type List\n$closebutton-position: right top !default;\n\n/// Right (or left) offset for a close button.\n/// @type Number\n$closebutton-offset-horizontal: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Top (or bottom) offset for a close button.\n/// @type Number\n$closebutton-offset-vertical: 0.5rem !default;\n\n/// Default font size of the close button.\n/// @type Number\n$closebutton-size: 2em !default;\n\n/// The line-height of the close button. It affects the spacing of the element.\n/// @type Number\n$closebutton-lineheight: 1 !default;\n\n/// Default color of the close button.\n/// @type Color\n$closebutton-color: $dark-gray !default;\n\n/// Default color of the close button when being hovered on.\n/// @type Color\n$closebutton-color-hover: $black !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for a close button, using the styles in the settings variables.\n@mixin close-button {\n $x: nth($closebutton-position, 1);\n $y: nth($closebutton-position, 2);\n\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n position: absolute;\n color: $closebutton-color;\n #{$x}: $closebutton-offset-horizontal;\n #{$y}: $closebutton-offset-vertical;\n font-size: $closebutton-size;\n line-height: $closebutton-lineheight;\n cursor: pointer;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: $closebutton-color-hover;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-close-button {\n .close-button {\n @include close-button;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group drilldown\n////\n\n/// Transition property to use for animating menus.\n/// @type Transition\n$drilldown-transition: transform 0.15s linear !default;\n\n/// Adds arrows to drilldown items with submenus, as well as the back button.\n/// @type Boolean\n$drilldown-arrows: true !default;\n\n/// Background color for drilldown submenus.\n/// @type Color\n$drilldown-background: $white !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-drilldown-menu {\n // Applied to the Menu container\n .is-drilldown {\n position: relative;\n overflow: hidden;\n }\n\n // Applied to nested <ul>s\n .is-drilldown-submenu {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n #{$global-left}: 100%;\n z-index: -1;\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n background: $drilldown-background;\n transition: $drilldown-transition;\n\n &.is-active {\n z-index: 1;\n display: block;\n transform: translateX(if($global-text-direction == ltr, -100%, 100%));\n }\n\n &.is-closing {\n transform: translateX(if($global-text-direction == ltr, 100%, -100%));\n }\n }\n\n @if $drilldown-arrows {\n .is-drilldown-submenu-parent > a {\n position: relative;\n\n &::after {\n @include css-triangle(6px, $primary-color, $global-right);\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n margin-top: -6px;\n #{$global-right}: 1rem;\n }\n }\n\n .js-drilldown-back::before {\n @include css-triangle(6px, $primary-color, $global-left);\n float: $global-left;\n margin-#{$global-right}: 0.75rem; // Creates space between the arrow and the text\n margin-#{$global-left}: 0.6rem; // Lines the tip of the arrow with the items below\n margin-top: 14px; // Aligns the arrow with the text\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group dropdown\n////\n\n/// Padding for dropdown panes.\n/// @type List\n$dropdown-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Border for dropdown panes.\n/// @type List\n$dropdown-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Font size for dropdown panes.\n/// @type List\n$dropdown-font-size: 16rem !default;\n\n/// Width for dropdown panes.\n/// @type Number\n$dropdown-width: 300px !default;\n\n/// Border radius dropdown panes.\n/// @type Number\n$dropdown-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Sizes for dropdown panes. Each size is a CSS class you can apply.\n/// @type Map\n$dropdown-sizes: (\n tiny: 100px,\n small: 200px,\n large: 400px,\n) !default;\n\n/// Applies styles for a basic dropdown.\n@mixin dropdown-container {\n background-color: $body-background;\n border: $dropdown-border;\n display: block;\n padding: $dropdown-padding;\n position: absolute;\n visibility: hidden;\n width: 300px;\n z-index: 10;\n border-radius: $dropdown-radius;\n\n &.is-open {\n visibility: visible;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-dropdown {\n .dropdown-pane {\n @include dropdown-container;\n }\n\n @each $name, $size in $dropdown-sizes {\n .dropdown-pane.#{$name} {\n width: $size;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group dropdown-menu\n////\n\n/// Enables arrows for items with dropdown menus.\n/// @type Boolean\n$dropdownmenu-arrows: true !default;\n\n/// Minimum width of dropdown sub-menus.\n/// @type Length\n$dropdownmenu-min-width: 200px !default;\n\n/// Background color for dropdowns.\n/// @type Color\n$dropdownmenu-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Border for dropdown panes.\n/// @type List\n$dropdownmenu-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-dropdown-menu {\n {\n a {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n }\n .is-dropdown-submenu-parent {\n position: relative;\n\n a::after {\n float: right;\n margin-top: 3px;\n margin-left: 10px;\n }\n\n @if $dropdownmenu-arrows {\n &.is-down-arrow a {\n padding-right: 1.5rem;\n position: relative;\n }\n &.is-down-arrow > a::after {\n @include css-triangle(5px, $anchor-color, down);\n position: absolute;\n top: 12px;\n right: 5px;\n }\n &.is-left-arrow > a::after {\n @include css-triangle(5px, $anchor-color, left);\n float: left;\n margin-left: 0;\n margin-right: 10px;\n }\n &.is-right-arrow > a::after {\n @include css-triangle(5px, $anchor-color, right);\n }\n }\n\n &.is-left-arrow.opens-inner .submenu{\n right: 0;\n left: auto;\n }\n &.is-right-arrow.opens-inner .submenu{\n left: 0;\n right: auto;\n }\n &.opens-inner .submenu {\n top: 100%;\n }\n }\n\n .no-js & ul {\n display: none;\n }\n\n .submenu {\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 100%;\n min-width: $dropdownmenu-min-width;\n z-index: 1;\n background: $dropdownmenu-background;\n border: $dropdownmenu-border;\n\n > li {\n width: 100%;\n }\n\n &.first-sub {\n top: 100%;\n left: 0;\n right: auto;\n }\n\n &:not(.js-dropdown-nohover) > .is-dropdown-submenu-parent:hover > &,\n &.js-dropdown-active {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n\n .is-dropdown-submenu-parent.opens-left .submenu {\n left: auto;\n right: 100%;\n }\n\n &.align-right {\n .submenu.first-sub {\n top: 100%;\n left: auto;\n right: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .is-dropdown-menu.vertical {\n width: 100px;\n\n &.align-right {\n float: right;\n }\n\n > li .submenu {\n top: 0;\n left: 100%;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group flex-video\n////\n\n/// Padding above a flex video container.\n/// @type Number\n$flexvideo-padding-top: rem-calc(25) !default;\n\n/// Margin below a flex video container.\n/// @type Number\n$flexvideo-margin-bottom: rem-calc(16) !default;\n\n/// Padding used to create a 4:3 aspect ratio.\n/// @type Number\n$flexvideo-ratio: 4 by 3 !default;\n\n/// Padding used to create a 16:9 aspect ratio.\n/// @type Number\n$flexvideo-ratio-widescreen: 16 by 9 !default;\n\n/// Creates a percentage height that can be used as padding in a flex video container.\n/// @param {List} $ratio - Ratio to use to calculate the height, formatted as `x by y`.\n/// @return {Number} A percentage value that can be used as the `padding-bottom` parameter of a flex video container.\n@function flex-video($ratio) {\n $w: nth($ratio, 1);\n $h: nth($ratio, 3);\n @return $h / $w * 100%;\n}\n\n/// Creates a flex video container.\n/// @param {List} $ratio [$flexvideo-ratio] - Ratio to use for the container, formatted as `x by y`.\n@mixin flex-video($ratio: $flexvideo-ratio) {\n position: relative;\n height: 0;\n padding-top: $flexvideo-padding-top;\n padding-bottom: flex-video($ratio);\n margin-bottom: $flexvideo-margin-bottom;\n overflow: hidden;\n\n iframe,\n object,\n embed,\n video {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n #{$global-left}: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-flex-video {\n .flex-video {\n @include flex-video;\n\n &.widescreen {\n padding-bottom: flex-video($flexvideo-ratio-widescreen);\n }\n\n &.vimeo {\n padding-top: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group label\n////\n\n/// Default background color for labels.\n/// @type Color\n$label-background: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Default text color for labels.\n/// @type Color\n$label-color: foreground($label-background) !default;\n\n/// Default font size for labels.\n/// @type Number\n$label-font-size: 0.8rem !default;\n\n/// Default padding inside labels.\n/// @type Number\n$label-padding: 0.33333rem 0.5rem !default;\n\n/// Default radius of labels.\n/// @type Number\n$label-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Generates base styles for a label.\n@mixin label {\n display: inline-block;\n padding: $label-padding;\n font-size: $label-font-size;\n line-height: 1;\n white-space: nowrap;\n cursor: default;\n border-radius: $label-radius;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-label {\n .label {\n @include label;\n\n background: $label-background;\n color: $label-color;\n\n @each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {\n @if $name != primary {\n &.#{$name} {\n background: $color;\n color: foreground($color);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group media-object\n////\n\n/// Bottom margin of a media object.\n/// @type Number\n$mediaobject-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;\n\n/// Left and right padding on sections within a media object.\n/// @type Number\n$mediaobject-section-padding: $global-padding !default;\n\n/// With of images within a media object, when the object is stacked vertically. Set to 'auto' to use the image's natural width.\n/// @type Number\n$mediaobject-image-width-stacked: 100% !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for a media object container.\n@mixin media-object-container {\n margin-bottom: $mediaobject-margin-bottom;\n display: block;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for sections within a media object.\n/// @param {Number} $padding [$mediaobject-section-padding] - Padding between sections.\n@mixin media-object-section($padding: $mediaobject-section-padding) {\n display: table-cell;\n vertical-align: top;\n\n &:first-child {\n padding-#{$global-right}: $padding;\n }\n\n &:last-child:not(+ &:first-child) {\n padding-#{$global-left}: $padding;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles to stack sections of a media object. Apply this to the section elements, not the container.\n@mixin media-object-stack {\n display: block;\n padding: 0;\n padding-bottom: $mediaobject-section-padding;\n\n img {\n width: $mediaobject-image-width-stacked;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-media-object {\n .media-object {\n @include media-object-container;\n\n img {\n max-width: none;\n }\n\n &.stack-for-small .media-object-section {\n @include breakpoint(small only) {\n @include media-object-stack;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .media-object-section {\n @include media-object-section;\n\n &.middle { vertical-align: middle; }\n &.bottom { vertical-align: bottom; }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group menu\n////\n\n/// Margin of a menu.\n/// @type Number\n$menu-margin: 0 !default;\n\n/// Left-hand margin of a nested menu.\n/// @type Number\n$menu-margin-nested: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Padding for items in a menu.\n/// @type Number\n$menu-item-padding: 0.7rem 1rem !default;\n\n/// Spacing between an icon and text in a menu item.\n/// @type Number\n$menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;\n\n/// Maximum number of `expand-n` classes to include in the CSS.\n/// @type Number\n$menu-expand-max: 6 !default;\n\n/// Creates the base styles for a Menu.\n@mixin menu-base {\n margin: $menu-margin;\n list-style-type: none;\n\n // List items are table cell to allow for vertical alignment\n > li {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n display: table-cell;\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n\n // Reset line height to make the height of the overall item easier to calculate\n > li:not(.menu-text) > a {\n display: block;\n padding: $menu-item-padding;\n line-height: 1;\n }\n\n // Reset styles of inner elements\n input,\n a,\n button {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\n/// Expands the items of a Menu, so each item is the same width.\n/// @param {Keyword|Number} $count [auto] - Number of items in the Menu. You can hardcode a number, or use `auto` to generate CSS that will adapt to the number of items inside the menu.\n@mixin menu-expand($count: auto) {\n display: table;\n width: 100%;\n\n > li {\n @if $count == auto {\n @include auto-width($menu-expand-max);\n }\n @else if type-of($count) == 'number' {\n width: percentage(1 / $count);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Sets the direction of a Menu.\n/// @param {Keyword} $dir [horizontal] - Direction of the Menu. Can be `horizontal` or `vertical`.\n@mixin menu-direction($dir: horizontal) {\n @if $dir == horizontal {\n > li {\n display: table-cell;\n }\n }\n @else if $dir == vertical {\n > li {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n @else {\n @warn 'The direction used for menu-direction() must be horizontal or vertical.';\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a simple Menu, which has no padding or hover state.\n@mixin menu-simple {\n a {\n padding: 0;\n margin-#{$global-right}: get-side($menu-item-padding, $global-right);\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for a nested Menu, by adding `margin-left` to the menu.\n/// @param {Keyword|Number} $padding [auto] - Length of the margin.\n@mixin menu-nested($margin: $menu-margin-nested) {\n margin-#{$global-left}: $margin;\n}\n\n/// Adds support for icons to Menu items.\n/// @param {Keyword} $position [side] - Positioning for icons. Can be `side` (left, or right on RTL) or `top`.\n/// @param {Boolean} $base [true] - Set to `false` to prevent the shared CSS between side- and top-aligned icons from being printed. Set this to `false` if you're calling the mixin multiple times on the same element.\n@mixin menu-icons($position: side, $base: true) {\n @if $base {\n > li > a {\n > img,\n > i {\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n\n > span {\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n }\n }\n\n @if $position == side {\n > li > a {\n > img,\n > i {\n display: inline-block;\n margin-#{$global-right}: $menu-icon-spacing;\n }\n }\n }\n @else if $position == top {\n > li > a {\n text-align: center;\n\n > img,\n > i {\n display: block;\n margin: 0 auto $menu-icon-spacing;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin menu-text {\n font-weight: bold;\n color: inherit;\n line-height: 1;\n padding-top: 0;\n padding-bottom: 0;\n padding: $menu-item-padding;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-menu {\n .menu {\n @include menu-base;\n @include menu-icons;\n\n // Orientation\n @include menu-direction(horizontal);\n\n &.vertical {\n @include menu-direction(vertical);\n }\n\n @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {\n @if $size != small {\n @include breakpoint($size) {\n &.#{$size}-horizontal {\n @include menu-direction(horizontal);\n }\n\n &.#{$size}-vertical {\n @include menu-direction(vertical);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Simple\n &.simple {\n @include menu-simple;\n }\n\n // Align right\n &.align-#{$global-right} {\n > li {\n float: $global-right;\n }\n }\n\n // Even-width\n &.expanded {\n @include menu-expand;\n\n > li:first-child:last-child {\n width: 100%;\n }\n }\n\n // Vertical icons\n &.icon-top {\n @include menu-icons(top, $base: false);\n }\n\n // Nesting\n &.nested {\n @include menu-nested;\n }\n }\n\n .menu-text {\n @include menu-text;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group off-canvas\n////\n\n/// Width of an off-canvas menu.\n/// @type Number\n$offcanvas-size: 250px !default;\n\n/// Background color of an off-canvas menu.\n/// @type Color\n$offcanvas-background: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Z-index of an off-canvas menu.\n/// @type Number\n$offcanvas-zindex: -1 !default;\n\n/// Length of the animation on an off-canvas menu.\n/// @type Number\n$offcanvas-transition-length: 0.5s !default;\n\n/// Timing function of the animation on an off-canvas menu.\n/// @type Keyword\n$offcanvas-transition-timing: ease !default;\n\n/// If `true`, a revealed off-canvas will be fixed-position, and scroll with the screen.\n$offcanvas-fixed-reveal: true !default;\n\n/// Background color for the overlay that appears when an off-canvas menu is open.\n/// @type Color\n$offcanvas-exit-background: rgba($white, 0.25) !default;\n\n/// CSS class used for the main content area. The off-canvas mixins use this to target the page body.\n$maincontent-class: 'off-canvas-content' !default;\n\n/// Box shadow to place under the main content area. This shadow overlaps the off-canvas menus.\n/// @type Shadow\n$maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5) !default;\n\n/// Adds baseline styles for off-canvas. This CSS is required to make the other pieces work.\n@mixin off-canvas-basics {\n // Extra properties needed on <html> and <body> to make off-canvas work\n html,\n body {\n height: 100%;\n }\n\n .off-canvas-wrapper {\n width: 100%;\n overflow-x: hidden;\n position: relative;\n backface-visibility: hidden;\n -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\n }\n\n .off-canvas-wrapper-inner {\n @include clearfix;\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n transition: transform $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;\n }\n\n // Container for page content\n .off-canvas-content {\n min-height: 100%;\n background: $body-background;\n transition: transform $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;\n backface-visibility: hidden;\n z-index: 1;\n\n @if has-value($maincontent-shadow) {\n box-shadow: $maincontent-shadow;\n }\n }\n\n // Click-to-exit overlay (generated by JavaScript)\n .js-off-canvas-exit {\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n background: $offcanvas-exit-background;\n cursor: pointer;\n transition: background $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;\n\n .is-off-canvas-open & {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds basic styles for an off-canvas menu.\n@mixin off-canvas-base {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n position: absolute;\n background: $offcanvas-background;\n z-index: $offcanvas-zindex;\n max-height: 100%;\n overflow-y: auto;\n transform: translateX(0px);\n}\n\n@mixin off-canvas-position(\n $position: left,\n $size: $offcanvas-size,\n $fixed: false\n) {\n @if $position == left {\n left: -$size;\n top: 0;\n width: $size;\n }\n @else if $position == right {\n right: -$size;\n top: 0;\n width: $size;\n }\n\n // Generates an open state class that matches the width of the menu\n @at-root {\n .is-open-#{$position} {\n @if $position == left {\n transform: translateX($size);\n }\n @else if $position == right {\n transform: translateX(-$size);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles that reveal an off-canvas menu.\n/// @param {Keyword} $position [left] - Position of the off-canvas menu being revealed.\n@mixin off-canvas-reveal(\n $position: left\n) {\n #{$position}: 0;\n z-index: auto;\n\n @if $offcanvas-fixed-reveal {\n position: fixed;\n }\n\n & ~ .#{$maincontent-class} {\n margin-#{$position}: $offcanvas-size;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-off-canvas {\n @include off-canvas-basics;\n\n // Off-canvas container\n .off-canvas {\n @include off-canvas-base;\n\n &.position-left { @include off-canvas-position(left); }\n &.position-right { @include off-canvas-position(right); }\n }\n\n // Reveal off-canvas menu on larger screens\n @each $name, $value in $breakpoint-classes {\n @if $name != small {\n @include breakpoint($name) {\n .position-left.reveal-for-#{$name} {\n @include off-canvas-reveal(left);\n }\n .position-right.reveal-for-#{$name} {\n @include off-canvas-reveal(right);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group orbit\n////\n\n/// Default color for Orbit's bullets.\n/// @type Color\n$orbit-bullet-background: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Default active color for Orbit's bullets.\n/// @type Color\n$orbit-bullet-background-active: $dark-gray !default;\n\n/// Default diameter for Orbit's bullets.\n/// @type Number\n$orbit-bullet-diameter: 1.2rem !default;\n\n/// Default margin between Orbit's bullets.\n/// @type Number\n$orbit-bullet-margin: 0.1rem !default;\n\n/// Default distance from slide region for Orbit's bullets.\n/// @type Number\n$orbit-bullet-margin-top: 0.8rem !default;\n\n/// Default bottom margin from Orbit's bullets to whatever content may lurk below it.\n/// @type Number\n$orbit-bullet-margin-bottom: 0.8rem !default;\n\n/// Default background color for Orbit's caption.\n/// @type Color\n$orbit-caption-background: rgba($black, 0.5) !default;\n\n/// Default padding for Orbit's caption.\n/// @type Number\n$orbit-caption-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Default background color for Orbit's controls when hovered.\n/// @type Color\n$orbit-control-background-hover: rgba($black, 0.5) !default;\n\n/// Default padding for Orbit's controls.\n/// @type Number\n$orbit-control-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Default z-index for Orbit's controls.\n/// @type Number\n$orbit-control-zindex: 10 !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for the outer Orbit wrapper. These styles are used on the `.orbit` class.\n@mixin orbit-wrapper {\n position: relative;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the inner Orbit slide container. These styles are used on the `.orbit-container` class.\n@mixin orbit-container {\n position: relative;\n margin: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n list-style: none;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the individual slides of an Orbit slider. These styles are used on the `.orbit-slide` class.\n@mixin orbit-slide {\n width: 100%;\n max-height: 100%;\n &.no-motionui {\n &.is-active {\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin orbit-figure {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n@mixin orbit-image {\n margin: 0;\n width: 100%;\n max-width: 100%;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for an orbit slide caption. These styles are used on the `.orbit-caption` class.\n@mixin orbit-caption {\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 0;\n width: 100%;\n padding: $orbit-caption-padding;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n color: foreground($orbit-caption-background);\n background-color: $orbit-caption-background;\n}\n\n/// Adds base styles for the next/previous buttons in an Orbit slider. These styles are shared between the `.orbit-next` and `.orbit-previous` classes in the default CSS.\n@mixin orbit-control {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n @include vertical-center;\n z-index: $orbit-control-zindex;\n padding: $orbit-control-padding;\n color: $white;\n\n &:hover,\n &:active,\n &:focus {\n background-color: $orbit-control-background-hover;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the Orbit previous button. These styles are used on the `.orbit-previous` class.\n@mixin orbit-previous {\n #{$global-left}: 0;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the Orbit next button. These styles are used on the `.orbit-next` class.\n@mixin orbit-next {\n #{$global-left}: auto;\n #{$global-right}: 0;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for a container of Orbit bullets. /// Adds styles for the Orbit previous button. These styles are used on the `.orbit-bullets` class.\n@mixin orbit-bullets {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n position: relative;\n margin-top: $orbit-bullet-margin-top;\n margin-bottom: $orbit-bullet-margin-bottom;\n text-align: center;\n\n button {\n width: $orbit-bullet-diameter;\n height: $orbit-bullet-diameter;\n margin: $orbit-bullet-margin;\n background-color: $orbit-bullet-background;\n border-radius: 50%;\n\n &:hover {\n background-color: $orbit-bullet-background-active;\n }\n\n &.is-active {\n background-color: $orbit-bullet-background-active;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-orbit {\n .orbit {\n @include orbit-wrapper;\n }\n\n .orbit-container {\n @include orbit-container;\n }\n\n .orbit-slide {\n @include orbit-slide;\n }\n\n .orbit-figure {\n @include orbit-figure;\n }\n\n .orbit-image {\n @include orbit-image;\n }\n\n .orbit-caption {\n @include orbit-caption;\n }\n\n %orbit-control {\n @include orbit-control;\n }\n\n .orbit-previous {\n @extend %orbit-control;\n @include orbit-previous;\n }\n\n .orbit-next {\n @extend %orbit-control;\n @include orbit-next;\n }\n\n .orbit-bullets {\n @include orbit-bullets;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group pagination\n////\n\n/// Font size of pagination items.\n/// @type Number\n$pagination-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default;\n\n/// Default bottom margin of the media object.\n/// @type Number\n$pagination-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;\n\n/// Text color of pagination items.\n/// @type Color\n$pagination-item-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Padding inside of pagination items.\n/// @type Number\n$pagination-item-padding: rem-calc(3 10) !default;\n\n/// Right margin to separate pagination items.\n/// @type Number\n$pagination-item-spacing: rem-calc(1) !default;\n\n/// Default radius for pagination items.\n/// @type Number\n$pagination-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Background color of pagination items on hover.\n/// @type Color\n$pagination-item-background-hover: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Background color of pagination item for the current page.\n/// @type Color\n$pagination-item-background-current: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Text color of the pagination item for the current page.\n/// @type Color\n$pagination-item-color-current: foreground($pagination-item-background-current) !default;\n\n/// Text color of a disabled pagination item.\n/// @type Color\n$pagination-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Color of the ellipsis in a pagination menu.\n/// @type Color\n$pagination-ellipsis-color: $black !default;\n\n/// If `false`, don't display page number links on mobile, only next/previous links.\n/// @type Boolean\n$pagination-mobile-items: false !default;\n\n/// If `true`, arrows are added to the next and previous links of pagination.\n/// @type Boolean\n$pagination-arrows: true !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for a pagination container. Apply this to a `<ul>`.\n@mixin pagination-container {\n @include clearfix;\n margin-#{$global-left}: 0;\n margin-bottom: $pagination-margin-bottom;\n\n // List item\n li {\n font-size: $pagination-font-size;\n margin-#{$global-right}: $pagination-item-spacing;\n display: none;\n border-radius: $pagination-radius;\n\n @if not $pagination-mobile-items {\n &:last-child,\n &:first-child {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n\n @include breakpoint(medium) {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Page links\n a,\n button {\n color: $pagination-item-color;\n display: block;\n padding: $pagination-item-padding;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n\n &:hover {\n background: $pagination-item-background-hover;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the current pagination item. Apply this to an `<a>`.\n@mixin pagination-item-current {\n padding: $pagination-item-padding;\n background: $pagination-item-background-current;\n color: $pagination-item-color-current;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for a disabled pagination item. Apply this to an `<a>`.\n@mixin pagination-item-disabled {\n padding: $pagination-item-padding;\n color: $pagination-item-color-disabled;\n cursor: default;\n\n &:hover {\n background: transparent;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for an ellipsis for use in a pagination list.\n@mixin pagination-ellipsis {\n content: '…';\n padding: $pagination-item-padding;\n color: $pagination-ellipsis-color;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-pagination {\n .pagination {\n @include pagination-container;\n\n .current {\n @include pagination-item-current;\n }\n\n .disabled {\n @include pagination-item-disabled;\n }\n\n .ellipsis::after {\n @include pagination-ellipsis;\n }\n }\n\n @if $pagination-arrows {\n .pagination-previous a::before,\n .pagination-previous.disabled::before {\n content: '«';\n display: inline-block;\n margin-#{$global-right}: 0.5rem;\n }\n\n .pagination-next a::after,\n .pagination-next.disabled::after {\n content: '»';\n display: inline-block;\n margin-#{$global-left}: 0.5rem;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group progress-bar\n////\n\n/// Height of a progress bar.\n/// @type Number\n$progress-height: 1rem !default;\n\n/// Background color of a progress bar.\n/// @type Color\n$progress-background: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Bottom margin of a progress bar.\n/// @type Number\n$progress-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;\n\n/// Default color of a progress bar's meter.\n/// @type Color\n$progress-meter-background: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Default radius of a progress bar.\n/// @type Number\n$progress-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for a progress bar container.\n@mixin progress-container {\n background-color: $progress-background;\n height: $progress-height;\n margin-bottom: $progress-margin-bottom;\n border-radius: $progress-radius;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the inner meter of a progress bar.\n@mixin progress-meter {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n width: 0%;\n height: 100%;\n background-color: $progress-meter-background;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for text in the progress meter.\n@mixin progress-meter-text {\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n #{$global-left}: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n margin: 0;\n font-size: 0.75rem;\n font-weight: bold;\n color: $white;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-progress-bar {\n // Progress bar\n .progress {\n @include progress-container;\n\n @each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {\n &.#{$name} {\n .progress-meter {\n background-color: $color;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Progress bar meter\n .progress-meter {\n @include progress-meter;\n\n // Progress bar meter text\n .progress-meter-text {\n @include progress-meter-text;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n// [TODO] Check how plugin confirms disabled or vertical status\n// [TODO] Check if transition: all; is necessary\n\n////\n/// @group slider\n////\n\n/// Default height of the slider.\n/// @type Number\n$slider-height: 0.5rem !default;\n\n/// Default slider width of a vertical slider.\n/// @type Number\n$slider-width-vertical: $slider-height !default;\n\n/// Default background color of the slider's track.\n/// @type Color\n$slider-background: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Default color of the active fill color of the slider.\n/// @type Color\n$slider-fill-background: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Default height of the handle of the slider.\n/// @type Number\n$slider-handle-height: 1.4rem !default;\n\n/// Default width of the handle of the slider.\n/// @type Number\n$slider-handle-width: 1.4rem !default;\n\n/// Default color of the handle for the slider.\n/// @type Color\n$slider-handle-background: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Default fade amount of a disabled slider.\n/// @type Number\n$slider-opacity-disabled: 0.25 !default;\n\n/// Default radius for slider.\n/// @type Number\n$slider-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Transition properties to apply to the slider handle and fill.\n/// @type Transition\n$slider-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out !default;\n\n/// Adds the general styles for sliders.\n@mixin slider-container {\n position: relative;\n height: $slider-height;\n margin-top: 1.25rem;\n margin-bottom: 2.25rem;\n background-color: $slider-background;\n cursor: pointer;\n user-select: none;\n touch-action: none;\n}\n\n/// Adds the general styles for active fill for sliders.\n@mixin slider-fill {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n display: inline-block;\n max-width: 100%;\n height: $slider-height;\n background-color: $slider-fill-background;\n transition: $slider-transition;\n\n &.is-dragging {\n transition: all 0s linear;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds the general styles for the slider handles.\n@mixin slider-handle {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n @include vertical-center;\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n z-index: 1;\n display: inline-block;\n width: $slider-handle-width;\n height: $slider-handle-height;\n background-color: $slider-handle-background;\n transition: $slider-transition;\n touch-action: manipulation;\n border-radius: $slider-radius;\n\n &:hover {\n background-color: scale-color($slider-handle-background, $lightness: -15%);\n }\n\n &.is-dragging {\n transition: all 0s linear;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin slider-disabled {\n opacity: $slider-opacity-disabled;\n cursor: not-allowed;\n}\n\n@mixin slider-vertical {\n display: inline-block;\n width: $slider-width-vertical;\n height: 12.5rem;\n margin: 0 1.25rem;\n transform: scale(1, -1);\n\n .slider-fill {\n top: 0;\n width: $slider-width-vertical;\n max-height: 100%;\n }\n\n .slider-handle {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 50%;\n width: $slider-handle-height;\n height: $slider-handle-width;\n transform: translateX(-50%);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-slider {\n // Container\n .slider {\n @include slider-container;\n }\n\n // Fill area\n .slider-fill {\n @include slider-fill;\n }\n\n // Draggable handle\n .slider-handle {\n @include slider-handle;\n }\n\n // Disabled state\n .slider.disabled,\n .slider[disabled] {\n @include slider-disabled;\n }\n\n // Vertical slider\n .slider.vertical {\n @include slider-vertical;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n@mixin foundation-sticky {\n .sticky-container {\n position: relative;\n }\n\n .sticky {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 0;\n transform: translate3d(0,0,0);\n }\n\n {\n position: fixed;\n z-index: 5;\n\n &.is-at-top {\n top: 0;\n }\n\n &.is-at-bottom {\n bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n\n {\n position: absolute;\n left: auto;\n right: auto;\n\n &.is-at-bottom {\n bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group switch\n////\n\n/// Background color of a switch.\n/// @type Color\n$switch-background: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Background active color of a switch.\n/// @type Color\n$switch-background-active: $primary-color !default;\n\n/// Height of a switch, with no class applied.\n/// @type Number\n$switch-height: 2rem !default;\n\n/// Height of a switch with .tiny class.\n/// @type Number\n$switch-height-tiny: 1.5rem !default;\n\n/// Height of a switch with .small class.\n/// @type Number\n$switch-height-small: 1.75rem !default;\n\n/// Height of a switch with .large class.\n/// @type Number\n$switch-height-large: 2.5rem !default;\n\n/// Border radius of the switch\n/// @type Number\n$switch-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// border around a modal.\n/// @type Number\n$switch-margin: $global-margin !default;\n\n/// Background color for the switch container and paddle.\n/// @type Color\n$switch-paddle-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Spacing between a switch paddle and the edge of the body.\n/// @type Number\n$switch-paddle-offset: 0.25rem !default;\n\n/// border radius of the switch paddle\n/// @type Number\n$switch-paddle-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// switch transition.\n/// @type Number\n$switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out !default;\n\n// make them variables\n// ask about accessibility on label\n// change class name for text\n\n/// Adds styles for a switch container. Apply this to a container class.\n@mixin switch-container {\n margin-bottom: $switch-margin;\n outline: 0;\n position: relative;\n user-select: none;\n\n // These properties cascade down to the switch text\n color: $white;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: rem-calc(14);\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for a switch input. Apply this to an `<input>` within a switch.\n@mixin switch-input {\n opacity: 0;\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the background and paddle of a switch. Apply this to a `<label>` within a switch.\n@mixin switch-paddle {\n background: $switch-background;\n cursor: pointer;\n display: block;\n position: relative;\n width: 4rem;\n height: $switch-height;\n transition: $switch-paddle-transition;\n border-radius: $switch-radius;\n\n // Resetting these <label> presets so type styles cascade down\n color: inherit;\n font-weight: inherit;\n\n // Needed to override specificity\n input + & {\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n // The paddle itself\n &::after {\n background: $switch-paddle-background;\n content: '';\n display: block;\n position: absolute;\n height: 1.5rem;\n #{$global-left}: 0.25rem;\n top: 0.25rem;\n width: 1.5rem;\n transition: $switch-paddle-transition;\n transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n border-radius: $switch-paddle-radius;\n }\n\n // Change the visual style when the switch is active\n input:checked ~ & {\n background: $switch-background-active;\n\n &::after {\n #{$global-left}: 2.25rem;\n }\n }\n\n input:focus ~ & {\n @include disable-mouse-outline;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds base styles for active/inactive text inside a switch. Apply this to text elements inside the switch `<label>`.\n@mixin switch-text {\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n transform: translateY(-50%);\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the active state text within a switch.\n@mixin switch-text-active {\n #{$global-left}: 8%;\n display: none;\n\n input:checked + label > & {\n display: block;\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for the inactive state text within a switch.\n@mixin switch-text-inactive {\n #{$global-right}: 15%;\n\n input:checked + label > & {\n display: none;\n }\n}\n\n/// Changes the size of a switch by modifying the size of the body and paddle. Apply this to a switch container.\n/// @param {Number} $font-size [1rem] - Font size of label text within the switch.\n/// @param {Number} $width [4rem] - Width of the switch body.\n/// @param {Number} $height [2rem] - Height of the switch body.\n/// @param {Number} $paddle-width [1.5rem] - Width of the switch paddle.\n/// @param {Number} $paddle-offset [0.25rem] - Spacing between the switch paddle and the edge of the switch body.\n@mixin switch-size(\n $font-size: 1rem,\n $width: 4rem,\n $height: 2rem,\n $paddle-width: 1.5rem,\n $paddle-offset: 0.25rem\n) {\n $paddle-height: $height - ($paddle-offset * 2);\n $paddle-left-active: $width - $paddle-width - $paddle-offset;\n\n .switch-paddle {\n width: $width;\n height: $height;\n font-size: $font-size;\n }\n\n .switch-paddle::after {\n width: $paddle-width;\n height: $paddle-height;\n }\n\n input:checked ~ .switch-paddle:after {\n #{$global-left}: $paddle-left-active;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-switch {\n // Container class\n .switch {\n @include switch-container;\n }\n\n // <input> element\n .switch-input {\n @include switch-input;\n }\n\n // <label> element\n .switch-paddle {\n @include switch-paddle;\n }\n\n // Base label text styles\n %switch-text {\n @include switch-text;\n }\n\n // Active label text styles\n .switch-active {\n @extend %switch-text;\n @include switch-text-active;\n }\n\n // Inactive label text styles\n .switch-inactive {\n @extend %switch-text;\n @include switch-text-inactive;\n }\n\n // Switch sizes\n .switch.tiny {\n @include switch-size(rem-calc(10), 3rem, $switch-height-tiny, 1rem, $switch-paddle-offset);\n }\n\n .switch.small {\n @include switch-size(rem-calc(12), 3.5rem, $switch-height-small, 1.25rem, $switch-paddle-offset);\n }\n\n .switch.large {\n @include switch-size(rem-calc(16), 5rem, $switch-height-large, 2rem, $switch-paddle-offset);\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n// scss-lint:disable MergeableSelector, QualifyingElement\n\n////\n/// @group table\n////\n\n/// Defualt color for table background.\n/// @type Color\n$table-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Defualt scale for darkening the striped table rows and the table border.\n/// @type Number\n$table-color-scale: 5% !default;\n\n/// Defualt style for table border.\n/// @type List\n$table-border: 1px solid smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale) !default;\n\n/// Defualt padding for table.\n/// @type Number\n$table-padding: rem-calc(8 10 10) !default;\n\n/// Defualt scale for darkening the table rows on hover.\n/// @type Number\n$table-hover-scale: 2% !default;\n\n/// Defualt color of standard rows on hover.\n/// @type List\n$table-row-hover: darken($table-background, $table-hover-scale) !default;\n\n/// Defualt color of striped rows on hover.\n/// @type List\n$table-row-stripe-hover: darken($table-background, $table-color-scale + $table-hover-scale) !default;\n\n/// Defualt background color for striped rows.\n/// @type Color\n$table-striped-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale) !default;\n\n/// Defualt value for showing the stripe on rows of the tables, excluding the header and footer If even, the even rows will have a background color. If odd, the odd rows will have a background color. If empty, or anyother value, the table rows will have no striping.\n/// @type Keyoword\n$table-stripe: even !default;\n\n/// Defualt color for header background.\n/// @type Color\n$table-head-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale / 2) !default;\n\n/// Defualt color for footer background.\n/// @type Color\n$table-foot-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale) !default;\n\n/// Defualt font color for header.\n/// @type Color\n$table-head-font-color: $body-font-color !default;\n\n/// Defualt value for showing the header when using stacked tables.\n/// @type Boolean\n$show-header-for-stacked: false !default;\n\n/// Adds the general styles for tables.\n/// @param {Keyword} $stripe [$table-stripe] - Uses kewords even, odd, or none to darken rows of the table. The defualt value is even.\n@mixin table($stripe: $table-stripe) {\n margin-bottom: $global-margin;\n border-radius: $global-radius;\n\n @at-root {\n thead,\n tbody,\n tfoot {\n border: $table-border;\n background-color: $table-background;\n }\n\n // Caption\n caption {\n font-weight: $global-weight-bold;\n padding: $table-padding;\n }\n\n // Table head and foot\n thead,\n tfoot {\n background: $table-head-background;\n color: $table-head-font-color;\n\n // Rows within head and foot\n tr {\n background: transparent;\n }\n\n // Cells within head and foot\n th,\n td {\n padding: $table-padding;\n font-weight: $global-weight-bold;\n text-align: #{$global-left};\n }\n }\n\n // Table rows\n tbody {\n tr {\n // If stripe is set to even, darken the even rows.\n @if $stripe == even {\n &:nth-child(even) {\n background-color: $table-striped-background;\n }\n }\n\n // If stripe is set to odd, darken the odd rows.\n @else if $stripe == odd {\n &:nth-child(odd) {\n background-color: $table-striped-background;\n }\n }\n }\n\n th,\n td {\n padding: $table-padding;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds the ability to horizontally scroll the table when the content overflows horizontally.\n@mixin table-scroll {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n overflow-y: scroll;\n}\n\n/// Slightly darkens the table rows on hover.\n@mixin table-hover {\n tr {\n //Darkens the non-striped table rows on hover.\n &:hover {\n background-color: $table-row-hover;\n }\n\n //Darkens the even striped table rows.\n @if($table-stripe == even) {\n &:nth-of-type(even):hover {\n background-color: $table-row-stripe-hover;\n }\n }\n\n //Darkens the odd striped table rows.\n @elseif($table-stripe == odd) {\n &:nth-of-type(odd):hover {\n background-color: $table-row-stripe-hover;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds styles for a stacked table. Useful for small-screen layouts.\n/// @param {Boolean} $header [$show-header-for-stacked] - Show the first th of header when stacked.\n@mixin table-stack($header: $show-header-for-stacked) {\n @if $header {\n thead {\n th:first-child {\n display: block;\n }\n\n th {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n } @else {\n thead {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n tfoot {\n display: none;\n }\n\n tr,\n th,\n td {\n display: block;\n }\n\n td {\n border-top: 0;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-table {\n table {\n @include table;\n }\n\n table.stack {\n @include breakpoint(medium down) {\n @include table-stack;\n }\n }\n\n table.scroll {\n @include table-scroll;\n }\n\n table.hover {\n @include table-hover;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group tabs\n////\n\n/// Default margin of the tab bar.\n/// @type Number\n$tab-margin: 0 !default;\n\n/// Default background color of a tab bar.\n/// @type Color\n$tab-background: $white !default;\n\n/// active background color of a tab bar.\n/// @type Color\n$tab-background-active: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Default border color of tab content.\n/// @type Color\n$tab-border: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Default text color for items in a Menu.\n/// @type Color\n$tab-item-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color) !default;\n\n/// Default background color on hover for items in a Menu.\n$tab-item-background-hover: $white !default;\n\n/// Default padding of a a tab item.\n/// @type Number\n$tab-item-padding: 1.25rem 1.5rem !default;\n\n/// Maximum number of `expand-n` classes to include in the CSS.\n/// @type Number\n$tab-expand-max: 6 !default;\n\n/// Default background color of tab content.\n/// @type Color\n$tab-content-background: $white !default;\n\n/// Default border color of tab content.\n/// @type Color\n$tab-content-border: $light-gray !default;\n\n/// Default text color of tab content.\n/// @type Color\n$tab-content-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color) !default;\n\n/// Default padding for tab content.\n/// @type Number | List\n$tab-content-padding: 1rem !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-tabs {\n .tabs {\n @include clearfix;\n margin: $tab-margin;\n list-style-type: none;\n background: $tab-background;\n border: 1px solid $tab-content-border;\n\n // Simple\n &.simple {\n > li > a {\n padding: 0;\n\n &:hover {\n background: transparent;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Vertical\n &.vertical {\n > li {\n width: auto;\n float: none;\n display: block;\n }\n }\n\n // Primary color\n &.primary {\n background: $primary-color;\n\n > li > a {\n color: foreground($primary-color);\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background: smart-scale($primary-color);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n .tabs-title {\n float: #{$global-left};\n\n > a {\n display: block;\n padding: $tab-item-padding;\n line-height: 1;\n font-size: 12px;\n color: $tab-item-color;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus,\n &[aria-selected='true'] {\n background: $tab-background-active;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .tabs-content {\n background: $tab-content-background;\n transition: all 0.5s ease;\n border: 1px solid $tab-content-border;\n border-top: 0;\n\n &.vertical {\n border: 1px solid $tab-content-border;\n border-#{$global-left}: 0;\n }\n }\n\n .tabs-panel {\n display: none;\n padding: $tab-content-padding;\n\n &.is-active {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group thumbnail\n////\n\n/// Border around thumbnail images.\n/// @type Border\n$thumbnail-border: solid 4px $white !default;\n\n/// Bottom margin for thumbnail images.\n/// @type Length\n$thumbnail-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;\n\n/// Box shadow under thumbnail images.\n/// @type Shadow\n$thumbnail-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.2) !default;\n\n/// Box shadow under thumbnail images.\n/// @type Shadow\n$thumbnail-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($primary-color, 0.5) !default;\n\n/// Transition proprties for thumbnail images.\n/// @type Transition\n$thumbnail-transition: box-shadow 200ms ease-out !default;\n\n/// Default radius for thumbnail images.\n/// @type Number\n$thumbnail-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n/// Adds thumbnail styles to an element.\n@mixin thumbnail {\n border: $thumbnail-border;\n box-shadow: $thumbnail-shadow;\n display: inline-block;\n line-height: 0;\n max-width: 100%;\n transition: $thumbnail-transition;\n border-radius: $thumbnail-radius;\n margin-bottom: $thumbnail-margin-bottom;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n box-shadow: $thumbnail-shadow-hover;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-thumbnail {\n .thumbnail {\n @include thumbnail;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group title-bar\n////\n\n/// Background color of a title bar.\n/// @type Color\n$titlebar-background: $black !default;\n\n/// Color of text inside a title bar.\n/// @type Color\n$titlebar-color: $white !default;\n\n/// Padding inside a title bar.\n/// @type Length\n$titlebar-padding: 0.5rem !default;\n\n/// Font weight of text inside a title bar.\n/// @type Weight\n$titlebar-text-font-weight: bold !default;\n\n/// Color of menu icons inside a title bar.\n/// @type Color\n$titlebar-icon-color: $white !default;\n\n/// Color of menu icons inside a title bar on hover.\n/// @type Color\n$titlebar-icon-color-hover: $medium-gray !default;\n\n/// Spacing between the menu icon and text inside a title bar.\n/// @type Length\n$titlebar-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;\n\n@mixin foundation-title-bar {\n .title-bar {\n @include clearfix;\n background: $titlebar-background;\n color: $titlebar-color;\n padding: $titlebar-padding;\n\n .menu-icon {\n margin-#{$global-left}: $titlebar-icon-spacing;\n margin-#{$global-right}: $titlebar-padding;\n }\n }\n\n .title-bar-left {\n float: left;\n }\n\n .title-bar-right {\n float: right;\n text-align: right;\n }\n\n .title-bar-title {\n font-weight: $titlebar-text-font-weight;\n vertical-align: middle;\n display: inline-block;\n }\n\n .menu-icon {\n @include hamburger($color: $titlebar-icon-color, $color-hover: $titlebar-icon-color-hover);\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group tooltip\n////\n\n/// Default color of the tooltip background.\n/// @type Color\n$tooltip-background-color: $black !default;\n\n/// Default color of the tooltip font.\n/// @type Color\n$tooltip-color: $white !default;\n\n/// Default padding of the tooltip background.\n/// @type Number\n$tooltip-padding: 0.75rem !default;\n\n/// Default font size of the tooltip text. By default, we recommend a smaller font size than the body copy.\n/// @type Number\n$tooltip-font-size: $small-font-size !default;\n\n/// Default pip width for tooltips.\n/// @type Number\n$tooltip-pip-width: 0.75rem !default;\n\n/// Default pip height for tooltips. This is helpful for calculating the distance of the tooltip from the tooltip word.\n/// @type Number\n$tooltip-pip-height: $tooltip-pip-width * 0.866 !default;\n\n/// Default pip offset for tooltips. This controls how far the pip is indented from the left edge of the tooltip.\n/// @type Number\n$tooltip-pip-offset: 1.25rem !default;\n\n/// Default radius for tooltips.\n/// @type Number\n$tooltip-radius: $global-radius !default;\n\n@mixin has-tip {\n border-bottom: dotted 1px $dark-gray;\n font-weight: bold;\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n cursor: help;\n}\n\n@mixin tooltip {\n background-color: $tooltip-background-color;\n color: $tooltip-color;\n font-size: $tooltip-font-size;\n padding: $tooltip-padding;\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 10;\n top: calc(100% + #{$tooltip-pip-height});\n max-width: 10rem !important;\n border-radius: $tooltip-radius;\n\n &::before {\n @include css-triangle($tooltip-pip-width, $tooltip-background-color, up);\n bottom: 100%;\n position: absolute;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translateX(-50%);\n }\n\n &.top::before {\n @include css-triangle($tooltip-pip-width, $tooltip-background-color, down);\n top: 100%;\n bottom: auto;\n }\n\n &.left::before {\n @include css-triangle($tooltip-pip-width, $tooltip-background-color, right);\n bottom: auto;\n left: 100%;\n top: 50%;\n transform: translateY(-50%);\n }\n\n &.right::before {\n @include css-triangle($tooltip-pip-width, $tooltip-background-color, left);\n bottom: auto;\n left: auto;\n right: 100%;\n top: 50%;\n transform: translateY(-50%);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-tooltip {\n .has-tip {\n @include has-tip;\n }\n\n .tooltip {\n @include tooltip;\n }\n}\n","// Foundation for Sites by ZURB\n//\n// Licensed under MIT Open Source\n\n////\n/// @group top-bar\n////\n\n/// Padding for the top bar.\n/// @type Number\n$topbar-padding: 0.5rem !default;\n\n/// Background color for the top bar. This color also cascades to menus within the top bar.\n/// @type Color\n$topbar-background: #eee !default;\n\n/// Color for links inside a top bar menu.\n/// @type Color\n$topbar-link-color: #fff !default;\n\n/// Width of `<input>` elements inside the top bar.\n/// @type Number\n$topbar-input-width: 200px !default;\n\n/// Adds styles for a top bar container.\n@mixin top-bar-container {\n @include clearfix;\n padding: $topbar-padding;\n\n &, ul {\n background-color: $topbar-background;\n\n & li > a {\n color: $topbar-link-color;\n }\n\n }\n\n input {\n width: $topbar-input-width;\n margin-#{$global-right}: 1rem;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin foundation-top-bar {\n // Top bar container\n .top-bar {\n @include top-bar-container;\n }\n\n // Sub-sections\n // Stack on small screens\n @include breakpoint(medium) {\n .top-bar-left {\n float: left;\n }\n\n .top-bar-right {\n float: right\n }\n }\n}\n","/* =WordPress Core\n-------------------------------------------------------------- */\n.alignnone {\n margin: 5px 20px 20px 0;\n}\n\n.aligncenter,\ndiv.aligncenter {\n display: block;\n margin: 5px auto 5px auto;\n}\n\n.alignright {\n float:right;\n margin: 5px 0 20px 20px;\n}\n\n.alignleft {\n float: left;\n margin: 5px 20px 20px 0;\n}\n\na img.alignright {\n float: right;\n margin: 5px 0 20px 20px;\n}\n\na img.alignnone {\n margin: 5px 20px 20px 0;\n}\n\na img.alignleft {\n float: left;\n margin: 5px 20px 20px 0;\n}\n\na img.aligncenter {\n display: block;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto\n}\n\n.wp-caption {\n background: #fff;\n border: 1px solid #f0f0f0;\n max-width: 96%; /* Image does not overflow the content area */\n padding: 5px 3px 10px;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n.wp-caption.alignnone {\n margin: 5px 20px 20px 0;\n}\n\n.wp-caption.alignleft {\n margin: 5px 20px 20px 0;\n}\n\n.wp-caption.alignright {\n margin: 5px 0 20px 20px;\n}\n\n.wp-caption img {\n border: 0 none;\n height: auto;\n margin: 0;\n max-width: 98.5%;\n padding: 0;\n width: auto;\n}\n\n.wp-caption p.wp-caption-text {\n font-size: 11px;\n line-height: 17px;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0 4px 5px;\n}\n\{}\n\n// Add Foundation styling to password protect button\ input[type=\"submit\"] {\n\t@include button;\n}\n\n/* Text meant only for screen readers. */\n.screen-reader-text {\n clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);\n position: absolute !important;\n height: 1px;\n width: 1px;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.screen-reader-text:focus {\n background-color: #f1f1f1;\n border-radius: 3px;\n box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);\n clip: auto !important;\n color: #21759b;\n display: block;\n font-size: 14px;\n font-size: 0.875rem;\n font-weight: bold;\n height: auto;\n left: 5px;\n line-height: normal;\n padding: 15px 23px 14px;\n text-decoration: none;\n top: 5px;\n width: auto;\n z-index: 100000; /* Above WP toolbar. */\n}\n\n","/* ## Screen reader text\n--------------------------------------------- */\n\n.screen-reader-text,\n.screen-reader-text span,\n.screen-reader-shortcut {\n position: absolute !important;\n clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);\n height: 1px;\n width: 1px;\n border: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n color: #333;\n background: #fff;\n}\n\n.screen-reader-text:focus,\n.screen-reader-shortcut:focus,\n.genesis-nav-menu .search input[type=\"submit\"]:focus,\n.widget_search input[type=\"submit\"]:focus {\n clip: auto !important;\n height: auto;\n width: auto;\n display: block;\n font-size: 1em;\n font-weight: bold;\n padding: 15px 23px 14px;\n z-index: 100000; /* Above WP toolbar. */\n text-decoration: none;\n box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6);\n}\n\n.more-link {\n position: relative;\n}\n\n/* # Skip Links\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n.genesis-skip-link {\n margin:0\n}\n.genesis-skip-link li {\n height: 0;\n width: 0;\n list-style: none;\n}\n\n/* ## Accessible Menu\n--------------------------------------------- */\n\ .menu-item:focus {\n position: static;\n}\n\ .menu-item > a:focus + ul.sub-menu,\ .menu-item.sfHover > ul.sub-menu {\n left: auto;\n opacity: 1;\n}\n","\n// Basic color and padding styles\n\{\n padding:2em 0;\n}\n\{\n font-size:1.5em;\n}\n.title-bar-title{\n margin-bottom:0;\n}\n\n//Breadcrumb\n.breadcrumb{\n padding: 1% 2% 1% 0;\n font-size: .8em;\n color: $subheader-color;\n}\n\n// Blog Archive\{\n margin-bottom:2em;\n border-bottom:3px solid #eee;\n &:last-child{\n border-bottom:none;\n }\n\n .entry-title{\n font-size:2.5em;\n font-weight:300;\n }\n .entry-meta{\n font-size:.8em;\n\n span, time{\n color:$subheader-color;\n }\n }\n .entry-footer{\n border-top:1px solid #f5f5f5;\n padding:1em 0 0;\n }\n .th{\n margin-bottom:1em;\n }\n\n}\n\n\n//Single Post\{\n min-height:100px;\n padding: 2% 4%;\n margin-bottom: 2.5em;\n\n img{\n float: left;\n margin-right: 2em;\n border-radius: 50%;\n }\n\n}\{\n font-size:1.25em;\n}\{\n color:$subheader-color;\n}\n\n.sharing{\n li{\n line-height:1.5em;\n &:first-child{\n margin-left:0;\n }\n }\n h6{\n margin-right:1em;\n }\n i{\n font-size: 1.5em;\n }\n}\n\nul.pagination{\n .active a{\n color:#fff;\n }\n}\nul.pagination li.alignright{\n float:right;\n}\n\n//Comments\n.entry-comments{\n padding: 2% 4%;\n margin-bottom: 2em;\n\n h3{\n color:$subheader-color;\n }\n\n}\n.comment-list{\n padding: 4% 4% 2%;\n margin: 0;\n list-style: none;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #f5f5f5;\n\n & > li{\n padding-bottom: .5em;\n margin-bottom: 2em;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #f5f5f5;\n }\n\n & > li:last-child{\n border:none;\n margin-bottom:0;\n padding-bottom:0;\n }\n\n article{\n margin-bottom: 2em;\n padding-bottom: 1em;\n color:lighten($subheader-color, 10%);\n }\n\n .children{\n list-style: none;\n margin-left: 2em;\n border-left: 4px solid #f5f5f5;\n padding-left: 1em;\n }\n\n}\n\n.comment-author{\n margin-bottom:0;\n\n .avatar{\n float: left;\n margin-right: 1em;\n border-radius: 50%;\n }\n\n}\n\n\n//Sidebar\n.sidebar{\n\n .widget{\n padding: 1em;\n }\n\n .avatar{\n border-radius: 50%;\n }\n\n}\n\n.widget_search{\n\n input{\n margin-bottom:0;\n }\n\n}\n\n// Widgets\n.widget{\n margin-bottom:2em;\n\n ul{\n margin:0;\n }\n li{\n list-style-type:none;\n }\n}\n\n.widget-title{\n margin: 0 0 .2em;\n}\n\n// Footer Widgets && Footer\n.footer-widgets{\n border-top:1px solid #eee;\n padding:2em 0;\n}\n\{\n border-top:2px solid $topbar-background;\n padding:1% 2%;\n\n p{\n margin-bottom:0;\n padding:1em 0;\n font-size:.8em;\n }\n\n}\n.♥{\n color:#EC0018;\n}\n"]}