@black-flag/extensions / index / getInvocableExtendedHandler
) =>Promise
Defined in: packages/extensions/src/index.ts:1400
This function returns a version of maybeCommand
's handler function that is
ready to invoke immediately. It can be used with both BFE and normal Black
Flag command exports.
It returns a handler that expects to be passed a "reified argv," i.e. the
object given to the command handler after all checks have passed and all
updates to argv have been applied (including subOptionOf
and BFE's
For this reason, invoking the returned handler will not run any BF or BFE builder configurations on the given argv object. Whatever you pass the returned handler will be re-gifted to the command's handler as-is and without correctness checks.
Use CustomCliArguments
(and CustomExecutionContext
) to assert the
expected shape of the "reified argv".
See the BFE documentation for more details.
• CustomCliArguments extends Record
, unknown
• CustomExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext
, CustomExecutionContext
> | ImportedConfigurationModule
, AsStrictExecutionContext
) => Promise