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309 lines (193 loc) · 7.58 KB

File metadata and controls

309 lines (193 loc) · 7.58 KB

🐚 asari


Use the official GitHub CLI:

A human-friendly1 command line tool for the GitHub API.

1 It's script-friendly too.

asari command

Above: Use npx asari in your shell to manage your work in GitHub.

"Asari" (あさり) is Japanese for "clam". Like a clam, asari is happiest when it's inside a shell.

🐚 asari lets you work with GitHub from your command line, and is delicious when lightly fried with garlic and spices.

asari command line tool help

Above: Running npx asari from your command line shows you the top level of options and commands.

asari issues command help

asari projects command help

asari pulls command help

asari repos command help

Above: Running npx asari <command> shows you options for working with GitHub issues, projects and pull requests.


Global installation (recommmended)

npm install --global asari

When you run the tool, it will automatically notify you if there is a newer version of it available for you to update to.

You can disable notifications if you'd prefer not to be notified about updates.

No installation

npx asari

The npx command lets you use this tool without installing it. However, each time you use npx it downloads the whole package from the npm registry, which takes a while. That's why global installation is reccommended.

Note: If this tool is globally installed, npx asari will use that globally installed version rather than downloading.


npx asari

# Display help.
npx asari <command>

# Display help for the command.
npx asari --version

# Show the version number.
npx asari allowance

# Display current GitHub API rate-limiting allowance.
npx asari completion

# Output a generated script. To enable bash/zsh completions:
#  1. Install asari globally.
#  2. Add the script to your .bashrc or .bash_profile (or .zshrc for zsh).

Working with GitHub Issues

npx asari issues create <github-url> [--title] [--body] [--assignees]

# Create a new issue
npx asari issues open <github-url>

# Set the state of an existing issue to `open`
npx asari issues close <github-url>

# Set the state of an existing issue to `closed`
npx asari issues list [--type]

# List all issues assigned to the authenticated user.
npx asari issues list-for-repo <github-url>

# List all issues in a repository.

Working with GitHub Projects

npx asari projects add [--column-url] [--url]

# Add a pull request to a GitHub project column.
npx asari projects close <github-url>

# Set the state of an existing project board to `closed`.
npx asari projects create <github-url> [--body]

# Create a new project.

Working with GitHub Pull Requests

npx asari pulls close <github-url>

# Set the state of an existing pull request to `closed`.
npx asari pulls create-comment <github-url> [--body]

# Create a comment on an existing pull request.
npx asari pulls create-review-request <github-url> [reviewers|team-reviewers]

# Request a review for a pull request.
npx asari pulls create <github-url> [--base] [--body] [--title]

# Create a new pull request.
npx asari pulls delete-comment <github-url>

# Delete a comment on an existing pull request.
npx asari pulls delete-review-request <github-url> [reviewers|team-reviewers]

# Delete a review for a pull request.
npx asari pulls merge <github-url> [--method]

# Merge an existing pull request.
npx asari pulls open <github-url>

# Set the state of an existing pull request to `open`.

Working with GitHub Repositories

npx asari repos list-topics <github-url>

# List all topics.
npx asari repos <add-topics|remove-topics> <github-url> --topic new-app

# Add/Remove a topic

npx asari repos <add-topics|remove-topics> <github-url> --topic new-app --topic good-one
npx asari repos <add-topics|remove-topics> <github-url> --topics new-app,good-one
npx asari repos <add-topics|remove-topics> <github-url> --topics "new-app,  good-one"

# Add/Remove multiple topics

Global Options


# Format command output as JSON string.

# GitHub personal access token.
# Generate one at

Note: You can omit the --token argument, because it will default to $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN.

In that case you will need to export the token to your environment:

export $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=[your token here]


Command hierarchy and directory structure

This project loosely follows the example provided in the Yargs documentation for command hierarchy and directory structure.


CamelCase, hyphen-case and under_scores

  • All yargs commands and filenames are in hyphen-case.
  • All function names and variables are in camelCase.
  • The parameters used by Octokit are in under_score format.

Code formatting and linting

Package.json scripts

npm run unit-test

# jest --coverage
npm run test

# npm run lint && npm run unit-test
npm run lint

# eslint src/ bin/ test/
npm run lint-fix

# eslint --fix eslint --fix src/ bin/ test/
npm run eslint-check

# eslint --print-config . | eslint-config-prettier-check